Chapter 9 - Insight

After Pierré left me, it was hard but I slowly got stronger, not just my heart and my health but mentally too.

Robert was very supportive and accommodating. He personally took on furthering my education, he also assisted Abigail with my practicing of Magick. Robert insisted that I sit in on some of his business meetings, the decision obviously opposed by the other parties as anything pertaining to business was a man’s job and no place for a woman.

I had respect for Robert because he was open minded, believing that there were intelligent woman in the world, capable of doing great things, if only given the opportunity and the education, it became his personal mission to empower me. In everything Robert only showed me kindness, it was a strange concept that a man of his stature and power would be so kind and forthcoming.

When Robert was confident that I had the education and skills I required, he completely took me by surprise by insisting that I also had to obtain combat skills and weapons training to be able to protect myself against his enemies.

For this task he enrolled the General, to educate me. I found it odd that someone chose to be known by their title rather than their name, until he told me his actual name... Which I couldn’t pronounce and I’m sure no one else could either, thus he was just called The General. Other than pronunciation it was a long name too..... Akshayakumaar, which was an Indian name meaning Indestructible Prince.

Since the day I met him he fascinated me, at first I thought it was because his features reminded me so much of my father... He also had the olive colored skin tone and pitch black hair, although my dad’s origins were Egyptian and The General’s origin was Indian they looked fairly similar, but later I think he just fascinated me because he was like a machine.

The General was a focused man, intense, on his guard, always ready for a fight. Everything was a potential threat. He had so much focus and energy that it was hard to keep up, he particularly enjoyed actual fighting as a tactic to train me... I think he just enjoyed whipping my ass, because I was an easy target.

I wasn’t that good at fighting and most of the time I was bloodied and bruised, not wanting to try again and The General constantly got frustrated and irritated about my lack of focus, determination and willpower.

For my nineteenth birthday Robert decided to host a ball in my honour. I’ve never been at a ball and the idea of a ball gown and looking like a princess excited me but knowing there would be a lot of people around and dancing in front of strangers, made me very nervous, so much so that I asked Robert not to host a ball but he insisted.

He advised me that he often hosted balls and were known for it but because he was away so long and then having me there he decided to put hosting balls on the back burner, but he had been receiving alot of requests from business partners and he couldn’t put it off any longer... My birthday celebration would be the perfect excuse to start hosting balls again.

It was not long before the first guests would arrive, I was not dressed yet, and couldn’t get my hair to look the way I wanted it to. I was nervous and frustrated and irritated all in one.

I was sitting in front of my dresser mirror when thoughts of my parents flooded me... It was my birthday and we were about to celebrate but they would be feeling nothing but sorrow today on my birthday, believing that I was dead.

Then the sadness just overwhelmed me and I thought of Pierré again, hating myself for falling in love, hating him for what he did to me and for leaving me.

Tears started to flow down my cheeks just as Robert walked into my room and my sadness turned to anger.

Me: “Don’t you knock?” I snapped at him. Immediately regretting it, Robert had only been good to me, he had changed my life for the better.

Robert:“Uhhhh I was not aware I was supposed to... I never knocked before.... Why are you crying?”

Me: “I’m sorry... I’m just a bit emotional. I didn’t mean to snap at you... It’s just... My parents think I’m dead... It’s my birthday.... Can’t I see them please?”

Robert: “No!”

He didn’t even think about it and that upset me even more.

Me: “Can’t I just send a letter then, word that I’m not dead but can’t ever see them again... Just to ease their pain?”

I could see Robert getting annoyed with my nagging. His answer stayed no.

His response just had me angry all over again and I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind without even thinking about what I was saying, needless to say it didn’t even have anything to do with my parents but rather with Pierré and him.

“You know Pierré never dined with me that’s how I ended up learning that he was Vamparic... You are constantly in my face except for when I have to dine alone... Are you Vamparic too...? Is that how you knew about Pierré?”

Robert strolled over to me with an evil grin forming on his face... It was strange and It scared me so I rose to my feet. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When he was standing in front of me, our bodies mere inches apart he grabbed me by the back of the neck, entangling his fingers into my hair, pulling me closer, he leaned in, close to my ear and whispered “For such an intelligent and gifted young girl, you are really stupid”

His reaction freaked me out, his behavior was out of character, I tried pushing him away but he held me in place. “I have been waiting for you to figure it out... It took you long enough” he stated inhaling deeply through his nose, as if he was smelling me. He pushed me backwards until my back was up against the wall before placing both his hands against the wall, either side of my shoulders, ensuring I had nowhere to move.

His voice sounded different, deeper, more dangerous “but you are not completely correct in your assumption... So guess again” For the first time since I met Robert, I felt like the frightened little slave I used to be, and I realized I didn't know him at all.

Robert adjusted his upper body so that his face was mere inches from mine... His eyes locked on mine, his grin growing... And that’s when I noticed them for the first time, sharp fanglike teeth.

Me: “No, you are not vamparic... You’re a Vampire... You knew about Pierré because it was you who made him a vamparic”

My answer came out calmer than I expected it too.

Robert moved closer, his body pressed against mine, I had nowhere to go “Finally... You have no idea how hard it’s been, now you figured it out, I don’t have to hide it anymore”

I didn’t understand why he was so relieved that I knew, I didn’t even know why he hid it from me in the first place, I accepted Pierré so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to accept him, it’s not like I could change anything about him or leave, the way he acted right now made me scared but I’d been living in the same house with him and been around him for six months, I figured if he was going to hurt me he would have done it by now.

Robert: “Now... You find yourself in a very unfortunate and dangerous situation Aurora...

I can explain the actual reason I was angry with Pierré. It’s because it wasn’t his place to enlighten you about Vampires and our secrets... It was supposed to be me. He was not supposed to feed on you... I was. You were not supposed to fall in love with him, or give yourself to belong to me.

His last sentence echoed through my mind...You were not supposed to fall in love with him, or give yourself to belong to me...

He obviously only gave you limited information and there is a lot that you still don’t know ... But because he jumped the gun, he put you in this situation.... he ultimately put your life in danger.

You now know about Vampires and because you know, you are a liability so you either need to consent to become vamparic or you need to be killed... The choice is yours”

I looked at Robert in disbelief and shock “Are you serious?”

Robert: “Dead serious Aurora... What Pierré neglected to tell you is that Vampires have strict rules, we have laws of our own, governed by a council. The council members are ruthless and wouldn’t think twice about killing you. Self-preservation is their highest priority. Council members are vindictive and cannot be trusted.

One of their most sacred rules are that Vampires cannot take blood by force, you need to give your consent and once a vampire feeds on you, not only do you become vamparic but you will be bound, keeping the act secret and protecting the vampire... Therefore you will no longer be a liability and no harm will come to you. But Pierré told you more than he should have and now our secret is not safe, you know what I am... You have to be killed, unless.... you give your consent”

I was speechless... Robert sounded ruthless and cold hearted, talking about killing me as if it was nothing.

Robert: “I could just take you, you know... Right here, right now, If I wanted too...

I could just argue the fact that you already gave your consent to Pierré... And Pierré belonged to me and gave his consent to me, and you also belong to me so ultimately...”

Suddenly Robert slammed his lips onto mine kissing me forcing his tongue into my mouth. I didn’t kiss him back, I just stood motionless and in shock.

I have never thought of him in a romantic way and I couldn’t see that happening either. I didn’t find him attractive in the least, if anything I saw him more of a father figure. His kiss not only caught me by surprise but it revolted me, it reminded me of when Nolan use to force himself on me. I tried pushing Robert away but he was too strong.

When he finally broke our kiss, he took a step back, giving me room to move and I made a run for the door just to get away from him, I just needed time and space to process what just happened.

Before I was out of earshot Robert slyly called out “Don’t think about it too long Aurora, one of the council members will be at the ball tonight... You’d best be vamparic before tonight or pray he doesn’t suspect that you know anything, or you won't see the light of a new day!”

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