Queen of The Dome (QOTD)
Queen of The Dome: Chapter 35

As one of the last songs drew to an end, Deianira reluctantly removed her hand from Cade’s shoulder. People were around them singing and dancing, evidently over the fact that Cade had asked Deianira to dance. But she didn’t want to leave the bubble. Not yet, maybe not ever.

They had eaten, danced, and laughed. Really laughed. The ball would be over soon but Deianira wanted more time. She wanted something else too. Something that had been brewing from the beginning of the night. From the moment she saw Cade.

If there was ever a time to let go, it was tonight. Turning to find Salem by her throne, Deianira signaled to her. At her sentinel’s nod of understanding, she made for the side exit, but not before grabbing Cade’s hand and hauling him behind her. As soon as they made it into the hallway and rounded the corner, Deianira whirled on Cade, ignoring his expression of concern.

“Is it an episode? Are you ok-”

She cut him off with her lips, both hands holding either side of his head, pulling him to her. His answering groan was like music to her ears as he wrapped his large hands around her waist and opened his mouth. Pulling her tighter against his body, Cade walked her back to the wall as his tongue delved into her mouth. Deianira moaned against his lips as his hands slid lower, cupping her ass. Instinctively, she hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Cade didn’t even pause for a beat as he cradled her behind and she shuddered as she felt his length press against that perfect spot.

“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you like this,” he groaned, pressing another kiss to her lips. “What I want to do to you.”

“Show me,” she whispered into his mouth.

He didn’t need to be told twice. Tightening his grip on her, he marched through the halls and up the stairwell, all while giving her his full attention. Deianira was impressed.

Cade walked backward through her bedroom door, still holding her against him. Wiggling out of his hold, she turned and pulled her hair over her shoulder. He already knew what to do. Pressing a soft kiss to her nape, he slowly pulled at the zipper, his lips following the trail down her back.


Cade had no idea what had caused Deianira’s change in behavior but he would take whatever she was willing to give him.

When he saw her walk down those stairs, he thought his heart might beat out of his chest. She was bewitching.

He was surprised that he’d managed to make it through the night without pushing his luck, but he was still content with just being in her presence. That was until she attacked him in the hallway; Cade wasn’t complaining though.

As he swiftly removed his clothes, Deianira turned to face him and let her dress fall to her ankles. He was speechless. He’d never seen someone so…

“So perfect…” he whispered, drawing her back in. He kissed her like a man starved. Moving from her lips to her jaw, he threaded his fingers into her hair above her nape and tugged.

He’d always wanted to do that.

Deianira’s answering gasp was everything. Using his left hand to tilt her head back, he kissed his way down her neck. His right hand glided down her soft skin, sliding over her pert breasts, down her tight stomach, slowing when he reached between her legs.

Cade knew what she wanted and her desperate moan as he rubbed his thumb over that sensitive spot attested to that. He circled her clit slowly while kissing his way down the other side of her neck.

“Cade,” Deianira breathed. He couldn’t deny her anything when she said his name like that. Speeding up his movements with his thumb, he slid a finger into her slick entrance. When he withdrew it, Deianira began to protest before he returned with a second. He thrust his fingers faster, deeper, until she was panting. As her breaths quickened and he felt her begin to tighten around his fingers, he slowed, much to her disapproval. He repeated the movements over and over before he removed them altogether.

The little growl that Deianira let out would’ve been cute had she not shoved at his chest while using her ankle to drag his knee from beneath him. Cade nearly yelped as his back collided with the bed. Damn.

Leaning up on his elbows and scooting back, he watched as Deianira crawled towards him. Reaching him, she gave him a chaste kiss, whispering against his lips. “Hands at your sides.”

Cade complied without a second thought. He kept his hands to himself and watched as Deianira moved closer and closer to where he needed her.


Deianira sat back on her knees and took Cade’s impressive length in her hand. As she gave him a gentle stroke, she smirked when she was rewarded with his sharp intake of breath. Leaning down, she made sure to keep her eyes on him as she licked up the underside of his shaft.

“Deianira…” he groaned.

Hearing her name on his lips only encouraged her, so she went a step further and took the tip into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him while slowly pumping with her hand. She could see his hands shakily grasping at the bedsheets, just wanting to move, to touch her, so she took him deeper. Hollowing her cheeks, she sucked, gently squeezing his length as she pumped her hand up and down a little faster.

“Oh, Gods!” he choked out.

The rise and fall of Cade’s chest quickened as his head fell back, exposing the strained veins in his neck. Taking him as deep as she could, Deianira’s eyes began to water but she didn’t let up, even as she felt him begin to twitch at the back of her throat.

“Deianira! Gods, I’m gonna…” he gasped, but she released him at the last second.

Without giving Cade a second to catch his breath, Deianira climbed over him, aligning her center on his tip, and lowered herself onto him. Their simultaneous moans filled the room.

Deianira had to pause for a moment. She was so full. It was almost too much.

“Fuck…” he hissed, his hands automatically coming to her hips as she tried to adjust to his size.

Taking a deep breath, Deianira summoned two shadows to grab both of Cade’s arms and hold them to the pillows.

“What the…”

She gave him a smug smile. “I said, hands at your sides.” Then, she began moving. With her hands on his chest, she rode him, rising and falling on his length.

It was euphoric.

As Cade’s groans grew louder, she picked up her pace, grinding her pelvis to his on each fall. Feeling her release gradually build, she kept going until the only sound in the room were their labored breaths and the slap of their flesh.

Abruptly, Cade thrust his hips upwards and reached a spot so deep, he almost threw her over the edge. Deianira’s eyes fluttered as a loud moan tore itself from her throat, her focus interrupted. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Before she could protest, she was falling onto the mattress and Cade was looming above her with a smug smile that rivaled her own.

“I tried,” he panted before his eyes darkened. “My turn.”

As she opened her palm to bring another shadow, he thrust forward with so much force that the headboard slammed against the back wall. Deianira cried out as her release hit her on impact, sending her into sweet bliss. All she could do was hold onto him as he rode her through her climax while she writhed beneath him. As she came to, she looked up and locked eyes with Cade.

There was so much she wanted to say, so much that she felt. It soon left her mind though when Cade wrapped one of her legs around his waist and leaned down, bringing them chest to chest, deepening his thrusts.

“Cade, Gods!” she squealed, as he hit that sweet spot over and over

again. She didn’t even realize that she had closed her eyes until he spoke.

“Look at me.”

Deianira blinked up, her vision hazy as she began clenching around him, her release building again. Keeping her eyes on him, she drew her hand over her head and placed it flat on the headboard as his thrusts became punishing. He was frenzied, relentless.

As he pushed into her again and again, Deianira’s eyes caught the small ring on a chain around his neck. It swung over her forehead, jostling in time with his thrusts. It was hypnotizing.

Her climax came over her in intoxicating waves, each one more powerful than the last. It was all she could do not to scream as she bit her lip to muffle her cries. Being with him like this made her feel exposed, like she was breaking before him. That voice in the back of her mind was there again, telling her to rein it in.

Defiantly, she closed her eyes again and tried to tamp down her breathing.

“Deianira…” Cade sighed as he slowed his pace, his own release not far off. He could tell that she was holding back but she couldn’t help it. It felt like an invasion.

“No,” she gasped at his silent request, still riding out her pleasure.

The next thing Deianira knew, she was on her stomach. Cade, kneeling behind her, quickly drew her up bringing her back to his chest as he entered her again.

“Let go.” Cade rasped into her ear, locking a hand around her neck. “Please.” With his free hand, he dragged his fingers between her folds.

Grabbing onto the headboard again and placing a hand on his thigh, Deianira couldn’t contain her moan as he stroked her clit in time with his thrusts, gently squeezing her throat.

She gritted her teeth and hissed at the intensity. Deianira was only half aware of the lewd sounds coming out of her as she growled and gasped. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

“Deianira…” he said more sternly. “Let. Go.” His thrusts were hard, deep, meaningful.

Her third climax was dragged out of her almost painfully. Deianira screamed out, unabashed by the possibility that someone might hear. She didn’t care. There was only Cade.

“That’s it,” he groaned in praise. “Just like that.”

Picking up his pace enough to make the bed shake, Cade found his release, spilling into her while grunting into the crook of her neck. It only drew out her pleasure as she shook against his chest, hands frantically grabbing at his arm.

Eventually, he slowed to a stop, pressing sweet kisses onto her shoulder as she pulsed around him. The room was silent, save for their tired breaths.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered into her ear making her heart warm.

As they both dropped back onto the sheets, uncertainty filled Deianira’s veins. She felt bare, revealed. Will he leave? Should I leave? No, this is my room. A hand around her waist drew her from her warring thoughts. Cade silently pulled Deianira into his chest. Suddenly, she didn’t feel so vulnerable.

She melted into his arms as three words swirled around in her head, but sleep took her before they could leave her lips.

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