Racing Hearts (Hollows Garage Book 3)
Racing Hearts: Chapter 26

He kissed me hard, each swipe of his tongue taking more until we both pulled back, gasping for air. His touch felt so good, so needy, that I didn’t even care enough to feel self conscious as his hands moved up my thighs to my hips.

“I can’t believe that just fucking happened. Are you really okay?”

He found a washcloth, wetting it down and pressing it to the painful spot on my neck.

“I told you, I’m fine. It just stings a bit.”

“She fucking cut you with her death claws. And why? Because you were standing up for me?” His chest heaved as he wet the cloth again and continued wiping at my neck.

“Maybe take a breath, Jax. Are you okay?”

“No. Not even a little. I’ve been so worried about everything else going on. Did we really have to add to that?”

“You’re the one that dated her,” I said, smirking, but he didn’t look up to see it.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why she was even here.” He shook his head. “Are you sure you’re–” I cut him off, grabbing his neck and pulling him into me for another kiss.

“I’m fine. I can handle a slap or two.”

He only shook his head. “But you shouldn’t have to handle that.”

“And you shouldn’t have to handle anyone talking to you like that. Especially the person who made you feel bad in the first place.”

“So what? My grumpy little witch is now my fearless protector?”

I smiled. “Look who the bodyguard is now.”

“I should have known from the moment you came at me with that bat,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss my neck, right where it stung. “You’re amazing.”

I leaned forward until my lips were almost touching his, and the way he sucked in a breath made me smile. I loved how this was affecting him because it was affecting me the same way.

“I want more, Jax. I need more.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He looked at me, hesitating for a second before his hands were all over me again.

“Anything you want, sweetheart. I’ll give you anything you fucking want,” he said, kissing his way down my neck and pushing my hair out of the way.

He licked at the cut on my neck and then bit the other side, sinking his teeth in as he gave a soft laugh. “I can’t get enough of you. You’re perfect, every inch of you is pure perfection. Do you know what I was thinking the entire time I fucked you?” he asked, his words a whisper in my ear.

“No. What?” My words were so breathless, I could barely hear them over the noise of the party.


I couldn’t even hide my moans. His lips crashed into mine, his hands grabbing my hips and pulling me hard against him.

“How much more?”

“All of it,” I said.

“I refuse to have to sex with you for the second time here, but I will gladly do everything else.” He sank to his knees, spreading my legs as he started kissing my thighs.

“Are you particularly attached to these things?” he asked, pulling at my tights.

“No, why?”

Instead of responding, he grabbed at my thighs, ripping the seam in half. I gasped, but he was already leaning in, his tongue running hard along my wetness. “Fuck, you’re the best thing I have ever tasted. I just—”

He cut himself off, pushing his tongue hard against me and making me gasp. Loud.

“Let me hear how much you like it, brat. Let everyone hear how much you like my tongue.”

“The only thing you are going to hear if you keep stopping will be me telling you to quit talking and to get back to what you’re supposed to be doing.”

“Mmm, what a bully. I can’t help it. I want to tell you how good you taste. I want to taste you on my tongue all night.” He groaned as his hand came up. “I want you to know how much I do like you. How insanely attracted I am to you. How I could stay here all night. How sorry I am about what just happened.”

I loved every word. Each one reminding me how much he wanted this and me. It soothed any insecurity or doubt I had as he continued. I grabbed his hair, pushing him harder against me. He made a noise somewhere between a moan and a groan, and it almost made me come right then and there. I had never had a man make that noise before and I was dying to hear it again.

His tongue pushed hard against my clit and I almost came undone completely.

Before I could reach an orgasm, he was standing up, kissing me once as I groaned.

“Jax,” I said, ready to start demanding that he continue.

“I’m right here, sweetheart, and I wasn’t done.” His hand moved to where his mouth had just been, running along my wetness. “I’ve barely got started with you. There is no way that I would be done already. I could never be done with you.”

He pushed one finger into me, each slow movement making me want to beg for more.

Before I could ask, he was already adding another.

“You’re so wet, sweetheart. Fuck, I promise I’ll take good care of you. Do you want me to lick and kiss and fuck this perfect pussy again?”

I nodded, lost as his fingers moved faster.

“No, sweetheart. I’m going to need to hear you.”

“If you hear me, everyone would hear me,” I panted.

“Good. Let them all know you’re mine. Let them know that they don’t stand a chance.”

“And if someone walks in?”

“Why?” he said with a smirk. “Do you like the idea of being caught? Do you want someone to see my head buried between your legs? Or would you rather this? Have them see how much you like getting fucked by my fingers and make them dream about sinking into you. If they only knew how well you take my cock, how tight you clamp down when you cum. If they had any idea, I would be fighting every night of my life just to get to sleep next to you.”

I moaned, each thrust of his fingers bringing me closer to the edge until I was closing my eyes just to keep from falling over.

“Cum for me. Cum, and scream my name right now.”

I listened, panting his name as stars clouded my vision until I was screaming, my words an incoherent mess as I fell apart.

He finally pulled away from me, looking over with a smile.

“Feeling any better now? Should I take you home and get you to bed?”

“Who said that I was still going home with you?” I asked jokingly.

He gave a harsh laugh as he leaned in. “Me. I’m saying it, and if you think for one second that you aren’t, I will be dragging you out of here kicking and screaming.”

“Aww, you’re so cute when you threaten me,” I said, getting off the counter and looking up at him.

“Yeah? Now you know how I feel every time you threaten me,” he said with a smile as he tapped my nose.

“I think it’s basically becoming my love language.”

“I guess I’ll have to brush up on my threats, then. If you don’t get your ass in my car right now, then I’m going to make you watch romantic comedies all night.”

“Okay, I should clarify that I like threats that end up with some sort of pleasure for me. You might have a little more brushing up to do.”

He groaned, leaning down to bite my neck hard. “Fine. My girl is ruthless, calling me out all the time. I really thought that was a good one, but I’ll keep trying. You know, I was only kidding when I said you tie men up and make them beg to cum. I feel like you took that as a challenge, not a joke.”

“I was joking too, but you were right. It sounded so fun that I changed my mind. Ready to go get tied up?” I asked as we walked out of the bathroom.

“I think for the first time, my answer to that is yes.”

We made it halfway across the room when I stopped, backing up against him as bodies crushed around us.

“I really hate crowds,” I said, leaning harder against him.

His teeth found the back of my neck again, biting down and then kissing the same spot, making me arch into him. I was pressed against his hard cock, and his hands gripped my hips, holding me in place.

“You’re trying to make me pass out in the middle of this room,” he whispered before pushing me forward, bringing me to the corner of the room and caging me in.

“Me? I didn’t do anything,” I said with a smirk.

“No? Do you just always go around rubbing your ass all over people?”


He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. He was gentle at first, each movement slow and soft, but it couldn’t last. I pushed into him, and he responded, running his tongue along mine.

“I pulled you over here to try to hide my dick being hard, but I don’t think this is helping calm it down.”

“Calm that down? Why? I like how turned on you get.”

I moved both hands over his jeans, still impressed with the size of him.

My body flushed and my mouth watered. “You are so hot. My own perfect sunshine boy.”

His cock jumped in his jeans, and I smiled at how much he loved that nickname.

“If you make me cum in my jeans in a room full of people, I will be the one tying you up.”

I reached up, kissing his neck. “See, now that’s a good threat. I bet these straps can really be of assistance when you tie me to a bed. You know, I’m apparently super inexperienced. What would you do to me all tied up?” My hand still moved over him, faster now.

“Carly,” he said, pushing us closer into the corner as his forehead fell to mine.


He made that same moaning sound again, as his lips pushed against my neck, the deep rumble of it vibrating through me.

I never knew how powerful this could feel, how little my insecurities mattered when this beautiful man was falling apart with need for me.

“Hey Jax?”

“What, little witch?” His words were so tight and hoarse.

I moved my hands over his cock again, moving along his length.


He groaned as his teeth sunk into my neck. I didn’t stop, my hands running back and forth along his length. I could feel his cock jump once more and he pushed me hard against the wall.

“Fuck,” he growled. “What have you done to me?”

“Well, I thought it was fun, but you don’t sound too happy?”

When he pulled back, I could see his soft smile. “Happy? That’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me and now I am in a room full of people that I have to walk through. I can only pray it isn’t obvious.”

“Embarrassing? That’s the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. Okay, maybe second hottest, you doing all of that in the bathroom might be first still.”

“Hottest? So you’re not even less interested in me?”

Jax was sweet and protective and the hottest guy I had ever seen, but I knew the other side to him now, and I was starting to realize he had his own mess of insecurities and doubts.

“Even less interested? Jax, don’t feel like that. I’ve always been interested.”

“You’ve always been pushing me away, and I know how bad you want to leave.”

I chewed my lip. He wasn’t wrong about that either.

“I don’t have a romantic, hopeful heart like you. Remember, mine is all cold and dead?” I asked, smiling. “But my interest in you has made me continually stay when I knew that I should be leaving. And right now, I’m interested in going home with you and seeing how many times that tongue can get me off.”

A smile finally broke on his face again.

“Well, you just purposefully got me off in a crowd of people, so you better help me get out of here without everyone seeing that now.”

“Fine, but only because I get to go home and watch you undress and shower. If I could clean you off right here, I would.”

“Filthy. Completely filthy,” he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me from behind as I led him towards the entrance. “I’ll never figure out how you make me feel like the virgin half the time.”

I snorted, thankful the music drowned it out a little, but he only leaned down to kiss my neck again as I tried to navigate us out of the crowd, and onto the driveway.

“I can’t believe she hurt you like that.”

“You hurt my soft little feelings every day,” he said, eyes sparkling.

We had made it to the car, and I turned to him. “I don’t hurt you that bad, do I?”

He shook his head, pulling me closer. “No. No comparison, it was just a joke for my grumpy little witch.”

“I know I’m not nice, Jax, but I don’t want to hurt you like that.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me like that. You’re mean,” he said with a wink, “but I already know you care about me. And anyway, even if you did, I would probably let you.” He stopped me at the car, leaning down, and cutting off anything else I had to say with a kiss. “Now can we please leave so I can take a shower?”

I laughed, trying not to double over. “Yes, of course, yes.”

WE MADE IT HOME, and I was more tired than ever. I was tired, satisfied, and trying not to think about what came next for us. I could barely manage to walk Riot and brush my teeth before heading into the bedroom to change.

Jax was already changed and in bed, stripping down faster than I could blink.

“What all happened with her?” I asked, my voice quiet.

“Who?” he asked. “With Gina?”


“I don’t know, everything I guess.”


“Like she didn’t like me. She hated that I was a mechanic. It was too dirty and pathetic for her. I don’t think that she thought I had enough money. Then she just didn’t like how I was. She didn’t like that I was a romantic, and not a huge asshole. That was apparently also too pathetic for her. She didn’t really like anything about me aside from the fact that I looked decent and raced cars. I ended up not liking anything about her either, and then I found out she was sleeping with other people, anyway.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. By the time I found out, I was already pretty much done with the relationship.”

I nodded, finally laying down, snuggling under the blankets and avoiding touching him still. I could feel him moving closer, but I needed this cleared up a little more before I could do anything else.

“What do we do now? I feel like things aren’t quite as friendly now, so how would we go back to friends?”

“I will give you anything you want, but this one time I don’t know if I will not be agreeing to going back to friends.”


He rolled over, pinning me down to the bed. “Because there is no way that I will try to only be friends with you again. That was torture. Now, I know what you taste like, how you sound when you cum, how you scream my name. I’m sorry, but I will never be able to be just friends with you again. I would be willing to make another deal, though. Come to an agreement of sorts.”

“Oh, no,” I groaned, pushing him off of me with a smile. “I feel like I’m going to hate this.”

“You are. I will agree to be your roommate with benefits. For now. If you agree to let me be my romantic self and you actively participate in it.”

“What would that include?”

“I don’t know? Me being myself? I get to do flowers, fun gifts, and dates. And you know what? My little cold-hearted witch has to read my books that she makes fun of and you have to watch more romance movies. We need to thaw out that heart.”

“This is starting to sound less like benefits and more like dating.”

He rolled away, looking under the bed and coming back up with a book.

“Here. You are going to start with this one. And it’s not dating unless we say it is. That’s my offer.”

“Orgasms, and you, but in exchange, I have to accept all the romance you want to throw at me?”

“Yeah, which, fair warning, both are going to get overwhelming,” he said, pulling me back to his chest.

“What if I can’t handle one part of that?”

“Then the entire deal is off.”

“And what if you get the wrong idea and think I’m going to stay?”

“Then the deal can be off.”

“If this is going to hurt you, I don’t want to do it,” I said. “Neither one of us can suddenly believe I will be able to stay now.”

“This is going to hurt me either way. I might as well enjoy every second until it does.”

“Famous last words?” I asked.

“Put them on my headstone.”

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