Racing Hearts (Hollows Garage Book 3)
Racing Hearts: Chapter 30

The other racer spun, casting a glance back at Carly with an angry twist to his face that made my heart race. Great, not only was this guy coming for me because he’s mad he lost. Now she got herself involved.

“Did you just hit me with that?” he asked, looking down at her. She wasn’t short, but still barely reached this guy’s shoulders.

“Yes,” she said, the anger clear in her voice. “So stop hitting him or I’ll do it again.”

“What the fuck?” The guy turned back to me, his face twisted in confusion. “You send your fucking girl to fight your battles instead of handling this? Make her stop.”

I couldn’t stop my lips from tipping up as I looked at Carly. “I don’t send her anywhere. You’re the one that pissed her off. What do you expect me to do about it?”

The guy lunged for me again and I welcomed it. Anything to get his attention off of her. He hit once, and I swung back with a satisfying thud before he yelled out in pain. The bat had connected again, hitting him hard on the arm this time.

For the second time in my life, I was face to face with Carly and her bat. Luckily, this time, I wasn’t at the wrong end of it.

“Hey sweetheart,” I said, trying to stay calm. “I can handle this one on my own if you would like to set the bat down and step back.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not happening, and obviously you can.” She turned back to the guy. “It would be better for all of us if you leave him alone.”

He spun around fast, the outrage on his face scarily obvious.

“Or what, bitch? Gonna beat me with your bat?”

“No,” she said, her tone so sweet with a smile. I stepped towards him, ready to drag him away if he got any closer to her, but she stepped back. “But hit him one more time, and I’m going to start hitting your car.”

“I’ll kill you,” the guy said, raising his hands as though that was going to calm Carly down. Even I didn’t know what was going to calm her down right now. I had never seen her look so pissed, even after our fight at the cabin. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’ll kill you first,” she said, sounding offended.

Leave it to me to find a girl who looks so willing to commit murder. As though we needed another one of those in our crew.

“What the fuck is wrong with your bitch?” The guy asked me, the seriousness of his curiosity almost funny.

I didn’t have time to say a word as Carly’s bat crashed into the guy’s headlight.

“What the fuck?” he screamed. “I didn’t even touch him.”

“You called me his bitch, and I didn’t like it,” she said, smiling, her eyebrows jumping up.

“Alright, Carly. Maybe we step back with the bat and let him leave.”

“Leave? You think I’m going to let her fuck with my car and then leave?”

I groaned as Carly raised the bat, ready to drop it down onto his hood.

“Wait,” the guy said. “Carly? And the red car and guy. You the Carly that Tristan is asking around about?”

She froze, eyes wide with the bat still raised.

The crew stepped closer, the girls watching her and the guys watching him.

It was five seconds of pure panic, no one knowing what was about to happen.

“Alright, I get that you are all pissed because you’re a shit driver and lost, but we’re done.” I said. “I don’t care about the race, or the money. Get the fuck out of here before I unleash the entire girl gang on you.” I wasn’t going to put any focus on what he said. Hopefully he was too stupid or worried about his car to dwell on it more.

He looked at the rest of the girls, each one looking more pissed than the next, and I was pretty sure that Scout was about to start handing out switchblades.

“The fuck is wrong with you guys. Who has their girls take on their fights for them?” he said, taking a step towards the back of his car, hopefully to leave, but I think it was more to get away from the girls.

I hide my laugh, my lips pressed tight. I loved each one of these girls that Fox has lovingly taken to calling ‘vipers.’

“What else are we supposed to do with them?” I asked. “Do you think we’re dumb enough to keep them home and leave all that pent up anger for us?”

The guy looked at me and then back at Carly. “I’m leaving. I’m leaving.”

She still kept the bat raised, watching as he got farther from me and waited until he slid into the driver’s seat.

Finally, she came back over to me and I realized then how badly my hands were shaking. She put herself in the way of someone apparently trying to beat the shit out of me and seemed perfectly fine.

I couldn’t reach out and grab her like I wanted. I was too worried she was going to notice how bad I was shaking now. I leaned down, kissing her hard before pulling back.

“Car. Now,” I said, opening the passenger side. “We’re leaving,” I yelled to the crew. They all nodded, and I put all my focus back on Carly.

“What, why? Now you sound mad. Are you? I wasn’t trying to cause you any problems. I wanted to help.”

“I know. Now get in.”

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Get in the fucking car, Carly. Please.

I didn’t say anything more, waiting as she stared me down. I didn’t really care. All I could care about was ripping her skirt right off of her, and it was taking everything in me to wait until we weren’t in a crowd of people.

Nothing like a girl coming to your rescue to make your dick hard.

For all the times people made fun of me for being romantic about things, it wasn’t until now that I realized the extent of it. The crew always came to my side in a fight. I had come to learn early in life that with them I wasn’t alone, but the fact that Carly just did was something else.

I knew she didn’t like a lot of people, and honestly really did assume she only loved her dog, but she obviously liked me, cared about me, and her wild display of that was jaw dropping.

“Jax, please,” she breathed, making it all worse. “Tell me.”

“For once, once, do what I ask and get in. Please.” She frowned harder but brushed past me, getting into the passenger seat.

I slammed the door shut and went to the driver’s side. My hands were still shaking as I pulled out, the quiet of the car unnerving me, but I couldn’t get my thoughts straight with her this close.

I drove a few miles before finally finding a place to park and shut the car off.

“Jax, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would be so mad. I really was trying to help.”

I moved and slid myself into the backseat. “Come on. Get back here. Get on top of me.”

“What?” she asked, turning to face me. “Are you serious?”

“Get back here, and get on top of me,” I repeated. I know how angry I sounded, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed her.

She turned back, facing the windshield in silence.

“Carly,” I said, seeing her cross her arms. She didn’t get to be mad at me now.

“What?” she yelled.

“Get back here. Now,” I yelled back.

“Did you just yell at me?”

“Yes, now get back here before I drag you back,” I said, laughing now.

“Fine, but I don’t need to come back there for you to yell at me more.”

She crawled onto the console and looked up at me.

“Fucking hell,” I mumbled, trying not to look at her chest too long. “Good, come on. Crawl over top of me.”

“If this is some way to just yell at me, I’m going to be pissed.”

“I’m about five seconds away from yelling at you more if you don’t listen,” I said.

“I can’t believe you’re yelling at me in the first place. Is this about what he said? That he recognized me?”

“No, we aren’t going to talk about that tonight. We are too busy to care about what he just said, so forget it for tonight.” I knew the second she thought about it more, she was going to run. We didn’t have any more time to waste on her little teasing game, not when I needed her to know everything I felt. I waved her back, patting my leg.

“You can’t be serious. I feel way too self conscious to sit on top of you.”

“Right this second, I have no fancy, pretty words to make you feel better. Right now I want to feel better and I’m sorry that’s so selfish, but I need you. I have been thinking about you and every perfect part of your body for hours. I got in a fight and all I can think about is you coming to my defense and how perfect you are. Nothing I can say will make you believe me, but I think you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met and there isn’t one other fucking person in the world I would rather be with tonight. Your body is all mine and there isn’t one thing I would change about it.”

She finally moved again, crawling over the top until she straddled me.

“Good girl,” I whispered, cupping her face and pulling her hard against me. My lips grabbed hers and in seconds I was drowning in her.

Her tongue slid against mine as she grew more demanding, kissing me harder, and pushing off my jacket.

I had to be covered in blood, but I couldn’t find it in me to care when she was kissing me like this. I pulled her against my chest as my hips moved up, my hard cock pushing against her, and she ground down harder.

“You seemed pretty confident swinging that bat. How are you feeling now?”

“Less confident. Much less.”

“So you feel more confident violently threatening mean racers than sitting on my lap?”

“One hundred percent.”

“That sounds like a big problem. One we need to fix.”

“If I knew how to fix it, I would.”

“But look at you, already doing so fucking good. Pull that skirt up. Let me help.”


“Don’t be a brat about this. Stay right here on my lap, and pull up your skirt.”

Her head tilted, and she looked up at me, a small smile tugging on her lips. She was ready to protest, always talking back, always perfect.

I had already known it before. I had known it every second I had spent with her.

But if there was any doubt that I was completely in love with Carly, they were all gone.

I was hopelessly in love with her and I didn’t think there was anything in the world that could change that now.

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