Racing Hearts (Hollows Garage Book 3)
Racing Hearts: Chapter 37

I didn’t know what time it was when I rolled over, but the moment that I realized Jax wasn’t next to me, I was wide awake.

Riot wasn’t in the room either, and that made me panic more. I got up, throwing on leggings and a hoodie before heading into the living room.

There was still no sign of Jax, but Riot was at the door, his nose pressed to the crack at the bottom.

I thought it was silent, but as I calmed my loud heart, I heard whispers coming from the hallway. Fear coursed through me until I heard Kye’s voice, then Fox’s, then Ransom’s. I still couldn’t figure out what they were talking about, but I crept closer, trying to listen for Jax’s.

“He went to talk to him. I don’t know what all that means, but it can’t be good,” Kye said.

“No. It’s not,” Ransom said. “He should fucking know better. We should at least get closer in case he needs something. You know the guys going to be pissed that his plan failed today”

“Slaughter said to meet him at the lot we raced at the other day. He just left, but I’m guessing he’s wasting no time in getting there.”

I ripped the door open and stepped out. They were all standing at the bottom of the steps in front of Fox’s apartment. Jax wasn’t with them, but I guess I knew where he was now. All their heads whipped to me.

“Carly,” Fox said.

I ran back in, grabbing my phone off the counter and the keys.

No texts, and no missed calls. He really didn’t want to let me know what he was doing.

I raced back out, grabbing the laptop out of Kye’s hands, and kept moving down to the apartment garage.

“Carly, wait,” Fox yelled again.

“Slaughter could kill him and you three want to stand around waiting to see if he needs help? Why did you let him leave in the first place?” My words were almost a scream as I reached the garage and looked around. The Charger was luckily still here, so he must have taken his car.

I could hear cursing and running around upstairs, but I wasn’t going to wait. Jax shouldn’t have gone alone, and they should have already been on their way after him. I don’t care what reasons he had.

Riot jumped into the car and I didn’t have time to pull him back out.

The loud roar of the engine filled the garage as I realized I didn’t have a way to open the garage door in this car. Kye was there before anyone else.

“I’ll hit the button. Do you want me to drive?”


He nodded, hitting the button in his car before running back to me.

“I’m riding with you,” he said, pulling open the passenger door.

“Fine, but hurry up,” I said, already backing up the car before Scout ran down.

“Me too!” she yelled, jumping into the open passenger door before scrambling into the backseat. Kye got in after her, slamming the door shut as I took off.

Scout shrieked and when I looked in the mirror, I could only see Riot pushing into her lap.

“Switch with me!” she yelled at Kye. “Switch with me now! If he sits on me, I will suffocate!”

“Why did you let him go alone?” I asked, not caring to hide my mean tone.

“Because he said that he wanted to go alone until he knew what Slaughter wanted. I can’t exactly tell the grown man what to do.”

“No, but you can decide to go with him. You jumped into my car and didn’t ask. Couldn’t you have done the same for him?”

“Listen, I’m not going to win this, but I was already getting everyone ready to go for him. Don’t take all your anger for Slaughter out on me. Plus, you don’t even know where you are going so you should be glad I’m here for directions,” he said with a grin.

“Fine.” I huffed, switching gears and speeding up as we hit a long stretch of road. According to Kye, would be there in less than ten minutes, but it still felt like too long.

“Take a breath, Carly. Maybe Jax’s got it all taken care of,” Scout said, patting my arm. “He might not even need us there.”

“He did say that he was only going to make him an offer. He didn’t want to get into anything tonight if he could help it.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“And I know Slaughter. He isn’t going to let Jax be there and not take advantage of that. You guys see that Slaughter doesn’t drop things easily. He is going to do what he can to get Jax involved. Why would he do this?”

“Because he loves you and he would do pretty much anything for someone he loves.”

“Well, that can make two of us then. Where’s my phone?” I asked.

Scout patted around the seat and I hit my pockets, but neither of us seemed to find it.

“No idea. Why?” Scout asked.

“I need to call Ash.”

Scout handed me the phone, and it only rang once before she picked up.

“Hey, we are right behind you guys.”

“Great, but I need a favor.”

“Alright, anything you need,” she said. Her immediate agreement reminded me how not alone I was now. There was a team of people that were ready to jump in and help, even if it was dangerous. Now we needed to figure out how to end all of this with Slaughter, and fast.


After ten more minutes of reckless driving while Scout and Kye yelled at me, I finally made it to the parking lot.

I saw Slaughter’s car first, Tristan’s right next to it, and Jax’s in front. There was no one else, but that didn’t mean they weren’t right around the corner. Slaughter would never come alone like this.

I revved the car, aiming it right at them, but my heart stopped when I saw what was happening.

Jax was about to get into Slaughter’s car. The passenger door was open, and he almost slid inside until he saw us.

Anger rolled through me so violently that I yelled. “What is he doing?”

“Pull up next to him and we will find out,” Scout said, her voice calm and even, but I couldn’t do it. There was no way that Slaughter was going to get Jax to be a part of his stupid gang. There was no way that I was going to sit by and watch as Jax became anything like them.

I angled the car, heading right towards the driver’s side door of Slaughter’s car.

Kye swore and Riot barked as I hit it. The door snapped, flinging against the front wheel as I turned the car back around.

“Carly, what are you doing here?” Jax asked, already running over to me. “Why did you tell her?” he asked Kye.

“I didn’t tell her! She found out herself and you’re welcome for not letting her come alone.”

“Don’t get mad at Kye. You should be mad at yourself. What are you doing? Why would you come meet with him and not tell me? Not tell anyone basically,” I yelled.

I heard the others pull up, their cars idling at the edge.

“Everyone came?” Jax asked, grabbing my arm and dragging me away from everyone. “Why would you bring them all here?”

“They came on their own. I didn’t ask anyone. What were you doing getting into his car?”

We both looked over. Slaughter had been screaming since I hit his door and didn’t seem to be stopping yet. Tristan was there, trying to help him pull it back with one hand, but it looked ready to fall off.

“Why did you come? What are you doing with him?”

“Trying to make a deal. I want to know what it will take to leave you alone. He was about to ask me to do something in exchange, but you interrupted that.”

“I’m assuming these things aren’t exactly fixing a few cars or anything. I’m assuming he wants you to help him steal cars for him. Then he has more help, and he knows that I would do what he needs to help you. It’s a trick, Jax.”

“Maybe, but I’ve taken cars before, I can do it again if it makes him leave you alone. Maybe, if I help, he won’t need your help.”

“First of all, what do you mean you’ve done it before? And second of all, please don’t tell me that you really believe him. Are you going to suddenly be changing VIN numbers and making titles? No. I doubt it. He’s going to want your help over and over until you are just like him. He knows you don’t want me involved so he will use that against you until you’re dead.”

“We were all poor kids with nothing and wanted something in our lives. We took some cars to get ahead when we were young. We’ve righted those wrongs now and I think we made it up to those people, but that shows you that doing this one more time isn’t going to turn me into someone else. I will still be me. As for the rest of it, I would rather try than sit around waiting for him to attack you.”

“No. Not at all. This isn’t the same thing, Jax. This is worse, this is giving Slaughter something to hang over your head. What do you think he’s going to do when he gets desperate again and needs help? He’s going to call you. He’s going to come to me and tell me to help or he will turn you in. He will pit us against each other. He won’t stop, Jax. Why would you think you should do this?”

“Because of you. I would do anything for you. I will fight any fight and become any monster you need if it means you’re safe. I will still be me, and I will still love you the same.”

His hands slid over my jaw, holding my face so gently I wanted to cry.

“It won’t change. I’m always going to be me. Exactly who you have come to know, but you should also know that I will never be afraid to get my hands bloody for you. It’s not like this is the first time I have had to do something like this and it probably won’t be the last, knowing my friends. It does not mean that I won’t come home to wrap you in my arms and love you. It does not mean that I will be angry, or violent, or any different to you. I will love you the same way, even if I have to do this. I am doing this because I love you.”

I was already shaking my head. “I won’t risk it. I won’t let it happen. They’re not going to be my nightmare anymore. I’m going to be theirs,” I said, turning and walking straight to Slaughter.

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