Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)
Chapter Thirteen- Training

"You're no fun," I whined at Blake.

"No, I'm just safer than you." I frowned at him.

"Whatever," I muttered. I looked at the time and saw it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning.

"Holy shit! We have been here for 8 hours?" Blake shrugged and nodded.

"Yes we have. So we should probably get going." I followed him out the door, only to be dragged back in by my waist. I grabbed Blake's arm, dragging him with me. I was pulled into some guy's chest. I stamped my stiletto heel on the guy's foot. He cried out and I was pushed away from him. Blake caught me before I hit my face on the floor.

"You asshole! No one touches my girlfriend!" My wolf purred when he called us his girlfriend. I heard a sickening snap, and saw the guy on the ground cradling a broken arm. I kicked his special spot for good measure. I smiled gratefully at Blake.

"Thanks babe!" I kissed his cheek and we walked out the door, Blake's arm slung around my waist. The drive home was quick, and everything was quiet. Blake led upstairs and to his bedroom. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I changed into one Blake's shirts, and a new pair of panties.

"I think I like you in my clothes." I looked up to see Blake staring at me from the bed. He wasn't wearing a shirt, giving me a full view of his hard abs.

"And I think I like you without a shirt." I stared back at him, and walked over to the bed. Pulling away the sheets, and climbing into the silk-like warmth. Blake immediately pulled me closer to him, and I laid my head on his chest. We watched criminal minds on his flat screen for a while before I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of running water. Blake must be in the shower, I thought. I heard Akira purr and asked if we would join him. I rolled my eyes at her perverted thoughts.

No. We are not joining him, now quit being such a perv, I scolded her when she projected a bunch of naughty images into my mind. I pushed her to the back of my head, and walked into the closet. I noticed that even though it was 9 in the morning, it was already really warm out. I found a pair of short, jean shorts. I slipped them on with a white bandeau, and blue muscle shirt.

I walked down stairs, and found the dining room. Jackson was sitting at the table with a few other people. I noticed one of the girls looked a lot like Blake. She must be his sister, I thought. When I walked in everyone turned to me. Jackson was the first to notice me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Hey Raven! Everyone meet your Luna." He said turning to everyone else and waving me over. I sat next to him, leaving an empty seat on my other side.

"Wait, aren't you the girl who beat up Alpha?" One man asked me. I nodded trying to hold in a smile. They all laughed, soon I joined in, not being able to contain it.

"Its good to know that we have a strong Luna. Since mates are supposed to balance each other out, we were expecting our Luna to be a shy girl, that needs to be constantly protected because Blake is such a cruel Alpha. But I think we are all glad that our Luna can defend herself. And very well if I do say so myself." Everyone around him nodded in agreement. I felt my heart swell with pride, and thanked them. The girl who I assumed was Blake's sister turned to me.

"My name is Aspen by the way, Blake's sister. And this is my mate, Tony, and your Third in Command." She and her mate held out their hands for me to shake. She shook her head at me.

"I still can't believe that you were able to beat my brother, blindfolded no less, and leaving without a scratch." She frowned. I took a deep breath, and decided that they would find out eventually, so why not now?

"I was able to beat him because I am a hybrid." They all looked at me confused.

"What do you mean a hybrid?" Tony asked me.

"My mother was Luna Blackwood, and my father..." I hesitated, then took a deep breath and continued.

"My father is a Hunter." I braced myself for their reactions. The room was dead silent. Aspen was the first to regain her senses.

"So are you a Hunter or a wolf? Wait, oh my god! You are The Raven, as in the female Hunter everyone talks about?" She asked in realization. I nodded slowly, and her eyes widened.

"I have heard a lot about you. But I never knew that you were a wolf." She admitted.

"That's because I kept it a secret. But the Elders found out and want me captured. Also, I can shift into any wolf form I want to, and my wolf has gold eyes." I blurted out my secrets, suddenly feeling the urge to tell everyone. Their eyes widened even more than before.

"And now you all realize how special your Luna is." All of our heads snapped towards the door, where Blake was standing. I gave him a smile, which he gladly returned. He came over and sat in the seat next to mine.

"That she is." They all agreed nodding their heads quickly. I smiled at them. My wolf was enjoying the praise and attention, it made her stronger, and she loved it.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to help the pack train today? You are very good, and I want to make sure you keep your skills up too." I quickly nodded my head, I loved training.

"I know it sounds weird, but I love training. It's really fun for me." They all laughed.

"I can't stand training, so maybe you can make it a little more fun." Tony said, a smile gracing his face. I remembered that being the Third in Command, he was in charge of training.

"When do we start?" I asked.

"Right after breakfast." He said right as the chefs came in with pancakes, eggs, waffles, bacon and drinks. I clapped my hands in delight at the delicious breakfast in front of me, earning some chuckles.

"I never got a lot of food with the Hunters. They made us go as long as we could without any food or water. That meant until we were on the verge of dying." I shivered at the horrid memories. I got a bunch of sympathetic looks and Aspen gasped.

"Why would they do something like that?" She asked, her brown eyes full of concern. I shrugged.

"It was meant as a survival test. I lasted for a week without water, and a month without food." They looked at me funny.

"What?" Beginning to feel uncomfortable with their intense gazes, I looked at them questioningly.

"How is that even possible?" Jackson asked me. Blake answered first.

"It appears that she has an extremely high tolerance for pain, and alcohol. As well as very fast healing, and adaptability." Everyone looked at him weird this time, especially when he mentioned the alcohol.

"We went to the club last night, and I figured out that she can drink about five bottles of vodka before getting drunk." He explained. Everyone nodded in understanding. Tony looked at me.

"Ready to go?" I nodded and stood up.

"I just need my bag, the one I originally had when I first came here." I looked at Jacksons, and he nodded then left. He came back in with my bag. I took it from him with a small 'thanks'. I gave Blake a quick kiss goodbye, and followed Tony to the training arena. I walked into the girls locker room and found a locker labeled 'Luna'. That's weird, why would I have my own locker labeled? I asked Akira in confusion.

I bet Blake did it. I silently agreed with her logic. He did ask me to train so....

I quickly changed into my spare training uniform. It consisted of a sports bra, and shorts with my weapons belt. It was a very expensive fabric, that helped regulate body temperature. I took off my weapons belt, but left my weapons in it. I brought it outside with me in case I needed to practice with it.

When I walked out of the locker room, I saw the training room was full. Many of the them I recognized from my initial fight in here. I found Tony and made my way over to him.

"What are going to do?" I asked.

"Well, first we need to do some stretches and running. Then we are going to get into hand to hand combat. Then at the end, we will practice fighting in our wolf forms." I nodded.

"Okay, sounds good. But I have one question." He gestured for me to continue.

"For the fighting in wolf form, I don't know what form to use. My original wolf, the first one I shifted into, is as big as Blake's and I don't want to be unfair." He mind linked someone quickly before answering me.

"You have a very big wolf then. I have never seen one like the Alpha's so. Well, Blake wants you to tell the pack about your abilities. Wait, actually he wants you to show them first." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why show them first?" He mind linked again.

"He wants you to give them a show. He will be here this afternoon to watch, he said he wants to fight you again, this time in wolf form." He replied.

"Okay. I wonder how hard he will go on me considering he could never hurt me intentionally." He laughed at this. I smiled and listened as Tony called for everyone's attention.

"Listen up! We have a special guest here today to help us train. She is the wolf who was able to beat our Alpha in the fight yesterday." I heard a mixture of cheers and boos, mist likely because they were upset with me for beating the Alpha, but then happy I was helping them train better.

"She is going to train you alongside me, and I expect you to treat her as you treat me, with respect." He turned to me, and asked if I would like to say anything.

"I enjoy training, but not when I hear complaints. So as long as you don't complain, I think we will get along just fine." Tony ordered everyone to stretch for a while. He then told me to tell everyone to get outside and start running laps around the pack house. I stood on a pile of mats and yelled out to everyone.

"Now get your asses outside and give me 15 laps around the pack house!" I led them outside. I started running and heard Akira's voice in my head.

Let's show these pups how its done!

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