Raze the Night (Nightstar Book 2)
Raze the Night (Nightstar Book 2)

Raze the Night (Nightstar Book 2)

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After their decisive victory over Orinovo, Lys-Akkaria's army crosses the border to take back territory that used to be theirs. With the combined forces of a lightweaver and shadowforger, Orinovo doesn't stand a chance. In spite of their newfound advantage, Ainreth finds himself doubting the war effort, though his concerns go unvoiced as freeing Lys-Akkarian minorities of Orinovan oppression takes precedence. Things, however, get much more complicated when they discover an ongoing conspiracy among the Orinovan monarchy. With a threat like this looming over them, the Lys-Akkarian leaders call for a siege to end the war before the problem becomes much worse. Ainreth's doubts of the warfare only continue to fester still, even despite the clear neccessity of the drastic measures being taken, resulting in high tensions. He and Fennrin argue more and more with each passing day, and things only escalate from bad to worse when Daryan Varilik gets involved with his own hidden agenda.

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