Realm of Wings
Chapter Thirty-one - Clumsy timing

Jade, still sitting next to the Oracle, getting swooshed by the baby Miragou:

The Oracle cleared his throat as he hadn’t expected me to be so direct about the lacking of his capabilities. He even fidgeted with the border of his gown, showing a flinch of nervousness.

“Yes, I can read your mind, but that doesn’t mean I know everything on the spot. It’s just strange that I couldn’t get this information so easily. I had to focus hard on your mind to find these things, while it would normally just come up to me as soon as I’m near a person and I want to know it. Maybe your protection rune is protecting your mind as well.

But don’t worry about me or my incapabilities as an Oracle. You are what’s most important now.

You have four tattoos on your wrist, which means that you are talented in four different skills, of which you have had the chance to discover the basics already. But,” and he took a moment to shift his butt in the chair. “most of the Etunadain only have one mark, sometimes two. But you got four, which means that you are powerful, but also very rare and special.” He continued and took the chance to look me in the eyes again.

“Yes, you can heal others from their minor injuries and you have recently used a shield to protect yourself, right. What’s interesting is, that you can heal others without the possession of the healing marble, so I’m curious what you can do as soon as you have it. And it seems that you haven’t found out about the adjustment skill yet, but you have had the slightest chance of getting to know something about the animal part.”

“No, I haven’t.” I interrupted him.

“Yes, you did.” He smiled again. “No matter. What is the matter is that you have to find the other three marbles to get all the powers that are assigned to you. And your destiny is something that I can’t tell you, simply because I don’t know it. You have to figure out for yourself what it is that you are supposed to do.” He said but then looked saddened again.

He already told me plenty of things and he was about to tell me more, I could tell, but he was hesitant about it. Yet, all I could think about was that I was supposed to find out myself what I am doing with my life. Should I take down the rift? Should I just leave Kyalthemar and get back to Earth again? What am I to gain should I help these people here? Or is it arrogant and selfish for me to think such things?

I don’t know.

“Now about your heritage,” He started again after waiting for my mind to rant out. “I do believe you to be the heir of the throne as you show so much resemblance to someone I used to know.” He said before taking in a deep breath. “Because of your first mark, protection, I’m positive that your father is somehow related to me. The strange thing is, is that if the man I’m thinking to be your father is indeed your father, you should be much and much older than you are today. There is a gap of time that I can’t explain and it’s making you being here, even stranger than it already is.”

“So, you’re my uncle or grandpa or something? Is that what you are saying?” I asked him.

“Well, uncle then, yes, I believe so. But it is technically not possible because my brother had only one child and that child was born a few generations of Fae ago, and you are only about what, hundred seventy years?” He asked while squinting his eyes, looking at my total appearance and guessing the age.

“One sixty-three.” I replied stoically while the possibility of having an uncle was ringing in my mind.

“Ah my guess is still spot-on, give or take a few years!” He laughed which made me smile as well.

He is a bit awkward but he seems genuinely nice and not a complete asshole like Ren. I hope I’m not related to Ren in any way since he is an Etunadain as well, but if I am, he’d be a relative that I won’t be crying about should his life miraculously come to an end.

“No, don’t worry. He only has one mark and that is of nature, so he is not related to you.” The Oracle said, which took some weight off my shoulders.

But suddenly he turned his head and right after a loud banging was heard on the door from which I had come in. Some incoherent shouting sounded too and the Oracle shook his head.

“Kallan is rather protective towards you, isn’t he?”He chuckled and I didn’t know what to say to that. “Well, let’s be quick before he tries to barge in here and hurts himself, shall we?” He asked now and stood up from his chair. He wobbled his way from me and vanished into a thick cloud to the right of where I sat.

“Oracle?” I asked his attention with his title rather than naming him uncle right now.

“Just a minute!” He hollered back hastily. “Oh, crap!” He cursed right after something made of glass dropped on the floor, as I could hear it shatter in pieces. “Nothing to worry about!” He hollered again, even though I could hear some boxes fall over as well.

“Oh well, that’s one skill another Etunadain can’t gain. Luckily, it’s only to control sunlight.” He then whispered, but it was still clear enough for me to hear.

“Yes! Got it!” He finally said as soon as he stepped out of his cloud again, almost tripped over his long blue gown, and held up a small, black suede bag that was tied at the top with a golden ribbon. He also shuffled back some glass pieces with his feet, that was laying on the ground, probably from the thing he just dropped.

“This is yours.” He said as he gave me the small bag and sat himself down again.

I opened it by untieing the golden ribbon and found a small compass inside of it. It looked old and battered, rusty even, but the marker in the centre stood still and pointed directly to the cloud closet, indicating that it still functioned. But as I thought about it, the closet wasn’t north, so why was it pointing there?

“That is because it isn’t pointing to the north, it is pointing to the next orb of power.” The Oracle said while scratching his head. “The compass will soon point into another direction, as soon as the magic fades from the one I just dropped. That one wasn’t meant for you anyway.” He said casually.

“Wait what? That was an orb?! You just dropped a marble that could grant someone their power?!” I shouted incredulously as I stood up.

“Yes, yes, I know! I’ll take care of it. Now you go and find yourself the next one that is meant for you.” He quickly said while pushing me towards the portal again. “You have to go now, time flies.” He continued.

“But what about the time gap between me and my supposed father? What about you being my uncle? And we haven’t even talked about my wings!” I ranted while being shoved forward.

“I'm sure they are beautiful.”

“There are none!” I said annoyed.

“Oh well, we will meet again and then you can ask me more questions. Now, go to your lovestruck puppy and start making out already.” He said but stopped moving instantly. “I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have said that!” He whispered half incoherently and started moving me again.

“Wait! So, I’m not related to him?” I managed to ask while securely putting the compass back in the pouch.

The old man sighed and stopped pushing me again. “Is there an Etunadain in his family line? One specifically with the protection rune?” He asked.

“No, not that I know of.”

“If you are certain about that then no, he is no relative of you.” He finally said.

But before I could react to that and thank the old man for all the questions I have already gotten answered, he pushed me back and made me fall right through the portal again. My body was slurped into the waters and pushed out on the other side. Two strong arms caught me and when I opened my eyes I was happily met by those luscious green orbs I want to drown myself in.

As soon as Kallan realized what he had done he put me on my feet and profusely excused himself.

“I’m sorry.” He said as he stepped back. “I was just worried you wouldn’t come back after all this time.”

Huh? All this time? I looked closer and noticed that he had a light beard on his face from a few days old and that the others weren’t here to accompany him. “How long have I been gone?” I asked.

“Two weeks.”


“Yeah, Ren came out two days after entering and went in later as well to try and find you, but you were nowhere to be found.” Kallan explained.

I snorted curtly as I remembered that even though Ren is an Etunadain, he is awfully arrogant even though he only has one mark. Not that it should give him the right to be arrogant should he have more markings, but still... And it was funny too that he was sent to a stone-cold sanctuary instead of the same room I was in. But my moment of gloat was cut short by realizing that this was not the time to think about mundane things or the fact that I only spent twenty minutes with the Oracle but was actually gone for two weeks. I have a compass that will guide me to the next orb of power and I have to decide whether or not I want to follow its guidance. Besides... Not to forget, I have to talk to Kallan...

“Are the others doing okay?” I asked him at which he nodded. “Good, take me to someplace private, we have to discuss a few things.”

Kallan, listening carefully:

After a few hours of threatening the guards at this palace, from the moment I started becoming afraid of where she was or when she would return, some of Ren's assistants had explained to us that Jade was visiting the Etunadain Oracle. And apparently, he would decide how long or where he would take Jade, and no one else could do a single thing about it. So eventually, they assigned us to a few bedrooms to stay in and kept us updated when Ren and Jade would return. Obviously, as soon as I found out Ren had come back, I had him held against the wall because Jade was not with him. And it even got worse when he couldn’t tell me where she was, as he didn’t know the truth either.

But the stress I had, that was caused by this, didn’t appear on Jade's face as soon as she stepped through the portal again. She was confused at first, for several reasons, but not afraid or stressed. In fact, she was now twirling around some questions which didn’t make sense to me at all.

“No, I don’t know anything about Etunadain. All you’ve just said is news to me.” I answered.

“So your parents or grandparents don’t have any of the markings as I have?”

“No, I have told you this a thousand times now! Why are you asking?” I asked annoyed.

“Well, the Oracle said that the gene is being passed on in the family, so...”

“So, what...?” I asked again, clearly making her annoyed now as well.

“Well, if you don’t have the mark and your parents or grandparents don’t have the mark, then...”

I took a step back. Is she really implying what I think she is? But how is that possible? Her grandmother or mother, given the fact that there is a yet unexplained gap of time, was the sister of my great-grandmother, we should be related right? Can we trust this Oracle guy who she said must be ancient, chaotic and physically unstable, to be speaking the truth?

“I don’t know how Kallan, I just know that we can. Trust him I mean.” Jade said, completing my thoughts.

But even though the Oracle said that, there was still a chance he could be wrong, right? And what will happen now? Am I just to believe to be non-related to her and instantly take the bait and jump in between the sheets with her?

“We could... If you want.” She smiled gently.

“Get out of my head.” I snapped. “Sorry. It’s just a lot to take in.” I said as I shook my head in confusion.

“I know, believe me, this is weird for me too. Normally I wouldn’t bat an eye for sex and now I’m hesitant myself as well. Disappointed somehow, but hesitant nonetheless.” She replied and sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked her.

“Don’t know. Let’s just try and find the other orbs and we will see what will happen later. For now, I’m just too preoccupied with a lot of new information and I want to get some sleep.” She said as she fell back onto the sheets. “Come lay in bed with me, I just need you to keep me warm tonight.” She continued after pulling me back by tugging my shirt.

I didn’t answer her but I listened to what she said. After pulling my shirt off I crawled underneath the sheets and laid myself behind her. All tucked in and without any sexual innuendos, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

My last thoughts for tonight were that I was comfortable with her, laying like this. There was no need for sex now, her company was just enough and that felt right. I don’t know if this will grow bigger, and right now I’m not sure if I want to, as I’m still conflicted with the thoughts that she truly is the rightful heir to all of Kyalthemar and I must protect and provide for her as loyal subject to my Queen.

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