Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 5 ~ Harsh Truths

Chapter 5: Harsh Truths

A cold sweat made my skin clammy to the touch and even I wasn't sure whether I was too hot or shivering with cold. A light blanket was thrown over my legs, sticking to skin that was soaked. My head was pounding to the drum beat of my heart that had me keeping my eyes closed to try and ease it. It would become easier, I knew that, but the mistake I'd made would haunt me and I couldn't blame Atanas for it. He hadn't made me take the blood, in fact he had done his best to try and make it disappear.

I was weak to have given in, it proved the men of my past still had their claws sunk deep in me.

"Hopefully going through this will teach you not to do it again." Atanas muttered as he sat next to me, wiping sweat from my forehead.

I snorted, curling into myself, "Your bedside manner needs some work."

He laughed, "I'll have you know, I have only ever received praise for my work in bed. Women normally leave completely satisfied."

Though I was sure he was telling the truth. I doubted any women left disappointed after spending a night with him. He was charismatic and sure of himself, and drew even my frozen heart in. With hundreds of years of experience, I knew he must know how to play a women's body.

I rolled my eyes anyway, "You're disgusting."

"Just as much as you look. You need a shower, you're a mess. I'll help you, then I'll bring back someone for you to feed on. You can't be any help to me curled up in bed and barely clinging to life."

I stared at him, wondering why he was helping me. Especially when he was clear on the fact he had loads of work to do with his plans to overthrow the council. Even his excuses of needing me to help him didn't make much sense, he'd proven he was well able to protect himself and weasel his way into the workings of the council...he'd done so once before.

Slowly, I sat up, much to my aching body's protest. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Atanas helped me stand, taking my weight as I hobbled my way to the bathroom.

"I can shower myself." I stated, pushing him away slightly when he made no move to leave me in peace.

His eyes raked over me, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips before he murmured, "Pity. But alright."

I gave him another eye roll and he grinned, shrugging.

"I'll go grab you a bite to eat." He winked, stepping out and shutting the door.

I stared at the closed door until I heard him leave the flat, feeling confused. Did he really care or did he just want me feeling better so he could have me doing his bidding again. I had no energy to ponder over it, my thoughts were in disarray as it was, trying to think through the pain.

Taking a quick shower took more energy than I had and once dried, I put on joggers and a hoodie, feeling overly sorry for myself. My damp hair stick to my jawline but it was a cool and welcome relief to the burning of my skin.

Flicking the TV on, the news headline quickly captured my attention.

Three found mauled in city centre, police have no suspects.

My gut told me it had something to do with Atanas or the council and I was quick to flick to another channel when the door opened and Atanas' scent flooded the room. I don't know why I felt the need to hide it from him but hide it I did.

I turned, watching him lead in a small human woman with glazed and unseeing eyes.

"Your dinner, my lady." He winked, sitting the woman next to me.

The smell of her blood pumping through her body tore my sense away from me. My veins were burning with the sudden realisation that I was starving. Hunger took over, my body and mind working on instinct as I struck for her throat, taking a needy gulp of warm blood. I could feel it working, my strength returning and my thoughts slowing until I could hear myself think again. My fangs sumk deeper, more blood flooded my mouth and I groaned, adrenaline rushing through. I didn't want to kill her but I wasn't sure I could stop myself either. One human as small as this would do little to completely cure me of my withdrawal. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My eyes met my captors, eyes that blazed with heat and want for me. I quickly released her, pushing her way. Jumping from the couch, my own desire filling the air, making it hot and hard to breathe.

Atanas stepped forward, his eyes solely focussed on me. It was in our nature, a sexual urge hard to resist, I'd lost myself to it before. Our eyes were locked, our breathing in sync. Blood coated my lips and I flicked my tongue out, feeling satisfaction as Atanas' eyes watched the small movement. Something between a frustrated groan and a growl left him and he tore his eyes from me.

He picked up the passed out woman from my couch, breaking whatever trance we had created. Without a word, he walked away, disappearing to take her where she could wake up safely and none the wiser.

I stood frozen to the spot, replaying the small intimate moment we had shared. It had been a while since anyone had looked at me with such need in their eyes, a while since I had given into my needs...and that's all it was, needs. Blood sparked our desires and cravings, there was nothing between Atanas and I except the forced bond of captor and captive, I knew this.

Collapsing back on the couch, I rubbed my face, trying to relieve tension. I didn't know how long I could live like this, it was already taking its toll on me and dragging me back down to the days I was lost.

"We're going to visit another old friend." Atanas said from behind me, "if you're up for it."

So we weren't going to acknowledge what had just happened then. He stood behind the couch, his head tinted towards the window and his hands clasped behind his back. Maybe it was best forgotten. How lowly he must think of me, how he must hate himself for having been tempted by me.

I nodded, glad to have something else to focus on. As I wandered back to my room to pull proper clothes on, I wondered if we were about walk right into trouble. To be honest, I hoped we did, a good fight would make me feel much better.

"Who are we seeing?" I yelled, my voice strained as I was still recovering.

At least I could keep my own weight up. There was a lingering cramping in my muscles but that could easily be ignored, I'd made myself carry on under far worse pain.

"Mirdull." He yelled back.

I froze from pulling my boots on, grabbing them and stomping my way back to the living room.

"Are you crazy?" I all but screeched, "He is a high ranked member of the council, the council that locked you away! Do you think we can just walk into his office and he'll greet you like an old friend? That he won't keep us both detained and then shove us both into whatever gods forsaken hole you crawled out of?"

His face hardened and I stepped back quickly, aware of how his temper normally ended up in me being in some pain.

"Have you forgotten how our arrangement works? I say, you do." He said tightly, but there seemed to be a fierceness lacking in his words. For the first time, I didn't think he was going to hurt me, "you're going to call him and tell him you need to see him about whatever council business you've been avoiding."

Still unable to believe what he wanted to do, I shoved my feet in my boots.

"He's going to be suspicious. I never call." I argued, finding my phone anyway because I knew arguing would be pointless.

"I'm sure you can be convincing, Shylah, just do as I ask please and if we run into trouble, we shall come up with another plan." He sighed as if weary with me.

Gritting my teeth, I muttered unsavoury words before sitting on the arm of my couch and dialling Mirdull's number.

My hand was shaking as I held the phone to my ear and I chewed my lip nervously, drawing blood.

"Shylah, what an unpleasant surprise. What has you calling, I thought you'd be busy ignoring your duties and getting drunk in some rank bar while selling your body for whatever it is you take." Mirdull snarked.

His words were a stab in the gut and didn't escape the notice of Atanas who's eyes were on me with curiosity...and anger. I shifted, Mirdull had been close to my maker, he knew very well of what I'd been made to do, and what I had done before I was turned but that was long ago.

"I have business I need to discuss with you. I've received the usual threats from the council about sorting whatever boring administration that needs my attention. The sooner I get it over with the sooner I can get back to my rank bars." I lied smoothly, not bothering to hide the bite from my tone.

Mirdull chuckled and the sound of shuffling paper came through the phone.

"There's been murders in your region, so I would be happy for you to come see me so we can discuss your lack of leadership. You're obviously letting some creature run rampant in the city, something I hope I can get you punished for. I'm sure it's been a while since a whip has graced your flesh. Tell me, are the marks your maker left still on your skin, or do I need to make sure more are added to keep you in line?"

I swallowed, my voice losing the harshness as I mumbled, "Just make sure you're ready to see me, I'm coming over now."

"I'll be ready." He drawled before promptly hanging up.

I kept my head down, unable to meet Atanas' eyes, ashamed of what he had heard and in consequence, what he must now think of me.

"Your maker gave you all of those scars." He asked, not moving from where he leaned against the wall.

"Some of them." I replied, dropping the phone onto the table, "the worst of them."

There was no point in lying now. It wasn't possible for me to sink any lower in his view and I no longer cared.

"Mirdull?" He pushed, tipping his head.

"Some of them." I repeated, finally meeting his eyes.

He hummed, looking back out of the window, "Mirdull will get what's coming to him, as will the rest of the council."

As if it really mattered to me, "I'm still not joining your rendition of 'A New Hope.' Atanas. Nothing you can say will change my mind and make me the latest edition to your rebel alliance."

He stared at me. Of course he didn't know what I was talking about, he'd been kept imprisoned for the last hundred years, but he lack of knowledge of Star Wars was the least of my worries right now.

"We should get going." I muttered, "I'll call a taxi."

He was still looking at me like I'd spoken another language and I tried to keep the amusement off my face as I dialed and arranged for a taxi to pick us up. We weren't being at all inconspicuous, maybe he wanted thrown back in his prison. I certainly hoped so. I don't know how he expected Mirdull to react when he saw him. The idea that maybe they'd been friends in the past made me uneasy. I'd never liked Mirdull, he'd harassed and tortured me alongside my maker and I'd never forgive him for it.

I stood and pulled a dagger out if the flower pot in the corner of the room and Atanas raised an eyebrow at me.

"How many weapons do you have hidden around here?" He laughed, watching me tick it into my jeans.

"Enough to make me feel safe. You can never be too careful, not in this world." I said honestly.

I was taking my sour mood out on him but that's heat he got for forcing me to talk to Mirdull, to suffer under more blows from the past. He deserved my anger.

Still he watched me, as if I was a puzzle he needed to figure out. I felt uncomfortable being so thoroughly scrutinized. I motioned to the door, waiting for him to leave first so I could get away from those eyes.

He pushed himself from the wall and sauntered out the door. We walked side by side down to the taxi, and what an odd sight we must have made. I wasn't exactly short but Atanas was a giant that dwarfed even me.

He opened the door to the taxi for me and I slipped in without so much as a thanks to him. He sighed but I didn't care if my mood was getting to him.

I sat in annoyed silence as we drove to Mirdull's building, folding my arms and huffing. My body was still weak and trembling, my head spinning as we took corners but I seemed to be running on anger and that worked just fine for me. My stomach churned as the driver slammed the breaks on and I was almost sick, maybe throwing up blood over his car would have taught him to drive more carefully.

"Here we are." The driver announced, turning in his seat, "That's £7.80."

When Atanas looked expectantly at me, I had the urge to punch him then eat the driver. Shoving my hand into my pocket, I pulled out a tenner and practically threw it at the driver while jumping out the car at the same time.

"Keep the change." I muttered.

Atanas stared at the building, chuckling, "Nothing's changed here."

I shrugged. It had been the same since I'd arrived, but I'd seen the darker parts. I had spent a lot of time in the basement below but if I thought about that, I'd end up in one of my panics.

"Mirdull has people working for him, what if someone recognises you? We won't make it past the damned front door." I noted, watching shadows move past the curtained windows that let the barest of light through.

"You go in yourself, I remember where Mirdull's office is, I'll make my own way in." He said vaguely, smirking at me.

I faltered. I'd been prepared to go in with Atanas by my side, but to go in alone to the place that haunted my sleep and my every step, that was something else all together.

"You're scared." Atanas stated, "Don't be. I won't let anything happen to you, we will only be parted for a while, I swear."

I nodded, plastering my game face on before pushing my way into the building. The vampire sat at the table looked up. She was a typical female that worked for Mirdull, young, beautiful, tall and skinny with long black hair and equally dark eyes.

"Do you have an appointment?" She chirped.

Her bright exterior didn't fool me however, I knew the type of person that worked here and her smile was hiding an interior of darkness and ice.

"Mirdull is expecting me, I'm Shylah." I replied, folding my arms.

I knew I was good at giving off an attitude and I hoped she'd stop studying me with a look of disgust.

She hummed, looking at the papers in front of her, "I'll let him know you're here. You can take a seat."

I snorted, rolling my eyes. Ignoring her protests, I made my way to the stairs and marched up to Mirdull's office. The old wooden door creaked as I pushed them open and Mirdull glared at me. I gave him my brightest smile that was positively dripping with sarcasm.

"Your secretary isn't very good." I snarked, taking the seat in front of his desk and kicking my booted feet onto it.

"Some rats manage to get past even the best of pest control." He muttered, "but let's not worry about that. We have business to attend to."

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off.

"That we do."

Even so jumped at Atanas' voice from behind me, my head whipping around to see a mass of black in the corner.

"Atanas." Mirdull choked, his eyes going wide as my captor stepped into the light.

His classic smirk was in place and his confidence was tangible, it made me straighten in my chair.

"Mirdull, it's been too long."

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