Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled Novel
Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

Chapter 93 

I tried to hold him back. Don’t go, Dad You know I’ve had enough. I’ve decided to leave. A straight divorce is better for everyone. If things escalate, it won’t do our family any good, it’s not worth paying a heavy price for it” 

I kept my cool, as I’ve been through this before 

After my repeated persuasion, my dad chose to respect my decision. I breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, making the right request at the right time would get the desired result 

If I had proposed a divorce before Neil and Bonnie’s affair was discovered, both sets of parents would definitely have persuaded me to think twice

Fortunately, this happened when only a few people knew about my divorce lawsuit

After ending the call, I hesitated for a moment and chose to call Russel back

Where are you? Russel’s tone sounded a bit worried, Did you know that your motherinlaw talked to Bonnie?” 

“I found out Neil called me and said if Bonnie gets into any trouble, I won’t have it easy eitherI calmly replied while eating the food on my plate, Do you also think I told his mom?” 

Russel is Neils good friend. Naturally, he would side with Neil 

In their eyes, I’ve always been someone who would do anything to get Neil

Russel responded quickly, No, I know it wasn’t you” 

I was surprised and asked, You believe me?” 

Why would you tell his mom if you want a divorce? It would just cause trouble.Russel replied 

1 didn’t expect you to believe me. Thank youI felt relieved

What are you going to do?Russel asked again

I told Russel that I had filed for divorce. There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, followed by a rustling noise. As if he was turning over in bed, he asked, Really?” 

I laughed. Do you think I’m joking? Neil should receive the court’s notice in a few days. You’re his best friend; he’ll definitely tell you. But this might be bad news for you” 

If Neil and I divorce, then Neil can be with Bonnie, which means it would be harder for Russel to pursue Bonnie

It’s not bad news. It’s goodRussel lazily said, I wish you a successful divorce.” 

Are you sleeping?I changed the subject

Yes, I’m off todayRussel replied meaningfully. As you know, I have no one to date, nothing to do.” 

I sensed a deep loneliness in Russel and asked curiously, You could get a girlfriend. Don’t you like any women?” 

Russel wasn’t the type to open up to others, so I was prepared for him to hang up, but he didn’t

Yes.He answered lightly 

Then go after her!I was inexplicably excited. Was it time for some male competition Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It’s not appropriate, Russel answered calmly 

This answer made me even more certain that he liked Bonnie, but because of Neil, he felt it wasn’t right to get involved

After gathering my thoughts, I started persuading him, What’s inappropriate about it? As long as she’s not married, you still have a chance. But if you don’t try, you’re bound to miss her. Don’t you want to marry the woman you love? Just watch her marry another man?” 

Since I’m getting a divorce and Neil still thought I badmouthed him to his mom, I might as well play the villain

Perhaps I had voiced Russel’s inner thoughts. He was silent for a while, then laughed and said, You’re right. I got it.” 

Go for it!I encouraged him warmly 

After hanging up, I felt much better, but I didn’t want to call Neil back, so I just went straight to sleep

It was not until dusk that I woke up groggily, reached under my pillow for my phone, and casually checked it

I opened Bonnie’s WhatsApp out of curiosity, wanting to see if she had posted any status updates, only to find out that she had blocked me

It seemed my motherinlaw must have said some harsh words Otherwise Bonnie wouldn’t have deleted me too Why not just delete Neil?! 

While I was speculating about what she might have said, I noticed Bonnie had sent a friend request again. After I accepted, she sent me a message 

Irene, I’m sorry Nothing actually happened between Neil and me. He helped me a lot, so I considered him a good friend. Perhaps I didn’t pay enough attention to boundaries and caused misunderstandings. I’ve thought a lot in the past two days and reflected on myself I dare not meet anyone, and my parents probably don’t know about this. If they knew, they would definitely be devastated, so I chose to disappear so as not to cause any more trouble for you. I hope you wont take it out on my parents, thank you.” 

Then, she sent a location, and it was near the dock where I was kidnapped last time 

Surprised, I thought to myself, was Bonnie trying to kill herself

It was not impossible, she’s probably never been so humiliated in her life, and she was young and impulsive 

Even though I don’t like her, I don’t want her to die, especially since I’m divorcing Neil and not trying to win him back

1 immediately called Neil, but the call was disconnected

Afterward, Neil’s phone was switched off. I had no idea what happened

It wasn’t until the next day that I got a message from Russel 

Bonnie tried to end her life at the dock last night, Neil arrived in time to stop her, and they were at the hospital now” 

I was silent for a few seconds, Okay, I got it, thank you for telling mel 

He’s going to take it out on you Can you handle it?Russel asked casually

So what if he’s angry?I joked, If he really lays a hand on me, I can use it as evidence for my divorce case.” 

Russel was amused by my joke, Haha, that’s a good idea.” 

After chatting for a bit, I hung up the phone, now all I could do was wait for Neil to come looking for trouble

Well, after waiting for a few days, there was still no call from him. It seemed like Neil had totally forgotten about me. Instead, the news was buzzing about him. He had had his fair share of rumors with many actresses before, so in a way, he was kinda a big deal in the entertainment world

This time, the news that blew up was not about his affairs with actresses, but his romance with a female college student, something that had never happened before

And the headline of this news was all loveydovey, Playboy head over heels for a college girl, a reallife Cinderella story in the making!” 

Chapter 94 

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