Beneath The Mask


The song finished and yet I still couldn’t bring myself to climb off his lap. His lips got progressively closer to mine but he made no attempts to kiss me. If his proximity was a ploy to tempt and tease me it was working.

“Tell me what you want Red.” He whispered, each word fanning out across my lips. I said nothing, I was strong, not going to crumble and give him that power over me.

But fuck did I want him.

He was sexy as hell and it had been a while for me. Jacob was the last man I fucked and he couldn’t even do that right. Ace was this dangerous, no-good, off-limits guy who I wanted to fuck senseless.

His face disappeared into the crook of my neck, small kisses skimmed down my skin, my eyes closed over and my lips fell open only slightly to let my steady breathing escape.

“Do you want me to slowly worship your pussy with my tongue?” He licked my neck with the tip of his warm tongue and I melted into a shiver.

No, stay strong Gabriella.

“I can kiss it so passionately, nice and slow so your orgasm lingers on and on and on for hours. I bet you taste real good.” My hips moved into him automatically, his voice was the definition of seductive, deep and smooth, whispered right into my ear like he was telling me a naughty secret.

Stay strong.

You’re not turned on.

He’s the enemy.

“Or” he grabbed me by the throat and pushed my body down on the velvet booth sofa. I gasped at his heavy weight pinning me down.

“Do you want me to fuck your little pussy so hard you’ll become addicted to masturbating afterwards just to try and remember the feeling?”

Excitement built up inside of me like a child at Christmas, about to unwrap her present. I just blinked back at him, fluttering my eyelashes.

Yes! My brain screamed. I wanted him to fuck me, hard. I wanted him to use my body purely for his pleasure. To make me his little slut. I wanted him to own my body, to make it his. I wanted him to hold me down and not stop fucking me until he was satisfied. Even if I begged him to stop, I wanted him to gag the fuck out of me and continue anyway. I wanted this.

“Tell me what you want.” He demanded. “Beg for it.”

"Please Ace.” He smiled, only small. It expressed his victory over me but he leaned down and took my lip between his teeth, tugging it enough to make me whimper.

“The disrespect of using my name.” He growled. “I’ll have to correct that.”

“Please,” I begged again. ”Boss.”

“What do you want Red, tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me deep and slow, pin me down, bite my lip, pull my hair. Use my body for your pleasure.”

He hovered his body over mine, first his aroma hit me, leather, gunpowder and cookies. Then he nibbled my neck making my head to tilt back and moans to fall ungracefully from my lips.

“That is too bad. I don’t fuck the whores from my club.” He stood up and backed away from me, leaving me discombobulated.

I sat up feeling flustered and taunted, wrapping my arms around my chest. “What the fuck?”

“What? Did you think you were something special?” He leaned against the bar, looking mighty fucking fine in his white button up and black gun holsters.

“No, I thought we were both horny and mutually want to fuck.” I answered honestly.

“Why would I be horny? You don’t turn me on, you’re disposable to me.”

I was infuriated, what Ace did to me was worse than the guys actually trying and failing to get me off. I was even too enraged to be humiliated.

It was just another battle he had won and I had lost. He liked games and fuck did he play them. Well not this time.

I kneeled up on the velvet sofa and kept my eyes hooked onto him. He watched me cautiously but still intrigued.

My hand glided down my stomach, over my garter belt and down into my panties. His eyes glittered, coming alive as he studied my movements.

“Whatever you’re doing, it’s not going to work.” His tone told me he was bored but the fact that he couldn’t tear his eyes away spoke otherwise.

“Don’t touch yourself Red, that’s an order.” I bit into my lip and pulled my lace panties aside, slipping a finger in between my folds.

“I swear Red, I’ll push the button.” He showed me his phone and I didn’t react to it, although I wanted to. Stupid Ace, he just told me where the button was located. A big hint at how to disable it too I’d like to bet.

I continued rubbing myself, putting on a show for him. My other hand rubbed my breasts and teased my nipples. My moans were over dramatic, fuelled by how wide-eyed with wonder he was.

“Damn it Red.” He slammed his phone down on the bar and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.

He made quick strides over to me and grabbed my hand off my own clitoris, holding it hostage behind my back. He grabbed my hair and yanked it so my head tilted backwards into him.

“You’re so fucking bad Red, I told you not to touch yourself. Why do you break my rules?” He flipped down the backrest of the booth seats and pulled out a two pairs of handcuffs, attaching me to metal poles behind the cushions so my arms were stretched out wide.

“It’s fun?” I retorted with amusement.

He grabbed my jaw, aggressively sinking his fingertips into my skin. When I tried to move my face out of the way he forced it back and then crashed his lips down onto mine.

The tingling sensation of his perfect lips was all that I could think and feel. He tasted of masculinity and his tongue took charge, forcing mine in any direction he urged it to go. It was the smallest insight of what was to come. If he kissed well he would bed well. Ace kissed exceptionally well.

It was steamy, passionate but dangerous. His hands didn’t wander, they just held me down and he pushed his body closer to mine. I could feel his guns pressing against me, surely he knew that but right now he was too consumed to care.

“Safe word?” I shook my head.

“No safe word, I can handle it. Just fuck me.”

“Safe word?” He repeated, this time more like a threat.

“Killer.” He paused for a second, searching my eyes like he had doubts but then he nodded and shifted backwards, kneeling either side of my legs.

He wore a leather holster draped over his shoulders holding two guns, they looked to be Glocks .40, in a matt black casing, a little heavy to be walking around with in my opinion but each to their own.

He detached the holster and dropped it to the floor then got to work purposely slowly unbuttoning his shirt, he smirked down at me because he could tell I was getting impatient.

With every button that he unhooked I greedily spied the slither of flesh on display, my mouth watering more and more as he revealed his body to me bit by bit.

I sat back admiring him towering over me. His torso sporting a completely hairless eight pack, his skin beautifully glossy and sun kissed.

My body was filled with a heavy ache, one that craved him so intensely. Every small touch from him electrified it.

His bear-like grasp grabbed the fine lace of my garter belt and he tore the material in two.

His eyes roamed over my exposed body and troubled frown lines appeared on his forehead for a nano second.

He traced his thumb over the deep scar just a little higher than my belly button.

I wanted to roll away and run in order to avoid his questions. My mind raced through a million thoughts a minute trying to come up with an explanation because somehow I think ′your father stabbed me′ would’ve killed the mood but luckily Ace didn’t care enough to ask.

He continued undressing until there was nothing left but our nakedness and our masks.

I took a deep breath, psyching myself up for what he was about to do. Ace watched me carefully as he reached up and touched his mask, removing it from his face completely.

His eyes searched the depths of mine, so deep I could see into his soul, it was untarnished which was rare for someone like us.

There was something that kept Ace sane, an anchor to hold onto in the mists of all this murder. His humanity was still fully intact and beneath the surface it was benevolent.

“Can I remove yours?”

I nodded and he slid off my mask. I instantly felt incredibly vulnerable and perhaps a little frightened.

My whole life I had spent hiding behind a mask, I still was. Willa doesn’t exist. Red is lying. I don’t even know who Gabriella is. Yet for some reason, exposing myself to Ace felt more like myself than I have ever felt going by any of those aliases.

He hovered over me, holding the weight of his body upright on his muscular arms. My eyes glazed over a small purple birthmark on his forearm. It was heart-shaped and I recognised it instantly.

“It’s a birthmark.” He explained even though I didn’t ask him to.

“I remember.”

“What?” He looked down at the mark and then back at me with confusion.

“Nothing, forget it. Just stop making me wait and fuck me.”

“Patience.” He murmured.

He tugged on my underwear, bringing them down low enough where I could flick them off with my toes.

“Fuck Red, you’re glistening. Naughty girl, touching yourself.” Without warning he slipped two fingers inside of me and I threw my head back and moaned quietly.

“I like you so wet, so compliant.” He whispered with appreciation.

“I’m going to make you fucking scream.” He spoke against my lips, tugging it gently with his teeth.

I loved hearing him talk dirty to me but the truth was nobody has ever made me scream so admittedly he was unlikely to. I don’t actually think my body could achieve orgasm with other people.

It was constantly like I had been placed in front of the buffet table, starving but my hands were tied so couldn’t grab anything to eat. Teased. Taunted. Turned on. Never fulfilled.

“I won’t let you cum easy, I’m going to make you suffer.” I clenched my teeth together with frustration. His finger whirled around so slowly, it barely touched me. “You’re a piece of work Red. Testing my limits, disobeying me. How will you learn?” His tongue brushed up my neck and I held back a squeal.

He pulled away from my neck and looked at me up close. A colony of butterflies erupted inside of me, but I think the look in his eyes caused them rather than the magical work his fingers were doing.

I could get lost in how deeply he gazed like an endless ocean, cold on the outside but when you dive deeper there’s nothing but beauty.

“Would you cum for me from just this?” His finger brushed against my clitoris, so sensitive and wet. It glided across my body like silk, faintly, delicately just teasing me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Please, just fuck me.” I jolted my hips, trying to force more friction.

“Like this?” He eased a finger inside and my body moved to match his motions. I was already extremely sensitive down there and his fingers right now were making me want to explode.

“No,” I whimpered. “Harder.” He smirked. “Faster.” He didn’t pick up speed, he just moved in a rhythmic motion. Trailing a slow finger from my clit, down, inside and around. Repeating it over and over. “Go deeper.” I squirmed, trying to fuck his finger.

He lowered his head and sucked on my nipple, gently tugging it with his teeth. I tried to grab his hair but my hands were attached to the poles. So I lay, at his mercy.

His mouth trailed kisses down my torso and I wiggled, feeling them tickle me. When his lips landed on my pussy I swore and bit down into my lip.

He kissed me, sensually, there.

“Ace” I whispered seductively.

He peered up at me dangerously, looking sexy as fuck between my legs.

He sucked my clit, keeping his eyes on me just so he could watch my reaction. Then he stopped, removing his mouth and his finger.

“I’ve been too lenient with you. I have rules and I expect you to abide by them. Tell me you’ll behave yourself.”

“I will behave, please.”

He grabbed my pussy hard and I gasped.

“I’m going to make this mine.”

He slapped it and I tugged on my restrains as the sensation crashed through my whole body.

“Yes.” I begged.

He slapped it again and again, each time I squirmed with pleasure.

He rolled on a condom, lined himself up against my body and pushed into me hard, letting me feel all of the warmth as he entered me.

A loud moan ripped through me.

It was strange hearing those sounds fall from my lips in front of another person. I had no control over the noises I was making, even when I pleasured myself alone I always remained quiet about it. Self conscious in case somebody heard.

He was big, filling all of my insides as my walls clenched around him, holding him in place. He picked up the pace, throwing his body in and out of me deeply, placing all of his anger for me into this one act.

His fingers clamped around my hardened nipples, tugging at my flesh and my body started climbing higher and higher in the clouds. I could feel the rush of heat coursing through me, tipping me over the edge to my complete Ecstasy.

“Don’t dare cum, not yet.” He threatened.

“I-I-I can’t s-stop.”

“You can and you will, or else.”

I had never gotten this far before, emotions soared around my insides, overwhelming and confusing me. The whole of my core tightened around his wide girth, my legs squeezed his body and my hands tugged at the restraints. Screams that I had never heard on my own lips before played out above the music. I was milking the fuck out of his dick and it felt absolutely fantastic.

“Red” He breathed out, a sour reminder that he didn’t even know who I was.

Ace clenched his jaw tighter in the most sexy way and as he pushed and pulled his full length in and out of me and I reached my climax screaming out his name loudly, loosing all grip on reality.

Ace followed directly afterwards, tipping his warm liquid into me and letting me take it all.

And as we climaxed together our eye contact never broke, seeing the moment of absolute pleasure on each others faces. It felt too intimate, too personal, too vulnerable especially when he didn’t even know my real name or that my sole mission in life was to kill him and avenge my mother’s death.

For someone who has only ever experienced casual quickies before my father caught us, this was a little overwhelming. He looked into my eyes, saw me. There was too much feeling, too much love but we didn’t love each other, we barely knew each other. We were enemy’s, he just didn’t know that yet.

So why was he showing me so much compassion?

It was like the mafia boss was a completely different man, a facade that he wears when he’s got the mask on. His kisses were sweet but powerful, his hands were manly but gentle, his body was passionate and warm. He gave me all of him, but I held back because giving myself away to someone so willingly scared the fuck out of me.

He remained inside of me, hovering back over my body. Except he swiped a strand of brown hair away from my face and tucked it securely behind my ear.

“You look fucking beautiful when you cum.” He told me. And in that moment I felt emotional, exposed and shy.

He disbanded from my body and sat beside me, dressing. I was unusually quiet, struggling with the thoughts in my own mind, the guilt. The strange encounter that I just shared with Ace. Unlike any other sexual experience I’ve ever had and it was with him, my target.

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