Chapter 84 

Tessa’s POV 

I smirked at the shocked expression on her face and strode towards them, my white nightgown. flowing behind me. I finally got to them and with a firm but gentle touch. I pushed Giselle’s hand down from where it was about to strike Cassandra. 

Cassandra, why don’t you scurry along? I’ll settle things from here” I said, my gaze fully on Giselle. 

Cassandra, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief mumbled a thanks and curtsied before scurrying away, her footsteps echoing in the distance. 

Giselle was breathing heavily, her eyes still wide. She was undeniably flustered as she stammered. “T..Tessa, what are..what are you doing here?” She asked, a flicker of nervousness crossing her face. 

I met her gaze with a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes.” The sound of raised voices tends to carry, Giselle. Especially when it belongs to a distressed maid” 

A flicker of annoyance crossed Giselle’s face again. This doesn’t quite concern you, Tessa. This is a private matter involving my staff and me” 

have a nasty habit of I raised an eyebrow, my gaze challenging Giselle’s “Private matters actually becoming a public spectacle, wouldn’t you agree? Especially when they involve threats and physical harm” I said, my voice hard. 

Giselle scoffed but I couldn’t miss out on the fear in her voice. “Threats?” Her voice was barely above a squeak. “I was merely putting her into her place because she seems to have misplaced something of mine she defended, her eyes boring into mine, 

I crossed my arms amused and my smile turned sardonic. That seemed like a really cute way to put someone in their place,” I said smirking- 

She kept mute. 

“Happy to see me, Giselle?” I finally asked 

I could practically hear her heart beating out of her chest. 

“Look, Tessa. If you’re done with your dramatic little entrance, why don’t you just do us both a favor and get lost? You have caused enough trouble for one night” She said, her frown deepening at each word. 

I chuckled lightly and tilted my head in sheer amusement which I didn’t bother to hide. Gloom wasn’t enough to get rid of me, Giselle? Perhaps next time you should try something more…. permanent 

Giselle gritted her teeth but quickly replaced it with a smirk. “At the end of the day, I’m innocent. You have no proof against me, I did nothing wrong. Just the words of a bitter and shamed ex Luna” 

Chapter 34 

Her words were meant to be a jab at me but I wasn’t in the least concerned. “Really? Then why was our ever–composed Luna in such a panic? Something is missing? What precious little treasure did you say happens to be missing again?” I asked a steely glint in my eyes

Giselle hesitated slightly, a flicker of nervousness betraying her outward bravado.” It was nothing… just a mirror. Nothing more” she said. My eyes caught a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. 

I laughed loudly, my voice echoing in the deserted corner, a chilling sound that made Giselle shiver slightly. A mirror? All this fuss over a mirror? Wow! Are you pushing a maid around for a simple mirror? You’ve really outdone yourself, Giselle” I said clapping sarcastically. 

Giselle’s lips pressed into a thin line, she knew I wasn’t fooled. ” look, Tessa. This isn’t your concern, why don’t you focus on your health more?” She snapped, her voice laced with frustration. 

“Oh, I believe that it’s my concern now. After all, the well–being of the palace staff is a priority, wouldn’t you agree? If you had inflicted harm on her, it would become my problem cos she would. be sent to the med bay.” I countered, my voice unwavering- 

Giselle opened her mouth to retort then shut it, clenching her fist Instead. She glared at me, her face was a mask of suppressed anger. 

“You’re playing a dangerous game here, Tessa.” She hissed, her voice low and menacing. 

“Dangerous, perhaps” I countered, stepping close to her till we were almost nose to nose. “But not as dangerous as the one that you’re playing. It seems your desperation is beginning to show” 

A vein pulsed in Giselle’s temple and I smirked. 

“You!…” She stopped herself from saying more and with a final glare that promised retribution, she turned and stormed out of the maid’s quarters. 


A satisfied tugged at my lips as I watched her go. The encounter had left me shal emboldened, I knew now more than ever and I knew she knew, the battle line was drawn and the battle between us was starting. She would play dirty and I was prepared for it. 

I knew that Giselle would have gone in search of Cassandra and I couldn’t afford Cassandra getting into trouble because she helped me. I was glad that I came when I did, I had stopped Giselle from harming Cassandra. 

I equally left the maid’s quarters. The night air, crisp and cool couldn’t mask the lingering effects of the poison. A dull ache throbbed through my body. With renewed purpose, I began walking towards the med bay, I wanted to check up on Heather again, she was already stable when I left the 

away from med bay. Oh goodness, the children! My eyes darted to the building where they were far away the med bay. I would have to speak to them soon, I was sure that they would be pissed off with me. 

I was walking through the hallways of the med bay when a dark figure emerged from the corners causing me to halt. Will. Shock and disbelief were etched on his face as he saw me, a stark contrast from the indifferent expression usually on his face.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


Chapter 34 

“Tessa! You’re alive!” He croaked, his voice thick with shock and disbelief 

A sardonic laugh escaped my lips. ” should I be offended by the surprise, Will? Or is this a usual reaction to seeing people you wish didn’t make it? It must be because that was the same look on your face when I came back to the pack” 

He opened his mouth to speak but the words seemed to stick in his throat. A part of me, the twisted side of me, enjoyed the fear that replaced his usual arrogance. 

“I..” He stuttered 

“Oh,” I said shaking my head at him. 

“Don’t speak, Will. I know you’re shocked. Take some time to soak it in, it’s not that easy to get rid of me.” I said. 

He licked his lips. 

I smirked and leaned closer, letting my voice drop to a low, dangerous whisper. “Don’t worry will, I won’t die. Not yet. I’m not going anywhere until I get my revenge, you have nothing to fear….yet” 

The impact of my words was evident. His eyes widened and a flicker of something akin to fear replaced the initial shock. 

ing him speechless in my wake, I brushed past him, the weight of 


words hanging heavily in the air. 

I stopped at the door to the med bay and had second thoughts. Hunger gnawed at me, I opened the door to the med bay and walked in, Gia was leaning on a table, a book In her hand. 

“Medic Tessa, you’re back,” She said without looking up 

“I’m gonna go grab some food,” I said to her. 

She simply nodded, her attention focused on the book in her hands 

“Where are the rest?” I asked softly 

“The back,” she said. 

I nodded and left, quietly closing the door behind me. 

The royal kitchen beckoned to me, a haven amidst the storm brewing in the pack, As I neared the kitchen, the scent of freshly baked bread hit my nose, filling my senses. A comforting aroma that soothed my troubled soul. 

I entered the kitchen, the warm and inviting aroma greeting me like a long–lost friend. The head chef, Paul was still in the kitchen, he raised his head up from where he was cleaning a cup and he quickly bowed. 

“Medic Tessa, welcome,” he said. 

11:18 THU, 18 Apr 

Chapter 34 


I felt queasy with the respect he was giving me. 

“Don’t worry, Paul. I am in no position to receive Respect and besides it’s just us two” I said smiling. 

He raised his head up. 

“You’re our greatest support during these times, you’ve saved lives and I respect you for that,” he said and I smiled at him. 

“Can I get something to eat? I’m starved after all that drama” I groaned sitting on the chair closest 

to me. 

“Poor child. Everyone heard of what happened in the meeting hall, I’m glad you’re alive, I was really scared” he said putting a steamed cup of tea in front of me 

I smiled at him gratefully. 


“Thank you, Paul,” I said picking up cup and sipping a little of the comforting tea. Suddenly, the door pushed open and I heard a soft voice from the doorway. 



I choked in different dimensions as I heard him. I wasn’t expecting him there, I spluttered and began coughing. He rushed to my side and began patting my back softly, I felt a tingly sensation down my spine at his touch. 

Paul bowed but I caught the smile playing at the end of his lips. 

“Welcome, Alpha” He greeted. 

Adrian nodded to acknowledge but his gaze was fully fixed on me. I wanted noth. crawl into the ground and hide. 

.nore than to 

“You’re not supposed to be here. You should be resting! Do you know how worried I was?!” Adrian began reprimanding and Paul took that as his cue to leave. 

I took a deep breath and stood up so I was facing him. 

“I’m fine, honestly. I was just hungry…” 

Adrian cut me off, fire dancing in his eyes. 

“You could have sent someone to get you food, why are you so stubborn?” His voice was getting higher. 

“What does it matter to you?!” I found myself asking before I could stop myself. 

He didn’t wait for me to finish before he enveloped me in a tight hug. His familiar scent of lavender 

Chapter 34 

washed over me and I felt my eyes mist up. 

My heart hammered in my chest, a tangled mess of emotions churning within me, Relief, anger, confusion….I didn’t know what to feel. Despite myself, I felt my body melt Into his embrace, The warmth of his arms offered a much needed solace. 

I finally pulled away and looked away so that he wouldn’t see the tears forming in my eyes, I didn’t want him to know that I was vulnerable. 

He was silent for a moment then he walked to the counter where Paul had placed a plate of croissants and he brought them to me. 

“Sit and eat,” He said, his voice filled with concern. 

I obediently sat down, silently cursing myself as to why I was behaving like this. I began to eat while he watched me in silent curiosity, I almost choked once or maybe 5 times if I am being honest but his gaze was becoming intense. 

Soon I was done and I stood up immediately. 

“I’m done!” I announced eager to leave his presence. 

He stood up, his gaze lingering on me and I felt goosebumps over my body. 

He kept coming closer to me and I took a few awkward steps back but I hit the chair behind me making it impossible to move again. 

“Don’t try to run away from me, Tessa. I won’t let you go this time” He said and his gaze traveled. down my body and I suddenly became conscious of what I was wearing, the nightgown was flimsy and a bit see–through. My body shivered under his gaze. 

wered to the spot. 

What was he going to do? For some reason, I couldn’t run, it was like my feet were 

“Tessa, can I ask you something?” He said huskily, his eyes roving around my face till they fell on my lips and stayed there. 

I gulped nervously. 

“What?” I managed to croak. 

“Can…can I kiss you?” 

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