Chapter 37 


I was beyond dejected as I retreated back to my chambers. My conversation with Tessa replayed in my head, her words a constant sting to my troubled heart. The little hope I had held before speaking to her, the possibility of reconnecting with my children had been dashed against the rocks. 

I was frustrated but I understood why she was reserved and I couldn’t blame her. However, after seeing the way the triplets warmed up to me and called me dad even though they didn’t realize I was their dad, it fueled the desperate need to be a part of their lives. 

There was a meeting with the elders and I walked towards the meeting hall, nodding to everyone. who bowed or curtsied as I passed. 

The room buzzed with hushed conversations as I entered. Elders, their faces etched with the wisdom of countless years, turned to bow to me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Elder Williams cleared his throat, signaling for silence. 

“Alpha Adrian” he began, his voice hoarse “we’ve called this meeting to discuss the recent…. developments. That is apart from the plague. Some Elders here are disturbed so we want to clear the air out with you” 

I braced myself, already anticipating the questions that would follow. I had a feeling it was about -Tessa. 


“We all know how Tessa Ignores you. Everyone in the palace knows” another elder, a stout woman with steely grey eyes, spoke up. “It appears she is…well, not exactly welcoming your attempts reconciliation. We do need the children, they are yours after all. We believe that it’s better to make them the next Alpha instead of Derek who isn’t your son.” 

I cleared my throat as shame burned in my throat. “I derstand her apprehension,” I admitted, my voice low. “I made terrible mistakes in the past, and I’m paying the price for them now. I’m not expecting her to forgive me that easily” 

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. Then, Elder Thorne, a man k sharp tongue and unwavering loyalty to tradition, interjected. 

for his 

“Apprehension? I wouldn’t call it that, Alpha Adrian. But Tessa, she comes back into our territory after being banished and willingly decides to help us with this plague. Forgive my skepticism and pessimistic behavior, but something doesn’t smell right.” 

A tense silence followed. Some Heads nodded in agreement with Elder Thorne’s statement while others kept silent. The accusation hung heavy in the air, a seed of doubt planted in their minds. 

Before I could formulate a response, another elder, a woman with a kind smile and gentle eyes, countered Thorne’s point. “We shouldn’t jump to conclusions, Elder Thorne. Perhaps there’s more to the story than we know. Perhaps she truly wants to help us” 




He divorced his inferule wife. Five months later, 4.4★ FREE Installed his ex–wile was pregnant! 


Chapter 17 

Her words resonated with me. But the damage was done. The suspicion in their eyes fueled a surge of anger within me. How could they still accuse someone who had helped us during these times 

“Tessa is not here with malicious intent,” I stated, my voice firm. “She’s a good woman, a strong 

all. She’s here as a renowned medic and still holds a grudge against us but she still does her job 

well without the intention of harming us.” 

“Without the intention of harming us? Is that really possible?” Elder Thorne scoffed. “We abandoned her when she was most vulnerable, cast her out like yesterday’s garbage. Now, you expect her to welcome us with open arms without having cruel intentions? Forgive me but I think you should be realistic, Alpha Adrian.” 

His words were laced with venom. I clenched my fists, the urge to lash out rising within me. He was getting on my nerves and I don’t know how long before my patience would snap. 

Then, as if sensing my rising temper, he added a disparaging remark, “Perhaps she’s realized greener pastures don’t exist, and now she’s back, tail between her legs, seeking the comfort of the pack again under the guise of the medic.”  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

anger, frustration, 

That was it. The dam broke. In a blur of motion, fueled by several emotions and a desperate need to defend Tessa’s honor – I crossed the room 

in a heartbeat using my speed. Elder Thome, startled by my sudden aggression, barely had time to register my movement before I stood inches from him, claws extended at his face. 

A collective gasp filled the room. Elders scrambled back, fear flickering in their eyes. 

“Don’t you ever speak of Tessa that way again, I will not tolerate that,” I growled, my voice a low 


Elder Williams perhaps sensing the height of my anger, intervened. “Alpha Adrian, please calm down” His voice firm 

Shame washed over me as I realized the severity of my actions. Retracting my claws, I stepped back and raised my chin. 

“Forgive me, Elders, I mumbled, the remorse in my voice evident. “I lost control. But I will not tolerate another bad word against Tessa. This is hypocrisy, she has nothing to lose, she ld just walk out of this pack and leave us to die but she didn’t so stop saying bullshit about h 

The meeting ended on a tense note. I dismissed everyone but Elder Williams stayed behind. 

“You need to learn to control your temper, Alpha Adrian, I understand that you did not like his comment but you shouldn’t lose your control that easily, a temper like that could lead you to tear him to pieces. Elder Thorne does have a sharp tongue known for stupid remarks but you just have to ignore him” he said, his voice laced with concern. “This is not who we are. We are a pack, yes, but we are also governed by reason.” 

I nodded, accepting his reprimand. “I understand, Elder Williams. I apologize for my outburst.” 



He divorced his infertile wife. Five months later, 44★ FREE Installed his ex-wife was pregnant! 



Chapter 37 

“Go and cool down, he advised, a hint of sympathy softening his gaze. “We can have this meeting again when you’ve had time to compose yourself.” 

I trudged back to my chambers, the weight of the meeting pressing down on me. The elders‘ concern was expected; my outburst was a reflection of the turmoil within. It wasn’t just Elder Thorne’s words that made me lash out, it was the combination of his words and Tessa’s words. 

The image of Tessa’s face, etched with anger and defiance, played on repeat in my mind. It was weird, the previous day she had been nice to me then the next day she was bitter towards me, it was like she was having mind changes about me. Her words echoed inside my head, each one a sharp rebuke and jab at my heart “Don’t see them anymore… They have everything they need with me and each other.” 

Frustration bubbled up again. Did she not understand my yearning? The years I’d spent away, haunted by the memories of the life I’d thrown away, gnawed at me. All I craved was a chance to connect with my children, to be a part of their lives, even if it was from a distance. All I wanted was for her to trust me again. 

The room felt suffocating. Needing a distraction, I made my way towards the dining hall, hoping to quell the hunger in my stomach, it was already time for lunch. 

As I entered, the clatter of cutlery filled the air. My gaze landed on Giselle, seated at a table near the window, diligently picking at her food. She looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before a practiced smile spread across her lips. She was the only one here and I didn’t want to be with her 

at this time. 

“Adrian,” she greeted, her voice laced with a hint of sweetness that repulsed me. “Come join me. Have a seat 

I hesitated, the memory of her earlier comment about Tessa still fresh. 

“No, thank you, Giselle,” I declined a little bit too stiffly I’m not really hungry.” 

but now b 

I was hungry but not hungry enough to want to sit with her to eat. 

Disappointment flickered across her features, quickly replaced by a mask of understanding. “Of course,” she murmured, her gaze lingering on me. I knew behind that mask of underst sheer anger, she hated people telling her no. 

ng was 

Without another word, I turned and walked away, the weight of loneliness settling over me. I just wanted to be alone. 

Back in my chambers, I found myself drawn to the window, a sliver of hope clinging to the possibility of seeing Tessa and the children. Maybe a glimpse of them, from afar, would offer some solace to my troubled heart. 

As dusk painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, I spotted them – Tessa and Gia, the little medic assistant, walking back from the medical bay, a basket of apples cradled in Tessa’s arms. Laughter, faint but unmistakable, filled my ears. My heart ached with a bittersweet 

pang. I strained 




He divorced his infertile wife. Five months later, 4.4 FREE Installed his ex–wife was pregnant! 


10:34 Fri, 19 Apr M 

Chapter 87 

my ears to listen and I smiled bitterly unable to hear their conversation. 

The image fueled a desire to reach out, to bridge the gap that separated us. But what could I say again? How could I convince her to give me another chance? I had said everything but she still didn’t trust me. I wanted to meet the children again but I also wanted to respect the boundary she had set this time. I didn’t want to intrude on her privacy, everything would work out in due time. 

Despair settled over me, heavy and suffocating. With a defeated sigh, I reached for a bottle of wine from a cabinet beside my table, seeking solace in its taste and intoxicating habits. Just a glass or two, nothing more, I told myself before settling down. 

One glass turned into two, then three, four… The sting of the alcohol provided a temporary escape from the turmoil within me. Time blurred as I drowned my sorrows in the crimson liquid. I drank too much, too much for my wolf to handle. 

The room blurred and seemed to be split in two as I finally rose to my feet, my head spinning. The intention of grabbing some water led me down a confusing hallway, my steps unsteady and my vision blurry. I stumbled past the sentinels who gave me a curious look while Bowing. 

I stumbled upon a doorway and I stopped staring at it, where was I? I didn’t know where I was, my eyes were blurry. Without much thought, I pushed it open, expecting to find an empty chamber or something 

Instead, I was met with the sight of a woman with flowing hair, her back towards me. My heart leaped, momentarily convinced it was Tessa. 

“You… you just don’t understand.” I slurred, my voice thick with intoxication. “I… I love 


Before I could react, the woman turned back to me, and a pair of slender arms snaked around neck, pulling me into a clumsy embrace. My heart skipped a beat, was she really hugging me? 

Her slim hands on my neck felt oddly weird and my vision began to clear. It wasn’t Tessa. It was Giselle, her face a mask of shock and something else – a hint of…triumph? Oh god, not 


My stomach lurched at the sight of her. Disorientation and the remnants of intoxication made the scene worse for me. How could I mistake Giselle for Tessa? 

I of 

Tessa’s face appeared in the doorway, frozen in a look of disbelief and jealousy? The apples lay forgotten on the floor, its contents scattered around her feet. When did she get here? It wants what she was thinking? The alcohol suddenly lost control over me and I became sober. 

A wave of shame crashed over me, the gravity of my situation hitting me like a punch to the gut. I had crossed a line, and the consequences were about to unfold but I wasn’t ready for it. The incident had taken me a step back in my reconciliation with Tessa but I didn’t know if it was possible to gain it back. 


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