Chapter 40 


A stiver of sunlight shone through a gap in the curtains, and across my eyelids. I squeezed my eyes thut, the remnants of a dream clinging to the edges of my consciousness. It was a jumbled mess of emotions Adrian’s frustrated plea, the raw possessiveness in his voice when spoke of Daphne, and 

flicker of something warm and familiar that sent a jolt through me. And Love. 

Love. The very word sent a tremor through me. Did I truly love him? I was having second thoughts again. The question hung heavy in the air, a truth I wasn’t quite ready to face. With a sigh, I pushed myself out of bed, the events of yesterday crashing down on me like a tidal wave. His declaration, my tangled emotions, the unspoken pact that hung between us it was all a bit overwhelming. No, not again. I didn’t want to be confused, I was going to trust him, I wanted to and I would. But I wouldn’t become vulnerable

Reluctantly, I pushed myself off the bed and got ready before going into the med bay. The familiar daily routine offered a sense of comfort amidst the emotional turmoi that I feltl within. Heather was the first patient I went to check on my rounds. She sat propped up in bed, picking at the breakfast tray untouched before her. Her usually vibrant eyes were clouded with a thoughtful frown. She seemed to be thinking deeply about something. 

“Hey, Heather,” I greeted, placing a hand on her frail shoulder. “Everything alright?“. She looked so distant and it disturbed me. 

She offered a weak smile, but her eyes remained distant. “Just thinking,” she mumbled, picking at a piece of toast. “Good morning, Medic Tessa” She murmured. 

Sensing she wasn’t ready to open up, I decided to leave it be. I wouldn’t force her to say something that she wouldn’t want to. 

“Well, try and eat something, dear” I encouraged, placing a gentle hand on her arm soothingly. “Your body needs the strength to recover. I’m sure you want to recover quickly so that you can meet mama and papa” 

Her eyes glazed over and became focused. 

“I do, I want to meet them. I’ll do anything to see them” She muttered against her breath. She sounded desperate. Too desperate. 

“Well, the only way you’re gonna see them is if you get better soon so finish up” I urged. 

With a murmured thanks, she took a hesitant bite of toast. Finishing my rounds, I foun waiting for me outside the wards, a smile on his face. 

“Hey, how’s it going?” he asked, a weary smile on his face. He had come back late the previous night but still wanted to be in the med bag 

Just finished rounds,” I replied. “Everything seems stable for now.No new case neither is there any 




He divorced his infertile wife. Five months later. 4.4 FREE Installed his ex–wife was pregnant! 



Good Look why don’t you go grab some food? I handle things here for a while. I’m sure you to hungry · Gabe said. 

1 rubbed at my eyes, 

Where Cia, Eva and Zed?I asked noticing that they weren’t in the med bay. 

He shrugged

It’s just us today, I gave them the day off, they looked terrible” He said, shaking his head. 

So do you” I noted. 

I know” He said, raising his hand up to indicate that I stop scolding him. “I’m fine, go grab something to eat first and check up on the children” He said dismissively. 

I looked at him for a few more seconds

“Alright, Thanks Gabe” I said gratefully before leaving to the kitchen, I always ate my food in the kitchen, I didn’t want to go to the general dining. 

The aroma of freshly baked bread drew me towards the kitchen. Paul, the head chef, greeted me with a warm smile. “Tessa! Good morning. My choice?” He asked flipping some pancakes over. 

“Hey, Amelia, watch that stew there and make sure it doesn’t burn” He said to a pale looking girl at the back. 

“Anything you choose Sounds perfect,” I replied, sinking into a chair at the counter. 

Minutes later, As I devoured the warm bread and savory stew, Paul entertained me with stories of his childhood spent helping his grandmother in the kitchen. g his grandmother in the kitchen. 

“My grandma used to say that the best medicine is good food and laughter, she was right” Paul chuckled, wiping flour off his brow. “Seems fitting for a pack medic, wouldn’t you say?” He asked kneading a dough. 

I smiled, a genuine one this time. He was fun to talk to “You know, Paul, you might be onto something there. Food is indeed something we all need” For a fleeting moment, a stupid thought crossed my mind “I don’t love Adrian, I love the food in the pack“, it was stupid of course but…. Oh, come on! I was just looking for an excuse. 

ne past 

The simple act of sharing a meal and conversation felt strangely comforting. The weigh. few days seemed to lift a little, replaced by a warmth that spread through me as I drank a cup of water drown my throat to ease the thirst. 

With a full stomach and a lighter heart, I made my way towards the nanny. A sliver of apprehension tightened in my chest as I approached the door. What would th children be doing by this time? Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door. 




He divorced his infertile wife. Five months later. 44 FREE his ex–wife was pregnant! 

Installed Open 

Chapter 40 

The scene that greeted me was a picture of domestic bliss and happiness. Adrian sat on the floor, surrounded by a whirlwind of giggles and toys. Ria, perched on a chair next to him was babbling excitedly, while Leo constructed an elaborate tower out of wooden blocks at his feet. He looked up as I entered, a startled expression giving way to a relieved smile. The nanny sat down on a foldable. chair carefully watching them but she quickly stood up and curtsied upon my arrival. 

“Tessal” Kai squealed, scrambling off Adrian’s lap and hurtling towards me. I scooped him up in a hug, burying my face in his soft curls. The scent of his innocence and playfulness washed over me, momentarily pushing away the weight of the situation. My little bundles of joy, they brought happiness where they went. 

“You’re finally here!” he exclaimed, peppering my face with kisses. “Dad’s fun to play with, mama!” 

My face flushed with embarrassment at his words. Dad? It would take a while to get used to that but I knew that I would get used to hearing them call him that. 

He looked up as I entered, a startled expression giving way to a relieved smile. “Tessa!” he exclaimed, his voice tinged with genuine surprise. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.” 

“Gabe’s covering for me for a bit,” I explained, my cheeks burning slightly under his scrutinizing gaze. “So I thought I’d check in on the munchkins.” 

“You’re just in time, Adrian said, gesturing to the precarious tower of blocks. “Ty’s about to break a world record.” 

I crouched down next to Ty, who beamed at me with a gap–toothed grin. 

“Wow, that’s impressive, Leo! You’re a natural architect.” I said patting his head. 

“Good morning by the way, Alpha” I greeted him trying to keep the tremor out of my voice. 

He met my gaze and lingered on me. “Godd morning. Tessa” He said. 

The causal tone in his voice knocked me off guard briefly. But it felt good to hear it. 

He stood up and carefully dropped sky on the warm mat, a smile playing at the corner of his lips

“We were just having some fun,” he said, his voice warm and inviting as he stared at me.  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The air crackled with unspoken emotions. Despite the playful atmosphere, there was a lingeri tension, one of unspoken desires. I found myself drawn in, mesmerized by the way his crinkled at the corners when he smiled and how his worn hands moved so gently with t 

th when I came in. They liked him and he liked them but I wasn’t comfortable with their level of closeness for now, they had warmed up to him too quickly. 



“I suppose I can spare a few minutes with you guys, why don’t you take a break, Alpha Adrian?


He shook his head. 



He divorced his infertile wife Five months later, 4.4★ FREE his ex–wife was pregnant! 



10:35 Fri, 19 Apr 

Chapter 40 

“No, I haven’t been here for that long so I don’t intend leaving now” He said to me.. 

I nodded simply to him but I smiled inwardly. 

The next one hour flew by in a blur of laughter and shared stories. We built towers, read picture. books, and chased each other around the room. A part of me was so comfortable in the normalcy of it all, the easy environment, the comfortable silences. Another part, however, remained wary, guarded against the potential for heartbreak and pain for both my children and I. 

Conscious of how much time I had spent, I straightened up and said. “I’ve spent enough time here. Thank you for you time here, Alpha Adrian. I’ll need to go check on the med bay to ease the work 

off Gabe” I said. 

Ria wished me good luck while Kai, Ty and Sky simply waved bye to me, completely unbothered by my leaving, of course, Adrian would keep them company. But seriously, did this man have nothing doing? Hello?! He wasn’t a nanny yet he had been here for a long time. 

Adrian stepped out with me and for a second, we both kept silent, not knowing what to say. 

“They seem to like you, I finally managed, my voice barely above a whisper, refusing to meet his 


“Well, they are pretty darn likable themselves,” he replied, his gaze lingering on me for a beat too long. I understand you have to go, duty calls. We were just about to embark on a daring rescue. mission with Captain Kai and Princess Ria leading the charge.” 

A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. “Sounds like I can’t miss that but I have to.” 

There was a round of awkward silence again. 

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he began, his voice low and serious. “Something important.” He added quickly. 

My breath hitched in my throat. What was he about to say? My mind raced with possibilities, each one more nerve–wracking than the last. No! I didn’t want to hear it, not now. 

“Can it wait?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper. “I… I need to get back to the med bay. There might be something I need to attend to. Gabe is really tired and I have wasted enough time” It was a flimsy. excuse, I knew, but I needed some time away, he seemed pretty darned serious about what he wanted to say and it was bothering. What was it? He wanted an answer? He wanted to apologize again? Did he want to tell me that he didn’t mean what he said yesterday? That couldn‘ 


He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching mine. “Alright,” he finally conceded, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face briefly. “But promise me we’ll talk about this soon. It’s important. 

“I promise,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. With a final lingering look, I turned and. walked away, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air as I left his presence. 

The playful echoes of the nursery seemed a world away, replaced by the sterile and eerie silence of 



He divorced his infertile wife. Five months later, his ex–wife was pregnant! 

4.4 FREE 

Installed Open 

Chapter 40 

the hallway. 

Pushing open the door, i was met with a disquieting emptiness. Perhaps Gabe had slept off? A prickle of unease crawled up my spine. I looked round and rushed to Heather’s ward. 

empty room. 

“Heather?” I called out, my voice echoing in Heather’s empty ward. No response. 

My heart caught in my throat and dread washed over me as I looked round her 

No,no,no. Please no, she wasn’t well yet but I knew that she had escaped, escaped back to her family. 

Damn it!. 


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