Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 13

The wind blows angrily in every direction. The trees swung, and the leaves were falling everywhere. Then, I saw something pouring from the sky. Snow. I stop and look up at the sky. This is the first time that Layla is not with me at the first snowfall of the year. We always enjoy watching and playing together in the snow. But I am too far away from Layla right now. I still can't believe that I teleported myself in the forest not far away from the Shepherds’ pack where Azrael felt pain and almost died because of me. But I still despise him, though.

When he said he wanted to come with me, I was hesitant. Instead, I asked him if we could go back to his packhouse. And now we were walking towards his territory while I was asking him questions. Azrael told me everything about what happened to all the Blueming packs. I couldn't help but feel sad. The vampires who were looking for me murdered them. And the vampires leave a note saying, bring us Alexandria Gregory and I will reward you with anything you want.

Vampires will do anything to get me and Azrael told me that everyone was looking for me. And that means including him, but to warn me. He said only Beta Lucian was the one who survived the massacre. But I felt anxious about Beta Lucian’s reaction if he saw me. Azrael will make sure he can't lay a finger on me because Lucian was mad at me.

Azrael and I walk silently and just feel the strong brush of the wind into our fur. Afterward, the ground was filled with snow. It's getting chilly but since we were werewolves, we didn't get cold that easily as our bodies were immune to the cold.

Right now, we are walking towards the Shepherds’ packhouse. Azrael offered to stay in his packhouse. I agreed, but just for a while. I still need to go back to Sabrina's house because I am going to train my powers, especially since I already used teleportation.

I guess I can teleport anytime back to Sabrina's house, but I choose to stay with Azrael for a while, asking what happened to the Blueming pack. Beta Lucian was staying in Shepherd's pack and still mourning what happened because his family also died. I feel bad for him.

This got me to a conclusion. What if it is the vampire who killed my parents? Maybe they erase some of my memory of the night my parents got murdered? Or maybe they put a spell on me? I will find that out.

“Are you okay?" Azrael asked me. I look at him.

'Yeah.' I answered and then continued walking.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at Shepherd's packhouse. A group of people were walking towards us while looking at me in awe. Oh, I forgot that I was still glowing. Azrael growled, and all the people bowed at us. I was glad Beta Lucian was not around

A tall man and a petite woman approached us with clothes in their hands.

Azrael looks at me. “Go with Lucy. She will accompany you to get dressed.’

“Okay.’ Then I turned my gaze to the woman, who was still staring at me in awe.

"F-Follow me.” the woman and, and I trotted towards her. 1 just followed the woman towards the back of the house and she prepared the clothes. She turned her back, and that's my cue to transform into my human form. I wore the clothes she gave me, which fit me well.

"You can turn now," I said.

The woman slowly turned to me and froze, never blinking her eyes. My forehead creased. Did I scare her?

"Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly.

She gulped. "Y-Yeah! Y-you're gorgeous! I mean... y-you're like a goddess!" she stumbled into her words. I chuckled.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly because I was not used to the compliments. Only Layla complimented me my whole life.

“I'm Andrea. You are?"

"I am Lucy, Luna." I smile at her.

"Please, just call me, Andrea,” I said. She hesitated, but nodded afterward. "The man with you earlier, is he your mate?" I asked, and I saw her cheeks flushed red. She nodded, flustered. Oh.

"Did he treat you well?" I asked again

"Yeah," she said, smiling. Good for her. Then why did my mate hurt me and reject me? "He was too good for me, to be honest.” She continued. "I feel really special if he's around.”

"He's a good guy then." She hummed.

Silence enveloped us as we walked inside the house and up to the stairs. I just followed her until we reached a chocolate brown wooden door. She opened the door and ushered me to go in. I nodded and stepped inside a big room.

"This is Alpha's room and you can stay here for a while. He'll come any minute. If you need anything, just call me," she said politely.

I smiled back. "I will. Thank you, Lucy." I said as I scanned the entire room. It was so manly, like Azrael. The king-size bed with white sheets was so neat, like no one slept in there. I choose to sit on the big black sofa while still scanning the room. The interior was only a plain color. The paint was a mix of gray and black.

Lucy cleared her throat, and I looked at her. She seemed hesitant.

"Hmm, Andrea, can I ask you something?" Lucy said hesitantly.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you... hmm... are you the Wolf Goddess?"

My forehead creased, and my eyebrows furrowed together. I shook my head no. "What made you think that?"

"Because you are exactly fit with the description in the book about the Wolf Goddess.”

That excites my interest. "Can you tell me what you read about the Wolf Goddess?" she nodded. "Well, the books say that the appearance of the Wolf Goddess differs from everyone. She has a glowing fur that illuminates in the dark and can be easily detected because she has a powerful aura like we felt when you showed up.” She explained while eyeing me intently.

"That description fits me well. But I'm sure, I am not the Wolf Goddess." I said.

She nodded hesitantly, and I know she still has doubts. "Can I borrow the book?" I asked

She nodded. "Yes, I will bring it to you tomorrow." I nodded.

"Thanks, Lucy.” she smiles.

"Hmm, I'm going now. The Alpha is coming," she said, and I nodded because I could hear Azrael's footsteps and his scent filled my nostrils.

Lucy walked out of the room and I went over to the window. I noticed the backyards were full of snow. I smiled as I saw five kids playing in the snow. They were making a snowman.

I heard the door open, and I knew Azrael had come in. I can smell his aromatic scent that was so intoxicating. But I remain in my position.

"Hey..." Azrael mumbled beside me.

I looked at him, who was already staring at me with a smile. Our gaze met, and I saw fascination in his dark brown eyes. He froze and never blinked his eyes. He had the same expressions as Lucy.

I know my appearance has changed since my powers showed up tremendously. My complexion became more white and all my scars disappeared.

I understand Azrael's reaction because I looked different when we met before.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He startled and scratched his nape in embarrassment.

"Uh, yeah," he uttered, still flustered. I nodded and turned my gaze back outside.

We stood there awkwardly. I'm still not used to Azrael's presence since he made his first impression on me. I admit I am still hurt by the way he treated me before.

"I'm sorry." I look back at Azrael with a creased forehead. "I know what I've done was unforgivable. I know I am a jerk and stupid. I'm really sorry, Alexandria." he said while staring at me. I can feel the sincerity in his voice. I was moved a little.

His adam apple moved, and he continued, "I'm taking back my words of rejection towards you, Alexandria Gregory. And I promise to not hurt you again.”

I was stunned. I said nothing back. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Come on, Alex, say something. Our mate is waiting.’ Xandra said.

What will I say, Xandra?

“Tell him you forgive him and take back your rejection towards him, too." she said.

I can't.

“Why not?’

You know, I can't.

I saw the sadness in Azrael's eyes. Am I cruel for not forgiving my mate? But I'm just scared. I'm scared for all of us because I am dangerous. Troubles always follow me around. I can't let the vampires kill them because of me.

Azrael smiled faintly while sighing. "Are you hungry?" he asked. I shook my head no. I am not hungry, but I am thirsty.

"I need blood," I whispered, and he was caught off guard.

"What?" he muttered. I heaved a sigh.

"I need blood," I repeated. He was stunned.

"Why do you need blood?" he asked, dumbfounded.

I sighed. "Because I am thirsty," I answered shortly. His forehead creased in confusion.

"I don't understand,” he said, looking flummoxed.

"Azrael, I am also a vampire,” I revealed. He stepped backward and shock was written all over his face. Tsk. I know he will freak out.

He gulped and stared at me in disbelief. "I don't believe you,” he murmured.

I sighed. I guess I have to show him. "Azrael, look at me and say I am not a vampire,” I said with authority, and he nodded hastily.

Slowly, my vision turned bloody red, and my long fangs showed on both sides of my lips. I can hear his heart beat faster. He stood there frozen while staring at me with an indescribable expression. I thought he would attack me. "Will you still accept me as your mate?" I asked.

He looked dazed and cleared his throat to find his voice. He was trying to utter a word, but nothing came out. I guess my revelation shocked him. I heard footsteps coming into this room, so I turned myself back to normal again.

Azrael was still stunned, and I just stared at him coldly. Now what? Will he judge me? Or perhaps, reject me again?

Then there's a knock on the door.

"Alpha?! Are you in there?!" a voice said and then the door opened, revealing four guys. Their gaze found mine, and they froze. What was wrong with these werewolves?

"Matthew? What are you all doing here?" Azrael uttered, still in a daze.

"Az—Alpha, we sensed a vampire a minute ago, but it's suddenly gone.” the man uttered. Azrael looks at me with a conflicted look.

"Find him and look for his traces,” Azrael said. A lie. I secretly smirked.

The four guys nodded and left immediately. But a man is standing in the doorway with bloodshot eyes while glaring at me deadly. I gasped.


"Beta Lucian..." I uttered.

I could hear his heartbeat faster; his fist clenched tightly and eyes darkened, and I knew what was coming. In just a second, he was choking me.

"YOU! You are the reason why the entire pack was MURDERED!" he snarled and was fuming mad. I was gasping for air, but I never tried resisting his grasp. I just let him take out his grudge. Suddenly, Beta Lucian was out of my sight, and I heard a loud thud. Then I stumbled onto the floor. I looked up from where the sound was and saw Azrael pinning Beta Lucian into the wall, snarling at the man.

I heard a lot of footsteps coming and I stood up before Azrael killed Beta Lucian. But Beta Lucian fought back Azrael. He was still fuming with rage. I tried to stop them, but they refused to acknowledge me.

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO HURT MY MATE!!!" Azrael growled and threw Beta Lucian into the wall repeatedly. Beta Lucian groaned in pain.

What am I going to do?!

“Now, Alex. Before they will kill each other.” Willow said.

I sighed, and I had no choice but to use my other powers.

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