Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 18

[Third Person POV]

Vorges, the Vampire King's son, was grinning widely while walking the hallway towards the King's throne room. Other vampires looked at him with brows furrowed. They barely saw him entering the castle. With respect to their King's son, they bowed their heads. Some greeted Vorges, but he just swiftly passed by them, as his time was more precious than chit-chatting around like a useless vampire. He knew his fellow vampires hated his guts. So he didn't bother getting along with them. The big double wooden door automatically opened when he stopped at the entrance. With head held high, he quickly entered inside the wide room with a dark marble floor, where a man in the center sat in a big emperor chair dressed in black clothing with a red cape and a crown on top of his head. Two girls were kissing the King and seductively bit the King's earlobe. He looks coldly at Vorges, who has a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Greetings! My King!" Vorges uttered and bowed his head while grinning.

"In what circumstances brought you here, my son." the King uttered in a bored tone.

"Well, my King, I have great news for you," Vorges answered confidently. The King raised an eyebrow with a little curious expression.


"I found her, my King," Vorges said while grinning.

"Who?" asked the King suddenly uninterested.

"The Chosen One..." Vorges said with a smirk.

The King laughed hysterically. Vorges' brows furrowed in confusion and frowned. Wondering why his father laughed at the news.

"What's funny, father?" he asked dumbfounded.

The King cleared his throat and spoke. "Someone beat you to it, my son.”

Vorges narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist. "Who?!" he said with his raised voice, which earned a glare from the King.

"Someone that will help me get her.” the King answered confidently.

Vorges clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth. "Do me a favor, my son.” The King uttered when he noticed the sudden change of Vorges mood. He knew his son wouldn't take any defeat. Vorges looked at his father with a grim expression. "What is it?"

The King grinned. "Bring me the girl and I will compensate you with anything you want.”

A wide grin plastered on Vorges face. "Anything I want?" he made sure.

"Yes, my son.” The King answered without a doubt.

"What if I asked you to transfer the throne to me?" he said boldly.

The King frowned but grinned afterward. "Deal. But bring her alive without a scratch.”

Vorges smirked. "Deal."

"Okay, dismiss.” the King uttered hastily while moaning when the girls touched him. Vorges grimace in disgust, but choose to ignore it.

Vorges left the throne room while grinning. He put his two hands under his pocket while walking towards the empty hallway. He wondered where the vampires went.

He stopped when he noticed a person standing and leaning against the wall wearing a black cloak. He couldn't see his face because it was dark.

"Long time no see, Vorges." a sexy hoarse voice said.

Vorges eyes widened a little while staring at the person in the black cloak. He was stunned. The voice echoed in his head repeatedly. He couldn't believe his eyes and froze while images flashed in his head.

"What are you doing here, woman?!" he hissed while clenching his fist.

"Relax, I'm not here to piss you off. I'm here for the King." the woman answered cockily. "How does it feel to be a second choice, Vorges?" the woman mocked him, two arms folded in her chest as she straightened her back from leaning against the wall.

Vorges clenched his fist tightly. "What do you want from my father?" he asked, ignoring the question. The woman smirked.

"It's none of your business, Vorges."

Vorges glared at the woman. "Remember this woman, once I see you again, I will kill you!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Go on, Vorges. As if you can kill me. You didn't even kill the Shepherd Alpha.”

Vorges narrowed his eyes, and his vision became dark red. "I already killed him!" he said, clenching his teeth.

"Are you sure?" the woman uttered while smirking.

"I poisoned him and I know he's dead by now!"

"Oh, you totally underestimated the power of his mate. He's alive, you moron!" the woman spat. Vorges clenched his fist and his eyes darkened. He hissed at the woman. "One more insult, woman. And I will send you to your death!" he said dangerously.

The woman walked towards him and whispered into his ear, "My dear, you send me to my death a lot of times, but I'm surprised I'm still alive,” she chuckled. "Prepare for her wrath because she will make sure to send you for your suffering.” the woman uttered before turning her back on Vorges and walked towards the throne room.

Vorges laughed and echoed through the hallway. "I'm not afraid, woman!" he shouted before turning himself into a bat and flew away from the vampire castle.

[Alexandria's POV]

After breakfast, Sabrina brought us to her training grounds. I looked around and noticed it was just an empty space. The marble beige floor was shining and I'm hesitant to step on it. I mean, the maids clearly did a good job cleaning this whole big empty room.

I watched Sabrina as she cast a spell on the entire room. I can feel her strong powers flowing to her body.

"What are you doing?" I asked, with brows furrowed.

"I put barriers, so that if you're planning on breaking everything. The outside will not disturb.” “Oh,”

"Okay, Alex, sat in the center. We will train your power today. So what power do you possess?" she asked and sat on the marble floor with legs crisscrossed.

Before answering her questions, I sat on the floor with my legs crisscrossed. "I only used teleportation and mind reading,” I said, and I saw Layla frown a little. She also sat on the floor, her back against the wall, while Azrael just stood up on the opposite side of Layla while leaning against the wall. He intently watched us.

"So, you can read minds?" Sabrina said.

I grinned. "All the time.”

"Clever girl. You secretly read my mind, do you?" she said while rolling her eyes.

I chuckled, not feeling guilty, and said, “It's fun reading someone's thoughts!"

Sabrina shook her head in disbelief.

"Waaahhhhh Alex! You probably read my thoughts every time!" Layla whined, which made me laugh. I wink at Layla and her face flushed red.

I saw Azrael's eyes widened. He's probably thinking that I read his mind.

"Don't worry, Azra! I didn't read your mind!" I said while chuckling. He sighed in relief.

"Okay okay, let's move on,” Sabrina interrupted, "Close your eyes, Alex, and empty your mind."

I nodded and closed my eyes. Then put my thoughts aside and empty my mind. I feel void, lost, and nothing...

“Connect with your inner self, Alex, and feel your powers." I heard Sabrina's voice. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

All I saw was darkness like I am in a different world. I am inside of my mind. I turned around to find an exit. The silence was deafening and I couldn't even muster a word. I walked through the darkness slowly, trying to find a light.

"Hi Alex," a hoarse voice said, yet so sexy. I gasped as I recognized the voice.

"Val? Is that you?" I inquired

"Yes, Alex. Turn to your left." my heart skipped a beat and turned to my left.

I blinked my eyes as the light almost blinded me. There's a small door that opens slightly.

"Val? Are you in there?" I asked while slowly making my way to the slightly ajar door.

"Come, Alex.” I heard Willow's voice.

"Enter the door, Alex," Xandra said.

I gasped, then reached the side of the door and opened it slowly. The light blinded me again as I stepped inside. The door automatically closes itself.

When my vision adjusted, my mouth hung in awe. There were trees, a house, and a small lake around me. I look up to see the sun shining brightly and directly hit my snow-white, milky skin. Three beautiful pairs of eyes were looking at me while smiling and showing their pearly white teeth. "Welcome to our world, Alex." they all said happily.

I couldn't help but gasp in utter disbelief and said, "What am I doing here?"

They all giggled and walked towards me. A girl with red eyes was smiling widely, while her fangs were visible on both sides of her lips. Her hair is auburn brown cascading behind her back. When the wind blew her hair to the side, her two dimples showed. Wow, she also has dimples like mine. She was wearing a red cloak and a pair of black clothing underneath. She's really a vampire. So, this is Val. It's like I'm looking at the mirror. Wait, she also didn't get burned under the sunlight? So, that explains why I didn't get burned too?

"I'm so happy to finally see you with us!" Val exclaimed in joy and hugged me tightly.

"My long wait is over!" Xandra said and hugged me, too. She has a bright ocean blue set of eyes that is now sparkling with joy. Her eyes were the most expressive, yet almost dark in the shade. Xandra is beautiful with her glowing golden-white hair.

"You're probably wondering why you are here, Alex,” Willow said while smiling at me. She has the forest green set of eyes, yet cold like mine. But it lights up when in contact with mine. Her white, long, straight hair is so stunning.

She hugged me happily, and I nodded at Willow when we released our hug. "Yeah, I wonder why," I uttered.

"Because from now on, we will be able to switch with you. I mean, all four of us can switch anytime if needed.” Willow stated, and my brows furrowed together in confusion.

"What? I don't understand.” I said while frowning.

"Well, let me explain, Alex, but before that, let's get inside the house,” Willow said.

"We will answer all your questions, Alex!" Xandra uttered.

I nodded and followed them into the small house. But the moment I stepped foot inside the house, my eyes widened in surprise.

The small house was actually so big inside. And the interior was so nice and a perfectly designed wall with plenty of paintings hanging. Books piled neatly in every wooden rectangular size attached to the wall. The leather white sofa sat confidently beside the window while a glass center table with stainless legs perfectly carved on both sides filled with books. I saw spiral stairs going up to, maybe, in their rooms. I was still in awe.

My three spirits led me to a room. I saw a rectangular wooden black walnut smooth finished dining table with six wooden chairs in leather cushions.

We sat gracefully, and I smiled widely at the sight. I didn't expect that I could see and hug them now.

"Okay, explain to me why I am here." I started.

Willow cleared her throat and spoke, "Because you finally accepted to your heart that we are one. You successfully connected to us and because of that, you can now freely use your powers. And it will be hard for us because we are overflowing with power. But don't worry, we will help control it." I nodded. I'm glad they could help me.

"Because of that, Alex, we can all finally switch. Xandra, Willow, and I can also switch with you if needed by circumstances.” Val said while smiling.

"So, you can be me? And when one of you switches with me, then I will be here with you?" they nodded in unison. Woah.

"But hey, we shouldn't let Val switch always,” Xandra said.

Val whined and pouted, "Why not?" We all laughed at Val. She's so cute.

"Because we all know how tactless and curious you were!" Willow said, and Val rolled her eyes and pouted more. I chuckled.

"I beg to differ!” Val whined, and we burst out laughing.

"Okay, enough. Alex should go back now before our mate, Layla and Sabrina will freak out!” Xandra uttered. I pouted.

Val pokes my dimples while giggling. "Stop pouting. You can see us at night. We can watch the sunset together,” she said, and I smiled widely, then nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, Alex. See you later.” Xandra and Willow said.


We all stood up, and they walked me outside towards the closed door. Before I opened the door, I hugged them all and waved my hand. I still can’t believe I'm seeing the three of them like I'm looking at the mirror.

When I entered, darkness filled my eyes. I couldn't see anything.

“Alex! Alex! Alex!"

I heard voices of panic. It was Sabrina, Azrael, and Layla.

'Alex, wake up!" Layla's frightened voice rang in my head.

“Alexandria, baby, please wake up..." Azrael's voice made my heart jump.

I sighed and closed my eyes

Then, I can feel my body overflowing with powers. I slowly opened my eyes, and I met with three pairs of eyes. Worry and fear were evident in their eyes.

They were 5 meters away from me, and I frowned when I noticed the visible energy surrounding me. I let out a deep sigh and calmed myself. Slowly, the energy disappeared, and I stood up.

"What happened?” I asked.

Sabrina sighed in relief and walked towards me. "What happened there, Alex?" she asked instead. I frowned. Will I tell her about my three spirits? Guys?

'You can tell them, Alex, so that they won't freak out if we will switch.’

Alright, Willow.

Azrael and Layla walked towards me. I didn't notice that Layla was crying. I frowned.

"Are you okay, Lay?" she shook her head no and whimpered.

"I'm so scared, Alex. I thought something bad happened to you. We called you plenty of times, but you weren't responsive anymore. We can't even touch you." Tears were streaming down her face. Oh no, I made them worry about me. I engulfed her with a hug. I saw Azrael smile at me faintly and relief washes over his face. He's also worried.

I released the hug and looked at them.

"1 will tell you everything," I said, then they nodded, and we sat on the smooth marble beige floor.

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