Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 40

Azrael's POV

My heart throbs when Alex's body drops down on me. I'm very sorry, Alex. I know I am egotistical, but I'm hoping you'll understand me one day. Matthew warned me about Lucian the moment we stepped foot in the pack house. I don't have a choice but to surrender Alex to Lucian to save the entire pack. Lucian planned to get Alex to sleep and to execute the plan, he ordered everyone to put the potion on the food. As soon as Alex swallowed the food, she fell in the trap. But she’s too late to realize it.

I broke her trust again and this time for sure, I'm not forgiven. As her mate, I've done too many things that have always betrayed her. Most of all, the rejection haunted me even in my sleep, I'm just so stupid back then and all I think about is the future of my pack. I shouldn't have rejected her and now Lucian knew about it and blackmailed me to tell the entire pack that I have rejected my mate, their future Luna. If my pack found out what I did, they will turn their back on me because everyone believes that rejecting your mate is also a way of rejecting the entire pack.

Being an exiled Alpha is a tremendous shame of my bloodline. I don't want that to happen. But if Alex finds out my reason for betraying her, I am certain she would kick my ass for being a coward to face the consequences of my stupidest decision I have ever made my entire life.

“Babe, are you okay?” I looked to my right and Liza's smile greeted me. Her smile used to brighten my day, but it's different now because I find it annoying.

“I'm fine.” I said. Seeing Liza clinging in my arms irritates me. I want Alex in my arms and not her. I thought Liza was dead when I received a report about the murder of the entire Blueming pack. It turns out she’s alive when she showed up yesterday together with Lucian. Liza thinks that we are still together and now, I am having a hard time telling her we are over.

Lucian grunted while pacing back and forth. It's been six hours, but we are still in this cell and no one notices yet of our disappearance. Well, I don't care.

Leaning my back on the wall, I close my eyes while Liza leans on my shoulder. I wanted to release my frustration by running around the forest. But it's impossible right now.

“Ugh! I will kill that girl for locking us here!” she said. Damn! She's too annoying! I zoned them out and my mind wandered to Alex. My heart aches every time I remember her face that was full of remorse while staring straight at me. I have failed her again. Why do I keep disappointing her? Haven't I caused her enough pain? I'm so disappointed in myself.

I cracked my eyes open when I heard a door opening and some footsteps. Liza shot up and ran towards the door cell. Lucian yelled, “Anyone in there?!”

Sighing, I shot up from the nasty bed and put my hands inside my jeans pocket while waiting for somebody to come in. The steps come to a halt outside the cell while the person lets out a loud gasp of surprise. “Lucian? Liza? Alpha?!" Lucy said, eyes widening in shock.

“Thank goodness you came!” Liza beamed in relief.

"What are you all doing in here? Where's Andrea?” she asked, puzzled. Her eyes scanned the room and frowned when she couldn't find Alex.

"Who's Andrea? Get the f*cking keys and help us get out of here!” Lucian yelled.

Rolling her eyes, Lucy spat, “Watch your mouth, Lucian! Or else I won't get the goddamn keys!” “Enough. Lucy, get the spare keys in the cabinet.” I ordered. She nodded and scoffed at Lucian, who was glaring daggers at her.

"Hah! The nerve of that girl!” Liza scoffed while rolling her eyes. When her eyes met mine, she smiled at me in which I didn't return, instead I looked away. I can’t stand making eye contact with her. It disgusts me.

A minute later, Lucy came back with the keys and unlocked the cell. “Thank you, Lucy.” I said.

Her forehead creased, “Why are you locked up in here? Where's Andrea?” she asked

"Why do you keep mentioning the name Andrea? Tsk.” Liza said while raising her eyebrows. Lucy looked at me puzzled, but I just looked at her and walked past her.

“I swear I will kill that brat girl for locking us up!” Liza said with angst. “Azrael! Wait!"

I didn't listen to her yelling and continued walking without stopping until I reached the exit door of the basement. I took a deep breath and walked outside the pack house. Liza kept calling my name, and it made my blood boil. Ugh. I growled and transformed into my wolf form and ran faster away from the pack house.

“Better be back tomorrow morning, Azrael.’ Lucian's mind linked me.

“Damn you, Lucian!" I spat, and he just laughed it off.

I blocked him and ran faster into the depths of the woods with nothing on my mind but Alex. Her face full of regrets and pain haunted me. A lone tear escaped from my eyes. I howled in pain and sadness.

Vorges POV

Reminiscing about the past, all the pain came back and pierced through my heart. Since our encounter, I couldn't stop thinking about her—Sabrina or Elisha Brenna Weather, the Queen of the Witches. If it wasn't for my father, I think Sabrina and I would still be together. I hated my father very much for ruining my relationship with Sabrina.

"Vorges,” I stopped walking towards the throne room where my evil father was having a good time when someone called my name. Looking to my right, a woman in a black cloak staring straight at me while leaning on a wall.

“What do you want, woman?” I asked full of venom and hissed while glaring at her, but I couldn't comprehend her expression. She just looked at me.

"We have to talk. But not in here.” she said. I creased my forehead.

“About what?” I asked.

“The war.” she replied. I stared at her before deciding. It's so unlike Michelle to talk to me in private. “Lead the way.” I uttered, and she walked into the dark hallway. I sighed and followed her. Even if I hate this werewolf woman and I want to kill her now, I can’t because she's still Sabrina’s best friend. Yes, Sabrina hates her now because Michelle betrayed her.

Michelle stopped and opened the door, then went inside. Before stepping inside, I scanned the hallway to see if no one noticed us. When I entered the room, Michelle lit one candle and sat in a wooden chair. She looked at me while sighing.

"Vorges, I need your help.” she said and my forehead creased while looking at her. Then I laughed. “You need my help? For what? It's so unlike you to ask, Michelle.” I said.

She let out a deep breath and said, “I'm serious. It's not for me, it's for Sabrina and my sister. You know damn well that I couldnt cut ties from the association. I have no choice but to fight our enemies, including Sabrina. Vorges, all I ask is for you to protect Sabrina and my sister Layla because I couldn't protect them. I'm sure they hate me for what I have become.” sadness is clear in her tone. "Why on earth did you join the alliance?” I asked.

“For revenge. I will avenge the death of my parents. They killed them and they are the reason I didn't meet Layla before.” she said while clenching her fist above the table.

“Do you have any proof that they kill your parents?” I asked, skeptically.

“No, but Lucian saw who killed my parents.” she said, with uncertainty in her voice.

"And he tells you that Alexander and Leia are the culprit?” I said, and she nodded while sighing. “Michelle, don't trust Lucian so much. Everything that comes out in that bastards’ mouth is all a lie. Deceiving people is his ability.” I said.

Lucian sure knows how to manipulate everyone, but not me. I hated that bastard's guts.

“You know something, don’t you?” Michelle said while eyeing me.

I smirked. “Let's just say, I know Lucian damn well and that's why I didn't trust him,” I paused and looked at her. “I wonder what happened to the old Michelle. Is it because of your betrayal to your sister and Sabrina?” I said while grinning.

She glared at me. Chuckling, I looked at her, “Even if you don't ask, I will protect Sabrina at all cost. I'm not sure about your sister. For sure, Alexandria will protect her.” She nodded and sighed.

It's the first time I saw emotions in Michelle's face. Sadness, regrets, longing and disappointments. She is sure guilty of what she chooses. Now, Michelle and I are both hated by Sabrina. But she hated a Vampire like me because of what my father did before. I can't wait to get my father killed, so I'll be the King of all Vampires. And I will do everything to make Sabrina mine again and to be my Queen Third Person's POV

At the Demon Kingdom, everybody was celebrating before their departure. The King and Queen sat in their chair in the center while all their people surrounded them

King Warrick cleared his throat and spoke, “Tomorrow, we will begin our journey to the north going to Tibbertan Mountain. All warriors must be ready at dawn and prepare.”

Everyone yelled in approval. But a loud clatter of the door interrupted their celebration. Four knights came in while panting and afraid.

“Speak!” the King ordered.

One knight spoke, “Your Majesty, we have some problems.”


“All the horses are dead and six of the guards disappeared.” Everyone gasps at the information. "What?! Find them now!” the King ordered. He couldn't believe what he heard. They needed the horses for the war, and it's impossible for them to travel at dawn without horses. It's hard to travel in the snow without horses.

Emery, a girl warrior, ran outside going to the stable. Plenty of thoughts running on her mind, beads of sweat forming on her forehead thinking about her horse. When she entered the stable, her heart sank seeing all the horses lie down on the floor lifeless. She opens one stall where her horse is and weeps at the loss of her friend.

"What the eff?!” she gasped when she noticed that the horse's body was limp and bones were showing and drained of blood. Realization hits her and stares at the horse in horror. It's like a vampire sucked their blood.

The small hair all over her body rose, and she felt goosebumps. The wind howled, and the door shut. That startled her. She's panting while scanning the huge stable.

A gigantic shadow appears, causing Emery to step backward until her back hits the wall. She was panting while trembling

"Are you scared?” a voice echoed that startled Emery, her face pale while staring at the shadow formed into a human.

"W-Who are you?” Emery stuttered.

“Do you want to live or die?” the girl mumbled, and she gasped. She stared at the girl who was wearing all black clothing. When Emery stared at the girl's eyes, it was void of emotion. She covered her ears and closed her eyes when she saw images in her head, taunting her while saying, “Die!". She groaned when her head throbs.

Emery tried to fight the illusion. For she doesn't want to die yet.

“You're brave.” the shadow girl uttered. Emery looked at the girl when the pain in her head vanished "Who are you?” she asked. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The girl grinned and said, “I am Demonise.”

The way Demonise said her name gave Emery the creep. “You are the first person who knows my name, so feel honored.” Demonise said while grinning.

Emery swallowed her saliva while still panting and her heart rate quickens when Demonise stepped forward and inch closer to her face, not tearing her gaze away from her. She gulped when Demonise held her chin and eyed her.

“Do you want to know who killed your parents?” Demonise said while a smile crept on her lips. Emery clenched her jaw upon hearing the word “parents’. Her fists formed into a ball and panting. Her eyes darkened, but it didn't even faze Demonise at all. Emery's breathing hitch in her throat when Demonise leaned into her ear and whispered, “The Demon King killed your parents.”

“No!” Emery yelled and covered her ears while tears rolled down in her face. Demonise laughed and took a step backward while staring at the broken girl. “No!”

Demonise stared at Emery and a smile crept on her lips.

“Kill them all, Emery.” Demonise whispers and a grin plastered on her lips.

A black smoke entered Emery's body, and she stopped grabbing her hair. Her eyes are now void of emotion and jet black. A black aura surrounded Emery and bowed at Demonise, which made her grin with excitement.

“Kill them all, Emery. And bring me their souls.” Demonise ordered and Emery nodded while saying, “Yes, Mistress.”

Demonise laughed aloud and vanished from Emery’s sight. The poor girl stomped outside the stable and went straight towards the hall where everybody was still celebrating.

One warrior approached Emery, “Hey! Where did you go, Em? I was looking for you everywhere.” a guy asked while smiling at Emery.

The guy looked at Emery's eyes. He shivered when Emery looked at him deadly. In a swift motion, the guy struggled to get out from Emery’s grip when she choked him upward. The guy tried to reach Emery’s neck, but to no avail, and gasped for air until he was out of breath.

Demonise showed up and sucked the guys’ neck dry until its limp body dropped to the ground lifeless and she took his soul. Later on, the body became ashes and vanished

Emery continued walking towards the hall like nothing happened that made Demonise laugh. She wipes the excess blood in her mouth and licks it. She burped and then licked her fangs

"Vampires, you're next.” Demonise uttered and grinned. Before teleporting, she heard loud screams from the hall and clattering of metals. A grin plastered on her lips.

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