Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 48

After my sisters and I reunited with our mother, we felt complete and different. Who would have thought that we are all sisters trapped in one body? Knowing that this body should have been long dead saddened me. But this body is mine now. Though, I am guilty. I don't know how to tell Mama and Papa about me. Will they accept me? I still have their blood running in my system after all. Well, I'll just let fate decide on its own and whatever happens in the future, I will accept it wholeheartedly. But it scared me to see their reaction once they learned the truth. I hope it's the opposite of what I had thought their reaction would be.

I released a deep sigh and looked at my mother. She looked at me while a smile plastered on her lips, then her gaze fixated on Azrael and spoke, “Azrael Shepherd, you're here today because of my daughter. I want both of you to have a clear understanding of each other. I didn't mate you to my daughter for no reason. You ask for it, remember?”

I looked at Azrael with a creased forehead. What does mother mean? Azrael nodded without a second thought. “Yes, I remember it, but it's too late because I already made a stupid decision in my life for rejecting Alex,” he said, guiltily. He then looked at me with a faint smile.

Mother looked at me and said, "Do you remember what Azrael said to you when you were little?" My forehead creased in confusion and shook my head no. When I was little? Azrael and I already met when we were a kid? How?

Azrael looked at me sadly, "You don't remember, do you?" he said with a frown. I shook my head no. He sighed and looked at me straight in the eyes, "Do you remember the time when you told me I am older than you?" he said with a hopeful tone. It looks like it is important that he badly wanted me to remember it. As he said that, I remember it saying to a boy—wait, he is that boy? The boy who said he wanted me to be his mate and Luna when the time comes? A wave of nostalgia hit me and the memory was so vivid. Now I remember him. He is the same Azrael I have met before. I stared at him wide-eyed, "It's you?!" I exclaimed ecstatically. He nodded and smiled.

"I had wished before that I wanted you to be my mate when we grow up. But I forgot about that wish as the time went by when I didn't see you anymore," he said with full of remorse in his voice.

I nodded. "You didn't recognize me when you rejected me, do you?" he nodded his head, yes, and that made me sad. I wonder what would happen if he recognized me back then? Would he treat me well?

"I'm sorry, Alex. I'm stupid, I know," he said.

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you are indeed stupid.” I said and shrugged my shoulder. He pouted, and I fought the urge to pinch his cheek. He's so cute. Ugh.

He was about to speak when my mother interrupted us. "Okay, both of you, listen to me. You are probably wondering why the bond between the both of you is still strong despite the exchanging of rejection, that's because your bond towards each other is different. No matter how many times you will reject each other, destiny will still connect you two." my mother said and looked at us.

Now I know why I couldn't fight the connection between us. Every time we are near each other, I can't deny the connection that pulled us closer. Sometimes it frustrates me because I want to touch him. But something was confusing me, so I voiced it out.

"Wait, mother. I am not the only one who mated to Azrael, but all of my sisters, right? Can you explain why we have only one mate?" I said.

She nodded, "Actually, you're wrong, my daughter. I only mated you to Azrael. Your sisters only felt the bond because you are all sharing with one body.” mother continued. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. I don't understand. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"What?! I don't understand. How is that happening?" I voice out. Yeah, I know it is possible. I just couldn't believe it.

'Yeah, that's true, Alex. We misinterpreted the feeling before.’ Val said.

'Ilt's you who felt the stronger bond. We just help you get closer to Azrael because you don't want to make a move! Which is frustrating!" Damona uttered. I frowned.

“All this time, you all knew?" I asked because I am still confused.

'Yes, Alex." they said in unison.

I let out a sigh, then glanced at Azrael and looked to my mother. "Azrael wished for you to be his mate and no one else. And if I remember it correctly, you also wished to be Azrael's mate. How could I decline the wish of my beautiful daughter?” my mother said with a little teasing. My face flushed red as I remember my wish. I coughed and pretended I didn't remember it. Mother shook her head while laughing. I couldn't look at Azrael. I heard him giggle slightly. I'm so embarrassed. Well, I guess I have nothing to hide since my mother spilled my secret to my mate.

"So, anyway, I'll give you two a time to talk about your feelings. I'll be back after an hour because I have something important to say to the both of you.” mother said, and I nodded. Knowing my mother, I know something was bothering her and I think we have another mission. If my hunch is right, then I'm pretty sure this mission is tough. Well, we have to prepare for the worst.

When mother left, Azrael and I just stared at each other awkwardly. He released a long sigh and walked closer towards me and he held my hand while squeezing it gently, which gave me butterflies in my stomach. My gaze meets his and my heart flutters like it will burst out in my rib cage. His intense gaze almost made me melt and my legs went wobbly. I didn't know he had that effect on me. My sisters screamed inside my head and started teasing me, which made me embarrassed. “Guys! Stop it!" I pleaded.

'Ayieee!" They continued teasing me and I swear my face is so red like a tomato. Why are they teasing me? With their constant teasing, I blocked them out temporarily.

"Alex, are you embarrassed?" Azrael said while laughing. I pretended to roll my eyes in annoyance to hide my flustered self. Azrael chuckled and held both of my faces while rubbing my jaw using his fingers, then stared straight at my eyes. His expression became serious and didn't even blink! The weird thing is, I couldn't take my gaze away from him too. It's like he was hypnotizing me. "Alexandria..." he murmured, and the way my name rolled out in his tongue, made my stomach churn with excitement. He brushed his fingers in my hair while staring straight at my eyes. My heart beats faster when he smiles gently.

“Alexandria,” he murmured again in a husky voice and I gulped, “Let me rephrase what I had just said the moment I rejected you before. Those words that come out in my mouth are the opposite of what I felt before. I have been waiting for you my whole life. Can we start all over again?" I stared at him and he looked so sincere. Sighing, I slowly nodded and stepped backward away from him until we were 5 meters away from each other. His expression became sullen and lost.

I beamed a smile and then walked towards him, "Mate!" I said while gasping loudly in shock. He looked at me wide-eyed and then a few seconds later, he understood what was happening and smiled widely. In an instant, his expression changed and his face brightened then said back the word enthusiastically, "Mate!"

I stared at him and smiled. "Azrael?" I said and gasped in surprise. My eyes scanned his appearance and then met his intense gaze.

"Alexandria?" he said and gasped in awe. He looked at me up and down until his gaze settled on my bright face. Then we smiled sweetly at each other. I extended my hand to him, and then he took it ecstatically. "I'm so happy I finally found you, my beautiful mate,” he said and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me in a tight hug. My heart was beating so fast, I'm sure he could hear it loud and clear. I closed my eyes because I wanted to feel this moment. It's strange how I felt so safe in his arms. His intoxicating smell filled my nostrils, I smiled and tightened my embrace. Now that we understand each other, I wouldn't ever let him go again. I'll do everything to keep him. He kissed my hair and whispered to my ear which made me stunned, "I love you, Alexandria..." His words echoed in my head repeatedly and my lips curled up into a lovely smile. The kind of smile that reaches my eyes.

After an hour, mother returned with a knowing smile while looking at me and Azrael. "Mother, does the council know we're here?" I asked.

"Yes, don't worry. I have permission to do this because you will have another mission, my beautiful daughters,” she said, and my eyebrows furrowed together. "Another mission?" I said. When mother said we have another mission, my sisters couldn't stay put and eager to know what our new mission was.

"Yes, and that is to find Invictus whereabouts, and you have to gather all the six diamonds as soon as possible.”

"What?! Mother, please enlighten us why we need to find Invictus," I said in confusion.

She sighs and says, “Invictus was planning to conquer the Magic Realm. We have to stop him or else the balance between our world and the magic world will fall apart. We cannot let a beast ruin the magic realm.”

"Okay. By the way mother, I have the blue diamond and I know where the red diamond was, so there are only 4 diamonds we still need to find,” I said and mother nodded while eyeing my necklace.

“I know you have it,” she said while smiling.

Azrael cleared his throat and said, “Can I ask a question?” Mother and I looked at him and nodded. "What is it?” I asked. “Who is Invictus?” I looked at my mother and she nodded at me to go on.

I released a sigh and said shortly, “Invictus is the Lord of the Beasts.”

Third Person's POV

Layla locked herself in her room and cried her heart out. She was heartbroken and couldn't control her emotion. She missed Alex so much and wished that things were different. If Alex didn't meet her mate back then, their life wouldn't get so complicated like this. She wanted her old life back with Alex by her side. If she had the power to bring Alex back, she already did. But she can't and it frustrates her. She's upset with Alex's parents too. How could they adopt another child when their biological child is living horribly and suffered for years? She just couldn't understand.

She got up and wiped her tears in her face harshly. She rummages her wardrobe and changes her clothes into comfortable clothes for fighting. Since she was going to transform into her wolf form in the war, she only wore a black dress that reached below her knees and put on a black cloak. She took a small bag from the cabinet and put on a pair of clothes in case of emergency. She was about to go out of her room when she remembered her sword. Now she's ready for the war.

In the training room, Sabrina was venting out all her anger and frustration by punching all the dummies down one by one. The vivid images of Azrael and Alexandria that entered the huge hole haunting her. She still blamed herself for what happened. If only she reacted fast, then she could still save them. With a last heavy blow of her fist, the monster dummy exploded into the air and she laid her back into the icy floor with heavy breathing. She was sweating profusely and stared blankly at the white ceiling.

In the room's corner, Vorges just watched Sabrina venting out all her frustrations. He knew Sabrina needed it, that's why he didn't disturb her. Vorges learned how important Alexandria was in Sabrina's life. Even though he doesn't understand what's going on in the throne room, he still had the faintest idea of what's going on. When Sabrina stood up and bolted out of the training room, he followed her. Sabrina didn't talk to him, and Vorges knew she noticed him.

Too occupied, Sabrina forgot about Vorges. When she reached her room, she went directly to the bathroom, then stripped her clothes and took a cold shower. It only took her 10 minutes in the shower and wrapped her bare body with a towel then stepped out from the bathroom. The moment she closes the bathroom door, she realizes someone is in her room. Her eyes widened in shock when her gaze met with the bloody eyes filled with lust.

"Vorgessss! Ahhhhhh! Get out of my room! You're a dumbass! Pervert!” she yelled while gripping tightly on her towel, afraid it might slip at her body any time. Vorges grinned playfully and shot up from the bed.

“You don't have to get embarrassed, my love. I have seen it all before—" before he could finish his sentence, a pillow hit his head a few times. “Okay, okay, stop! I'll get out!" he said in between laughing. Sabrina narrowed her eyes and gave him a death glare. Vorges hurriedly got out of the room and waited outside for Sabrina while leaning at the wall, grinning.

Sabrina let out a sigh when Vorges finally out of her sight and started rummaging her wardrobe cabinet. Now she's ready for the war. Her hands were itching to kill some beasts. She will eliminate them all—for Alex.

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