Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 50

Alexandria's POV

The amount of beasts in the fifth mountain is outrageous. They are way too many. The entire mountain is actually creepy. We were on high alert while scanning the area. A lot of beasts are lingering around and they are so disgusting with all the saliva slipping out of their mouth. And they freaking smelled so awful.

I focus on my hearing because my ears pick up some faint noise of footsteps from afar. A huge smile crept on my lips as I sensed the familiar auras. They're here. As expected, Sabrina led the warriors.

“Azrael, we will attack the beast after 15 minutes.’ I said using a mind link.

“Okay, he replied

I closed my eyes and tried to locate the aura of the diamond around the forest. As far as I calculated, the diamond is around 1.5696 earth radius away from us. And a powerful beast got the diamond. Well, let's see about that.

Sabrina and the others are getting nearer and nearer to the beasts. Their presence is good timing because it will distract the beasts. I told Azrael my plan, and he hesitated, but he couldn't change my mind, so he agreed.

Something wet and slick liquid dripping on my arms. I looked up only to find a huge slimy beast looking down on us. It's a transparent, serpent-like beast. The beast has the ability to hide its aura. Azrael's eyes widened in shock and grip on my hands tightly. The beast was about to attack us, but I quickly teleported. Wow, I didn't see that coming. I smirked. My hands are already itching to fight the beasts.

The glow of the moon illuminates the entire place and we can see a lot of beasts running towards us. Since we are now exposed, we will fight them. “Let's get it on!” I said and Azrael nodded, then transformed into his rare wolf form. I took out my scythe pendant around my neck and it glowed. Azrael growled while showing his sharp canines. I let my eyes glow and the beasts stared at me in awe.

A group of beasts surrounded us while growling. There were a lot of different beasts—huge and small. It was disgusting, yet fascinating to see. I have never seen a lot of beasts in front of me, and I am filled with excitement.

“They're too many.’ Azrael said.

'Yep. But I have a plan.’ I said and smirked. My hands skillfully swayed the scythe in the air while grinning. I told Azrael about my plan and he agreed hastily.

My heart filled with excitement. It's been a long time since I last encountered some powerful beast. Now that I remembered who I really am, this fight is just a piece of cake. My sisters can't wait any longer, they're more excited than me.

Now is the start of bloodbath. I grinned when I saw the beast who had the diamond. The beast is a powerful hybrid; it has the head of a lion with sword-like teeth and sharp horns of a deer, with fiery red eyes, a body of a dragon with thick scales like a turtle shell, feet of a hawk with huge and sharp claws, a tail of a serpent with sharp edges like steel, and huge wings. A brown diamond is shining on its forehead. I haven't seen this beast before, nor I read about them. It's creepy as hell. To know the origin of the beasts, I have to touch it.

All beasts are creepy looking and they are all hybrid consists of two genes except the one who had the diamond. Why did the diamond choose this beast? Well, there's only one reason the beast is a powerful hybrid. I can sense its strong aura.

The beasts roared and growled loudly and started attacking us. Azrael growled and attacked the weak ones I told him earlier. I know the beast’s capability just by looking at them. I ran towards the beast, not tearing my gaze away from its burning eyes. The beast didn't move like it was waiting for me to get nearer. I killed every beast that blocked my way.

“Lend me your power, my sisters.’ I said, and they agreed in unison.

My eyes were changing color as I called the force inside me. Then, my powers flowed to my scythe and now it's blazing with violet fire. Some beasts kept blocking my way, but they turned to ashes upon contact with my scythe. I summoned the two dragons, and they came out from my wrist. They breathe a tremendous amount of fire directly to the beasts.


I looked to my right and saw Sabrina, Layla, Lucia, Vorges, Clinton and other warriors while running towards the beasts shouting loudly while aiming their weapons at the beasts. A grin plastered on my lips. Finally, they came on time.

They haven't noticed me yet, and I'm sure it will shock them to see me. I averted my gaze to the beast who had the diamond. The beast roared loudly and spread its wings and flew upwards. Oh, the beast wanted to fight in the air. Sure thing!

My eyes turned to silvery red, and I spread my wings wide open, then flew upwards to follow the beast. The beast growled and a magic ball formed on its big mouth then released it towards me, but I quickly dodge it using my scythe. But the beast spread its wings wide open and flapped continuously while forming the wind into a tornado. The wind blew furiously, but it didn't faze me at all because I can easily control the tornado.

I heard Sabrina, and the others gasped when they saw me. I winked at them and smiled. Now let the battle begin.

"Chosen ones. We finally met." a deep sultry voice said, and I gasped in surprise because it came from the beast. It can talk? Interesting. But the voice is familiar. I think I have heard it before.

"Who are you? Are you the disciple of Invictus?" I asked while gripping tightly on my scythe.

"It's Lord Invictus. And yes, I am the disciple of Lord Invictus and I was sent to get you dead or alive, chosen ones."

I looked at the beast intently. I now remember the true form of this beast, "You can't kill me, Cyn, you know that.”

He laughed and said, "I'm so worried you didn't recognize me, Alice. But I'm no longer the same Cyn, three decades ago.”

"Well, you change a lot, Cyn. It's a shame to take Invictus' side. You can still repent your sin and surrender to the councils.” I said, and he scoffed.

"Alice, even up to this day, you are still blind? Why do you let yourself fooled by the councils?" I was stunned. What is he saying? "Alice, they just used all of you for their experiment. Look at all of you, sharing with only one body." he said seriously. I clenched my fist.

W-What? No... it can't be. He's lying! But what if he's telling the truth? No. He's just trying to deceive me.

"You are the one who's fooling me, Cyn! I won't believe anything you will say!" I said while clenching my jaw and attacked him using my scythe but he just avoided my attack.

"The truth will always prevail, Alice. I'm sorry but I have to bring you to Invictus.” he said and readied his stance to attack me. I sighed. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Why, Cyn?" he didn't reply and attacked me using an earth ball. We exchanged some attacks and never stopped until we were catching our breath. All my memories together with Cyn keeps flashing back inside my head. This is not the Cyn I know. He's not Cyn anymore because he became a monster. But why did the diamond still choose him? It only meant one thing, Invictus didn't fully control Cyn. I have to help him recover his good memories because it looks like he only remembers the bad things that happened.

“Let's bring back the old Cyn!" my sisters said in unison and I hummed.

Cyn, we'll bring you back. "Cyn, I am not Alice anymore. My name is now Alexandria Vermount.” he gasped and looked at me, stunned. "And Cyn, I will get that diamond in your forehead no matter what." He hissed and attacked me furiously. I release a deep sighed and dodge his attacks.

While fighting Cyn, I felt the auras of the other two diamonds. Huh? I know that aura. How did she get the diamond? Damn, all this time she has it with her?

Third Person POV

In the fourth mountain, Cybelle and the other warriors set their traps successfully. When the enemies step foot in the forest, they immediately leave to go back to the others who are now walking towards the fifth mountain together with King Alexander and Queen Leia in their armored suit. They noticed the commotion in the fifth mountain and saw a lot of beasts fighting some warriors.

“Alexandria...” the Queen murmured, nervously.

Meanwhile, Lucian, King Stephen and the other Kings sense something wrong in the forest. It was too quiet, which is odd. King Warrick sent a few warriors to go first. When nothing unusual happened, they kept walking into the dark forest. An unexpected happening made everyone gasped in shock when a shiny blade swayed towards the warriors and those who hadn't acted quickly cut into half by the sharp blades. Everyone gasped in horror when the blood spit out onto them. Now, they're standing into a pool of blood while drenched. They cursed under their breath and on high alert. But Vampires couldn't resist the smell of blood and felt the urge to suck someone's neck. Now everything has turned to chaos because the vampires are uncontrollable except the King. They couldn't help but sucked some werewolves, witches and demons' blood.

"STOPPPP!" King Desmond shouted furiously while glaring daggers at the vampires. "CONTROL YOURSELF, YOU IDIOT!" he shouted again, but deep inside he was nervous. Because sucking a demon's blood will do no good to vampires. They will become more uncontrollable in a few hours after drinking demon blood. The vampires hissed but nonetheless obeyed their King.

King Warrick, King Vladimir, and King Stephen just stood dumbfounded at the scene in front of them. They just witnessed some vampires unable to control themselves. They clenched their fist but they couldn't do anything to their losses.

Meanwhile, Lucian was grinning because he knew what would happen to the vampires after sucking demon blood. He can't wait to see it.

"GET DOWN!" someone shouted, and another blade and arrows came out from nowhere. Some of them avoided the sharp blades and arrows, but the others didn't make it and were cut into half while it only injured some.

It infuriates the four Kings because their number lessened. King Stephen deeply sighed because some of his people also died. He told them to be careful and looked for the traps. "Aaaaahhhhhhhh,” someone screamed, and they looked at the man in horror. His right arm is cut into half and blood dripped on the snow. They clench their jaws in anger. There were a lot of traps in this forest and they must be on high alert. The witches cast a spell to find the other traps. They notice a lot of sharp blades and arrows in every tree, and some are buried in the snow. Now they're really trapped and surrounded by a lot of sharp blades and arrows. One move and it will be the end of them all.

“Damn! Everyone! Don't move!” King Warrick commands while clenching his jaw in anger.

"Witches! Let's remove the spell!” King Vladimir shouted, and all witches started chanting a spell. The entire forest filled with screams when all the blades and arrows flew in every direction. Witches are dumbfounded because the spell is so strong to break. Some warriors tried to dodge the flying blades and arrows, but they couldn't stop it from bruising them.

King Warrick got furious and stood straight. "Let me handle it." he spoke angrily, then the wind blew furiously. Everyone stepped backwards but still careful not to step in the traps. Slowly, the King of the Demon transformed into his demon form. He's a huge demon with two big horns in its forehead and a tail. A dark aura surrounded the King, which absorbed the energy from the dead warriors around the forest. The Demon King is now 35 feet tall. He's now a giant and his face darkened when he saw the commotion in the fifth mountain. He's surprised to see a lot of beasts fighting with their enemies. Using his power, he crushed all the blades and arrows hiding in the forest in just one snap, then looked at the direction of the fifth mountain.

Sabrina's POV

I sighed in relief when I saw Alex and Azrael. Because of that, I'm excited to fight the beasts. In front of me is a two headed huge spider. This beast is Orthrus. According to the book, Orthrus web shrouds can make living things paralyze and worst get you killed once you are trapped inside because that white thing is poisonous. But I know its weakness so it won't take long to defeat this beast.

The beast tried to trap me using its web shroud, but I quickly avoided it. 1 am trying to hit its eyes using my arrow, but he’s fast too. The beast released a huge amount of web shroud and it almost got me. I avoided the beast attack while studying its moves until I got the rhythm. A grin plastered on my lips, then summoned a spear. Now, this is a perfect weapon. Using my fingers, I can control the spear swiftly. Now, let the battle begin.

But I gasped when I felt a strong aura, a very strong aura. My heart rate quickens and I look at the direction of the fourth mountain. Demon King...

Layla's POV

Knowing that Alex is alive, I am not scared by the beasts anymore. Alex's presence gives me energy to fight the beast. For everyone's sake, I should be brave. I don't want to be a weakling anymore. What's the use of my constant training these past few days?

And for Alex, I'll do everything in my power to keep myself alive. I have to live because I haven't confronted Stephen yet. He has to pay for what he did. Seeing Azrael is also fighting with us, I guess Alex forgives him? Perhaps? But I'm not as kind-hearted as Alex. I won't forgive that easily. I clenched my fist as I remember that thick-faced bastard werewolf King. He should regret what he did.

I can feel my bones cracking up and my fangs grow, but it wasn't as painful as the first transformation like before. Few seconds later, I was completely covered with white fur. I growled loudly while glaring at the beast in front of me. The beast has the body and tail of a coyote, and a head of a deer with sharp horns. I have never encountered a beast like this my entire life, nor read about them. What power does this beast possess?

We both hissed and exchanged attacks towards each other. I groaned when the beast managed to slice my stomach using its horns. Suddenly, my body shone brightly, and I was floating in the air. I felt so light? And I notice my wounds healed quickly. What the eff? When I flutter my eyes open, all I see is white because my eyes glowed like Alex. And I felt stronger than before. What is happening to me?

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