Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 52

Third Person POV

After 18 years of waiting, Queen Leia finally got the sight of King Desmond, the vampire who rape her and almost got her killed. She couldn't wait to get her revenge on the vampire King she despised the most. But what surprised her is that the vampire King took their side against their enemies, which outnumbered them. It looks like their numbers grow because of the vampires and werewolves. But her anger didn't dissipate even one bit. All she wanted was revenge.

“Leia, save your anger later. We must stop King Warrick before it's too late.” King Desmond said. She clenched her jaw while glaring daggers at the vampire King. She thought about it and considered the idea since the giant demon is now forming an enormous dark ball. “I'll make sure I'll get my revenge later, Desmond. I despised you to the moon and back!” she retorted with venom in her voice and then looked at her daughter who stared at the giant demon blankly.

“Even if you took our sides Desmond, this doesn't mean we will forgive you. Your sin is unforgivable and I've waited 18 years for this to happen.” King Alexander said, but King Desmond said nothing back which irritates him. He calmed himself and wore a serious expression.

When the dark magic ball got bigger and bigger, all of them readied their stance to dodge the attack. King Vladimir was furious at King Desmond and with full force, he attacked the vampire King using his dark magic as a witch. Little did King Vladimir know, vampires are fast as lightning and before he could react, King Desmond kicked him so hard in the stomach causing him to fly away. Meanwhile, Alex saw the situation as dangerous because she can feel the energy coming from the huge dark magic ball. She didn't waste any time and put a thick barrier to the warriors below. About the time she finished putting on a barrier, the giant demon released the dark magic ball and threw it towards her and everyone looked at Alex wide-eyed in terror.

"Alex!/Princess!" Everyone screamed in horror, especially the King and Queen. They tried breaking the barriers to help their daughter, but it's no use. Queen Leia and King Alexander never stopped calling their daughter's name. Whilst Sabrina is dumbfounded, she couldn't move her muscle in shock.

"Noooo! Alex!!" Azrael cried and growled. He felt like his world was slowly spinning. His heart stopped beating momentarily when the dark magic ball finally hit Alex. At that moment, he feels so useless because he is not powerful enough to save his mate. He was about to transform into his angel formed when something unexpected happened.

Everyone gasped and couldn't believe their eyes. It was an unbelievable sight. The dark magic ball hit Alex, but fortunately, the magic ball stopped mid-air in front of Alex. Her two hands pressed on the magic ball while her eyes held no emotion in them and turned to purple. "Magic Cancel!” she chanted, and then the dark magic ball puffed in the air and smoke covered the entire mountain. The magic cancel is a secret technique that Alex practiced for over centuries. She grinned at the giant demon King and she could see the shock on the giant's face. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"It's impossible!” The giant demon growled and furiously looked at Alex and released a tremendous amount of dark fireballs and threw them towards Alex continuously, but Alex avoided all his attacks in a flash. Everyone sighed in relief and started attacking their enemies again.

One werewolf stood in the middle while growling furiously and staring daggers at Alex, who was fighting the giant demon. It's Lucian while clutching on the sheathed sword tightly. He couldn't wait to use the sword to kill the chosen one. His only major goal is to kill Alex and bring her to Lord Invictus. King Alexander saw him and now they are glaring daggers at each other. "Alexander!" Lucian let out furiously while gritting his sharp canines. "Lucian!" Alexander uttered back. Then a fight between them started swiftly, canines to canines.

Suddenly, a lot of pegasuses came out from a portal. Each pegasus has one rider and a wand in its hands.

"Wizards!" Everyone let out, and Clinton felt relieved upon seeing his comrades. He thought his friends would never come, but now here they are coming their way into the battlefield and helping to defeat the beasts. Pterodactyl beasts quickly headed to the Wizards and attacked them. Wizards used their wands to counterattack the beasts. Pterodactyl beasts are also powerful creatures and hard to kill, but with their numbers and combined powers, they could defeat the beasts. They knew it

Demons and witches gritted their teeth in anger because some of them are already dead. Seeing their King release a tremendous amount of power, they still have hope of winning this war. Because they knew how powerful King Warrick was.

Alex tires of avoiding the continuous attacks of the giant demon King. She stopped and released a fireball towards the giant demon who also released a huge dark ball. Their attacks collided, and it exploded in the air, then smoke covered them. But Alex didn't expect the giant demon to attack her back and punched her hard, causing her to fly away and slammed into the snowy ground

A snow? She thought and grinned then teleported in front of the giant demon and cast a spell, "Hard Kick!" she kicked him in the face causing the giant demon to fall hard. The giant demon growled in pain but she didn't let it get up and cast a spell, "Ultra Freeze!" the giant demon King quickly covered with thick ice and couldn't move. The ultra freeze technique can make someone paralyzed in just a split second. It's a technique that is hard to master and requires a lot of concentration to execute perfectly. But it will only last for an hour, and that could buy her time to know King Warrick's history. She planned to use it as a weapon, the more she knew her enemies, the more they had chances at winning this war. She stomped in the ice and her eyes turned white, "King Warrick, you may be undefeated for centuries, but your time has come. And your wrath must end here.” she said and put her hands in the ice then it shone brightly and her eyes glowing. To make sure no one would disturb her, she put barriers around herself.

As the war continued, the fifth mountain flattened because of their explosive attacks. As the night gets deepest before dawn, the moon shines brightly. It was a full moon, and it gave more powers to the werewolves, which gave them an advantage. All werewolves transformed into their full wolf form and howled together to ask for blessings from the moon goddess. King Stephen and Alpha Azrael led all the werewolves while facing the demons and some beasts. And the fight continues on and on.

In the meantime, Michelle didn't join the werewolves and finally approached where her sister Layla is, who was still unconscious inside a transparent cube. She's guarding her little sister and protecting it from the beasts and watching the battle in front of her. All she came for in the war is to protect her sister and not to fight. She's still guilty of betraying her sister and her best friend, Sabrina. She looked for Sabrina and saw her with Vorges while fighting some witches and beasts. Michelle hesitated for a moment whether to help everyone in the war, but she doesn't want to fight anymore unless enemies will attack her.

Suddenly, she felt like someone was watching her. She looked to her left and surprised to see a running wolf with red eyes approaching her angrily. Before the wolf can tackle her, she moves quickly to avoid it and also transforms into her wolf form. Now a wolf was glaring daggers at her while gritting its sharp canines and growling at her. The wolf who attacked her is Liza. Liza is so furious when all the werewolves and vampires betrayed them. But Liza learns something from Lucian, and that made her confidence grow in winning this war and to see Alex die in front of her eyes.

Unbeknownst to Liza, Michelle is not an ordinary wolf. Liza doesn't know what Michelle is capable of. Since Michelle knows her capabilities, she didn't go hard to Liza because the girl does not deserve to die in her hands. When anger consumes the mind of the person, he/she doesn't care what would be the outcome for acting impulsively. All they think is getting their revenge and vent out their anger and frustration. Michelle somehow understands where Liza's fury comes from. And she might do something before Liza put herself in between life and death.

On the other side, Lucia stared at the man inside the magic cube. She gasped when she saw the brown diamond on the man's forehead. The man is also staring at her intently and pressed his hand on the wall of the cube with tears streaming on his face, and longingly stares at Lucia who had the faintest idea why the man shed tears while looking at her. Her heart suddenly pounded like crazy and she just imitated the man’s action. A strong force was pulling her closer to the man. She also touched the wall of the cube while staring at the man. Lucia couldn't believe what she felt towards the man. The man smiled at her and without knowing; she smiled back.

"Callie..." the man uttered, and Lucia creased her forehead while staring at the man. She took a step backward and stared coldly at the man. "My name is Lucia,” she whispered, and the man gasped. "Don't you remember me?" he asked, full of hope. Lucia shook her head. And that saddened the man. Lucia sighed and gazed at the man, then said to her mind, “This man is my... mate?" Alexandria's POV

King Warrick keeps fighting my magic and I know any time from now, he could break the spell. I saw everything about his past. He's crueler than I thought, and he deserves to being punished. The wind blows harshly on my skin and the giant demon moves agitatedly inside the ice. I immediately flew upwards and already expected the explosion from thick ice.

King Warrick had transformed into a full demon with wings, his eyes now blazing with fire, and his dark aura was overflowing. He was glaring daggers at me and if looks could kill; I was already dead by now.

I notice all werewolves transformed into their full wolf's form because of the full moon. They are more agitated, strong, and determined to defeat our enemies. I looked up at the moon and smiled. Mother, did you give them your blessing?

"I WILL KILL YOU!" King Warrick said with a loud voice, as if dug into the depths of the earth. If I was just a normal person, I may tremble now in fear. His voice is really scary and will give you goosebumps. Luckily for me, it didn't startle me even one bit because I am used to it as I already heard it before. King Warrick attacked me using his strength, which surprised me a little because he didn't use his power to attack me. But of course, his physical strength is no ordinary. His punches are heavy, even though he isn't using his full force. It was the same thing for me, the fight just started and this is just a warm-up for us. It's too early to be serious.

In the middle of our fight, I felt the aura of the last diamond. Someone uses the power of the diamond. While fighting, I kept glancing to where I sensed the diamond, and when I saw who got the diamond, I was so surprised. It was Michelle, and it's so surprising to see her use the power of the diamond perfectly like they are one. I felt relieved because I could gather all the diamonds any time. But what surprised me was Michelle used the power of the diamond to trap Liza inside a magic cage. I doubt Liza can get out. Was Michelle trying to save Liza? Well, I think that's the case. It was as though Michelle was protecting Layla because she didn't attack the beast, except if someone purposely attacked her as Liza did. I avert back my attention to the Demon King

King Warrick is strong, and his power as a demon makes him the strongest amongst dark magic users. After all, the Demon God blessed him directly. Well, let's try his full capabilities. In my stance, I used little of my power because I'm saving it for last. I don't want to waste too much energy because it's useless, not that I underestimate King Warrick's but because I've learned his only one weakness. Finding your enemy's weakness is crucial in this battle if you want to win. On the battlefield, always use your intelligence and make a move one step ahead of your enemies. When fighting, it is not just about your physical strength and how powerful you are, but also your intelligence and faith in your capabilities.

Because if you fight wisely, then you'll win. And if you win, then you'll live. In this chaotic and cruel world where powerful beings crave more powers, there's no room for the weak. If you're weak, you'll lose, or worse, die. And if you die, then you'll die with two choices of last destination, either the promised land or purgatory. It's obvious King Warrick will go to purgatory and his time limits have come when a grim reaper is watching him.

I don't know if he noticed it because he kept attacking me and all I did was dodging the attacks that made him infuriating. He was using his full force just to kill me, but all the wounds he gave, they healed quickly and that fuelled his rage even more. "King Warrick, if you want to live, just stop already because your dark power is no use to me. Don't you know what I am?" I said, and he stopped attacking me while panting. "I am the beast of the beasts, remember?" I continued, and he gasped. He was clenching his fist tightly and gritted his teeth. Then he laughed like crazy. "Bwahahahaha! Don't underestimate me, Chosen One. Because I know your only one weakness! Hahahaha," he said while laughing evilly, and I frown slightly. He attacked me again, and this time I got serious. I need to know what they have against me because as far as I know, my only weakness is silver. Does this mean they will kill me using silver? Now I felt a little anxious. But I must keep my emotion under control and don't show any signs of weakness.

This time I use some of my powers to fight the Demon King. Now that they had something against me, I have to be careful. As the chosen one to end this chaos, I must send the bad beings to purgatory.

I smirked while dodging the attack of King Warrick, "Fortunately, I also know your only one weakness." I said. King Warrick stopped and clenched his blazing fist. His eyes darkened while growling and lightning were striking everywhere. The ground shook violently and the water from frozen rivers exploded harshly as it cracked because of the earthquake.

"Then I won't let you use my weakness against me! I am the Demon King, the son of the Demon God, and with his blessing, no one can defeat me! Not even you, Chosen One!" he shouted angrily, and the earth continued to shake vigorously.

Then you leave me with no choice but to send you to your last destination. I am Alice, known as Alexandria Vermount. As the daughter of the moon goddess, Selene, I must finish my mission. A Demon King-like Warrick who acts impulsively and lives cruelly must executed from the earth.

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