They all looked at me like I had grown two heads. “Mister, why did you call me a vampire? I am a werewolf and I came from Blueming Pack.” I said, and their eyebrows furrowed, then eyed me thoroughly.

“I can smell the vampire and wolf's blood on you. Who are you?" another werewolf spoke with a serious expression. His gaze fixated on me as he scanned me thoroughly, like prey.

“I don't know what you are saying,” I said, confused

"You're also a witch! Who are you?!” a brown werewolf stepped forward while glaring daggers at me, then growled. Her eyes turned bright yellow.

Now, I don’t understand what they're saying. Layla shivered while gripping tightly at my waist. Four groups of packs forgot they were rivals for a moment, as they were so focused on me.

“Look, I don't know what you are saying,” I repeated, trying to convince them.

"Lie!" a black werewolf scowled and his eyes turned to bright blue.

I closed my eyes and let my power flow into my veins. As I opened my eyes, my glowing eyes mirrored them. They gasped and stepped backward as they saw my two different eye colors—blue and green with golden flecks. Some of them transformed into their full wolf form.

“You're right. I lied.” I said while smirking, but my voice was deep and three voices were coming from me. And it startled me. It's like I don't know my voice anymore.

They gasped and stepped backward again. They growled at me in angst.

"Who are you?” they uttered while still looking into my eyes, unblinking. I stare at their eyes one by one, hypnotizing them.

"Go back to where you belong and forget our encounter...” I whispered slowly.

Just like that, they turned their backs and walked away from us. I release a sigh of relief. We stayed standing for minutes in case they would come back, but they never did. Layla finally let go of me and my eyes came back to normal.

"H-How did you do that? Why are they following your order? A-And why do you have three voices!” Layla asked, dumbfounded.

I chuckled. “I remember my mom said that I can hypnotize others and control them.”

"Woah! Cool!” I smiled. “Let's go.” she hummed, and this time we walked slowly as I looked for some animals to hunt. I'm so hungry and my stomach rumbled.

A minute later, I spotted a deer; I ran faster and tackled the deer, sucking its neck. As soon as my fangs tasted the deer's blood, I noticed I was so thirsty. How strange. I sucked all the deer’s blood, even though it's terrible. I carried the deer's body and walked towards Layla, who looked stunned while eyeing the dead deer. She looked at me in awe. “Let's eat it. I know you're hungry,” I said. “But how can we make a fire?” she said with furrowed eyebrows. Oh, right!

"Oh..." I wasn't thinking about it.

She chuckled at my flustered self. “Oh, Alex, you're funny.” I pouted, and she continued laughing.

I grinned as I saw smoke from a distance, “Layla, look!” she followed where my finger pointed at and she smiled.

“Woah,” she blurted out, and I laughed.

“Let's go!” I said and carried the dead body of the deer. I let her go first.

I heard talking and laughing coming from where the smoke was. “Layla, wait...” she stopped and looked at me questioningly.

“We can't go in there,” I said while shaking my head.

"Why not?”

“They are humans.”

"Oh, I don't care. I'm starving, Alex.” I sighed and nodded.

After ten minutes, we spotted the group of humans grilling something. My stomach growled at the scent of grilled meat. Damn.

"Hey!" A guy waved at us. Layla waved back at him. As we got closer, their gaze shifted to me and to the deer. I put the deer down and looked at them.

"Woah," they uttered in surprise.

Layla smiled at them awkwardly. “Hi, can we join you? We caught a deer in the forest and we don't know how to cook it. And we are so hungry.” Layla said shyly.

There were two girls and three boys in the group. The girls smiled at us and one of them with blonde hair spoke, “Hm, here, have some.” The girl handed us a plate of grilled meat.

Layla accepted it with her eyes twinkled. "Thank you!" she said and took a bite.

I smiled at the humans and walked towards the fire. "Can I use your grilling stove?" I asked for permission.

"Sure. I'll help you with that." a guy offered, then handed me a knife. Then he asked, "How did you catch the deer?”

"I tackled him," I replied. He laughed at it. I know he didn't believe me.

"Seriously?" he said while laughing and the others. I chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. We saw it on our way here.” I lied. He nodded.

"By the way, I'm Tristan." He introduced himself. Then all the groups also introduced themselves. "I'm Yvette." The girl with blonde hair said while smiling. "I'm Anna," the girl with short black hair said. "My name is Aaron," the guy that waved at us a while ago said. "I'm Nathan." the silent guy introduced. Nathan kept staring at me, but when I looked at him, he averted his gaze to Anna. He's weird.

"I'm Alex." I introduce myself while smiling.

"And I'm Layla." Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Nice to meet you. Where do you come from?” Tristan asked.

Damn. Layla and I glanced at each other, and silence enveloped us. We looked down, then I cleared my throat and said, “Honestly, I don't know what place we come from. All our lives, we've been prisoners at our house. Our parents never allowed us to go out. We ran away, and we got lost in the woods.” They looked at us with wide eyes. I have to lie. They're humans and they don't know about us.

Layla looked relieved at my answer. Layla shouldn't get worried. She's considered a human because she never shifted, anyway. But she can still smell a little. She's just too weak to shift.

“How could a parent never let their daughters go out?” Tristan said with a creased forehead. We just shrugged our shoulders.

Tristan handed me the meat he chopped, and I put it on the grilling stove. “You have an awful childhood,” Yvette mumbled and sighed.

I smile at her. “We were so glad, we were finally out of that house,” I said and started eating the meat she gave me.

“So, where will you stay then?” Anna asked, and I shrugged.

"We have nowhere to go. We just let our feet take us wherever, as long as it's far away from our old home.” Layla said, and they looked at each other.

Tristan looked at me and said, “You can come with us back to the city. We can help you get a job there.”

“Really? That's so nice of you, Tristan. Thank you, it means a lot.” I said while smiling at him and he also smiled back.

“There are a lot of jobs in the city, so I'm sure you could get one!” Anna said.

“Really? Thank you!” Layla said with excitement.

“Did you go to school?” Aaron asked. Layla and I shook our heads no.

“You both never went to school?” they asked unbelievably.

“No. But we can read and write.” I said. My parents taught me how to read and write when I was little. And 1 also taught Layla how to read and write.

"Well, we could still find you a job,” Yvette said while smiling at us.

“Thank you.” Layla and I said in unison.

Tristan and I continued grilling the meat while talking. Yvette and the others bombarded Layla with a lot of questions, while Nathan is just listening to the girls and Aaron.

"Aren“t you afraid of some animals?” I asked.

“Not at all. Why do you ask?” Tristan said.

"Well, I think this forest is dangerous for camping. What if there's a wild animal lurking behind that dark forest?” I said. He looked tense and looked around us.

“You're right. We didn't think about that possibility,” he replied.

“What if we're wild animals? What are you going to do then?” I asked, and he laughed.

“You're funny, Alex,” he said while chuckling. I laughed with him but he still answered my question, “I guess, we'll run as fast as we can.”

I laughed and took out the cooked meat on the grilling stove and put it on a plate. Then I glance at Layla and the others while laughing.

“I have never gone to the city my entire life,” Layla said while pouting and her eyes sparkled in excitement. “I'm so excited! Yay!" We all laughed at how excited Layla was. I can feel the new beginning for us.

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