Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 75

The Orbs of Life and Death circling faster around Alice as she tries to control its immense power. As she controls the orbs, her body dances along with the orbs to continue the rituals. She drew out the white diamond in her left palm and raised her hand above her head while her right hand controlled all the orbs that surrounded her. As she dances in the air, her appearance changes into a beautiful glowing goddess with a crown above her head. Her glowing eye color keeps switching every 20 seconds as the orbs circling her.

"Almighty God, please lend me your divine power to end this chaos at once. Let me give my judgment into this world and bring peace. GRANT ME YOUR TREMENDOUS POWER TO PUNISH ALL DEMONS UNTIL ETERNITY!"

As Alice uttered those words, a blinding light appeared from up above, directly into her. It's the arc of divine holy light!

Alice didn’t waste any time and chanted an incantation. “As the power bestowed upon me, I'm calling all the divine spirits of the orbs of life and death and the infinite power of the white diamond to grant me the power I need to defeat all evils and to heal the broken lands. In the name of Almighty God, I command you divine spirits to wipe out all the devil slime at once!"

Suddenly, a vast divine holy light spread all over the magic realm and all the devil slime vanished in an instant. Everyone yelled again in victory as they witnessed the miracle.

Meanwhile, the fight between Zelix and Willow continued even after witnessing the divine light wipe out the devil slime. Willow knew who did it, so it didn't distract her. All the angels just watched the two exchanging powerful attacks with each other. They didn't interfere with the fight because they had to prepare for the next wave coming. This time, their chance of survival is fifty-fifty. Right now, the angels are all praying to the Almighty God to help them.

At the western land, Sabrina trembled when the dragon—Kyrios, showed her a vision.

“Is this the end of the world?’ she thought and felt chills all over her body.

"Sabrina, are you okay?" Lucia asked when she noticed Sabrina’s heavy breathing and hands shaking.

Sabrina shook her head, then closed her eyes and heaved a deep sigh. She turned to King Tyrone and the other warriors. “You have to hide. There's another wave coming, and this time I don't think we can save you all,” she uttered.

Everyone was stunned and felt fear. They are all tired and it will be their end if another wave comes. Their forces couldn't hold any longer as they haven't regained their energy yet.

“There's no safe place to hide, Sabrina. Is this the end of the world? Are we going to die?” King Tyrone said and couldn't help but feel fear as well as the others. The feeling of helplessness surged in everyone's heart.

“There is,” Lucia uttered, and everyone looked at her. “The only safe place to hide is the mortal realm.”

"But the portal is closed.” King Tyrone said.

“No. It has already opened.” Sabrina said.

“I'll try to open a portal that leads to Tibbertan Mountain,” Lucia said and stepped aside. She didn't waste any time chanting a spell to open a portal.

A swirling motion appeared. Lucia smiled at everyone. “Please hurry and get in! The portal won't last long. It will disappear any minute!” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Knights! Gathered everyone here quickly and told them to get into the portal! Hurry!” King Tyrone commanded and all the knights fled to get the others.

Afterward, everyone entered the portal in a hurry. King Tyrone looked at Sabrina, Lucia, and Cyn. “Thank you for all your help. I will repay you someday. So please stay alive!”

Sabrina, Lucia, and Cyn smiled and nodded. Lucia stepped forward and said, “If you will meet King Alexander and Queen Leia in Tibbertan Mountain, please tell them we are here, and alive. Tell them to wait for our return.”

King Tyrone nodded, “I will.” Before he entered the portal, he looked around his kingdom one last time and smiled sadly. It's hard for him to leave his kingdom, but he promised to come back after this chaos.

In the mortal world, at Tibbertan Mountain.

King Alexander, Queen Leia, King Desmond, and Vorges stand in front of thousands of werewolf warriors, vampire warriors, witches/wizards warriors, and hybrid warriors. All of them wore battle attire and were ready for war.

For the past few days, after Prince Angelo, Cybelle, Azrael, Sabrina, Layla, Michelle, Cyn, and King Stephen's disappearance, King Alexander gathered all races except for the rebel demons to save them. When Queen Leia learned that the light portal dragged them into the magic realm, they didn't waste any time to gather all the warriors and ask the other races to join the Moonlight warriors, because the magic realm is currently in war and chaos.

Fortunately, King Desmond, together with the vampires, agreed simultaneously because they still see the magic realm as their home, even after many years of being forbidden to enter the magic realm. What surprised them was the witches’ and werewolves’ willingness to help. When the witches learned that their missing Queen was in the magic realm, they didn't hesitate to join the Moonlight's forces.

The same happened with the werewolves. Because without their King, they couldn't function well and resulted in a misunderstanding in every pack land. King Stephen's disappearance made a great impact on all the werewolves. They value their King so much they will do everything to bring him back alive—to continue his legacy because only he can tame all the pack’s leaders.

Just now, Queen Leia saw a vision, and she didn't like it. If they're too late, all hell will break loose and the magic realm will destroy. Now that the portal has completely opened, they have to hurry to help save the magic realm—their beloved world of origin.

“Are you ready?!” the head of the knight yelled and everyone answered with full spirit, “YEAH!!!” Suddenly, a big swirling motion appeared not far away from them. Everyone gasped and prepared what was coming, then ready their weapons. It takes two minutes before someone comes out from the portal. It wasn't just one, but a lot is coming out from the portal.

"Who are they?” everyone murmured.

King Alexander, Queen Leia, King Desmond, and Vorges observed the uninvited guest. The air changed in an instant; it wasn't intense, but the air filled with fear and uneasiness. It didn’t come from them, but from the newcomers. They couldn’t sense any danger, so King Alexander ordered everyone to lower their weapons.

It stunned everyone to see a lot of magic users/wizards marching out of the portal. All of them looked so helpless and frightened. They came from the magic realm. The magic users stopped dead in their tracks upon seeing thousands of warriors in front of them.

When King Tyrone got out of the portal, he noticed the thousands of warriors in front watching them. He gasped because those warriors comprised werewolves, vampires, witches/wizards, and more surprising was the number of hybrids. He can't believe that these races who used to be rebels and enemies are joining forces now. Somehow, a newfound hope arises for them. He realized that unity is the key to saving the magic realm—their home

King Tyrone stepped forward and greeted everyone. “I am King Tyrone of Western Part of the Magic Realm. We're here to hide and ensure the safety of my people. As of now, the magical realm is not in good condition. The demon race led by Demon Lord Samael destroyed everything.”

“Wait, Demon Lord Samael? I heard of him. He's powerful.” Queen Leia said and stared at King Tyrone intently.

King Tyrone nodded. “Yes, he's too powerful, but... the sextuplets are more powerful. We believe they could defeat him and save the magic realm. They just save us from the goblins and demons. And before we came here, the sextuplets eliminate all the devil slime in one go. But... there's another wave coming, and it wasn't safe for us anymore to stay. That's what Sabrina said.” "Wait—did you say, Sabrina?” Queen Leia asked in haste and waited for King Tyrone’s answer with anticipation.

"Yes, are you Queen Leia?"

“Yes! How is she? Did she have companions with her? Please, tell me they're alive!?”

King Tyrone smiled. “Don’t worry. They are strong—especially Sabrina. They said to wait for their return.”

Queen Leia sighs in relief. “I'm glad they're fine.”

The witches also sigh in relief at knowing that their Queen is alive. King Tyrone told them everything about how Sabrina and her companion saved their life and their land. The witches felt ecstatic and proud of their Queen.

"However, all of us will go to the magic realm to retrieve our world of origin and defeat the demons and beasts that are manipulating our ancestors. This time, all races will return to the magic realm without hiding anymore!” King Alexander said in a serious tone.

"YEAH!!! LET'S FIGHT AND WIN THIS WAR!" all warriors yelled, filled with determination to win. Suddenly, another portal appeared again, and they heard a lot of footsteps, but the ground also shook with every step. Their eyes widened when a giant came out from the portal. They were the giants who were useless in battle.

In the magic realm, at northern land.

Xandra frowned upon seeing the vision. She looked up at the dark sky and wore a serious expression. Cybelle looked at Xandra in surprise. It's the first time she saw Xandra like this. Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of Xandra. She knew right away what it meant.

“Alice needs my presence now," she uttered. Cybelle gasped, then nodded. Xandra turned to everyone and said, “Everyone, you must hide. It wasn't safe here anymore. There's another wave coming and I'm afraid you can’t make it this time if you stay. I advise you to go to the mortal realm to hide. There's a mountain in the mortal realm and you can stay there for the meantime.”

Everyone gasped and felt fear. If there's another wave coming, it will be the end of them. However, the giants are not cowards. “We, the giant warriors, will stay! We won't let demons ruin our land! We will protect our home and fight until the end!” The giants yelled.

Xandra smiled. “Then, fight and don't die!”


Prince Echo walked towards Xandra. “I will stay and help, Lady Xandra.” Xandra frowned and stared at him with an unexplainable expression.

"Echo, it's too dangerous. I can't let—"

“No. It's my choice. As a crown prince, this is my only chance to prove to myself that I'm deserving of the throne. I must be reliable for all the giants and magic wizards to see me as their worthy King when the time comes!”

Xandra sighs and stares at Echo intently, then gives him a faint smile. “But if you die, I'll kick your ass!”

Echo laughed and nodded. “That won't happen!”

Afterward, Michelle chants a spell to open a portal and leads everyone who can't fight to enter the portal.

Meanwhile, Demon Lord Samael grinds his teeth while clenching his fist tightly. All he wanted was to conquer the magic realm for all the demon nations—for them to survive from God's punishment. It's time for them to redeem what's theirs. Demon Lord Samael's main purpose was to make the Gods go down for them to get their revenge. It was the Gods who made them the villains after all, by feeding them lies, using them for their entertainment, and above all else, betraying them. That's why they must annihilate all the angels, magic users, and those who go against his plans like his triplets. And exterminate the threat that will wipe out the demon race—the sextuplets.

“Samael, kill them or else they will send you into your suffering. You don’t want that, do you?" his subconscious whispered.

“I'd rather dissipate into dust forever rather than to suffer more in this cruel world!" he screamed, and his eyes darkened. He doesn't care if the sextuplets were Dalmir's daughters because his goal is to take the reign of the entire magic realm!

“Il, Demon Lord Samael, as the power bestowed upon me, I'm calling all the demon spirits in the underworld to lend me all your power to annihilate all the enemies! As the chosen of the Supreme Demon God, I'm asking you to grant my wish!”

As he released all his powers, it went berserk. Demon Lord Samael's dark power almost dominates Alice's arc of light. It was too powerful, and Alice could barely hold the force. It stunned Alice and her sisters

“Die. Die. Die.” Demon Lord Samael kept on murmuring and then laughed devilishly. “I WILL KILL YOU!" he shouted, and it echoed throughout the place. He released all his strength, and the wind blew harshly, then the thunder roared so loud. Above him, the dark clouds with lightning formed, and afterward, it formed a whirlwind. The dark sky turned bloody red, like an image of hell. However, the sextuplets are already expecting this attack. Alice used telepathy to talk to her sisters below her—to begin their plan.

'Val, Dam, Dem, enough with the play. Let's end this.’ Alice said.

And the three sisters grinned viciously and Val replied while pouting, “I'm still enjoying this game, sis! Tsk. Killjoy!"

“Be serious. You know what's coming next. We have to prepare.’

“0k, sis!’ The three sisters agreed.

“Will you let me use my death scythe, sis?’ Demonise asked. Excitement rushed through her veins. “Sure. But don't kill them...” Alice replied, while eyeing the ten demon generals and the two brothers. oll, I 4]

“Of course!” the three sisters said in unison while still grinning. Alice told them her plan and the three sisters slumped their shoulders in dismay because Alice didn't want to kill the ten demon generals yet.

“Can I... take their soul later?” Damona asked. Her eyes glimmered at the thought and licked her lips. The ten demon generals frowned and took a step back when the sisters looked at them with a hungry gaze. Damon glared daggers at the sisters.

“Sure.’ Alice replied while grinning, then averted her attention to Samael, who was focusing on his dark powers.

Suddenly, four portals appeared in every direction. Afterward, Xandra and her groups appeared, then Sabrina and her groups, followed by Elaine and her groups, and lastly, Willow and Zelix, who were still exchanging attacks. They just stop when they notice where they are.

Azrael smiled and felt relief upon seeing the others. Now, Alice won't tire herself more. He's worried for Alice because she’s been using powerful attacks to clear all the threats for everyone like the devil slime.

Xandra, Willow, and the others joined Val, Damona, and Demonise, then faced the demons.

Zelix approached his brothers and noticed that they weren't in themselves. They are being controlled. He looked at his father and felt fear. The other reason why he didn't go against his father's order is because of the cursed chain that connects them to their father. Once his father pulls the chains, he will also be out of control of his mind and body. To prevent it from happening, he must obey his father.

Meanwhile, Alice averted her attention to Samael and wore a serious expression as she felt the threat in the air.

However, Samael laughed devilishly. “I am the Lord of the Demon and chosen by the Supreme Demon God. No one ever defeated me—not even the Gods! BWAHAHAHA!" The creepy sound of the dark trumpet coming from hell echoed throughout the entire magic realm.

Simultaneously, all the angels were already prepared for the next wave. When they heard the creepy sound of the dark trumpet, the angels summoned their weapons, then rode their pegasuses and flew upward into the bloody sky to meet the enemies. To save the magic realm, all angels decided to sacrifice themselves for the sextuplets because they believed that only they could defeat the demons.

As the creepy sound continued, the bloody sky filled with black dots. However, it wasn't just black dots, it's the armies of flying creatures!

They are the powerful demons from the underworld. They have two horns, big eyes, a long nose, long pointed ears, and a wide mouth with crooked fangs, but sharp, with huge black wings and a sharpened tail like steel. Above all else, they're flowing with immense dark power. If combined, they are more powerful than Demon Lord Samael.

Demonise summoned her death scythe while Val, Damona, Xandra, and Willow also summoned their weapons. Val's weapon is an anti-demon gun, Damona's weapon is a cursed double sword. Xandra's weapons are daggers, and Willow summoned her crossbow and arrow. The five sisters wore their serious expressions and said in unison with full determination, “Fight mode on!”

Using their infinity power combined with their weapons, the sisters chant a spell to lock the ten demon generals and the three brothers inside the “infinity prison cube’ before the flying creatures reach the ground. They couldn't get out unless the sisters freed them.

Unbeknownst to Demon Lord Samael and the flying creatures, the sextuplets have been waiting for this moment. At last, they could sustain their blood-thirst.

The next thing happened shocked everyone to the core. Their mouths hang agape, wide open in terror and extreme fear, with the shocking scene unfolding in front of their eyes! It was beyond astounding!

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