Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 83

As the sun set on the horizon, it blew me away by its beautiful rays that illuminated the vast ocean. We are now out of the forest and stumbled again into the small clearing which Darius is waiting for us. Luke was so surprised upon seeing my dragon. Because of excitement, he requested to ride Darius. And now we are lying at Darius’ back while watching the dark sky filled with stars and the two moons.

Meanwhile, Eros was still asleep peacefully beside me. Right now, I still can't believe the kids got separated from their parents. What if I was too late to save them? What would happen? I let out a loud sigh.

I sat up and saw my darling still grilling the rabbit he caught earlier for our dinner while the cute little thing was watching the fire in awe. He tried to touch the fire but squeaked at the heat. I heard Azrael laugh. So I silently chuckled.

Eros suddenly stirs and wakes up. The first thing he mumbled was the word “mommy’ and cried. “Shh, it's okay, baby boy. You're now fine...” I coaxed him, and he looked at me with tears rolling down his face. His gaze fixated on me and his mouth formed an “0’ shape.

"M-Mommy?” he asked while choking on his tears.

I shook my head. “No, baby. I'm not your mommy. Well, we will look for your mommy, okay?” I said while stroking his head.

His eyes watered, and he was about to cry. I quickly pulled him into my arms. “Shh, everything will be alright.” he sobbed and hugged me tightly.

Luke scooted closer to us and said, “Eros, we'll be going to see our mommy soon! So stop crying, okay?” Then he nuzzled Eros’ head with an assuring smile. Eros looked at him with a small smile and hugged Luke while sniffling. That put a smile on my face. At such a young age, Luke knew how to comfort the little boy like he was his little brother.

Then Eros turned and clung to me like a little koala, which I didn't mind because I know he’s missing his parents.

Azrael waved his hands and called us, “Come down and let's eat!” I nodded and took the kids down from Darius’ back to join him below.

The fire he made keeps us warm on this cold starry night. It feels so nice. Eros looked so surprised when he saw the adorable baby water fox sitting obediently beside Azrael. His eyes twinkled in awe and grinned. “What's his name?” he asked excitedly.

"Oh, shoot! We haven't named him yet. What do you think, Luke?” I said and looked at the little boy beside Eros. He put his hand on his chin while thinking. This little boy looked too cute right now, and I couldn't help but pinch his chubby cheeks. He pouted and giggled.

“Hmm, his name would be Blue!" he half yelled with a wide smile.

“That's cool!” I said with a smile. Then I looked at Blue and he wiggled his tails. It looks like he loves his name.

“Blue!” Eros uttered and Blue jumped into Eros’ little arms and licked his face cheerfully. Eros and Luke giggled while Blue danced around us enthusiastically. Azrael and I laughed at the scene. "Okay, let's eat!” Azrael announced, then handed us a stick with grilled meat. We happily devoured our food, and I just noticed I'm so hungry. Azrael and the kids laughed when I burped loudly after I finished my part.

After eating, the kids and Blue played with each other around Darius. They really got along well. Azrael stood up and sat beside me with a huge smile on his face. “Alex, how many children do you want in the future?” he asked out of the blue while smiling dreamily, and I almost choked with my saliva. A blush crept on my face, and I cleared my throat to hide my flustered self.

"Hmm, two is enough,” I answered after giving it a thought, and he pouted his lips.

“But I want a dozen children,” he said while grinning, and my eyes widened. I swear my face is like a tomato right now. I coughed as his answer startled the sh*t out of me. A d-dozen? Is he for real? "What?! That's a lot!” I said and laughed.

He laughed too, but still insisted on having a dozen children since he was the only child and he always wanted to have a lot of siblings. I stopped laughing and stared at him. I remember something that I forgot to tell him.

"Hm, Azrael, I have something to tell you...” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yeah. What is it?" He looked at me with a smile.

I let out a deep sigh and said, “Can you stop calling me Alex and call me Alice from now on?” "Why?" his brows furrowed.

“It's just that, I'm not the same Alex you knew before. That was not the real me. I mean, we are six in one body, which was our vessel, and that body already died. I don't want to confuse others for having two names.” He gave me a small smile with an unfocused gaze and held my hand subconsciously. By the look on his face, I know he reminisces about the past. He let out a sigh. "Okay. I understand. I respect your decision, my love.” he brought my hands on his lips and kissed them. That brought a smile to my face.

“Thank you. I just wanted us to start all over again without thinking about the horrible past, which still haunts me sometimes in my sleep. I want to be called by my real name all the time because sometimes I remember the bad things that happened each time I heard the name Alex or Alexandria. Because the past 18 years of my life seem like a blur, full of lies and secrets. So I wanted us to start all over again in this world.” long as I could.

He nodded. “Hmm, let's start all over again. I will always be here by your side. From now on, I will only call you Alice.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Azrael. Nevertheless, the name Alexandria will forever engrave deeply in my heart because mama Leia and papa Alexander give it to me. That name will always be special.” “Likewise, Alice. Well, your two names will forever be engraved in my heart, too, and in my memory. By the way, what is your last name?” His words had a strong impact on me. It really means a lot. My stomach churned, seeing his warm smile.

“I have no last name. My name is just Alice.” I said, and his brows furrowed.

"What? How is that possible?” he asked, still with furrowed eyebrows. I chuckled.

“Darling, I'm a goddess and I have no last name as well as all the gods,” I said, still chuckling. He smiled cheekily and his eyes sparkled.

“Well, in that case, you should add mine as your last name. You would become Alice Shepherd from now on. Oh damn, my last name suits you well.” he said grinning from ear to ear.

"And why would I take your last name?” I said, while raising an eyebrow.

“To make you mine permanently. Don't you want it?" he said, still grinning.

“No, thanks..” I rolled my eyes.

“Nah. You don't have a choice. You are stuck with me, remember?” he said confidently.

“Well then, marry me first.” I blurted out.

Azrael's eyes widened.

Oh damn! Did I just blurt it out? What the hell am I thinking? My face flushed in embarrassment and Azrael was now grinning from ear to ear. Then his expression becomes serious.

“Then, I will marry you, Alice,” he said while smiling genuinely. My heart pounded in my chest so fast, like it would burst out in my rib cage. He held my hands and stared at me lovingly. I'm speechless as I felt my stomach do a somersault. We just stared at each other with a smile.

After some time, we lay some big leaves on the grass Azrael gathered earlier for us to sleep for a night because we will depart early tomorrow to continue collecting the orbs. Using my magic, I turned the leaves into a comfy mattress and a tent for us to sleep comfortably. Luke and Blue fell asleep quickly while Eros was still wide awake and clung to me tightly. I think he misses his mom. I'm still trying to coax him to sleep. Azrael smiled while looking at me admiringly. I rested my head on his shoulder, then he put his arms around my shoulder while stroking my hair lightly. Then he hummed a song.

“Close your eyes

Let me tell you all the reasons why

Think you're one of a kind

Here's to you

The one that always pulls us through

Always do what you gotta do

You're one of a kind

Thank God you're mine”

My heart pounded in my chest like crazy. I didn’t know he could sing well. He sang the lyrics full of emotions that almost melted my heart. His voice is like a lullaby that warms my soul.

“You're an angel dressed in armor

You're the fair in every fight

You're my life and my safe harbor

Where the sun sets every night

And if my love is blind

I don't want to see the light”

I smiled and closed my eyes as I took in the lyrics of the song.

“It's your beauty that betrays you

Your smile gives you away

Cause you're made of strength and mercy

And my soul is yours to save

I know this much is true

When my world was dark and blue

I know the only one who rescued me was you”

I know he was broken back then. I can see through those cold eyes before. It was dark and lost. Maybe because he was still affected by his parent's death. I'm glad I gave him a chance to prove his love again. I tilt my head to look him in the eyes and he greeted me with his signature smile. I couldn't help but return it full of love. As I looked down, I noticed Eros closed his eyes and yawned. After a minute, I think he was already fast asleep, so I lay him slowly beside Luke. Then Azrael wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned my head on his chest. He continued singing.

“Close your eyes

Let me tell you all the reasons why

You're never gonna to have to cry

Because you're one of a kind

Yeah, here's to you

The one that always pulls us through

You always do what you gotta do baby

Because you're one of a kind.”

My smile didn't falter. I felt so comfortable in his arms. This felt like home, as always. His warm embrace always makes me feel safe like I don't have to worry about the future as long as he’s with me. I embraced him tightly and listened to the beating of his heart. The heart that only beats for me. I felt so lucky to have him in my life. I closed my eyes as I felt my eyelids become heavy. And I felt his lips on my forehead, gently placing a kiss.

I looked up sleepily, and our gaze met. I can see his love flowing on me freely. Indeed, loving someone is scary, but it's worth the risk. Azrael will always be my first and last love. No one could replace him in my heart. And I think he felt the same way as I did.

“I love you...” I whispered.

“I love you more, my love...” he whispered back and claimed my lips. I closed my eyes and savored the moment. As we pulled out from the kiss, we gave each other a genuine smile.

Then we lay down, and he put my head in his arms as a pillow and hugged me while stroking my hair gently. “Goodnight...” I said and yawned. I closed my eyes, then slowly drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams...” he whispered in my ear. I went to sleep with a smile on my lips.

"Wow!" Luke and Eros gasped while looking below with a bright smile. It's their first time riding a dragon, and it amazed them. I watched them with a smile. Whereas, Blue looked terrified and turned himself into a ball and now I was holding him. Azrael and I chuckled while looking at Blue.

“So, where are we going next?” he asked.

"Hm, we are going up there!” I said while pointing at the thick clouds.

"What?" he frowned, and I chuckled.

"I felt the aura of the orbs above,” I said.

"Oh, how many?” he asked.

"Only one,” I answered. He hummed

“So after this, where are we going?”

"Our next destination would be the Pyramid Mountain in the northeast,” I answered.

“Look! It's an eagle!” Luke exclaimed in awe.

The eagle screeched under us and tried to fly past Darius. However, Darius snorted and flew faster. The two children screamed in excitement. “Woohoo! Faster!”

Azrael and I laughed.

A few minutes later, we are now above the clouds. The two children gasped and happily played with the clouds. Even the terrified Blue came out of his shell and played with the clouds in awe.

I quickly floated and walked in the clouds while following the aura of the orbs. Minutes later, I spotted the orbs hiding in the thick clouds. It responded to the orbs inside me, so it glowed brightly. I immediately took the orbs of life and got back to my companions.

The two kids and Blue were still playing in the clouds while Darius was watching, keeping the kids safe. Meanwhile, Azrael looked like his mind wandered to another planet and he was grinning from ear to ear. I know he was thinking about something again. Uh, I don’t want to know whatever he was thinking.

His gaze meets mine, and he smiles at me. I furrowed my brows when he held out his hands to me. I absentmindedly took his hands without a single clue of what he was about to do. He pulled me closer to him and I bumped into his hard chest. I gasped in surprise. Then he spread his wings wide open and carried me bridal style.

He flew higher, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Damn. My angel looks so dashing. “You look so handsome, my darling.”

“And you are so gorgeous, my goddess...” I smiled.

“So, what are we doing up here?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to do this...” he said with a smirk and then his gaze traveled to my lips and I swallowed as my throat felt dry. He leaned closer until his hot breath fanned my face. I smiled and pulled him for a kiss. I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss.

And after feeling like an eternity, we pulled away and pressed our forehead together while catching our breath. “Hmm, I needed that,” he whispered.

I smile and open my eyes. My angel looks so perfect. “Why do you look so perfect?” I blurted out while caressing his flawless face. He smiles and kisses me again.

“I am nothing compared to you, my love. Because you are beyond perfect,” he said.

I smiled, and he gave me a last peck on my lips before going back to where Darius and the kids were. The kids and Blue looked at Azrael's wings in awe. And when Azrael withdrew his wings, they pouted. We chuckled, and I signaled Darius to fly off onto our next destination—the Pyramid Mountain.

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