Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 86

In the northeast part of the magic realm.

Alice's group arrived at Pyramid Mountain but didnt land yet because the pyramid mountain changed its formation and became a hundred pyramid-shaped hills. And is now filled with different plants and flowers, and magical trees, which Alice didn’t expect. Darius forgot to inform her, though. However, they enjoy the view so far because it's like they are in a paradise. It's their first time seeing a hundred pyramid-shaped hills scattered throughout the vast place somewhere in the northeast part of the magic realm. They just can't believe the fantastic view below them.

Darius lowered down slowly while scanning the area for any monster. However, he couldn't spot any movements below.

"Wow, there are so many colorful pyramid-shaped hills. I thought there's only one Pyramid Mountain.” Azrael uttered in amazement.

“It's supposed to. However, I guess, it's because of the orbs of life.”

Azrael's brows furrowed. “Do you feel the orbs or the diamonds?”

Alice closed her eyes and located the aura of the orbs or the diamonds. She fluttered her eyes after how many minutes and said, “I felt one orb of life and two diamonds. However, it's hard to pinpoint their exact location because when the pyramid hills change formation, the two diamonds change location every 5 seconds, too. I guess it will take time to collect them.”

She didn't say that the two infinite diamonds she felt belonged to Willow and Damona. It's the green diamond and brown diamond, which probably have got to do with the transformation of the Pyramid Mountain.

It's rare to find the two diamonds in one location. Maybe it's the reason why the pyramid mountain changes its formation and now it looks like a chocolate pyramid-shaped hill to Alice. Suddenly, she craved chocolate but didn't voice it out. Her throat felt dry upon thinking about chocolate, which she found so strange because she didn't like chocolate at all.

"Uh, this is weird,” she whispered, but Azrael heard her.

“What's weird?”

"Uh, nothing,” she said and shrugged her shoulders. Azrael stared at her with a creased forehead. He knew that something was bothering Alice, but he couldn't guess it. Instead of asking her, he averted his gaze to the scattered pyramid-shaped hills below them.

“Look, there's a strange rock below us,” Azrael said when his eyes caught a glimpse of the rounded object. The strange color of the object piqued his interest.

Alice looked down and gasped. She felt lives inside the object and the orb of life!

But she squinted her eyes at the familiarity of the distinct object. Her eyes widened slightly upon analyzing the object. “It's not just a rock, more like an egg!” she blurted out in surprise. “Darius, let's get down!” She commanded and Darius quickly landed near the egg that measured 120cm in diameter.

Alice and Azrael carried the kids, then jumped down and looked around them in awe because of the magical trees surrounding the enormous egg.

Alice stood in front of the egg and touched it. She gasped because it's the same thing that happened when she touched the egg where Blue came out before. However, this time, a colorful light seeped through the hole when the egg cracked slowly. It happened so fast they barely could react.

They remained silent until the light subsided.

"What is that thing?” Azrael uttered in awe.

Alice didn't hear him because her attention was on the being in front of her, which screams a unique aura. Alice's jaw dropped and stared at the three half-human, half-fox babies floating in the air while inside the air bubbles. The two babies cried while the other one didn't.

She rooted to the ground when a vision flashed in her head. It's the origin of the three half-fox babies.

However, the cries of the two babies leave them panic-stricken because they didn't know how to stop a baby from crying. Alice calmed herself and said, “Azra, take the other baby and I take the other one!” She quickly took the baby with gray and black fur in front of her while her heart raced. Surprisingly, the baby stopped crying when she cradled the baby in her arms. She looks at the gender of the baby and finds out it's a girl. She looked at the other baby which Azrael held and it's a boy with white and black fur.

Then she turned her gaze to the only baby who didn’t cry and the odd one of the three because the baby’s fur was red with a white and black combination. It's also a girl, and it surprised her because the baby was staring at her innocently and she gasped when the baby raised her hands, trying to reach for her.

With a conflicted look, she looked at the baby in her arms and then at the baby that was still floating inside the air bubble. She heard Azrael chuckled, so she turned to look at him. A smile crept on her lips at the sight. Azrael was trying to make the half-fox baby laugh.

She turned her gaze again at the floating baby and gulped when she noticed something in the baby's hand. It's the orb of life!

With a careful step toward the other baby, she then reached her with her right hand carefully and held her too in her arms. Now, she was carrying the two babies and had zero ideas about what to do with them.

The newborn babies had some features of a human, especially their face, and they have fox ears, fur, and tails. However, the half-fox triplets have a unique aura that interests Alice.

The wind blew gently and some small petals from the colorful flowers flew in the air like cherry blossoms. At that moment, Alice's and Azrael's eyes met with indescribable feelings. A thought struck Alice the moment she eyed the two babies in her arms. She wanted to have a child! Right there and then, she felt like a mother.

Azrael subconsciously smiled at the sight. He could picture out their future having a lot of children beside them while chasing each other. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“There are a lot of babies!” Luke and Eros uttered in unison while looking at the babies in awe.

Alice and Azrael both look at two kids with guilt. When their attention focuses on the triplets, they almost forget about them.

Meanwhile, Blue floated around Alice and Azrael while looking at the baby in awe like he was telling them they were alike, except the newborn has some human features.

They chuckled at Blue and the two children’s reaction.

Alice fondly held the unique babies, who were now looking at her innocently. “They're so adorable, aren't they?” she uttered with a bright smile on her face while showing them to Luke and Eros.

The two kids looked at the babies with a bright smile, too. “They look like Blue!” Luke uttered.

Now that Luke mentioned it, Alice realized she found a water baby fox yesterday. The difference was Blue is a pure fox, but she knows that Blue could transform into a human form someday if he's strong enough. It's the same with the triplets. They could transform into their whole human form, too.

"What are we going to do with them?” Azrael uttered while brooding.

Alice smiled brightly, and her eyes sparkled. “I want to adopt them,” she said because she had a plan for the triplets. Azrael's eyes widened slightly in surprise and then smiled widely while staring admiringly at Alice. “We can be their parents,” he said dreamily.

Alice's heart raced at the thought of them being a parent of the half-fox triplets. She hummed and then looked at the three babies with a genuine smile. She couldn't stop feeling so excited about her being a mother. It's about time, anyway.


Staring at the half-fox triplets made me realize a few things in life. I've been wandering around the magic world and mortal world for so long that I never realize how good the feeling of being a mother is. Even though the triplets didn't come out from me, it still made me happy when I held them in my arms.

Damn. What have I been doing this entire time? To think I live a hundred years wandering around, the thought of having a family didn’t even cross my mind. I mentally face-palmed since I'm holding the two babies.

If I hadn't met Azrael, I never would imagine myself being in love and thinking about building a family with him. Being a daughter of a goddess and a chosen one, I forgot I needed someone in my life. Thinking about it, I've never experienced being in love before. I guess being punished before is not a bad thing after all because I met Azrael even though he rejected me at first.

“What are you thinking?” I turned to Azrael and smiled. “I'm just thinking about life,” I replied with a sigh and looked at the two kids and Blue, who were chasing each other in the vast field of magical flowers.

“Do you realize you need me?” he said with a grin. I chuckled. “Nah, I've been thinking why you rejected me right away back then. Did you find me disgusting before too because of my dirty appearance?” I asked while laying down the babies slowly into the comfy small bed I made because they fell asleep in my arms. Then I turned my attention to Azrael, waiting for his answer.

He stared at me guiltily and sighs. Then he caressed my face gently. “I admit I'm very stupid back then, but I only thought you were disgusting because you are an omega. I couldn't imagine why my mate is an omega. It's nothing to do with your appearance. Because the only thing on my mind back then was the opinion of my pack. If they found out my mate is an omega, they'll look down on me and you. But I don't think I'm disgusted by your appearance before because whatever you wear, be it a trash bag or rag, your beauty will still stand out. Although, the most that attracted me the first time I saw you was your captivating unique eyes because I feel like it sees through my soul and I think it's so pretty.” he explained thoughtfully.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You are indeed very stupid,” I said while chuckling as I saw him pout.

"Ouch, it hurts.” He acts like he’s truly hurting, which made me giggle.

“What should we name them?” he asked while looking at the babies. Oh right. I stared at the babies too while thinking of a name. The problem is, I'm not good at giving names. Should I mind-link Demonise since she’s good at it?

“I don’t know how to name them. I'm not good at it.” I admit. He looked at me incredulously and I raised a brow. “What?”

“Nothing,” he said while shaking his head and then we chuckled.

When I'm about to mind-link Demonise, someone tried to mind-link me.


“Can you hear me?’

“Mother?’ I asked in surprise.

“Thank goodness it worked. Alice, I have some good news!

“Okay. Spill."

Azrael looked at me with a creased forehead and was about to ask me when I pressed my finger on his lips while I listened to my mother's good news

Jupiter and the others have returned. Well, except for some demons who stayed with Yael and the ten demon generals. And Jupiter said that Yael has the two orbs of death with him. Also, Yael requested to see you... alone.’

My brows furrowed together at the mention of Yael having the two orbs of death

“What else did he request?’

“Nothing. He only wants to see you after a month during the full moon."

“Ok. We'll be back before the full moon. I know what he wants, anyway.’

Suddenly, the mind-link stopped. Then I noticed my finger was still pressed on Azrael's lips, so I retracted my finger. He asked, “What's wrong?”

“It's my mother. She said Jupiter and the others are now back and safe. We only have a month to finish collecting the orbs.” I said, and he sighed in relief.

"A month? Why?"

“Well, Yael wanted to see me for negotiation. He knows he can’t win against us.”

"Will you give him a chance?”

"Depends on the situation. If he behaves, I might consider it.”

He nodded. “So, what would we name the babies?”

I squinted my eyes slightly while thinking of a good name. When my eyes landed on Darius, I remembered something.

“Darius!” I called, and he looked at me with a questioning gaze. “You can transform now!"

His eyes sparkled after I said that. Then, without wasting time, he transformed into his human form. A handsome man with a fair complexion and long black hair appeared. “Wow, it feels so good! It's been so long since I transformed back into my human form,” he said with excitement and walked towards us.

“Well, it's good to see you again in your human form. I'm tired of seeing your dragon form, anyway.” I said, and his eyes widened.

“Why didn’t you tell me?! From now on, I'll stay in this form!” he said while pouting his lips.

I chuckled. “Not a chance. We need your dragon form to bring us to our next location.”

“You're so cruel to me, master.”

“Hey, you're lucky because you can transform anytime now, unlike the other three dragons,” I said while raising an eyebrow.

His face lit up and laughed. “Hah. If they transform, your sisters would be annoyed.”

I laughed. “I think they wouldn't,” I said knowingly. Darius gave me a curious look. “Come here. I want to ask you something.” I said.

I saw Azrael stare at Darius questioningly. “Darius?!” he uttered with brows knitted together.

I chuckled. “Yes, he is Darius,” I said. His eyes widened. “You're kidding me?”

“I'm Darius. This is my human form.”

My darling looked at Darius incredulously. “You can't be serious. I mean, I know this is a magic realm, but I didn't know a dragon shapeshifter really exists.”

We laughed. “Not only a dragon. Look at the half-fox triplets. Soon, they can transform too. One of these days, you will meet another shapeshifter too, not just a dragon shapeshifter.”

"Wow. This world is full of surprises.” he blurted out and we laughed.

“So, master, why did you let me transform?”

“Oh, I need you to name the other baby,” I said, and his eyes widened. “What?!”

“Well, since there are three babies, each of us thinks of a name that suits these babies. I will name the one with red fur!” I said with excitement.

So now, I wracked my brain to think of a unique name. Since I choose the odd one among the triplets, I should give her a name that suits her.

After an hour of brooding, I finally think of one and I'm so excited to say it.

I smile and poke the nose of the little fox baby with three color combinations of fur. And I couldn't help but giggled when she looked at me with brows furrowed together. Aww, she’s so adorable. “From now on, your name would be Alexia. It means the defender of the man.” I took her name from my previous name, Alexandria.

I looked at Darius and urged him to tell me what name he thought for the other baby girl. He smiled and said, “Her name would be Acius.” My brows furrowed at the name. What does he think about the little fox, a dragon? I glared at him.

"What the hell?! Do you think this little thing is a dragon?! You can use it for your future baby. So think another one.” he scratches his nape with a sheepish smile. “Hmm, Dara?" I shook my head no. "Azice?” he tried again, and I heard Azrael chuckled. I glared at him again. He cleared his throat and said, “Fine. How about Ariya?”

Ariya? Wow, did Darius actually think of it? I gave him a thumbs up and he sighs in relief but a smile forms on his lips.

“That's a nice name! Ok, this little half-fox is now named Ariya. It means a ray of hope.”

“Your turn, Azrael,” Darius said, and we both turned to Azrael, who was holding the other little thing. “This little guy is Azel. It means reserved.” He said. I smiled because I love the name.

"Azel is a nice name,” I uttered, and he smiled. He also took the baby’s name from his name.

“You two are biased! Ariya’s name should be Acius, too! I can't accept it!” Darius whined. I rolled my eyes at him. He is the king of the dragon and yet he is acting like a child sometimes. This dragon king is bipolar. “Master, you are so cruel to me.”

Azrael and I laughed. Darius kept insisting that Ariya should be named Acius. Not a chance. It's final. These three little half-foxes are Alexia, Ariya, and Azel. I called Luke, Eros, and Blue to introduce the name of the babies.

Ah, I can't wait to introduce the triplets to my sisters, especially to Xandra, who loves babies.

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