"Alex, it's so weird. If you are also a vampire, why didn't you get burned in the sunlight?” Layla asked, confused. Her eyebrows furrowed together. She was thinking deeply. We were currently walking in an open field. It was all grass and the afternoon sun hit our skin. We don't have any idea where we are now. We were walking for almost two hours and my feet were aching.

I just shrugged my shoulders and then said, "Is it because I am also a werewolf?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no?" she said while shrugging her shoulders.

"You know what? Let's stop thinking about that, it's stressing me out.” I said nonchalantly. Layla chuckled and nodded.

"Do you think we will find the Tibbertan Mountains?" Layla mumbled out of the blue.

But I didn't reply and stopped walking. Layla also stopped while looking ahead of us. There was a group of people heading towards us. A total of 5 people. Their scent filled my nostrils. Werewolves. We were in their territory without us knowing.

"Rogues!" one of them mumbled while staring dagger at us. Layla flinched and grip onto me tightly. I stared back at the five people.

"What are you doing in our territory?" one of them growled, while staring at me intently.

"Sorry, we didn't know," I said in a nonchalant voice, then staring back at the man. For a second, I saw something flash in his eyes. It was an amusement. He grinned cockily.

"What pack did you come from before you became a rogue?" another man asked in a bored tone. He has the coldest eyes among the five.

"Blueming Pack,” I mumbled back.

"Wow, you came a long way. I heard about that pack, they're all dead now." another man with a mustache said while shaking his head. I frowned.

Layla and I gasped. No way! Did I hear it right?

"W-What? Are you kidding us?" They looked at each other and then one man decided to tell the truth.

"Oh, vampires wiped that pack out. No one survived the attack. They were looking for a girl named Alexandria Gregory.” I was stunned. Layla's grip on me tightened more. What the hell? Why are they looking for me? No sh*t! Because of me, the entire pack was gone? This is unbelievable!

"I know her. Did they get her?" I asked, nearly choking on my voice. The blonde man eyed me intently.

Guys, I need a new name. They can't know I am that girl. They will kill us.

“Hmm, how about Valentina?'

Nope. I don't like it.

'Why not, Andrea?’

Andrea? Hmm.

“Andrea Caliber."

Thanks, guys.

I mind-linked Layla, “Layla, from now on my name is Andrea Caliber.’


"No, the girl escaped.” the blonde man said, not tearing his gaze away from me.

"What is your name?" the man with the mustache asked while a grin plastered on his annoying face. "I'm Andrea Caliber, and this is Layla Boehringer,” I said nonchalantly.

"Okay, but you need to come with us. You trespass our territory.” the blonde man said again, this time he has a goofy grin.

"Look, we didn't know it's your territory. Can you let us go? Please? We still have to go to the Tibbertan Mountains.” I said, while looking straight into their eyes, trying to convince them. "Tibbertan Mountains? Why are you going to those mountains? Don't you know it's dangerous?” a mustache man said frowning. I rolled my eyes

"We are looking for answers that only we can find in those mountains,” I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Good luck with that, kid. Sure, we will let you go. I just hope you won't get killed along your way." the mustache man said, shaking his head while laughing.

"Why?" I said, while my eyebrows furrowed together.

"Do you still want to go? Tibbertan Mountains is the home of beasts.” the blonde man said, smirking.

"What?" Layla mumbled shakily.

"I don't care. Do you know the way?" I said.

"Sure. But it's too far away from here. You will cross 5 mountains and 5 rivers before you get there. But, I'll tell you, kid, it's not easy to cross every river.” the mustache man said with a grin.

"I can tell you too that we will make it there,” I said boldly.

They laughed louder. "How can you be so sure? Don't you hear about the beast living in every mountain and river guarding it against outsiders?"

"No," I whispered.

"You're just going to get yourself killed. If you change your mind, you can stay in our pack.” another man with a piercing in his nose said.

"Why would you let us into your pack?" I said, while raising an eyebrow.

"You seemed to be a nice girl." They eyed me and Layla up and down. "And maybe a good f*ck!" They laughed. I clenched my fist tightly.

My eyes darkened and stared at them dangerously.

'Alex, control your anger.’

Sorry. They just make my blood boil. I can't stay here any longer. I wanted to suck their blood. Ugh. "Sorry, but we would rather get killed by the beast than by you," I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"And sorry because we won't let you go," they said, grinning and laughing. I smirked wickedly. They step forward, and Layla flinches beside me.

"Alex..." Layla whispered.

Before they could touch us, my eyes glowed brightly. They stop dead in their tracks while staring into my eyes. "Go back to your packhouse and forget about us,” I whispered into the air. Slowly, they turned their backs to us and walked away from us. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Layla sighed in relief. "Thanks to your superpowers, Alex. We are safe,” she mumbled gratefully. I chuckled.

Then we hurriedly walk away in that territory before another wolf will sense us. Another 1 hour passed, and we reached the hallway. Layla and I look at each other.

"Alex, do we need to go to those mountains? You heard them, there was a beast along the way.” Layla mumbled worriedly and afraid.

"Are you scared?" I mumbled. She nodded.

"Yes, Alex. I can't afford to lose you. You know that you are the only one I have.”

I sighed. I didn't reply. I let silence enveloped us.

I heard a car approaching in the distance. "A car is coming, let's go hide," I said hastily.

"No, Alex. We will ask for help.”

"But, Layla..."

"Alex, we've been walking, but do we have a destination in mind? Yeah, the Tibbertan Mountains, but we don't even know where it was located. Maybe this one's coming, know where it is." Layla is right. We can't keep walking and I know she is hungry.

I didn't reply, instead; I looked at the ground. I heard Layla sighed but never uttered anything. The car is getting nearer and nearer; a scent fills my nostrils. It is a mix of jasmine and citrus.

I look at the car approaching us; my vision gets clearer and I only see one person, a woman. What surprised me was; she was smiling directly at me. She can see me! What is she?

When she's already near, I can pinpoint what she is. A witch. A witch riding in a car. How nice. I giggled mentally.

The car stops in front of us. The woman gets out of the car and walks towards us. She was staring at Layla. "You are familiar.” the witch said. Layla steps backward. I growled, and the witch looked at me. "Oh," she uttered, surprisingly.

She walked towards me instead and eyed me intently. I didn't step back and returned her stare with intensity. She was examining me.

"What are you? I never encountered someone like you..." the witch mumbled in curiosity. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Still, I said nothing back. I examined her and was surprised that I could read her mind.

Slowly, she touches my face, which I already expected. And just like that, her touch sends an electrifying force into my system. I stepped backward and groaned in pain. Something burns inside me.

"What did you do to her?!" I heard Layla shout in shock and rushed toward me.

"I did nothing!" the witch woman uttered.

"Layla! Don't come near me!" She stops and frowns. The witch-woman also frowned. The confusion was clear on their faces.

Uggh. It happens again. My insides were burning like fire. It's even more excruciating than before. It's like something in me wanted to come out. But this time I fought it. My three spirits also scream inside my head and help me control the burning pain. They were also affected. Oh, silly me, of course, they can because they were inside me.

I screamed and tried to control the force in my veins. The lingering pain slowly died down. My breathing became irregular as I slammed my butt into the ground. I was breathing heavily, like I ran a mile. I was panting like crazy. I blink and after a second my eyes come back to normal again.

'You did it, Alex."

Thanks, Willow. But why is it happening again?

'lt's because that witch touched you, Alex. she said.

What? Why?

“Like Vorges, her touch awakened your powers as a witch. But you did a good job of controlling it before it will control us." Val said.

'Yeah, good thing we can also help control it." Xandra said.

That explains why.

"Alex! Are you okay?" Layla asked, and bent down to hold me in her arms. "What happened?” she asked worriedly, and there was a tear on her face. I sighed. I made her worried again. I reach her face and wipe off the excess tears and smile faintly.

"I'm okay now. Don't worry about it." I assured her, but she frowned.

"How can I not? Seeing you in pain broke my heart,” she said and sniffled. I smiled and hugged her. "I'm okay... really,” I said and released the hug.

"What are you??" I diverted my gaze at the witch and smiled. She was taken aback. I walk closer to her.

"I also don't know... Queen Elisha." I said with a grin plastered on my lips. Her eyes widened in shock.

"H-How?!" she said unbelievably. She tried to hide her aura so that no one would notice she's the queen. I heard that no one knows and has seen the Queen's real face because she kept it hidden. When she faces her people, she changes her face. I wonder why.

"Trust me. I know..." I said while smirking. She narrowed her eyes on me.

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