Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 91

In the deserted land of the southwestern part of the magic realm, a lot of stones pile up like a gate. With every gust of the wind, the sand would form a whirlwind around the gate. The pressure of the wind around the deserted land is too heavy. And the sand contains a poisonous gas. A normal person couldn't get through the sandstorm.

The vast deserted land looked haunted because of the shattered skull and bones of dead animals in the sand. Demons throw all the bones intentionally to scare the trespassers. Also, it is the only part of the magic realm that is covered with darkness.

The truth was, the deserted land is the entrance of the demon's domain. The ruined gate is the transportation gate to the abyss of darkness in the underworld.

Five minutes before the allocated time of Alice and Demon Lord Yael's meetup, Yael gathered the ten demon generals and left his castle towards the outside gate.

"How's the preparation?" Yael asked his generals. Yael is now the leader of all the demons and the goblins. With all the majority votes, Yael got the title of the new Demon Lord. And with full authority, he turned all the goblins into demons with the use of the black diamond and two orbs of death. Now, his forces continue growing. Although their power was still limited, it's not a hindrance to their evil plans.

"It's ready, my Lord.” Damon (First Demon General) answered with a devilish grin.

The other demon generals laughed evilly. They couldn't wait to capture the goddess and slaughtered other races to take their powers. Demon Lord Yael grinned secretly. He can't wait to become the most powerful demon that could eliminate a god and reign over the entire universe and heaven. He plans to conquer the Promised Land and kill all the angels and gods

"If this plan fails, we will be a goner forever. And if anyone messes up my plan, I will kill you without mercy." Demon Lord Yael said coldly.

"Yes, my Lord!" The ten demon generals spoke in unison, then contacted the other demons to relay the message of their lord.

At exactly eight o'clock in the evening, Alice arrived at the meeting place and saw Yael with the ten demon generals beside him. She looked around and noticed that there wasn't any castle or house, but a ruined gate. Alice guesses that the ruined gate is the entrance to the demon domain.

'I see... They copied this trick from the Moonlight Kingdom. Someone must've seen the gate in the Tibbertan Mountain before.’ She thought.

“No. It's the entrance towards the abyss of darkness in the underworld.’

“What perfect timing! Haha, Yael, you can't trick me."

She caught a glimpse of Damon, who has the same appearance as Val's childhood sweetheart, Vanjoss. It must be him who saw the entrance to the Moonlight Kingdom. He is a spy, after all. Alice saw all the skulls and bones scattered in the sand and she felt the heavy pressure of the wind. She almost inhaled the poisonous gas when the sand formed a whirlwind. Although it won't affect her at all. When the demons saw her, Demon Lord Yael cleared the path and Alice walked towards them calmly but alert. She knew demons were tricky and could not be trusted easily. Yael is the master of betrayals, after all. He would betray everyone if he wanted to. He is indeed a demon of all demons.

Alice halted 20 meters away from the demons. "Yael," she uttered.

"Lady Alice... I'm glad you came. I thought you would ditch us. And you came alone. Good." Demon Lord Yael said with a cunning grin.

"I'm here to negotiate, Yael. No need to draw bloodbath." Alice said coldly.

Yael chuckled. "Of course, I know you are here to negotiate. Which place would you prepare, in my kingdom or right here?"

Alice stared at Yael and the ten demon generals. She could see through them all except Yael. He blocked her when she tried to read him. With their looks, she knew they were planning something to abduct her. She had to be cautious and careful because she was on their land. She could sense the danger she was in. Well, she knew she stepped right through in the center of the trap.

Even though she had a hard time tracking her surroundings because of the heavy pressure of the wind and sandstorm around the area, she can still smell the ominous danger.

'I had a bad feeling about this..."

'Yael was planning something. If I choose to enter their domain, they might capture me successfully. And if we stay here and talk, I could still escape if the negotiation fails." she thought and was still wary of her surroundings because she thought something was off in the trap she step in.

She remained calm. "I prefer to talk here. We don't have to go somewhere else. So let's start the negotiation.” After she said that, she summoned a chair and sat down like a Queen. She removed her cloak and revealed her exquisite beauty.

With the moon's glow towards Alice, the demons quickly bewitched with her beauty and watched her hungrily, like a dog. With a sharp gaze and dangerous aura coming from Yael, the demons shivered and stepped backward, then looked down, or else they'll disappear. They almost lost their lives. After all, the goddess is the niece of their lord.

Demon Lord Yael also summoned his seat and sat across from Alice, 20 meters away. The ten demon generals remain standing beside Yael. They could feel the ominous aura coming from Alice and Yael. Such a powerful and dominating aura makes them tremble and feel goosebumps all over. They dared not speak a word or create any noise.

"So what do you propose?" Alice breaks the silence and stares at Yael.

"Be patient, dear Alice..." Yael grinned and snapped his fingers.

Alice already knew that other demons were surrounding the entire area with pointed weapons in their hands.

"Hand me the orbs or I will kill you." Yael threatened.

"Kill me? Hahaha. You're a fool, Yael.” Alice chuckled incredulously.

"Alice, dear, you are surrounded, and there's no way you could escape from us. Bwahahaha!" "What do you mean?" Alice uttered innocently. She acted like she didn't know their plan.

"Haven't you realized yet?" Yael grinned and snapped his fingers again.

Alice looked around and noticed that she was inside a black magic circle. It glows, and the ground shakes tremendously, but she remains rooted in her seat like nothing happened at all

Before she knew it, she was inside a big cage. The metal bar was glowing with lightning and a thick barrier.

"Damn it!" she cursed loudly, but secretly grinned.

“Hah. Demons, it's time for your clan's downfall.” Alice said in her thoughts.

“Trapping me in this cage is your own demise.’

Yael laughed evilly, followed by other demons. "I never thought I could trap you without a sweat, Alice.”

The demons laughed and laughed nonstop like they were having a feast.

Alice smirked and tried to use her power to break free from the cage, but it didn't work. No matter how many attempts, her powers didn't come out. "What happened?" her brows furrowed together in confusion.

"Hahaha. I told you, you can never escape. Not in the cage that can nullify a god-level power. I prepared this cage for hundreds of years and it's finally complete. It's all thanks to you, Alice! Bwahahaha!" Yael said while laughing wickedly.

"I waited for you to restore the magic realm so that I can get the orbs of death that will complete my experiment. Poor Alice. You didn't even have any idea that everything that happened was all my plan. Bwahaha!"

Alice gritted her teeth and tried to break the cage but to no avail. The negation power that Yael use was indeed so strong and can nullify the god's power.

Yael stood up and walked closer to the cage. "I will release you only if you give me all the orbs,” he said cunningly.

Alice sighed. "I can't. How about this? I will recreate the demon realm in exchange for my freedom." "Hah. Recreate the demon realm? Bwahaha! All I wanted was the orbs because the magic realm is now our home!"

Alice shook her head and cross her arms over her chest with a smirk. "Yael. Do you think you can forcefully extract the orbs inside me? Haha. Pathetic.”

Yael frown deeply and knitted his forehead. "What do you mean?!" he said in a loud voice.

Alice chuckled and stepped closer to face Yael but dared not touch the metal bar. "Because the orbs were sealed away in a place you would never find. Hahaha!" she whispered while smirking playfully. “Haha. Of course, it's a bluff." Alice said in her thoughts.

"What?! You tricked me!" Yael became furious and banged the cage forcefully, but Alice didn’t budge at all. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How dare you trick me, Alice!’

"Alas, I haven't come here unprepared. Do you think this nullification cage can really trap me? I knew it from the start. Looks like you forgot what I can do, Yael."

Yael cursed under his breath. "You saw the future..." Yael balled his fist and clenched his teeth in frustration. His anger explodes, which causes a huge sandstorm. It's too strong, which causes the other demons to fly away by force.

Alice remained standing and endure the intense pressure. The pressure was nothing to her because she was used to it all her life.

"Yes. Now, I give you all a chance to live. Agree to all my conditions or I will exterminate your race forever." Alice uttered seriously.

Yael was clenching his fist tightly while the dark energy surrounding him was getting stronger and stronger. It's all because of the combined power of the orbs and black diamond. "What condition?" "As I said, I will recreate the demon realm. But you can never enter the magic realm ever again. If you haven't attacked behind my back, I will let you enter the magic realm, but with certain conditions, too. However, I changed my mind. You can only live in the demon realm and survive on your own.” she said.

Yael laughed. "Are you trying to trick me, Alice? I made this cage with Pluto and we already tested it. Do you think you can fool me with your words? You can never ever escape from here. You will be trapped here forever! Hahaha.”

“What a stubborn demon.’ Alice thought.

"No. Because this cage won't affect me. I was just acting out to deceive you that my power didn't work." Alice said while grinning and then touched the thick metal bar cell. Slowly, the thick barrier dissolved, which surprised Yael.

"I-impossible!” Yael and all the demons that witnessed the scene were dumbfounded and felt goosebumps.

The goddess is really powerful!

"Haven't you realized you are my puppet on the strings?" Alice mocked and Yael pursed his lips in anger.

"Goddess of Change and Fate... How can I forget that?" Yael uttered.

"You know, I could pull the strings right now..." Alice said, and Yael backed away a little.

Alice chuckled. "You can only agree to my condition or the demon race will disappear into the world of shadow dimension.”

Upon hearing the shadow dimension, fear crept into everyone. All demons kneel.

"Please, spare our lives! Demon Lord Yael, please agree to the condition. We don't want to be punished worse than death!" the demons begged and kowtowed multiple times. All that remains standing are Demon Lord Yael and his ten demon generals who clenching their teeth furiously. "Useless trash!” Yael was beyond angry, but it seemed like the tables had turned and he had only one choice. That is to agree with Alice's proposition. But he won't admit defeat that easily without a fight.

He laughed dangerously and used the power of the orbs of death and black diamond. In an instant, all the demons that surrounded the area except the ten demon generals vanished and their souls entered Yael's body and absorbed all the dark energy.

“Alice, I will kill you!”

"Magic realm is mine!”

Yael yelled, and the thunder pounded in the entire land. To Yael's dismay, the chaos only happened in the deserted land because Alice quickly put a thick barrier around the deserted land to prevent anyone from interfering with the fight between her and Yael. She will not let Yael ruin the festival and the peace she gave to the people.

"Admit your defeat and I will spare your lives,” Alice said, but Yael only laughed.

“My life only belongs to mine and you can never decide my fate! I'll destroy you first before you destroy us!” Yael shouted and gathered all the dark energy.

Alice touched the cage, and it melted quickly. The ten demon generals stared at Alice unbelievably. The cage that took hundreds of years to finish just destroy like that without a sweat. It was infuriating to watch.

Their anger exploded and attacked Alice like a madman.

However, before they could attack, Alice's eyes glow brightly and everything stops. Alice sighed deeply and walked towards Yael.

“It's time for your divine punishment,” she said and touched Yael's forehead. Then the two orbs of death and the black diamond come out. She took it and now all the orbs and diamonds are complete. The dark energy that covered the entire deserted land disappeared into thin air.

Yael stared at Alice in horror. He tried all his might to move but to no avail. “Stop resisting, Yael. I give you a chance, but you still refuse my mercy. Since you refuse to repent all the sins you committed, receive your divine wrath. Your soul will dissipate forever...”

“Noooooooo!’ Yael could only scream in his mind and slowly, his soul dissipated without a trace. He was gone forever and could never, ever reincarnate again.

Before dissipating completely, Alice heard Yael's thoughts. “In the end, I also fell into your hands, Alice..."

The ten demon generals could do nothing and choose to resign to their fate. Seeing their lord dissipated into thin air, fear struck them.

Alice walked to the ten demon generals with a serious expression. “Ten demon generals, you never stop bringing chaos into the world and never once repent for your sins. Your evil deeds will send you to your sufferings. Your divine wrath is to send you to the shadow dimension to receive your torment until eternity.”

With a blink of an eye, a circular motion appeared and forcefully took the ten demon generals into the shadow dimensions.


Just like that, the deserted land fell into silence and the threatening force that surrounds the entire land disappeared. She walked towards the ruined gate and cast a spell to enter the demon's domain.

She fell into the deep abyss of darkness, and it took a while to land on the solid ground. When she looked around, demons surrounds her with a dangerous aura. All pointed their weapons towards her.

“Demons, your lord is now gone forever. I'm here to announce your divine punishment.” Alice said, and all the demons begrudgingly withdrew their weapons. They knew the dangerous situation they were in. Their entire clan was finished.

Thud! Thud!

All demons dropped to their knees and kowtowed nonstop. “Goddess, have mercy on us! We realize our mistakes!”

"Have mercy on us!"

“We repent for all the sins we committed!”

“Goddess, please have mercy!”

The demons begged and begged with all their might. Thousands of demons kneeled and kowtowed, but others were faking it. And the grudges in their hearts for the goddess remained sour. Their hatred will never disappear. Hatred is what turned them into demons. No matter how much they begged, Alice could never cleanse their vengeance soul.

She sighed and breathed deeply. “The divine decree will never change. You will be punished and atone for your sins until eternity. Your vengeance soul will never be reincarnated and will be trapped in this abyss of darkness until eternity. Receive your divine wrath!”

"You are also a demon!” someone shouted and tried to attack her but she dodge the attack. Because of it, all demons resort to attacking her all at once. She sighed while shaking her head. Alice's eyes glow brightly that dazzled all the demons. Everyone screamed and fall back down. A forceful force was pinning them down and they couldn't move, no matter how hard they tried.

She flew upward and absorbed all the demon’s power, then sealed it into an orb. Now, the demons were powerless. Then she sealed the vast abyss of darkness and only she could break the seal. The abyss of darkness is the second shadow dimension of torment. Since her mission was done, she teleported back to the deserted land and removed the trace of the ruined gate. The abyss was now completely sealed.

And now is the time for her to depart. But before that, she releases Kyrios and seals him back to the staff weapon, and teleports it to Sabrina.

When the blue moon turns into a green moon, everyone was glad except those who knew that Alice was still nowhere to be found. Although they never stop looking for Alice, especially the five sisters. The search continues despite their exhaustion until morning comes.

Azrael arrived at the deserted land, but silence greeted him. No trace of Alice and demons at all. Because of exhaustion, he fell to the ground with tears streaming down his face. “Alice...” he wept. As the sun rose on the horizon, he saw something glimmering in the distance. He got up slowly and dragged his feet forcefully until he saw a familiar necklace. He quickly dropped to his knees and grabbed the necklace with tears pouring down his face nonstop while murmuring Alice's name repeatedly. The pain was too much, causing him to lose consciousness.

The news of Alice's disappearance spread throughout the entire magic realm and caused sorrow to everyone. Everyone helps to look for Alice every day, but they never saw her, even a strand of her hair. It's like Alice disappeared into thin air. The sisters concealed the truth behind Alice's disappearance.

And Azrael isolates himself from everyone since the day Alice disappeared. Then years have passed, and they never saw Alice again.

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