Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 97

After the heartbreaking reunion, Alice and the others now settled at the back of the two dragons— Syrius and Tarius, which Alice summoned. They are now ready to go back to the central castle.

At the central castle.

Everyone was restless and couldn't stay put in one place while still waiting for Azrael and the sisters to return with Alice and the twins. They have been waiting for hours now and yet there's still no sign of them coming back. They couldn't help but feel anxious. What if something goes wrong? If Alice goes missing again, they'll go frantic and will fall into despair again.

Earlier, after knowing the news about the twins’ sudden appearance and news about Alice's whereabouts, the others and Dalmir were so emotional and couldn't help but cry in happiness. Dalmir couldn't believe that Alice gave birth to twins. Nonetheless, he was so happy to have a grandchild from Alice. He felt sad though because he didn't even have the chance to cradle the twins when they were so tiny. He sighed and closed his eyes for a bit, but deep inside, he was so anxious.

King Alexander and Queen Leia held each other's hands and also felt anxious. With every tick of the clock, their anxiousness grew so much that they almost ruined the couch with their strong force. “Mama, papa, please relax. Maybe they are on their way...” Cybelle said when the atmosphere became so tense and the royal couple sighed.

"Big sister Belle is right. You both should relax.” Angelo said coolly. He was also anxious, but his instinct told him they were on their way back. He can feel it.

"We were just so nervous. It's been so long since we saw Alice and I'm so eager to see her again.” Queen Leia said sadly while letting out a deep sigh.

“We all are. But all we can do now is to wait patiently.” Cybelle said, and everybody sighed. Meanwhile, both Sabrina and Layla were pacing back and forth nervously while the others were watching them with dizzy expressions

Michelle rubbed her temple and said, “Sabrina, Layla, please sit down. My head hurts looking at you both.” She approaches them and then grabs Sabrina’s and Layla's wrists to stop them from pacing and forcefully lets them sit down. Sabrina let out a loud sigh as she fidgeted in her seat. “What took them so long? What if something happened?” she said and bit her lower lip as her nerves skyrocketed. The others have the same thoughts as her, but never voiced their thoughts out loud. Michelle sighed and said, “Let's trust them. The sisters won't let anything happen to them.” “Michelle is right. And like what Cybelle says, all we can do now is to wait patiently.” Lucia butt in, trying to ease the tension. Everyone let out a heavy sigh and fell silent.

However, the half-fox triplets couldn't stay put while looking everywhere but at the entrance.

“Stop wiggling your tails!" Alexia complains.

“I did not! It's your tail!” Ariya contradicts

“Shut up! It's both your tails!” Azel both smacked his two sisters’ heads.

"Ow!" they both grunted while rubbing their heads and pouted.

After some time, the air suddenly became heavy. Such powerful energy envelops the entire castle. A swirling motion appeared and the twelve powerful gods and goddesses came out one by one. Goddess Selene quickly approaches Dalmir and hugs him teary-eyed. Upon seeing Alice's image in the revealing well earlier, Goddess Selene couldn't help being so emotional and tell the fellow gods about the good news which Jupiter already knows because the moment Alice came out of the secluded mountain, he saw her with a woman. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Seeing the powerful gods and goddesses, everyone bows with respect. Sensing everyone's anxiousness, Goddess Selene smiled and said, “They are coming any moment,” Because of Goddess Selene’s words, they sighed in relief and felt at ease. A few minutes later, Vorges and King Stephen came in and immediately bowed after seeing the gods and goddesses. Everybody was waiting while looking at the entrance.

After some time, Goddess Selene suddenly stood up and walked towards the entrance in haste. Her actions made everyone anxious and excitement rushed through their veins. The other gods and goddesses followed Selene, and they quickly understood what was going on the moment they heard a faint sound of the clattering of wings. They also stood up and followed them outside. And they saw two flying figures coming to the castle.

Everyone immediately notices the two dragons they haven't seen for so long. Seeing the dragons getting closer and closer, their eyes watered in happiness because it only means one thing-Alice really came back.

As soon as Syrius and Tarius landed, everyone quickly went closer. The moment they saw Alice smiling at them, the others burst into tears and sobbed. Layla rushed towards Alice while crying dramatically with continuous sobs.

Alice's eyes widened upon seeing Layla rush towards her at full speed. “Oh no,” she uttered, but it's too late to react because Layla suddenly jumped on her like a koala. In fast reflexes, she caught Layla in her arms and held her tightly to prevent them from falling.

“Waahhh! Alice, you came back!” Layla said while sobbing hard. She's so happy seeing Alice alive and healthy.

Alice smiled with teary eyes. “Do you miss me?” she said in a crack voice.

“Mm! I miss you so much that it hurts...” Layla uttered and sniffled. Alice felt sad and tears streamed down her face.

“I'm sorry..."

Layla gets down and pulls away from the hug. She stared at Alice with a frown expression. “Don't say sorry. I understand everything. I just couldn’t fathom why you have to disappear for so long. We were waiting for you all these years.” She said and Alice just smiled at her, then wiped off her tears. “It's a long story..." Alice said shortly.

“Alice,” Sabrina called behind them.

When Alice looked around, the others were already surrounding them with a smile on their faces and stained cheeks from tears. Her eyes widened slightly upon seeing the gods and goddesses who have a relieved smile on their faces. She returned them with a smile.

“Sabrina,” Alice called out and smiled.

Sabrina sobbed and stepped closer to Alice. Then she engulfed Alice in a tight embrace while whimpering. “I'm so glad you're back. Welcome home, Alice...” she said when they pulled away. Alice smiled and replied, “Yeah. I'm finally home.”

Then Alice spotted her two pairs of parents stepping closer to them with tears on their faces.

“My child...” Queen Leia and King Alexander mumbled at the same time.

“My daughter,” Goddess Selene and Dalmir also uttered.

Alice gave them a warm smile, with tears streaming down her face.

Sabrina gave way to give them space. With shaky breathing from all the crying, Queen Leia hugged Alice first, while whimpering. “I miss you so much, my child.” Queen Leia uttered while still sobbing hard.

Alice smiled and sniffled. “I miss you too, mama,”

When they pulled away, King Alexander quickly engulfed Alice in a tight hug while also sobbing. "Welcome back, Alice... I'm glad you're safe and sound.”

“I won't die easily, papa. Remember, I'm blessed by the universe?!” Alice said while returning the tight embrace. King Alexander chuckled. “I'm glad you're back, my child.” King Alexander said while tapping Alice back before they pulled away.

“Mm, I guess it's our turn now?” Goddess Selene said behind them while crossing her arms over her chest.

They chuckled upon seeing Goddess Selene’s pouty expression and folded arms over her chest, while Dalmir had a gentle smile on his lips with teary eyes.

“Mother... Father...” Alice called them with a warm smile.

“My daughter...” Goddess Selene and Dalmir said at the same time. Tears automatically rolled down their faces, seeing Alice in front of them. They felt like dreaming, but they knew it was real. So they immediately engulfed Alice in a tight embrace while sobbing continuously.

Alice felt so warm and comfortable being squeezed tightly by her parents. She felt the longing and the overflowing love they gave her. Her tears streamed down her face nonstop. She felt so vulnerable in their arms and she couldn't help being so emotional.

"Goodness! I'm so happy you're alive! I never really believed that you were gone.” Goddess Selene said while kissing Alice's temple multiple times.

"Well, you're talking about our daughter. She's tough, just like me, and won't die so easily. She's a survivor and brave like me.” Dalmir said with a proud smile and Goddess Selene scoffed.

“No! My darling Alice is brave like me!”

Alice chuckled at her parents’ banter. She pulled away while her parents were exchanging nonsense words. She turns to the other with a smile. Lucia, Angelo, and the others hugged her one by one and welcomed her back. The other gods and goddesses gave her respect and also welcomed her back. They gave Alice their utmost respect. Well, that's because Alice came back alive from the eternal unknown, which was so dangerous, even God Jupiter wouldn't dare to enter willingly. Seeing Alice survive and successfully get rid of the curse chains of fate was a miracle. Truly, Alice was fully blessed and loved unconditionally by Almighty God. At the same time, they felt envy because it really shows how the Almighty God and Destiny favored Alice the most amongst them.

“Mother...” the half-fox triplets called, at the same time while crying. Alice looked at them in surprise. The three adorable little creatures from five years ago are now growing and are calling her mother. Tears ran down her face with a guilty expression. She opened her arms widely for them and the triplets wept loudly when Alice held them at once.

"Aww, you're so big now. Shh, it's okay. Mother is here.” Alice said while rubbing the triplets back soothingly and kissing their forehead one by one. Her words and action made the triplets sob harder because they still remember how Alice held them before in her arms. They look snug as a bug in a rug while being held tightly.

The others were watching them with a smile because they knew how the triplets longed to see and hug Alice again.

“Can I join?" Yzzabelle uttered with pouty lips. Without getting a response, she voluntarily joins the hug enthusiastically. Alice and the triplets chuckled and hugged Yzzabelle too. Meanwhile, Ezzekiel also pouted his lips while looking at them, a bit jealous. Azrael saw his reaction and chuckled, so he held Ezzekiel's tiny hands and dragged him towards Alice and the kids to join the group hug. Each of them has the biggest smile on their faces because finally, their family is complete.

Seeing their sweet reunion, everyone couldn't help but cry in happiness with a tender smile.

“What a cute family!" Everyone thought at the same time.

A few hours later, in the evening, the wide central hall inside the castle was packed with people all dressed up beautifully and elegantly. They celebrate the 5th birthday of the half-fox triplets and Alice's return. Everyone welcomed Alice enthusiastically while offering her some performances that were only for her. Alice's followers prepare a dance and songs dedicated to her.

The hall was filled with talking and laughter. It was a joyful and peaceful night. It's the first time in five years that the castle was lively. Alice's presence cast all the sorrows away. Finally, they could breathe without worries in their hearts.

That night, words spread so fast through the entire magic realm about Alice's appearance after five years. Some people didn't believe the rumors unless they saw the goddess with their own eyes. That idea pushed the people to go to the central castle just to see Alice.

When morning came, many people were traveling towards the central kingdom just to prove if the rumors were true. Exaggerated as it may sound, but it's the first time in the history of the magic realm that something happened like this. All because of Alice. And Alice's followers were excited to see her and, of course, asked for the goddess's blessings.

At the castle. Everyone was having breakfast when they received news that many people were crowding outside the castle.

“What happened?” Val asked the maidservants, who informed them. They actually heard the commotion outside, but since they were having a meal, they didn't react.

“My lady, the people requested Lady Alice's appearance. They wanted to know if the rumors were true.” The maidservant replied and bowed to Alice. “My lady, they are all your followers..." Alice smiled and sent back the maidservant to bring her message to the people to wait for her.

After breakfast, Alice and the sisters went outside to meet the people. Upon their arrival, the commotion halted, and the crowd looked at the Great Sextuplets together, standing in front of them with all glory. It was fascinating to see that the sisters were complete again. Everyone immediately kneeled down while bowing their heads to pay respect to the six goddesses they admire the most, especially Lady Alice, whom they hadn't seen for five years. Others have tears in their eyes because of happiness. Their prayers actually came true, and that is seeing the great sextuplets together again with cheerful expressions because they saw how miserable the five sisters were without Alice.

The Great Sextuplets thanked everyone for their utmost support all these years. As a gift, the sextuplets grant their blessings to the people one by one, but only those desires that meet their requirements, it is their shared secret ability to see through one’s desire—either good or bad, and channel them to every god that could grant them. It's the least they could do for their followers. When all the people were finally gone home, the sisters could finally rest and have a chat. They were eager to know what really happened to Alice. Everyone except the kids gathered in the conference room to listen to Alice's story about her disappearance.

“Do you really want to know?” Alice asked and let out a deep breath. Azrael held her hand and squeezed while staring at her eyes. “Alice, you don't have to tell us if you're not comfortable. We can wait,”

Alice shook her head. “No. I should tell you now. It's just that I remember all the pain I went through.” She said, and frowned.

"Sis, we are all here. Let us share your pain.” Xandra said with a gentle smile and caressed Alice's face gently. Alice heaved a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay..." she exhaled sharply and then began telling them what she went through when she entered the eternal unknown. All throughout the storytelling, everyone couldn't help their tears to roll down their faces with aching hearts. The way Alice describes how painful the trial was broke their hearts. And the pain when the twins were forcefully taken away from her made everyone sob harder. Now, the sisters understand Alice's reaction when reuniting with the twins earlier. Their hearts throb painfully and the sisters couldn't help but stand up from their seats to hug Alice. They really felt terrible and somehow they wished they could erase those painful memories and replace them with happy memories.

“I know what you're thinking, but dont worry about me. Time will heal all wounds. With all of you by my side again, I know these unwanted feelings in my heart will slowly fade away.” Alice said, and that made the sisters and the others smile.

“You really are the strongest amongst us.” Demonise said and kissed Alice's temple.

“I know right.” Alice wink in return and they all laughed.

Meanwhile, when Alice talked about what happened to the demons, the dark magna trio (Helix, Drelix, and Zelix) felt a tug on their hearts. They were from the demon clans, after all. Now, their race was fading. At the same time, they understood why Alice had to punish the demons. It deserves them after all the troubles that the demons did to the entire magic realm.

"Are the demons going to survive in the abyss?” Zelix asked, feeling conflicted.

Alice looks at him while shaking her head. “I'm afraid they're already a goner. They have sinned and their divine souls will forever be trapped in the abyss of darkness.”

“What's left of the demon race?” Drelix said.

Silence envelops the entire room until Helix breaks the silence by clearing his throat. “Well... since Alice already came back. I think it's time to talk about the wedding.” he said and everyone's face lit up.

“Yeah! So when is the wedding?” Lucia blurted out, and everyone looked at her. The sextuplets looked at each other with a smile while their eyes glimmered.

"When we were little, we promised each other that we would get married together,” Val said with excitement.

“Then we are going to do that. Do you agree, sisters?” Damona beamed.

“Of course!” the sisters said at the same time.

“Yeah. That would be amazing!” Echo and Helix both said while the other boys thumbs up in approval.

“Mm! It will be the grand wedding of all times!” Sabrina said with a smile and intertwined her fingers with Vorges with a dreamy look. The couple remembered their wedding three years ago.

“Right! Ah, I can't wait!" everyone muttered with so much excitement. Then their topics turned to the upcoming wedding and made some plans.

“I love you...” Azrael whispered to Alice.

“I love you too, to the moon and back.” Alice also whispered and they smiled sweetly at each other while holding hands.

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