My hand rests on Elly’s lower back as I lead her across the golf clubhouse. I use any excuse to touch her these days. There’s a not-so-subtle turn of heads from men as we traverse to the terrace, and I feel a flush of pride. That’s right, you can look all you want, but she’s mine.

I’m ashamed to admit that we have been inseparable since she first stayed with me last Sunday night. I don’t usually lose my cool over a woman this quickly, and I certainly don’t cancel on my friends, but this week I couldn’t help myself. The only night we didn’t see each other was when Daniel stayed.

Jack and Danny glance up from their seats, amusement flashing across both their faces. I shoot them a warning sign to be on their best behaviour.

“Elly, you remember Danny and Jack.”

“Nice to see you again, Elly.” Jack’s eyes gleam.

I wrap my arm around her waist. Jack’s a mate and would never overstep the boundary, but he’s still a bloke. He would need to be gay to not be attracted to her.

He gives her a wolfish smile. “Sorry we ambushed your date the other night.”

“I’m not sorry,” I growl, pressing her body into mine.

Mischief sparkles in his eyes. He’s not finished. “We didn’t get to meet you properly at the Regency. Or that morning in the Rosemont. You ran off in such a hurry.”

More like escorted off the premises.

A blush creeps over her. “That night was a series of unfortunate events.”

“We’ve all had one or two of those nights.” Danny laughs.

She wraps a curl of her hair around her finger and scuffs her toe into the ground. “Nice to meet you both under better circumstances.”

I feel a twinge of annoyance as she eyes Danny nervously. Women always get star-struck over Walker, and Elly is clearly not immune to his brooding good looks.

Danny smiles warmly. “Don’t believe everything you’ve heard about us.”

I nudge Jack. “Move over so Elly can sit down.”

He rises, offering her the seat. “I was just about to get some refreshments. Take a seat, Elly.” She sits down opposite Danny, crossing her long shapely legs.

“What would you like to drink?” I ask her. “We never drink alcohol before a game but don’t let that stop you.”

“She shrugs. “I’ll have a beer.”

Those big blue-green eyes stare up at me, and I resist the urge to climb over the sofa and take her in my arms. Instead, I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“So?” Jack’s voice is loaded with questions as we walk to the bar.

“So what?”

He studies me, smirking. “So, you are so taken with this girl, you can’t bear to be apart from her, and you bring her to golf? Even Danny hasn’t invited Charlie here.”

“Stop making it into a big deal,” I say, irritated. “You and Danny are acting like a pair of children. Act your age.”

“Touchy, Kane.” He chuckles. “This is highly unusual. It’s the first time I’ve seen you flapping over a woman since…”

I rake a hand through my hair. “Piss off. I’m not flapping,” I snap at him. “I’m just so damn horny all the time. No woman has driven me this wild for days on end. I don’t know how I’m gonna play on form today.” I lower my voice. “Don’t fuck this up for me. Everything is censored. Understand?”

He raises his hands in self-defence and laughs. “My lips are sealed. It’s nice to see you happy, mate.”

As Jack orders the drinks, I turn my head to the terrace to find her laughing loudly at something Danny says. What the fuck is he saying that’s so funny? Why did I bring Elly to meet Danny and Jack again? Danny might be with my sister, but women still fall at his feet.

“Let’s get back,” I say, flustered as Jack watches the scene in amusement. We collect the drinks, three sparkling waters and a beer, and return to Danny and Elly.

“It’s supposed to rain in a few hours. Come on, let’s head out to the first tee,” I say confidently, ready to showcase my skills to Elly.

I lift mine and Elly’s golf bag. I’ve hired her clubs and accessories for the afternoon. At the side of the lawn, Danny grabs a four-person buggy and we climb in, Jack and Danny up front and Elly and me in back. Unfortunately for her, my legs take up most of the space. I lift her leg over mine.

“It’s just a short journey to the first tee,” I explain, draping my arm over her shoulder.

“Sure,” she replies, sipping her beer.

Danny parks up.

“Walker, you’re up first,” I say as I take out golf clubs for Elly. “Since you lost last time, we’ll give you a head start.” I like to remind Danny when he’s losing.

He lines his ball up on the tee, planting his feet in a wide stance. Minutes pass as he shuffles his feet, his jaw set in deep concentration. We’ll be here all day with Danny playing.

His brow furrows as he finally connects the club with the ball. I’m the strongest golfer out of the three of us and, to my pleasure, it infuriates the hell out of Danny. If we were playing for cash, I’d make a fortune.

Our eyes follow the ball down the leafy, parkland course.

We chose the club because of its incredible views of the city skyline, which is why it has a year’s waiting list for new members. That, and the fact that it costs a small fortune to join, meaning everyone is so wealthy that no one pays attention to us.

“Good range, Walker.” I might have competition today.

“This is a difficult course rating,” Jack mutters to me, out of Elly’s earshot. “Isn’t this a little harsh? Especially with the wind today.”

“I don’t think Elly is too bothered,” I whisper, glancing over at her as she takes a large swig of beer.

Jack’s up next. He lines his ball up, licking his lips with the same concentration as Danny. He’s a sore loser also. It falls short ever so slightly of Danny’s. He groans as Danny slaps him on the back.

“Elly, do you want to go next?” I ask.

She picks up a golf club and ambles over. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I line the ball up for her and come in behind her as she grasps the golf club. My hands grip her hips and pull her flush against me.

“Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly,” I explain.

“Like this?” She ever so slightly grinds against me.

“Yeah, that’s on form.” I stifle a groan. My cock twitches as I momentarily forget we are in broad daylight in the middle of a golf course. Fuck! Focus Kane.

In my peripheral view, Jack and Danny exchange a glance, sniggering.

“Now lean forward at your hips and keep your weight evenly distributed on the centre of your feet.”

She follows my instructions, thrusting her hips deeper into me. “Just like this?” She tilts her head, smiling up at me.

I swallow hard, feeling the blood rush south. “Yeah, just like that.” This is the most sexualised game of golf I’ve ever had.

She makes a motion to swing, rubbing her buttocks harder against my growing excitement. Christ, we’ve got another eighteen holes to get through. If she keeps tormenting me like this, I’ll be able to play golf with my dick instead of the golf club.

I exhale, breathing into her neck.

“Tristan.” She stands up straight. “Can you move back, please? I think I’m fine by myself.”

My ego is wounded as I take a step back, bemused. If she breaks someone’s nose, it’s her own problem.

Danny flicks his eyes to my crotch pointedly, and I re-adjust myself in my trousers.

There’s a loud clang as the ball connects with her club. It flies through the air, slamming down past Jack’s and Danny’s, dangerously close to the hole. The three of us collectively freeze.

I suck in sharply.

“Fuck me,” Danny splutters, eyes bulging out of his head. “That’s a near perfect shot.”

“Christ.” Jack squints. “That’s at least a birdie.”

I stare at her dumbfounded. “You never said you could play golf. Don’t tell me that’s beginner’s luck.” I feel a strange sense of pride.

She looks at me pointedly. “You never asked. I didn’t realise you guys were so competitive. I used to work on a golf course in Wales,” she explains, swinging her club. “I just picked it up.”

The three of us stare at her with fresh awe. Damn, the entire morning I have been ranting about how I’ve been playing for two decades. My confidence in winning this game is waning.

Her eyes light up. “It’s your turn, Tristan. Did we agree on what the winner gets?” she adds, blinking innocently.

Jack lets out a loud laugh. “Oh my God, this really is the woman of your dreams, Kane.”


We leave two hours early to get to Bronzefield prison. One, because crossing London is a nightmare and two, from experience I know how slow it is to get through the prison processing. Adi and Elly have accompanied me. Both Adi and I have been to prisons many times, including high security prisons, but this is clearly Elly’s first visit, as she peers around it, wide-eyed. My lips twitch as she looks completely freaked when she’s asked to stand still while the drug sniffer dog inspects her. To reassure her, I place my hand on her lower back, then drop it when I realise where I am.

Maria is waiting for us in a private visitor room. It’s a far cry from the former Embassy that she was holed up in. She might be up for murder, but her husband owned a number of hotels and assets in her name making her a very rich woman.

She looks shockingly stunning for a prisoner. The woman takes care of what nature has blessed her with.

“How are you, Maria?” I pull out a chair for Elly then take a seat beside Maria.

“Shit,” she snaps in her sexy Colombian accent. “When are you getting me out of this dump?”

“We’re building a compelling case to bring to the Supreme Court. I’d just like to circle around a few things one more time.”

She nods that she understands.

“We need your full disclosure, Maria,” I say. “If all the facts aren’t revealed up front, if some are missed, there is the potential that they could surface at a later stage and be used against you.” I lean forward in my seat. “Remember you have our full confidentiality under your client privilege.”

She crosses her legs, relaxing one leg on top of the other.

“We need to know all the facts, no matter how insignificant you may think they are. Us lawyers hate surprises.” I smile, hoping it will reassure her. “You previously told us you never came into contact with any of the victims. Did your husband ever mention their names in front of you?”


“You never saw photographs, never heard phone recordings, heard any of their names in conversations?”

“No to all,” she repeats sharply.

I nod. “So, the first time you were aware of any of the victims was two nights before your husband’s death, is that correct?”

“Yes. Where is this going, Mr. Kane?”

I smile warmly. “The phone records will go back one year so we need to make sure that there’s nothing that could bring your case into dispute.”

Something flickers on her face, fear perhaps. It’s gone before I can process it.

Adi jumps in with further questioning, ironing out details on what happened in the two days leading up to her husband’s death. Something is off. I wasn’t joking when I said lawyers hate surprises. I’ll speak to Adi later; we’re going to have to check those phone records with a fine-tooth comb. If there’s one thing that gets my blood boiling, it’s someone tarnishing the Madison Legal brand.

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