On the way home, my friends reassured me. The transformation happens when the moon is at its highest, so we still have some time to prepare.

When we get home, the living room is filled with a whole bunch of people. My mother, Damon's parents, many people from school and of course my friends who came in with me. Everyone shouts congratulations and after all the congratulations the party really starts. I am really pleasantly surprised. Everything is so beautifully decorated, there is cake and all kinds of snacks.

An hour later Nelly, Daisy and myself are dancing until someone knocks me over. I turn to hear Sarah say, "Oops, I didn't see you." You could tell from the sickening grin on her face that this hadn't happened by accident.

“Fuck you, you dirty bitch. You did that on purpose," I say, gritting my teeth. Before I realize it, I have her by the throat and she's hanging with her feet in the air. My nails grow longer and pierce her soft skin. Just as blood begins to appear, I look at the hand that rests on my one arm. I look beside me and see the indignant look in Damon's eyes. I let go immediately and keep looking into his eyes. “Lana, it's time to get ready. Let's go upstairs and change."

Half an hour later we are in the garden of the pack house. I'm scared, super scared, but also a little excited. The moment of my first transformation has arrived and the sweat of fear breaks out. I'm so hot. Or is something else going on?

'Your temperature has risen, that's normal for a first change. And by the way, I also have a lot of nerves. What if Thor doesn't like me?' replies Zoe.

The small group of bystanders are talking to each other. Our confidential advisors are close to us. Damon is kneeling on the floor with me and we both can't find words. We both wear long robes and Damon can only hold my hand. You can hear the party noise in the background, which fortunately does not ensure complete silence.

"Crack," is the first sound audible to everyone.

I feel my back where the shooting pain comes from. Damon frowns at me. My finger cracks and I see the color of my nails change to a whiter color. After that, it's my jaw and back that crack at the same time. My heart starts to beat faster and my breathing gets restless. I get hot, way too hot. Damon looks concerned, he knows what's next. The others join us too. The creaking of my bones and muscles accelerates, and I whimper, "Oh, please." Let it stop. It hurts so much.'

But the worst is not over yet, my fur is coming out and as my shoulders, hips and back change with a creak, I cry out in pain. I am forced to get on my hands and knees. And when the pain of all that creaking gets too much for me, I hear Alpha Erik yell, "Damon, now you have to bite her." I just hear Damon say "I'm sorry" as I feel the excruciating pain of his sharp teeth tearing open the flesh of my neck on top of all my other pain. It's like an eternity.

'Stop Damon, that's enough,' cries Chris. But Damon doesn't listen and beats everyone away from him. They overpower him with two and at that moment I see black before my eyes.

My eyes shoot open and everything is so much sharper in the dark of the night. Everything smells so much better. "Bite him," says a voice that is not my wolf. My wolf follows the command and runs towards the black wolf in front of her. The full moon shines brightly in the sky, illuminating the entire landscape. Damon's eyes are now gold with orange lines in them. Before I know it my wolf has his neck and the black wolf lets me bite him without a fight.

"Why is Zoe doing this now?" asks a confused Damon through a very clean mind link.

'I know as much as you. But Thor allows it.' 'Of course, he's as horny as a buck. He'd let her eat him.' I feel not only how horny my wolf, but also the deep longing of his wolf and the shame of Damon. Then suddenly the realization comes and I think happily: 'Wow, we have our own thoughts and feelings link.'

'Now you say it. My Mate,' Damon replies sweetly.

When my wolf is done biting him we go back to our human form. Everyone looks at us with looks that show that something is not right.

'What does my wolf look like,' is the first thing I ask.

"Black with a white chest," my mother replies. I look confused and think: "My wolf is normally white, not black and white."

"Is something wrong dear?"

"No, just…" I stare questioningly into the air and look around me in shock.

There's something wrong with the colors of the night, The full moon doesn't shine so bright anymore. I look up and see that the moon is starting to turn red. Damon also looks up and then... I start to gasp and it feels like my blood is starting to boil in my own body.


A much too loud cracking of bone goes through marrow and bone.

I look beside me and notice that Damon is reaching for the place where his heart is. Then again the sound of cracking bone. Damon's mother joins him when he gets on his hands and knees.

"You all right, my boy," she asks, with panic in her voice. Damon nods, but the pained expression on his face shows that he is definitely not well. Then follows another creaking sound of bones that goes through marrow and bone. Damon's breathing is hard and his heart is beating way too fast, but the scream coming out of his mouth worries me a lot. I quickly crawl over to him and look into his tear-filled eyes.

'Damon, look at me. Damon...ouch' The pain in my back is back and much worse than last time. I can't concentrate on Damon anymore. All I feel is the cutting pain that comes up in a different place every time and I'm worried about my way too fast heartbeat. It's way too hot. Sweat runs from my forehead.

It was always said that the first transformation is the worst. Well I disagree with them. The second is the worst and I'm not even half way through. When I can look at Damon for a moment, I see that Damon's hands are being held by his father and Chris. He snaps at them and begs, “Stop the pain in my eyes. I have to scratch them out. Please?'

At that moment I feel my tongue that hurts so much that I want to scratch it open. My mom takes my hand that makes my tongue bleed and Damon's mom takes my other hand. They need a lot of strength to keep me under control.

“Moooomm, it hurts so much. Help me,” Damon pleads. His mother releases my hand, but is stopped by my father who calls her to stay with me. Meanwhile, I scratched my ear until it bled. And the pain is so unbearable right now that I'm on the verge of losing consciousness.

"Aawwooee," is howled by the deepest and sexiest wolf voice there is. The whole ground shakes with the power of the howl and in the distance the sound of the music has stopped. I don't have time to look at the animal blowing its breath on my forehead.

"Mommy, it hurts. My eyes,' I scream. I pull away and try to scratch my eyes but feel two stronger hands grab my wrists.

"Come on, you're almost there," Damon links. The last loud crack of my back sends pain all over my body. My scream turns into a wolf's howl. And when I'm done, I squeeze my eyes shut tight. Still waiting for the pain to come.

'Open your eyes, baby. The pain's gone and you look fucking sexy.' I open my eyes and am back face to face with Damon's black wolf. He sits and gasps with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. His deep orange eyes look at me curiously.


'Yes that's me.'

I link full of admiration: 'You look beautiful. It's like there's fire in your black fur.'' I look at the moon, but it has returned to its normal color and then back to Damon's wolf.

"You also have a beautiful blue color in your fur," Damon links with a sense of pride in his voice. I look at my legs and see that they are completely white with a blue glow. I spin in circles to check myself and get drunk from spinning. I stagger on my feet and fall with my snout, first to the ground. The bystanders laugh at my bumbling. When Damon, or rather Thor, caresses my snout with his, I have to sneeze from the tickling of his whiskers. We don't pay attention to the people around us and get two impatient voices in our heads.

"I want to go run with my Mate," Thor's deep voice links.

"Me too," Zoë replies delighted.

Damon replies, "Okay, if it's good for Lana."

'For me it is good.'

The wolves both run close to each other and nibble at each other's fur while playing. When Thor catches up to Zoë, he gives her a few playful bites before licking her fur. They slow their pace and both howl at the moon. What they do next makes me blush. The wolves sniff each other's behinds before Thor crawls on Zoë and enters her. The wolves sex fiercely and go on for a long time.

"I'm so embarrassed right now," I link to Damon.

"And I don't?"

"Oh my goddess, can you help stop them."

"I've been asking Thor for half an hour, but he's not listening." I get a warm feeling at this moment and feel my wolf coming. Then an immense pain follows before Thor discharges his seed.

"Ouch, that hurts."

'He tied her up. Fortunately, no cubs are produced.'

“Sorry to ask, but I have very little prior knowledge of Werewolves. Then how do you get cubs?'

"The wolves must do their bun intertwined with our bodies."

'Great, my mother forgot to tell me a lot.'

Our wolves have finished mating after far too long a time. They are resting in a deep embrace. My eyes also feel very heavy at the moment and I fall into a deep sleep not much later.

''Lana...Damon? Where are you?' is called in the distance by several voices. "Here," Damon calls next to me. I look into his brown eyes and feel the sparks from the places where our bodies touch. We are completely in our naked bodies and I immediately get a blush on my cheeks.

"Ow, I feel your penis."

"It's hard to hide him in my nakedness. Our wolves have not thought of clothing. The moon shines on the scar where I marked Damon. A red glow makes for a beautiful tattoo. A wolf's head is depicted, but its eyes have a blue glow. I run my finger along the tattoo and laugh as Damon shudders. He does it to mine too and that wasn't a good idea. My lust is aroused and I fly with my nose on his neck to sniff his chocolate and mint scent. Damon giggles.

"You're like a wolf."

"I am too," I reply, continuing to sniff his scent. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Finally, there you are,' cries Chris. I turn my head to see him and hear and feel Damon's growl.

'Ow, ow, Damon I have clothes with me. I'll throw them at you and turn around.' Chris throws the clothes at us and turns his back to us. We put everything on and Damon taps his friend's shoulder.

"Sorry about the growl, buddy," Damon says, giving his friend a hug.

'No problem, I would react the same way with a naked Anna with me. No one is allowed to look at her.' Chris stops talking and looks at Damon's tattoo. 'Oh, and by the way, nice tattoo, Damon. What, it has color in it? Cool.'

"Yeah, I think so too. Lana has the same one, but the eyes are orange."


We walk back to the pack house. The boys are talking and I'm giving my eyes a living.

"Yes and yours will be too." Chris then looks at both of us.

'What is?'

"You both look different. Bigger, more muscular, prettier,...' says Chris confused.

"And so will you if you drink our blood." Chris stops and looks straight ahead in shock. Damon looks at his friend and by reading his face, they are communicating via a link.

"No, I don't know if you will feel the same pain," Damon replies first. Chris nods concerned. Our parents are a little further on. They all look relieved. I run to my mother and fly into her arms. My mother kisses me on my cheeks. Congratulations girl. You're a Lycan, now." She examines the tattoo from behind the collar of my T-shirt.

'Nice. You also look different. More mature, bigger and your wolf is so gorgeous. A white wolf is rare.' I smile shyly and look at Damon and his parents. They laugh when Damon shows off his muscles.

"You've got it really rough, haven't you?" asks my mom.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd love someone so much."

At that moment Damon also looks in my direction and winks at me. We all walk towards the pack house. Damon walks next to me and takes my hand. The twins and Daniel are outside the house waiting for us. They open the door of the great hall for us and we walk hand in hand inside.

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