This morning I didn't tell anyone about my encounter with my wolf. During breakfast I mainly followed the others’ conversations and only answered when they asked me something. Damon is silent and quickly stuffs large chunks of his omelette into his mouth. I look in disgust at the over-eager young Alpha. ‘What?’ he asks with his mouth full. “Damon, eat properly!” shouts the Luna. Damon watches his mother as he swallows the food with great difficulty. Then his gaze lands back at me.

’Come on, Lana. We have to leave,” Damon says as he pushes back his chair. I get up and before I can leave the kitchen, I get a big hug from my mother.

“Good luck in school, honey.”

“Thanks mom,” I reply, almost gasping for air because of her firm grip around me. “Mom, you’re smothering me.”

“Oops, I’m sorry sweetie,” my mother yells before letting go of me.

‘Lana, please. I don’t want to be late,’ Damon growls, pointing to the microwave alarm clock.

‘Okay, okay. I’m right there,’ I snap at Damon. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I follow him until we get to a large garage. It can easily fit four cars. Damon moves in quick stride to a black Dodge RAM. When he revs the car’s engine, I’m shocked by how it roars.

‘Are you coming, or are you going to stay there,’ he calls from the open window. I get in and buckle up with my seatbelt. The garage door opens, and Damon drives out of the garage. His Hard rock music is very loud, but I know the songs and hum some of them. Something I always do when I’m stressed. I occasionally watch Damon who has his focus on the road. He taps his index finger to the rhythm of the drum and his head occasionally moves along with the melody. When his head turns in my direction, I immediately look out the side window. I look at him again and then I hear my wolf purr: “Nice Alpha.” I blush and don’t look at him anymore.

We arrive at the parking lot in front of the school and many look at me in the car. The feeling of shame washes over me.

“Nerves?” asks Damon before throwing open his door.

“Uh, yes,” I reply shyly. He jumps out of the car and before I’ve unfastened my seatbelt, he opens my door.

“Thanks,” I say a little absently. I jump out of his car and sling one shoulder strap of my backpack over my shoulder. I feel the many curious looks staring in my direction. Damon signals to follow him, which I do. I nod shyly to the curious people and follow Damon closely.

When we walk into the school building, he says to me: ‘We have the first lessons together, then I’ll let Nelly show you everything.’


‘Yes, an Omega who does everything I ask. Stupid really, she thinks like so many girls that she has a chance with me,’ he replies with a wide grin.

“Jak, you’re just using those girls or something,” I say in disgust. He looks at me and then says without any feeling, “I am their future Alpha. So yes. ′

“Shut up, just take me to class and I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“Look Lana, he can’t just let the girls do what he wants.”

‘What do you mean?’

“His wolf won’t allow it. His wolf is waiting for his Luna. So, I think Damon has been dry since his eighteenth birthday, ′ my wolf laughs.

“What’s an omega, Zoe?”

“They’re lower in rank. Haven’t you had lessons in being a werewolf?”

‘No, just too small a base.’

‘Mmm, nothing. Ranks, transformations, Mates and our beliefs are a basic knowledge.’ My wolf is right. I know next to nothing.

Between classes I walk the halls with Nelly next to me. She’s a little girl with glasses that are way too big on her nose and her clothes have an 80s style. As I walk around the corner, I stop and Nelly bumps into my side.

“I’m sorry, Lana. I didn’t mean to crash into you. ′ I look confused at the girl, then realize she senses I have Alpha blood.

‘You don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault you ran into me.’

‘Yes but...’

‘No buts. Can you tell me who’s with Damon?’ Nelly looks at the group and grimaces before saying in disgust, “Damon kisses a girl named Sara. The most beautiful and strongest she-wolf there is. She is the daughter of their Beta and the sister of Damon’s best friend. That’s the other guy over there with that girl in his arms. This one has already found his Mate and it’s sickening how those two hangs on each other’s lips. ′ A feeling of jealousy washes over me, but not for him. It’s being the couple that I’m so jealous of.

‘Quick, enough my child. The scent isn’t here yet, but I know it won’t be long before we find our true one. If he’s around, his wolf will start smelling us in no time. And if it is a strong wolf, it will certainly not last long,’ says Zoë. A deep growl pulls me out of my daydream. ‘What the fuck, Damon. Have you pushed me away from you,’ Sara shouts.

“Uh, sister. Please go away, ′ Chris says, holding Damon’s shoulders against the wall with a lot of effort and both hands.

‘Thor, my friend. Sara didn’t know what she was doing and it’s not entirely her fault...’

’I know. He must wait for his fated Mate. I’ve had it long enough Damon…” Clearly Thor has the upper hand. His voice sounds much deeper when his wolf is speaking. His wolf has an extremely attractive voice that makes my cheeks blush pink. Thor sniffs the air and pushes his friends away from him. “I’m out of here.”

‘Damon if you leave me know it’s over between us,’ Sara yells furiously. Damon looks at her and I can hear in his voice that he has regained control of his body.

‘Then it’s over. I don’t want to fight over the smallest things anymore. From now on we are no longer a couple.’ Damon turns to me and looks savagely into my eyes before storming past me. “That Alpha has a short fuse,” says Zoë. I chuckle, which makes Nelly look at me funny.

I hurry to classroom 1B, where we have Dutch lessons. Most of the students are already seated. In the middle there is another empty table, which I quickly walk over to sit down. All the students are here except for Damon.

’Yes, students. We begin our lesson on Shakespeare. You get to choose which book to read but know that you—” “At that point, Damon bursts in and looks around the classroom. He takes the only empty seat, which is next to me at my table. It’s tight with him next to me. His broad shoulders make me shift a few inches to my corner.

‘Okay, fine. Damon, nice of you to join the class. I’m glad we’re finally all together in class.’ I look at Damon, who is clenching his fists hard and glaring at the teacher. I put my hand on his one fist, which makes him flinch. He pulls his hand away and gives me a green smile before we look back at the teacher. ‘So, you can choose your own story and know that we will take a test about it later. Who chooses Romeo and Juliette.’ The teacher looks around and smiles as he looks next to me and sees Damon with his hand in the air.

“Okay, Damon. You and Lana have Romeo and Juliette.”

Grr, no. I hate Romeo and Juliette. I sink into my chair, arms crossed over my chest. Damon smiles slyly when he sees my exasperated attitude and I stick my tongue out at him.

I feel watched and look around the classroom. Sara’s angry eyes are pinned in my direction, making me slump uncomfortably in my chair.

‘Don’t show fear. If I can smell it. Then the others too,’ Damon whispers as unobtrusively as possible. I roll my eyes and look at him.

“I’m not afraid,” I whisper back.

‘Then you shouldn’t be shifting uncomfortably in your chair, and I can smell you’re scared. Sorry Lana, but you’re starting to smell like a scared wolf. Your time among the people is over.’ I glare at him, but his sly smile makes me smile too.

The lesson then continues very quietly. I thought I wouldn’t really feel comfortable next to Damon who for many of them here is the person they look up to. He’s their next leader, by the way. He as Alpha and at his side his future Luna, who could kill me with her look.

‘Pff, what you’re thinking about, that girl will never be a Luna. Her wolf and she don’t have it in them.’ I chuckle loudly as I picture my wolf looking at the nails of her paws like a true diva. ‘Hello, I could do it like this. But I must disappoint you. I lay down resting a bit. I’ll be a diva if it’s really necessary,’ replies Zoë.

“Is there anything funny, Lana,” our teacher asks.

‘Nothing, sir. A little lost in my thoughts.’

“Then do that next time without disturbing the lesson.” I now look around shyly and end up with a surprised Damon.

“Did your wolf just talk to you?” he whispers.

‘Uh, yes. I dreamed of her voice this night.’

‘What is her name?’ Damon asks a little too loudly so that the teacher looks in our direction and yells, “Damon!” Then he looks at both of us and says angrily, “Should I separate you? You two are disturbing the lesson.”

“Sorry,” we mutter in unison and continue in silence for the rest of the lesson.

When the bell announces the end of school, I rush to Damon’s car. Damon is already waiting in his car with his loud music. We wait in line of many cars that want to leave the school parking lot. Many students passing on foot greet Damon and then look at me curiously. I feel the shame and my red cheeks again.

That evening, my mother hears me out. She wants to know everything about my first day of school. I tell her about the many boring lessons and the fact that I have already seen the material for many subjects. I also talk about my assignment for Dutch and my mother starts quoting a few pieces from Julia. “Mom, I didn’t know you knew Romeo and Juliet.” ‘Sure. I showed it here at school with the theatre group. I was a good Julia.’

“Who was your Romeo?”

″Alpha Erik. He hesitated a lot at the kissing scene, because he had found his Mate a week before. I also thought I heard a growl behind the scenes. But Vera has always denied this. ′ My mother has a wide smile. “Sleep tight sweetheart,” my mother says as she gives me a hug and then leaves the room. I cannot help it. But I am happy to see my mother happy. Even though I don’t like being here.

After a long time tossing and turning in my bed, I reach into the bottom drawer of my bedside table and look for my little pink friend. I spray some lube on it before I bring it in to me. I move it in my vagina and put my pillow on my face to muffle my sounds of pure pleasure. As I approach my peak, I am disturbed by a soft knock on my door. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but grunt loudly before shouting, “What’s wrong?”

“Lana, we still have to work on that Romeo and Juliette thing.” Without thinking I storm to the door and open it a crack.

“Now isn’t the time to discuss such things,” I growl. Damon sniffs the air and I’m sure he must have smelled my arousal.

“Oops, did I disturb something?” The grin on his face soon makes it clear that he has indeed smelled it. He looks at my bed and his grin get even bigger. I follow his gaze and walk over in great embarrassment before hiding my little friend under my sheets. When I turn around, I’m nose to nose with a much too happy Damon.

‘I can help you with that. Mine’s bigger than that pink case of yours.’ Damon tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear and sniffs at me. I close my eyes and moan softly as his soft breathing makes the tiny hairs on my neck stand up. Then I come to the realization that he is responding to my arousal. I push Damon screaming away from me. I look anxiously for a way out, but Thor has taken over and my wolf has the foulest thoughts that she’s only too happy to share with me.

“I want him Lana, I can smell his arousal. I want to jump on him, and I want his hard member in my mouth."

“Stop it, horny bitch!” I think angrily to my wolf.

Damon’s father walks into the room and pushes his son away from me. "By the Moon Goddess. Come to your senses," he orders his son. But he snaps at his father because of Thor who wants to come up. Alpha Erik hits him in the back of the head and it’s only after that that Damon looks at us both with regret.

“Sorry, Lana and Dad. I... I don’t know what happened to me. ′ It is then that his father sniffs the air and smells my arousal.

“Go to your room and take a cold shower. That will calm Thor.” Damon nods and leaves my room. Alpha Erik turns around and looks deep into my eyes. ‘You’ll have to get your arousal under control, girl. It’s easy to get into a heatwave now that your eighteenth birthday is just around the corner. All the unpaired werewolves will be after you and those pills seem to be of little use for that. Because you stink of arousal. Crawl into a cold shower like Damon. That’s an order.’

’Yes, Alpha, sir. Immediately Alpha,” I reply with a trembling lower lip and watery eyes.

Under the cold shower, I think. Is it because I’m an Alpha daughter that my heat is so dangerous. And why do I have to stop taking those pills? And what does he mean...

“You’re thinking too much. Those pills were to hide your smell, but they also have a side effect. Your normally nice smell is stopped. The smell of your excitement is getting too strong. You’re almost eighteen. No medicine or perfume can hide this anymore. I also think it is very dangerous. We can’t find our fated Mate like this. ′

“So, you’re saying we should stop taking those pills?”

‘Yes, and preferably as soon as possible. I just want to mate and get marked by my fated Mate. Not by another horny werewolf or a human. Your time for playing is over. I’m ashamed you’re not a virgin anymore.’

I roll my eyes and turn the tap off. The chilly water soothed me.

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