“God, she’s going to be so tight.”

I press a knee on the edge of the bed and watch as Ryder holds Kandy to him, helping her sheath my friend. Utter fucking bliss washes over her face when her back entrance is fully claimed by Atlas.

She reclines in his arms, and I have the great pleasure of watching her body stretch wide over my friend and take him to the hilt. Juices spill from her core and it’s a beautiful sight to behold. Atlas pumps into her a few times and then stills. That’s my cue.

I ease up the bed and position myself between Atlas’ legs. Atlas helps her up and she wraps her arms around my neck facing me. Her pretty blues find my gaze and my damn heart wants to leap out of my chest from the sheer force of emotions hitting me like two-by-fours. Powerful blows rock my world and I take her hands in mine to steady myself. I play it off as needing to give her strength, but in reality, it’s me in need of hers.

Watching her walk away from us all those years ago nearly drove the three of us apart. Hell, it did for about a year. It tore me up inside. Ryder too. And then we slowly worked ourselves back together. Forged our relationship as solid brothers-in-arms anew. But it wasn’t easy. Atlas was driven to the idea that wanting this woman was wrong, when nothing could be further from the truth.

“Do you know the power you have over us, woman?” Only God knows I would stop breathing right now if she were to command it. I release her hands to wrap her face in my palms. Tears slide down her cheeks and I lean in to kiss them away.

“About as much as you have over me.”

I shake my head. “Not even close.”

But how could she know? We were total assholes to her last time she laid eyes on us. And she wasn’t the one who walked—we were. Like fucking idiots.

Soft tinkling sounds hit my ears and my gaze drops to her nipples. Delicious and ready. And by the looks of it making her aware of just how swollen those cherry beads are.

Ryder takes one between my thumb and finger. “When he releases that you’re going to feel a surge of hot pain jolt through you, but it will be exquisite, too. I promise.”

Kandy tenses.

“Do you trust me?”

Her eyes find mine as I speak, and she has so many rolling emotions behind those thick lashes, my heart betrays me again and falls madly in love with her for the tenth time tonight.

No surprise there. She has held the strings to the damn thing long before tonight. A truth we all paid for behind bars. Atlas demanded we stay away which led to an all-out brawl in the middle of a military establishment. Brig time is no joke. It sucks balls.

Once we were released, I gave Atlas an ultimatum—claim her or step aside. Ryder sided with me and for about half a minute Atlas considered his options.

I look over her shoulder and give my friend a brief nod. “Raise up, baby, let Atlas pull from you. It’s my turn to take you.”

Her expression crunches up with a mix of bliss and torture. She’s breathing heavily and I take most of her weight against me. “That’s it, baby. We don’t want to hurt you. Only one of us can take you at a time right now.”

Her stare meets mine and I lean forward, taking her mouth in mine. “Lie back now, baby, and let me fill you with all of me.”

I ease her into Atlas’ arms, and he takes her weight easily.

With her legs wide open, I take my shaft and angle the head at her virgin entrance. Trembling with the need to hold myself back, I ease in the head, loving how her pussy stretches and wraps around. Another inch and I feel the moment I nudge against her hymen.

She trembles as much as I am, and I reach for her hands. “Brogan, oh, yes. It hurts. God don’t stop.” Her head is thrashing against Atlas’ shoulder and she’s arching off his chest, reaching for her clit.

“Ryder,” I say, and he takes the clamps between his fingers and releases them.


Isurge into Atlas’ arms where he clamps me against his chest. “That’s it, ride it, butterfly. Ride that wave.” His voice is distant as though I am miles above the earth soaring through the clouds.

Blood rushes to the tips of my breasts. Every bit of what Brogan said is true. The all-consuming pain devouring me is overwhelming and I struggle to find my breath. Throbbing pain pounds into the engorged tips, but I don’t have more than a few seconds to focus on that.

Above me Brogan eases forward and with one push, he takes the last bit I have to give these men.

Overload catapults me into a blinding orgasm. The walls of my pussy clench down on Brogan and he grunts in response. Pain and pleasure both war inside me. Nothing in any book I’ve ever read said I could find my release while losing my virginity.

Ryder eases over me, and his mouth works my nipples. His tongue swirls over them and he gently suckles each one, forcing my climax to peak, tumble, and then rise again.

Huge explosions overpower me, and I rip out a scream with so much force my throat burns.

“Oh my God,” I say hoarsely when I find a few brain cells willing to work long enough to squeeze out words.

Fingers find my clit. “Ride it out, baby,” Brogan coaxes. He pulls out and eases back in. Slow at first before bottoming out. With each thrust he pounds into me harder and harder until I can feel his shaft swell, stretching me impossibly wide, all with his need to release.

Beneath me, Atlas’ cock nudges my back entrance and my ass throbs to feel the burn of him breaching me as his friend takes my velvety channel.

“Soon, beautiful,” Brogan says as if reading my mind.

Brogan’s gorgeous face contorts with the same pleasure rocketing through me.

Those black onyx eyes shine with admiration. He takes my legs and wraps them around him.

“We’re only getting started with the good stuff.”

Ryder moves off my nipples and replaces Brogan’s fingers over my clit. His dark head bobs and weaves as he licks me into nearing another release. I drive my fingers into his thick hair and tug gently, but he’s not listening to my climbing pleas for him to stop. I can’t come again. I can’t. But they’re going to make me.

While his friend is fucking me, Ryder twines the tip of his tongue over my clit, and I buck into his mouth, forcing Brogan to sink deeper into my pussy.

Atlas reaches for my tits, and he wraps his strong, long fingers around the heavy globes. One digit at a time and squeezes.

His grip is unrelenting, possessive and I swish my hips, letting him know I understand what he’s doing. He’s marking me. Telling me I’m his.

Well, two can play at this game. I lift and reach under me, position his shaft at my puckered hole.

“Fuck,” he grits out and releases my breasts.

“You sure,” he grunts and I only nod.

“Lift her up, give her what she wants.”

Another dollop of jelly is smeared over his shaft and when I sink onto Atlas, my mouth falls open with silent cries of satisfaction.

I’m in his arms again and Brogan is at my pussy. I tense, knowing there will be a pinch of pain.

“Easy, baby,” Brogan murmurs softly. He caresses my inner thighs with the pads of his thumbs. “Relax and let me in.” I clamp down on my shaking.

“Do it,” I urge him on, and Ryder drops back to licking my clit, as Brogan stretches my pussy with his massive cock.

My heels dig into his ass when he dares to try to take this slow. I’m quickly learning I like the bite of pain and I want more.

He shoves home and I gasp. My body reacts on its own and presses against both men, seeking more. More caresses, deeper thrusts…just more.

“She’s trying to get our milk, brother.”

I peer over my shoulder and moan at the sensation of Atlas’ stubble against my chin. I love the burn. I take his mouth with mine and we get lost in each other’s taste and feel.

Together all three find their rhythm. Moans and masculine grunts fill the room.

I swallow thickly and brace against the rippling effect of my impending climax. It’s building power and I know the second it hits I’ll be buried beneath the tumbling rolls of pleasure.

Fierce heat tingles from the core out. I don’t want this night to end but I know the inevitable will happen.

At my side, Ryder pushes to his knees, and he moves closer. He bumps my mouth with his cock, and I open wide knowing what he wants. “I’ve waited six years to see you deep throat me again and fuck; it was worth every second.”

Atlas holds me steady, pounding into my ass while Brogan works my core. One pushes in while the other pulls out.

It’s too much.

I pull off Ryder’s cock. “You’re making me come!”

Brogan’s hand slides between my legs and his thumbs settle over my pleasure nub.

Ryder angles my head back to him and he sinks in, taps the back of my throat.

Inside me, Brogan and Atlas both stretch me.

“Ah, fuck,” Ryder growls. “Grip my balls, baby.”

My pulse jacks.

I do as he instructs, and I’m instantly rewarded with a hot rope of his seed spilling down my throat. His head is thrown back and his masculine grunts amp up my own need to climax.

My slick pussy sucks Brogan deeper and my ass refuses to release Atlas. Both pump faster and my nails bite into anything I can reach.

Atlas grunts as does Ryder. He slips from my mouth and falls to his stomach beside me. His mouth is on mine and he’s right there breathing in my air with every exhale.

His tongue swipes across my swollen lips and I open for his silent request.

Our tongues twine.

Brogan pulls out and slams home. My hands claw at the sheets. “Grip me tight with your pretty pussy, baby.”

I do and the friction between the two riding me hard is unbelievable. The bed rocks and bangs against the floor, and Brogan is the first to reach his tipping point.

He grips my thighs and shoves home one last time. “Fuck, baby, take it all. Take all my milk.” Muscles coil and bunch. He roars through his release, and I watch as my SEAL comes inside me for the first time. His cock pulsates thick and long inside me, and I shudder from the feel of his milk coating my virgin womb.

Hot cum splashes into me, and I moan a wicked sound at the feel of Brogan’s release spilling from my core to coat Atlas and me. Before I can catch my breath, he pulls his spent shaft from my body, and I immediately feel empty where he filled me up.

Both he and Ryder kneel on the bed and watch me intently with their best friend. Not an ounce of jealousy between them.

My stepbrother wraps me in his arms and turns my head to where he can taste my lips.

I brace for his pounding, and he doesn’t let me down. I love the rough feel of his hands on me while he drives deep inside my ass.

He grips my hips, dragging me into every hard thrust he feeds my body.

He shouts and beneath me I can feel his powerful body roll with his release. All those well-defined muscles bunch and strain. He gives off so much power I find my own release and it’s as powerful as I feared.

My lashes flutter closed to touch my cheeks, and I arch off Atlas from the sheer force zinging through my body. Uncontrollable trembles rock me with the power of a rocket breaking the laws of gravity to reach outer space. Hot liquid pours out of me, and I feel my juices spilling down the crack of my ass to wet Atlas. The sensations ground me and I’m right back on Earth in their bed, and their arms.

I soak up the feeling while I can. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Beautiful, my hart,” Ryder whispers against the shell of my ear. “You’re simply gorgeous when you come.”

His hand slides into my hair and he pulls my lips to his.

With shaking hands, I clutch him tighter and bury my face in his neck for a few brief seconds before the others take possession and spread me out on the bed between them. Shivering and panting, he nuzzles me close. Hands stroke over my trembling body. I soak in their heat and energy. Before long, my erratic breathing calms and my heart settles.

Atlas presses his lips over my heart and raises to peer into my eyes. “Don’t think we’re letting our captive go just because this night has almost come to an end.”

That’s right. Their stupid contract. I want to groan but hold it back. Instead, I give a smile, the one I reserve for anyone I don’t want knowing my true feelings and feign consent.

“Sure, Atlas. Anything you want.”

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