RAIN CAME DOWN HARD, drenching the sidewalk and everyone daring enough to go out in it. Unfortunately, that would be me in a second. I’d waited the last fifteen minutes in hope it would let up, but if anything, it rained more. It wasn’t a long walk to my house, but there was no way around getting soaked. I pulled my jacket collar up, disappointed that I’d just switched to my spring one. I was going to miss having a heavier coat once I was soaked through. There was nothing to be done now. I had to suck it up and get it over with. I took a deep breath and pushed through the doors just in time to see Jax’s black truck pull up.

He lowered his window, wearing his signature cocky smile.

“I thought you might need a ride.”

“We’re going to have to make a run for it,” Jax said, parking behind his place. Lightning crashed through the sky, and my body hummed in response. There was something exciting about a storm. I undid my seat belt, and Jax met my gaze with a sinister grin on his face. Eyes holding mine, he raised a finger, signaling between us.





We both burst out of the truck, racing to his house. Luckily, the door was unlocked, so we pushed our way inside. Laughter bubbled out of me while I gasped for breath. I looked over to Jax in his soaked-through clothes, and I knew I was the same. I froze when he stepped into me, eyes dark with need, and raised his hands to either side of my neck. My breath hitched as the rough pad of his thumb skimmed over my cheek and coaxed my head back. My eyes followed the water dripping from his hair down his face, and without warning, his mouth crashed over mine.

I moaned into his hungry, greedy kiss.

A playful grin tipped the corner of his mouth. “Last one to the shower buys dinner.”

He knocked me to the side, trying to get a head start, but I wrapped both hands around his middle, slowing him down until I could put one foot in front of him, racing up the stairs first. “Cheater.” His voice was raspy and full of laughter.

“Nuh-uh, you cheated first,” I shouted as I ran full speed through his room, charging into the bathroom. Our laughter echoed through the space as he followed me in. He came closer until my back touched the wall, and his hands tightened on my sides as he took my mouth in a searing kiss, sending warmth pooling between my thighs. My fists clenched his shirt, and I pulled him into me.

He groaned into my mouth and nipped my bottom lip. “Shower first. Don’t want you getting sick again.”

He kissed my nose and stepped back to turn the shower on. It was a large walk-in, almost double the width of a standard shower, with a rainfall showerhead. He faced me, and his soft gray eyes met mine as his hands slowly lifted my shirt off. My skin pebbled as his fingers grazed my stomach and skimmed the side of my breast as my shirt rose over my head.

His voice was rough. “Jesus, Sid, you’re fucking killing me.”

I waited for him to attack, but he dropped his mouth to the curve of my neck and placed gentle kisses there. A hum started in the back of my throat, and I lifted his shirt. “Take it off.”

I felt his smile on my sensitive skin. “Bossy.”

He pushed himself off me and jerked his shirt over his head, shucking off his pants and boxers. He shot me a cocky grin and watched my mouth pop open. My eyes tracked downward, over the patterns of his tattoos, the ridges of his stomach, further until my breath caught in my throat, and I bit hard on my bottom lip. I swallowed as my mouth filled with saliva, and my gaze took in every dip and valley before slowly rising to meet his eyes. Jax’s cockiness was replaced with hunger, eyes wide, mouth open. He wanted to devour me, and I was happy to let him.

Heat flooded me, and I stepped closer until there was barely room between us. I gently traced the patterns of his intricate tattoos with my nail, and goose bumps covered his skin. His eyes tracked my movements as my finger hovered over the blue and black feathers of a raven over his heart, down the serpentine pattern snaking over his hip bone.

Heat and something more pooled in his eyes, and his voice was rough when he pulled on my skirt. “Take it off.”

I immediately shimmied out of it and took my panties off, not looking away from his stare.

Jax groaned in the back of his throat, eyes devouring every inch of me on display, and dropped his head into the crook of my neck, growling as twin fists gripped my hips.

His voice was thick and raspy. “I’m never going to get used to this.”

Jax reached into the shower to check the temperature before lifting me into the steam-filled alcove. He grabbed something from the drawer, placing it on a shelf nearby. Sucking in a breath, I closed my eyes, body alive with anticipation. He pressed his body against mine, and warm water streamed between us as his hard length branded my stomach. A groan of pleasure rumbled through his chest, and his hands skimmed up my arms, over my shoulders, cupped the sides of my neck. He tipped my head back into the warm water, and his fingers gently massaged the back of my neck, drawing a moan from my lips. My heart stuttered at his tender touch, and I met his gaze, full of unsaid emotion. I placed my hand over his chest, and his heart beat a rhythm that matched my own. He gave me a small smile before pouring shampoo into his palm. I moaned when he kneaded it into my scalp, starting at the base of my neck and working up to the crown.

My eyes rolled back. “Jax.” It came out as a plea for more. 

He moved his way over my temples, and I practically purred at his touch. His hands gently cradled my face, and he tilted my head back to rinse my hair. My nails dug into his shoulders, pulling a groan from the back of his throat.

Wrapping his hand around my hair, he slowly tugged my head back before he softly applied the conditioner through the ends, his gentleness sending warmth through me. He loosened the strands with his finger under the water until my hair was slicked down my back. We watched each other, not daring to look away. His eyes were molten with need, and his hand tracked down my side, cupping my ass, while the other tightened on my neck in a possessive grasp, sending electricity through me. He took his time with his kiss, owning my mouth and murmuring filthy things against my lips.

I wanted him to take what he needed, take everything. Our bodies did what our minds couldn’t demand more from the other. Ending the kiss, he rested his forehead on mine and released my neck. His chest rubbed against my breasts as we both tried to catch our breath.

Picking up a fresh cloth, Jax dragged it up my body, barely skimming my breast as he reached over my shoulder for the soap. A familiar woodsy scent filled my nose as he lathered it.

Jax dragged the rough fabric over my skin, grazing along my collarbone and around the contour of my breasts. He lifted their weight in his hand, and he leaned down to suck the rivulets of water pooling off. He took long draws on it while circling my other nipple with his thumb and pushed down hard, sending pulsing heat to my core. I couldn’t hold back the gasp that passed my lips from the sheer desire flooding through me.

He dipped his mouth, breathing on the shell of my ear, and pushed me until my back pressed against the cool tile wall. “Patience, Trouble. I’ve got you.”

He dropped to his knees, and his hot breath fanned over me as his fingers slowly glided up my leg, causing all of my muscles to freeze in anticipation. We both groaned when he slipped his fingers into my wet, warm core.

Fuck,” he murmured, and his mouth hovered over me, his tongue barely grazing my clit. He groaned against me, “Stay still.”

My body rebelled with the need to explode, but I locked my legs in place, breathing hard in anticipation. He ran his fingers from my core to my clit and back, soaking every inch with my wetness.

Jax brought the cloth over my ass and kneaded the muscles in firm strokes before moving into the center. He paused just before sliding it between the crack and looked up at me with dark eyes. “Sidney, I want to touch you here.”

I felt light-headed from not breathing, and he steadied me with one arm. My body burned from within as I slowly spread my legs wider in permission. He turned his head, biting into my thigh with a groan, and washed the rest of me. I was drenched by the time he dropped the cloth and slid his fingers all the way up my ass, covering me. He guided one slippery finger to my bud and gently pushed, not entering, just circling, creating friction and need. I pushed my hips back, driven to feel more of him, unable to think.

Jax hummed his approval and pressed his tongue hard against my clit, sucking and lapping at it. I cried out, unable to stop myself from grinding on him. His other hand rose between my thighs and pushed two fingers into my core while the other continued to slide up and down the seam of my ass, creating mouthwatering pressure. He matched the rhythm of his fingers with his tongue. His slow strokes drove me insane—it felt incredible, and a shudder ran through me when he sped his pace. Sucking my clit harder, he pushed his fingers deeper, and I whimpered at the contact.

He pulled them back from my core and placed a third to my entrance. Rotating the ones inside me, he slowly pushed them in, stretching me. A long moan was pulled from me as I pushed my hips against them. So fucking full. Drawing in and out, he lapped lazily at my clit, slowly stroking the heat inside me until I was drawn tight with tension that built every time my hips rocked and his tongue licked or his mouth sucked.

“Fuck, yes, Sid.” His low, gruff voice tipped me over the edge, and my head fell back as the pressure burst through me. My core clenched greedily around his fingers, every part of me coming undone. The release rocked me, and he held me up with his free hand as his fingers and mouth slowly milked the rest of my orgasm.

He stood slowly, placing a trail of kisses on his way up. I leaned into him, and he treated me to a slow, deep kiss as the fog of my orgasm faded.

“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come for me,” he growled and turned me so my forearms pressed against the wall. Jax’s face tucked into my neck, and he traced my scar with his tongue, sending a shiver down my spine. He held me steady, and his heart pounded against my back as he gently stroked his hand up my side in a soothing pattern.

Jax stroked his length between my wet thighs, and I tightened them around him, drawing a groan from the back of his throat.

Mouth open, I dropped my head back to his shoulder as he slowly worked himself between my folds, against my sensitive clit, and ground into me.

Jax’s movements were gentle, caressing, like he was savoring my body. He pressed kisses along my jaw. “Look at me, Sid.”

Twisting my torso, I craned my head to look back, and his gaze pierced mine, full of emotion. He nipped my bottom lip, then caressed it with his tongue, hands sliding over my skin until every nerve ending screamed with need.

His hand guided the head of his cock to my entrance, circling, grazing, barely slipping in before pulling out, until an inferno grew inside me. With my upper body still turned, I held his gaze as he entered me in one fluid thrust. A tortured moan escaped from his lips as his eyes rolled back. The feeling of fullness overwhelmed my senses, and I squeezed around him with unconfined need.

His every motion was controlled, his body tight with restraint. He felt huge from this angle, stretching me, gently stroking me from the inside, and my heart clenched as he worshiped me.

His other hand moved down my stomach and rubbed two fingers over my clit. I dropped my head to the cool shower wall, and I rocked back hard into him. No matter how I moved, he kept the same slow, teasing pace. My body felt like it was fracturing as he thrust his length into my core. Jax shook as he drove in and out of me, building the pressure we were both desperate for. He gripped my chin, forcing me to look back at him, and his hungry, dark eyes ate me whole, our bodies owning each other’s.

His fingers pushed harder against my clit, and his hips just barely picked up speed. My body shattered against him, and I cried out with the force of my pleasure.

He paused, buried inside me, and gave me time to settle around him before he quickened his pace. His grip on my hips tightened, and I knew there would be bruises there to show for it. He was entirely too in control of himself, and I wanted to see him break apart with the same force as my orgasm. With a wicked grin on my face, I told him, “Stop.”

Jesus, Sid.” Jax’s hips halted, and his voice sounded like he was in physical pain. I pushed off the wall, making him step back, and dropped to my knees in front of him.

His eyes lowered, and his gaze roamed over me as I took him in my hand. “I want you to finish inside my mouth.”

A loud groan shuddered through him, and his fingers entwined themselves in my hair. I licked from root to tip and sucked the tip into my mouth, swirling my tongue. His thighs flexed as he tried not to rock into me, but I wanted him to lose control. I wanted to feel him shatter too.

“Jax, tell me what you like.” I looked up with wide, soft eyes and slowly lapped the precum from his cock. His hips rocked forward, and a muscle ticked in his jaw.

“You’re really living up to your nickname, Trouble.” His eyes were practically black pools of need, and his smile had an animalistic edge to it, barely restrained.

I squeezed my hand around him. “Tell me.”

“Fuck.” His fingers tightened in my hair. “Squeeze harder.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I fisted him in my hand, hard but careful not to hurt him.

“Harder, Sidney. Come on, baby.”

I tightened my grip until my hand shook, and he rocked through my closed fist, a growl escaping his mouth.

“That’s it, baby. Now suck it.”

I sucked him down, my nails digging into his ass, and pulled his hips toward my mouth. I repeated the motion until he lost control, thrusting in deep, unrestrained motions.

I looked up, meeting his eyes, as he drove his cock forward, deep into my throat, and that was all it took.

Fuck, Fuck, fuck.” Jax’s voice came out as a plea, and I worked him harder, faster. His fingers tightened in my hair as he kept pumping. Three more strokes and his body went rigid as he came. I swallowed him down, taking everything he gave me.

Dragging me up to his chest, he collapsed his back against the wall and kissed me delicately, cherishing my mouth, no doubt tasting himself too. The warm water coated our bodies, and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me tight. We rested together for several breaths.

Curved into him, I didn’t want to move, but he unwrapped his arms, grabbing the cloth. He gently washed me again, this time barely touching my sensitive spots, then quickly washed himself. He kissed my forehead and guided me from the water. Goose bumps covered his sides, but he dried my body first, wrapping me in a fluffy towel and tucking the end in the front. Jax handed me another towel for my hair before grabbing a smaller one for himself.

He searched my eyes, and I knew he read the words unspoken.

“Come on.” He pulled me into the room, directly onto the bed, and tucked me into his side, his arms wrapped firmly around me. He gently kissed my forehead as I kissed across his chest. We were wrapped in a cloud of intimacy that neither of us wanted to break. As I nuzzled in closer, my eyes drooped closed.

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