
“Oh so you have a gig tonight” I stated looking at Matt’s face since we were the same height, as he held me close. His usual lopsided grin slipped on his face.

“Well yeah” he shrugged.

“And you used Twinkie and Tacos to get me to come out tonight, even though you know that I have night shifts.” He wouldn’t meet my gaze so his eyes wandered all over the bar we were in. The place was called Silver and it was our usual hang place when we were with our group of friends.

He cleared his throat before nodding his head in the direction in front of us; I turned slightly to see everyone sitting at the usual table waving us over.

“Where not done here mister, if I fall asleep on the job again tonight I’m hunting you cute ass down. don’t think I won’t.” I warned before sauntering over to the group.

So let me introduce ever one, there was Twinkie whose real name was Jace. He was a tall slightly muscular gentleman, with dark hair and lovely violet eyes, he was a full time UCLA college student who was completely and utterly straight, his girlfriend Finney sat next to him, she was a small redheaded woman with gorgeous green eyes and a cute heart shaped face full of adorable freckles, and had the libido of a freaking bunny. Speaking of bunnies we couldn’t for get Logan and Gab the most adorable couple on earth. They had been best friends since their dipper days, both realizing they were gay and have very strong feelings for one another decided to try dating in ninth grade. They’ve been together ever since and still going strong inside and outside the bedroom. I tell you those guys can compete against a top notch porn star and still have energy to burn. They were worse than two mated wolves on a full moon.

Oh and let’s not forget Tacos whose real name was Jazzy but all of us just called her Jazz… I know what a big difference that made… Anyway she was like a walking, talking pair of legs. She was model material literally and had a different guy every week but the funny thing is she was still a virgin after all the men she’s gone through… well I can’t say anything for her top half but her bottom have was completely untouched as far as I know. Right now she had a very muscular Jersey Shore look alike on her arm and god do I hate that show!

“LeeLee!” Finney sprang from the booth and propelled her small body into mine wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.

“Nice to see you too Fin” I told her placing her back down on her feet. Poor girl she was only five four so she was practically at the level of my chest. Her naturally wavy hair was up in a ponytail and it looked like she was sweating.

“Did you dance without me?” I pouted at her. And she winked.

“I saved one just for you lover boy” she purred stroking her finger down my chest.

“Hey, hey, hey none of that now” Jace warned mockingly grabbing Finney around the waist and pulling her in his lap. She squeaked a laugh and turned her head towards his and captured his lips with hers. I scrunched up my face and gagged.

“Ugh, straight people” I teased.

“I know right” Logan agreed grinning from ear to ear and lent his head on his hand to watch them kiss. “It’s the most disturbing thing ever” I rose a brow at him.

“Then why the hell are you watching creeper?” I snorted pushing him in the shoulder.

“I don’t know I just can’t look away!” He cried. Gab took the liberty of shielding his eyes with his hand.

“Here let me help” he said shaking his head.

Yep these are my friends.

I noticed Jazz hadn’t said a word to me yet so I scooted over the booth crawling over people, who complained, by the way, to get to her but she wouldn’t look at me.

“Are you ignoring me Tacos?” I asked poking her face. I watched her straighten her back and lift her chin but kept her eyes everywhere else but my direction. This caused me to smile.

“Aww Jazzy is ignoring me”

I don’t know why but hey I’ll go with it.

“Tell Levi what the matter.” I said like I was talking to a baby. Her lips pursed and I knew I was getting to her. She hated the baby voice so I went on. “Levi can make it all better, just tell Levi what’s wrong.” And there goes the tightening of the lips, just a little more.

“Aww poor baby why so upset Jazzy poo”





“Wow… someone needs a nap” was all I said which made her snap her head and glare daggers at me with her golden hazel eyes.

“You know what I am not talking to you right now” and then turned away again focusing her attention on her jersey shore look alike.

“Then what was that just now?” I asked but knew she wouldn’t answer. Leaning close to her face I blew a puff of air in her ear. She twitched but made no move to stop me.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” I whispered seductively and stuck out my tongue.

“NO!” I heard Matt exclaim so I looked at him as he glared at me. “Keep you damn tongue to yourself Levi” he threatened and I pouted.

“Don’t you have a gig to play?” I asked sitting up making myself comfortable between Logan and Gab ignoring their protests. Matt bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.

“I do thank you Levi what would I do without you?” he asked ever so sarcastically. I pursed my lips to the side and gave him an obvious expression.

“Die of course.” I said in a matter of face tone.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it back up and leant over the table to give me a small peck on the lips.

“I’m going now” and he was off.

“I have no idea why he puts up with your crazy ass” Logan said. I cupped my hands together bringing them to the side of my face and twisted my torso side to side innocently.

“Cuz he wooooooves me” and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Wait, so you guys are like gay too” jersey shore said out of the blue causing all of us to look over at him like he had two heads.

“No hun they just like swapping spit from time to time.” Finney said smartly leaning over the table to talk to him slowly.

“Oooh” he nodded smiling and turned back to Jazzy. I frowned at the two of them then at everyone else and they all shook their heads and rolled their eyes at me as if to say ‘Don’t even bother’

This is differently NOT going to last, I give it a day… maybe less.

Ten minutes later I watched Jazzy get up with guy and walk towards the dance floor.

“Kay what gives, why is Tacos mad at me?” I finally asked. Logan and Gab shrugged along with Jace. Finney rolled her eyes.

“Boys!” she said dramatically. “You didn’t come to her fashion show in Milan; she really wanted you to be there.” She said. I frowned.

“What! Does it look like I got money falling out of my ass! Why did she think I can afford to fly to freaking Paris?” that woman was crazy I was a bartender for Christ sakes!

“She sent you a plane ticket and passes to come see the show.” Finney huffed. “I mean if she wanted someone to come she should have asked me duh! I mean who takes a guy to a fashion show in Pairs ” she whined.

“I didn’t get anything in the mai… no wait you know what my mail box was broken into a couple weeks back.” I explained.

“What about your phone?” Jace asked resting his chin on Finney’s shoulder.

“I um… I –I kind of … dropped it… in the…toilet.” I stuttered with an embarrassed laugh before clearing me throat.

“You dropped your phone in the toilet?” Gab snickered trying his best to not laugh aloud. I glared at him.

“Yes, it happens” …..

“Right” Finney said tightening her lips and her cheeks were red from the effort but I could still hear a few chuckles coming from her whore mouth! “Did you –ha- reach in and get it –haha-” she tried to covered her mouth with her hand to stop the laugh but it was too late I heard it anyway!

“I don’t want to talk about it” I grumbled glaring down at the table. They all started to burst out laughing. Growling I signaled for a waitress to come over. She saw and headed over to our now obnoxiously loud giggling table.

“Yes sir what can I get for you?” she asked.

“Yeah anything with alcohol in it” she nodded with a smile and went on her way coming back a few moment later.

“Noooo Levi you got to tell us. Was your phone sleeping with the turds” Logan asked before laughing some more. I made no attempt to even answer his bitchass.

“Hey, we’re Winter Train and this song is called Got You” my smexy boyfriends voice suddenly sounded though out the bar, thank god, and I looked up to see him and his band on stage.

Aww he looked so cute up there.

A guitar softly started changing chords ever so often then the base guitar kicked in. The thing that made his band unique was they had a cello. I think bands that have string instruments sound the best. The song they played was sweet and soft, Matt’s voice complimented every instrument up there it was smooth, deep and melodic. I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t been discovered yet, they were amazing. I noticed people were getting up to dance with their partners, Jazz’s sluty ass was up their too.

The time flew by and I realized that it was time for me to go to work. Signing I downed the rest of my drink and slid from the booth pushing Gab out so I could go.

“Hey asked next time you don’t have to push.” He complained stumbling to catch himself.

“Oh quit being a flamer” I teased and leant down to kiss his cheek.

“I’ve got to go guys, duty calls.” I said.

“Oh like your phone” Finney giggled.

“Haha guess what Fin… F*ck You!” I snarled flipping her off. She just smiled and kissed the air at me.

“Oh anytime lover boy” she lowered her voice an octave. Jace jabbed her with his elbow.

“I don’t like sharing.” He narrowed his eyes at her and pulled her even closer on his lap.

“Ok I’m going before I have to watch them swallow each other’s tongues.”

“Don’t forget to tell you boyfriend bye.” Logan said his words slurred. He was such a light weight.

“Right” I said sarcastically agreeing with him. Oh it irks me when people tell me to do something I’m already about to do. Rolling my eyes I walked towards the backs door on the side of the stage where Matt would be. The security eyed me suspiciously.

“No one’s allowed back here.” He said in a deep gruff voice.

“Oh come on Mr. Security guard a quick peek wouldn’t hurt anyone would it?” I asked using my best gay voice. He looked bored as he glared down at me.

“No one goes back there” he said again.

“Why do you have to be like that?” I asked touching his arm slightly, his brow rose as he looked down at my hand. Slowly I caressed up his muscular arm. “Wow you’ve got some serious arm-age, how many times a day do you a.. work out?” maybe if I sweet talk him he’ll let me though.

This made him pause,

“Uh almost every day”

“Oooo that’s kind of sexy” I purred leaning into him, his body stiffened a moment but relaxed none the less.

“Y-you think so?” he cleared his throat.

“Oh yeah, I love a man who can life me up during… well you know” I purred winking. “But I really need you to do me this favor.” I said nodding my head towards the door. He looked unsure which meant he was considering it this time. He licked his lips his eyes scanning the room before he nodded turning to open the door for me.

“Go ahead.”

I smiled at him and swatted his nice firm ass.

“Thanks big guy” and walked in.

And that ladies and gentlemen was how to get past the security from Lola’s book on how to ‘work what you got.’ No matter what gender.

Once I was in I close the door and walked over to Matt whose back was turned. Slowly I sneaked up on him then pounced.

“AAAHHHH!” He yelped like a girl causing the band to burst in laughter.

“Aww baby I’m sorry” I apologized sliding down his back and he turn to glare at me while he took me in his arms.

“You’re just an evil little man” he growled at me and kissed me softly.

“Hey I am not little” I whined wrinkling my nose at him playfully.

“Sure you’re not. Are you leaving?” he asked and I nodded.


“Ok, oh hey I’ve some stuff to do with the guy so I’m going to crash at my place tonight.” He told me kissing my cheek.

“Alright, good night then” I whispered pressing my lips against his once more, lingering for only a few seconds and stepped back.

“I’ll just bring Mr. security guard home with me tonight.” I shrugged then turned to walk out the door.

“What? What security guard?!” he exclaimed but I was already walking out, I looked over my shoulder at him before winking purposely to the guard for Matt to see. I hear him call my name but I just gave him a back handed way as I walked towards the exit.

Well I’ll be hearing about this tomorrow but it was so worth it. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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