
I opened my eyes, blinking at the brightness of the room.

‘Where am I?’ I thought as my eyes adjusted and I realized it was the sun beaming through the window. I sat up looking around at the cozy looking bedroom I rest in, when everything came back, Kyle, Matt… this made me pause. Oh god Matt, why? Tears suddenly sprang to my eyes and I buried my face in my bent knees I was hugging close. I really liked that man, after the years we spent together how could I not? He was perfect, funny, sweet and an all-around loving person to me and his friends but he just had to be the one thing in this world I feared and hated.

My worst enemy, the killer of my species, a hunter.

Sobbing I shook my head, he would have shot Kyle and if he found out who I was he would have killed me too, but he was dead now and I did it. I never had time to grieve about it, never had time to think of my actions but the sick part was; I didn’t regret it. My mate came first and Matt had no chance with me with Kyle in the picture.

Kyle? Where was he? At that thought Cyrus, the Syrin and the hunters came to mind. I jerked at the memory of Kyle being shot… I had been shot.

I gasped touching my chest when I had felt the pain from earlier but there was nothing there. No pain, no bandage. Frowning I pushed the covers from my legs and set my bare feet on the soft rug below. I scanned the unfamiliar room with simple dressers and a closet off to the side wall. There was a bathroom and a TV. How did I get here? I knew I wasn’t captured by hunters because there was no way they would be this hospitable. Slowly I stood spotting a pair of clothes on a chair and glanced down at myself. I was in boxers but that was it. I picked up the clothes threw them on and rushed out of the room. I needed to see Kyle.

The house was pretty big as I walked down the hall way looking at everything I could. A few people passed me giving either a wave or a head nod but I frowned. Where was I? Suddenly I remembered Cyrus telling me we were going to Leon’s, so this must have been it.

I reached the bottom of the stairs glancing around for the door when I bumped into a familiar figure.

“Hey, you’re up” Cyrus said. I smiled and nodded.

“Yep” he gave me a small smile in return before gripping my shoulder and guiding me the opposite direction I was going and into a spacious kitchen.

“Eat, you’ve been out a long time and you need some food.” he said pushing me into a chair at the table and turned to the fridge. I frowned, I was starving now that he mentioned it; for how long though?

“Martha made a killer batch of chicken and dumplings last night you wants some.” I nodded a little distracted. Who’s Martha?

When he placed the hot bowl of soup with two large dumplings bobbing deliciously in front of me I watched him take a seat next to me with his own bowl.

“How long was I out for?” I asked sipping on the delicious liquid.

“Oh, about three weeks.” And there went my food, all over the kitchen table.

“What!” I exclaimed placing a hand over my dripping mouth. Cyrus grimaced at the mess and grabbed a towel to hand to me.

“You were shot with a silver bullet, it takes time to heal. You and your mate were in the same boat pretty much these few weeks.” I jumped up then and stared at him eagerly.

“Kyle, where is he!” my appetite vanished at the mention of Kyle. Cyrus smiled and pointed towards the backdoor. Without another word I rushed out the door barley hearing Cyrus’s low laughter.

My eyes quickly scanned the area desperately seeking Kyle out. It was funny how I was always so pathetically desperate when Kyle was involved but I knew if he remembered everything he’s be dying just get away from me like he already has. This made me slow to a stop, was I just kidding myself? I was only hurting myself in the end. I knew I’d get my heart broken after this was all over, just like last time. And I wouldn’t be able survive it again. I bit my lip in hesitation; I should just turn back now and save myself the trouble and pain.

Now I knew he was alright I didn’t need to worry so much. Sluggish, my feet crunching in the snow I turned back, ignoring the wailing my wolf was doing and headed back in the house. Cyrus looked up from his food and frowned.

“Didn’t find him?” I blinked back tears and sat back in my seat finishing my meal.

“Levi, you alright?” Cyrus asked with concern.

“I can’t” my voice was a thin whispered because it was all I could produce.

“You can’t what?”

“I can’t go through it again. It hurts to much.” This caused him to shake his head in confusion.

“What are you talking about? What’s wrong Levi?” I didn’t say anything. “Answer me.” his voice was hard now, confident and demanding. I glanced up at him, he was every bit an Alpha by the way he was acting at this moment but he wasn’t… was he?

“Who are you Cyrus?” he was taken aback by the question. He shook his head,

“Don’t try and change the subject, why don’t you want to go see your mate?” I averted my eyes towards the table.

“It’s complicated” he snickered.


“Fine, Kyle and I have never really got along.”

“You seemed alright to me when you were worried about him back in the woods.” he said. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Yes but that’s because I love him with everything in me. And he… he would rather be dead than be with me.” I confessed ashamed.

“I’m not following.” Cyrus seemed to wear a permanent frown. I sighed,

“Kyle has amnesia, I don’t know how but he doesn’t remember me or what we’ve been through together. So these last couple of weeks since he’s shown up out of the blue, I’ve gotten close to him knowing I shouldn’t have but how can I deny the pull of my mate? And I know once he has his memory back he’s just going to break my heart and reject me all over again; I can’t go through that again. It almost killed me once I won’t let it happen again.” Tears were falling from my eyes as I spilled my sorry guts to Cyrus.

A pair of arms wrapped around me. Gasping up looked up to see him hugging me, he didn’t say anything just held me tight and I suddenly felt frail so I lent in to him. I need comfort.

“This is really hard for you. If you need I can distract him for a while till you’re ready.” Sighing in relief I nodded to him.

“Thank you”

“No problem.”

Quietly I sat in a window seat and watched the snow fall outside. It was so quiet around here you wouldn’t think there were people living here if I hadn’t seen a few wolves running around with Lakota. I smiled to myself. We’ll it looks like he’s made some friends. I turned when I heard a knocking on my door. A tall man that look a tad like Cyrus walked in.

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” I shook my head.

“No” he smiled.

“Good, I just came to welcome you to our pack house. You’ve been out for a while so I never got the chance.”

“Oh, thank you… and you are?” I asked confused.

“Alpha Leon Redding, Cyrus’s father.” He held his hand out and I shook it.

Oh so this was Leon.

Hold on, if he was Cyrus’s father that meant Cyrus was soon to be… no wait. I thought back to the fight and I remember Cyrus using some sort of power on the hunter that attacked me which meant he was an Elder!

“I’m Levi Blackman”

“Oh we know, my son and I tracked down you and your mates pack. There a nice bunch, they let us keep you till you were recovered before coming to get you.” I frowned.

“Have you called them yet?” I didn’t want to go back yet, Kyle still didn’t remember anything.

“No…” he answered slowly. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Good,” the frown was prominent on his brow but otherwise ignored my strange behavior.

“Well you can stay as long as you like, alright?” I nodded grateful for his understanding.

“Just let me know when you would like me to call your pack” Alpha Redding said before smiling softly and leaving the room. I sat there silent continuing to look out the window. Should I call them? Ugh! I felt so confused, my emotions were everywhere. I wanted to see Kyle and help him the best to my abilities but on the other hand I didn’t want to for fear of getting hurt.

The snow was still falling softly and I was tempted to just jump out this window and let the white consume me.

I had stayed in the room all day, it was dark out and I was lying under the covers staring at the shadowy ceiling. It was pathetic really since I was hiding away from Kyle. My body was crying out for him and so was my wolf which was dangerous.

Groaning I rolled over and buried my face in my pillow. I could sense the pull of the moon tonight making thing worst. The last time the full moon was up Kyle and I almost finished the mating bonds and it was also the night I killed Matt. God was it really a month ago that Matt died. That scene is etched into my brain for all time, the sound of the gun and the ominous sound of his neck snapping. What has happened with my life? Ever since meeting Kyle in that ally my life has gone to shit… No, ever since first seeing him at the Blue Moon Pack house my life has been difficult.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this, my mated wasn’t supposed to hate me and run off. I should be happy right now, for once in a long time I was supposed to be enjoying life with my mate but instead I was heartbroken with his rejection from years back that still haunted me and now tortured with his lack of knowledge of what he’s done to me or of me period.

What do I do? I couldn’t keep pretend that being around him didn’t hurt the crap out of me or pretend that I didn’t want to tear his damn clothes off and pounce on him every time I saw him. Growling I threw the covers off me and stood unable to lay there any long. I was antsy and needed a little time to stretch my legs. With a deep breath I walked towards the door and threw it open. Maybe a night run with my wolf will do some good maybe help me to clear my head for a while.

I turned from closing my door but came to an abrupt halt, the air caught in my lungs and my heart accelerated quickly. There standing in front of my door was Kyle. His hand was up in a knocking position.

“Kyle” I breathed. What was he doing here, wasn’t Cyrus supposed to stall him till I was ready.


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