
There was a scratching somewhere in the apartment and I dragged myself up from my bed frowning sleepily. I glanced at the clock to see it was ten in the morning so I trudged across the room towards the door and walked down the hall to see the wolf pawing at the ground at the front door. I froze, oh crap I forgot Kyle was staying here. Warily I turned my head to see Kyle sleeping peacefully on the couch unaware of the noise. I looked back at the wolf, what am I going to do with him. Wolves don’t belong in apartments they needed freedom plus I’m not sure my neighbors would like Kyle’s pup anywhere near them.

I walked close to the door and he turned to me with its penetrating yellow eyes. I had to think of a place for him to go to the bathroom. Glancing at Kyle I opened the door and let the pup out, I walked out with him watching him run along the grass, good thing I lived on the ground floor instead of the top. He disappeared behind some trees and I stood leaning against the door frame waiting. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and then did the same to my face to wake myself up. Last night was a long night and I didn’t get to bed till five in the morning.

Turning back inside I walked towards the kitchen leaving the front door open for the pup. Peeking inside my fridge I grabbed a few things for breakfast. I made a plate of bacon and scrambled some eggs with a side of buttered toast. The click of nails caused me to look behind me and my eyes widened. The wolf sat in the middle of the kitchen licking his blood stained mouth.

Gasping I turned towards him fully and knelt to his level griping his muzzle tightly. Oh shit, I hope that’s not human. I thought as I leant to sniff at his nose and my body relaxed, it was a rabbit. Glaring at him I snatched a wet cloth from the edge of the skin and rubbed the blood off.

“Damn it, if you were so hungry I had some meat in the fridge.” I complained mainly to myself. Once his mouth was clean I stood rinsed the towel off and walked towards the door closing it gently. Kyle stirred suddenly and I whirled around, my heart pounding as I watched him sit up; the blanket sliding down his smooth naked tan chest innocently as he stretched and yawned. His hands ran though his hair making it one sexy blonde mess.

“Morning” he greeted in a low deep husky voice and I practically melted right then and there.

“M-Morning” I stuttered ducking my head and going back to the kitchen to make our plates.

“Your couch is really comfortable.” He said getting to his feet, my sweats were hanging low on his hips and I could make out the visible ‘V’ indention leading to an Oh so happy place I wished to be… wait NO! I don’t wish to be! I have a boyfriend what am I thinking! I tried to looked away and focus on portioning the eggs on our plates but he was like a magnet and my eyes wandered right back to those wash board abs and lean hips, the light dust of hair leading south from his belly button.

“Thanks” my mouth was a ball of cotton.

Jeez! He looked so good. My wolf whined covering his face with his paw in agony. We wanted our mate it’s been years and we never even got to look at him like this; to behold such a mesmerizing sight as this. If only I had my paint brush. I was brought out of my fantasy as hot pieces of scrambled eggs fell on my bare feet.

“Shit!” I jumped throwing the now empty pan in the sink.

“You alright?” I glanced up at Kyle’s tall approaching form. I waved him off with a smile.

“Yeah, just me being clumsy” I muttered embarrassed, the pup trotted over happily and licked up the mess at my feet. Well he’s handy for one thing I guess. Kyle chuckled, leaning his hip against the counter watching the wolf clean the floor; his shiny blonde hair was lying dangerously sexy on his forehead. Sighing I turned away from him and scrapped of the giant pile of eggs off his plate and dished half on mine then placed three pieces of bacon each and toast on our plates. I took them in my hands and turned holding one out to him.

“Breakfast.” I said and he looked at it hungrily and took it.

“Thanks this looks good.” I blushed making my way to the couch.

“Your welcome” I said grabbing the blanket off the couch and folding it up to hang it on the back. As I did this I caught something weird starting from the back of his neck and down his spine. Frowning I leaned over the back of the couch to get a better look at the black markings it was a few numbers written vertically.






I was confused, Kyle had never noticed he had a tattoo before but then again he did take off and could have gotten it then but why that? Coming around the couch I sat and picked my plate up to eat. I would have asked him why numbers but I doubt he’s remember anyway so I left it. Settling back in the cushions I reached for the remote and switched the TV on.

After breakfast I went back in my room to take a shower, the water was perfectly warm and stood there for some time thinking of how things got so… weird. Shaking my head I dried off and pulled on a pair of plaid pajama bottoms, strode to my bed and sat at the edge staring at the door. He was out there, watching TV ignorant at how his presence affected me. This really wasn’t fair at all, I was finally getting my life on track and he just had to come and tip me over. And to top it all of he had a serious case of amnesia.

Groaning I fell back on my bed and glared at the ceiling, well first things first I have to call Alpha Liam and get Kyle’s info so he can start living his life. Then I had to get a hold of Matt and tell him I had someone staying over for a while. Sitting up I reached for my phone swiping it open and dialed the number that I hadn’t for nearly three years… The pack house.

“Liam Jacobs” the brisk deep firm authoritative voice made me flinch in submission even over the phone.

“Alpha? Its Levi” I said softly suppressing a whimper. It was mainly my wolf who had his tail between his legs. We had been gone for so long we didn’t know how our Alpha would react; did he consider me his pack member still? There was a pause before he spoke again.

“Levi, how are you?” his voice had taken on a softer gentler tone and my body relaxed.

“I’m fine Alpha thank you for asking. How are you and Alpha Aiden?” Liam chuckled.

“Were good, Aiden’s off with the doc training and what not” he said. I was looking down at my pj’s picking at a lone string.

“What can I do for you Levi?” Liam asked curiously.

“Well, I was wondering if you could help me with something.” I was being a bit vague unsure how to asked this. I knew Liam wasn’t a big fan of Kyle’s, I mean who was. He might just see Kyle as a rogue wolf who abandoned his pack.

“And that would be?”

“If it was possible for you to mail Kyle’s information to me” Again there was a pause before his answer.

“Why would I do that?” he asked suspiciously.

“Because I found him.” I whispered. I heard his sharp intake of breath.

“Well you can tell that bastard he can come and get it himself and while’s he’s at it he can tell his parents why he left without say a word to anyone!” ok so he’s mad.

“He might not remember the way sir.” I muttered.

“What? Levi what are you talking about?” I could hear his frown. Sighing I took a deep breath and answered.

“He doesn’t remember sir. Nothing, somehow he’s lost all his memories; the only thing he does remember is his name, Alpha.” There I said it.

“How?” I knew the question was more to himself than be but I answered anyway.

“I don’t know sir” I had to be something serious for a werewolf to get amnesia.

“I’m going to have to tell Wyatt and his mate… oh and then Sadie. She’s missed him so much.” He whispered. “I’ll get a plane ticket ready for him to come home.” he muttered I heard the sound of rustling papers in the background.

“Alpha I think it’s best if you let him stay where he is” I told him softly. The rustling stopped suddenly,

“Why is that?” I swallowed hard,

“W-well um.. I mean he doesn’t remember and it might be overwhelming for him to be surrounded by a bunch of people he doesn’t know.” Here I am sticking up for him again when it would be so much easier on me to let him go back to Portland and I can go back to normal Levi life again.

“Levi this is his pack we protect our own, plus we searched for him for a whole year and a half before calling it off I don’t think his parents or sister would appreciate knowing Kyle alive or back but having him so far away after all this time. You have to take in consideration how they might feel about this.” Liam retorted and I whimpered softly. I bit my lip anxiously.

“I know that sir but… you have to understand he’s my… mate and I’m only thing about what’s best for him, and the Blue Moon Pack would be too much for him at the moment. I don’t think Kyle even remembers that he’s a wolf so imagine what a shock that would be. So for right now I thinks it best if I could have his information get him back on his feet but I will ask him if he wants to go see his family, then well go from there.” The long silence over the line was starting to make me lose my nerve.

“I can’t keep this from Wyatt, Levi that’s his son. Is that’s what you’re asking.” I shook my head and realized he could see me. Duh!

“No! Of course not I’m really asking for time. Time for Kyle to get comfortable and start to remember I guess.” Some deep dark part of me didn’t want that to happen, I wanted him to stay ignorant of how he used to be so I could have this Kyle forever. Liam sighed heavily.

“I’ll let the Parker’s know just inform me if anything changes with him k.” I nodded happily.

“Yes Alpha” I said trying to stay calm. Why the hell am I so excited about making my life more difficult?

“I’ll get his birth certificate and anything the Parker’s can give me and send it tomorrow alright. I just need your address.”

I told him and he said that it should come in the mail in about a week and with that I thanked him and hung up. I sat there staring at the phone for about twenty minutes debating on if I should call Matt or not. I mean he is going to find out sooner or later. The phone show the time in big white fluorescent light on the screen 12:30. Groaning I placed it back on my dresser and headed to the closet grabbing a shirt and pants, throwing them on and slipping my phone in my pocket. I headed back into the living room where Kyle was sitting on the floor with the pup and absentmindedly scratching behind his ear as he gazed at the show on TV.

“Hey, do you want lunch?” Kyle snapped his head towards me in surprise again like he didn’t hear me coming. He came to his feet with a smile.

“That would be cool I’m starved even though I just had breakfast.” He frowned and I smiled nervously. He really didn’t know he was a wolf anymore. Well I guess I have to keep the fridge seriously stocked for both me and him.

“Alright I have a pair of my boyfriend’s jeans you can use and my shirts are in the closet” I said absently turning back down the hall and in my room pulling Matt’s jeans out of his sleepover dresser and throwing them on the bed. I would have let him use mine but he’s a lot more muscular in the waist area than my skinny twig self so Matt’s should fit better.

Kyle was just coming in through the door with a slightly confused look. He glanced at the jeans perplexed then back at me.

“Boyfriend?’ there was a puzzled edge to his tone and my heart stopped suddenly.

Oh shit!

I watched him cautiously searching his face hard for a violent or negative reaction. I bit my lip as I nodded,

“Yeah, his name is Matt, Matthew” I was stuttering. My wolf didn’t like it that I was telling him about Matt but I didn’t care because that was who I was with.

“So that makes you… gay?” it didn’t really come out like a question but more like he was he was trying to test the word for the first time. I felt my hands beginning to sweat and my heart could rival a cheetah at full speed as I watched him anxiously.

‘Please don’t do this to me again!’ I begged silently and my wolf whined desperate for acceptance from his mate. Kyle blinked gazing back down at the jeans and reached to pick them up.

“The shirts are in here?” he asked his back to me as he walked over to the closet.

“Yeah” I breathed. He wasn’t showing any signs of revulsion at my confession. He opened the sliding door to grab at a plain black shirt. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Thanks” he said to me his grey eyes showing no hidden emotion just gratefulness just like last night when I told him he could stay. I nodded in a daze at this unexpected reaction.


“So how long have you known Matt- or been together?” Kyle asked suddenly. We were sitting in a quiet restaurant called Grilled It! I loved to go here; they had the best glazed salmon. You may not believe me but all us wolves love a good fish ever so often.

I nearly choked on my peas at the question coming from his mouth. I looked up at him and he had a curious expression. I swallowed the food lodged in my throat before gulping down a bit of water.

“A-a few years now” He nodded shifting his attention back to his medium rare steak. His knife slides through it so easily, now that I showed him how to cut it since he forgot that too. There was a puddle of red juices under the steak at the pressure he put on it. I was fascinated and mesmerized at the way he slipped the red morsel into his mouth and how his eyes darkened a stormy grey every time he tasted the blood and meat on his tongue. I ordered it like this for him on purpose to see if it would awaken his sleeping wolf or to see if it was still there, I wanted it to be as close to a hunt and kill experience as he possibly could get. And it worked, Kyle’s dormant wolf was enjoying his bloody prey even if Kyle didn’t notice this, he was just loving his meal.

“Is your food good?” he nodded quickly getting another bigger bite in his beautiful mouth… ugh there I go again. Even watching him freaking eat is turning me on.

Oh how I wish I could cut it for him and feed him a piece myself. Sighing I turned back to my fish and shoved a bit in my own mouth to distract myself.

“Do you love this Matt of yours?” there he goes again with the crazy unexpected questions and making me choke on my yummy fish!

“E-excuse me?” I coughed hitting my chest. Kyle straightened in his chair watching me in concern.

“Are you ok?” he asked. I waved him off finally getting the fish down.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I once again gulped down water. Kyle frowned at me before relaxing back in his chair.

“So do you?” I glanced at him warily.

“That’s kind of a personally question Kyle” I told him. He raised a dark brow.

“Is it?” I nodded.

“Yes” he bit the inside of his check in thought.

“Why, it’s just a simple question isn’t it?” I closed my eyes and tried my best to find the right answer to this.

“Not really in my case. I’ve had a hard love life you can say and... The last person I gave my heart too didn’t want it so I kind of gave up on such things. So to answer your question no I don’t love him I don’t think I can honestly love anyone like I that again but I care for him deeply if that makes sense.” I can’t believe I just told him that!

Kyle’s perfect face was drawn in a frown, he was so closed off I couldn’t tell what he was thinking except that fact something was indeed on his mind.

Once our meal was down I paid for the bill and stood, I needed to get home before that pup messed up anything in my apartment. We walked out climbing in my 78’ Mustang my dad and I refurbished a while ago. I didn’t really use it, just when I had to go far from my apartment or grocery shopping but mostly everything was in walking distance.

“I talked to alp- Liam my friend from the house we lived at and he said he’s going to send your information tomorrow so it should arrive this week or so” I said to him catching my slip up just in time. Kyle glanced at me with wide eyes.

“Really?” I could feel the excitement radiating off him and I could help the smile from slipping on my face.

“Yeah, he was about to get you a plane ticket to fly back home to your parents” I paused to meet his gaze squarely. “Would you rather go back, I can call him and tell him to do that instead” I watched him shift uncomfortably.

“My parents?” he whispered. I nodded slowly,

“I’m pretty sure they miss and your sister.”

“Why didn’t you tell him to get the plane ticket?” he asked softly. I shrugged glancing down at my lap where I fiddled with my car keys.

“I thought you deserved to have a choose, I told you I don’t mind you staying and I thought it would be overwhelming to be surrounded by faces you don’t recognize… though you don’t recognize mine either.” I chuckled nervously. He let out a huff of laughter.

“As much as I want to know who my family is I- I’m kind of scared to so I think I’ll keep you up on the offer of staying here… at least of a little while.” He looked out towards the sidewalk of walking pedestrians with a thoughtful expression.

I sighed thinking of how hard all this must be for him and wishing I could do so much more that I am but I couldn’t these things took time and in my case the more time with Kyle Parker meant the closer to heartbreak I was getting. Man who knew I was such a masochist.

I started up my car right when my phone buzzed with a text. Reaching in my pocket I pulled it out to see one new message on my screen with a picture of Matt’s face and my heart skipped. I swiped it open to see in all caps.



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