“Don’t forget your lip ring,” I muttered as I slipped on gloves to cover my tattoos.

“I know, Kade,” my best friend, Grayson, grumbled, pulling his long dirty-blond hair behind his head. “Have I ever forgotten to take it off during a job before?”

“I don’t like changing the plan.” I tucked my gun into the holster under my suit jacket. “Maybe we should wait for another opportunity.”

After taking out his lip ring, Grayson glared at me as if my words personally insulted him. “If we don’t come back with that car, we’ll be laughed right out of the next meeting. We told the bosses we could get it no problem.”

“That was before the prick decided to go back to his car for a quick fuck in the middle of dinner,” I snapped as we strode around the mansion to the back where the cars were. “We plan for a reason. So nothing goes wrong.”

“We’ve been at this for years.” Gray slung his arm around my shoulder. “We look the part. The guy won’t have any idea.”

“Fucking Orange County,” I mumbled, tugging at my tie that was as suffocating as a length of rope. “Full of rich assholes and plastic women.”

Gray snickered. “True. But the assholes also have the best cars.”

“That’s the only reason I’d be caught dead in this outfit.”

“Be careful with your collar.” He jerked my dress shirt higher up my neck before I shoved him away. “Your tattoos are almost showing.”

“You think the other valets at this party don’t have any tattoos?”

“Doubtful. This is one of the biggest parties of the year. They don’t want anyone thinking thugs with ink work for them.” Gray rolled his eyes as we started walking down the first row of cars. “Where did the valet park his car?”

“Fifth row,” I answered, glad the sun was still going down. There weren’t any lights this far from the house, but we wouldn’t need them. We’d be long gone by the time the moon rose.

We grew quiet as we got closer, my pulse strumming with excitement like it did during every job. I lived for the adrenaline. Cars were my life. And I was a pro at stealing them. Gray and I both were. We didn’t just take random cars off the street. We were the ones people called when they wanted the rare vehicles. Like the one we were getting tonight.

“There it is,” Gray murmured in a low voice. “Damn, she’s beautiful.”

I followed his gaze and stared at the shiny black exterior of the Rolls-Royce Sweptail. In the ten years we’d been doing this, I hadn’t been behind the wheel of one of those. But I would be tonight. A smile played on my lips as we walked closer.

We froze when a hand slapped on the inside of the rear window. Ducking behind the Cadillac we were near, I raised my head just high enough to keep my eye on our prize car. But what I saw through the window was what kept my attention.

“I can see why he chose to skip dinner.” Gray knocked his shoulder into mine. “She’s fucking hot.”

I nodded grudgingly as we stared at the woman facing us. Her hand rested near her head on the glass, her red hair framing her face. Her eyes weren’t focusing on anything as she stared at the sky.

A thick hand came from behind her and wrapped around her throat before a man started kissing her neck. Even though she tilted her head to give him better access, her pouty lips turned down with disgust.

“Just like every other woman in this city,” I muttered. “Using him for his money.”

“I mean, he has to know,” Gray said with a shake of his head. “He’s like sixty-five, and she looks our age. I don’t think he cares as long as he has somewhere to put his dick.”

“Let’s get this over with. We need to be gone before the guests start leaving,” I said, my gaze not leaving the couple in the car. “You got the key?”

Gray pulled a silver key out of his pocket. “Yeah. Everything’s in place.”

I nodded, standing up and rounding the Cadillac. The woman noticed me first. A hint of what looked like annoyance flashed through her eyes before her mouth fell open in surprise. She said something to the man, and he stopped kissing her to look at us. My muscles tensed as the rear door swung open and the man stumbled out, zipping up his slacks. His stomach strained against his wrinkled dress shirt, and stray gray hairs littered his nearly bald head.

“We’re sorry for interrupting, sir,” I said smoothly, wearing a fake smile. “We have to start moving the cars for guests who are leaving—”

“And why are you interrupting me when I have nothing to do with other guests?” Mr. Hughes spat out, not hiding how angry he was.

“Charles, these men are just doing their job.” The woman stepped out of the car and gently laid her hand on his arm. “It’s not their fault they ruined our fun.”

Gray loudly cleared his throat as I tried remembering what I was about to say. Her voice was soft, but at the same time powerful. It was the kind of voice someone could listen to all day and not tire of. She pulled the straps of her black cocktail dress back over her shoulders and fluffed her hair as Charles glared at us before turning his attention back on her.

“Clarissa, I’m tired of waiting,” Charles nearly whined as he faced the woman. “This is our third date, and you told me my waiting would end tonight.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I dug my elbow into Gray’s ribs, knowing it would be almost impossible for him to stay silent at that. This poor fucker was getting strung along for his money, and she hadn’t even fucked him yet. I didn’t feel bad for either of them. Both were using each other for different purposes.

“It will end,” she soothed, giving him a warm smile. “Maybe we can park the car somewhere else and continue what we were doing—”

“I’m sorry,” Gray spoke up. “We can’t allow anyone out here. There are rules in place to make sure nothing is disturbed during the party.”

Charles’s face grew red. “You think I’m a threat?”

“Of course not,” I said quickly, trying to calm him. “Our boss made us come out here. It’s the owners of the house who want to make sure no one is out here with everyone’s vehicles. I’m sorry we have to be the messengers.”

“Don’t apologize.” She turned her gaze on me, her amber eyes making me uneasy as she studied me. “It’s not your fault. You’re just following orders like good boys.”

Her condescending tone had me clenching my fists. Anger scorched my veins as she smiled at me. Her eyes darted to my hands, curiosity flaring. Flexing my fingers, I reined in my emotions, reminding myself this was a job. And one shallow little girl wasn’t going to fuck it up.

“If you two just make your way up to the house, I’m sure you can find a place to continue your fun.” Gray winked, distracting her and giving me a chance to calm down.

“Watch yourself,” Charles snapped. “She has no interest in the help.”

Gray’s grin didn’t falter, even though I knew Charles’s words pissed him off. “Of course, sir. Sorry. It’s not often I’m in the company of such a beautiful woman.”

“Come on, Clarissa. We’ll go find an empty bedroom.” Charles gripped her elbow, and I raised an eyebrow when she seemed hesitant to leave.

“I left my clutch in the back seat. Let me grab it.” She turned toward the car, but Charles pushed her away.

“Stay here,” he ordered. “I’ll get it.”

He moved toward the car, and when his back was turned, Clarissa stepped in front of me. I went still, not sure what the hell she was doing when she trailed her hand down my chest. Gray exchanged a look with me over the top of her head as he shrugged, not understanding what was happening either.

“You two don’t belong here,” she purred, her eyes sparking with a sinister fire that hadn’t been there before.

“Do you always talk to the help like this?” I ground out, not liking how my dick was reacting to her light touch.

She was a fucking siren. The name Clarissa didn’t match the gorgeous creature touching me. She had the voice of an angel and a body men would drown in sin for. It was easy to see why men like Charles would give her anything she desired just to get a taste of her. I knew exactly the type of woman she was, and yet keeping my head clear while she spoke to me was nearly impossible.

I bit my tongue when she raised on her tiptoes and pulled my collar until her lips were near my ear. Her coconut scent hit me, and my body leaned toward her before I could stop myself.

“I know you’re not valet,” she whispered, making me go rigid. “I hope your crew isn’t too upset when you come back without the car.”

I lurched back as her hand slid under my jacket. My heart stuttered when I felt my gun slip from the holster as she got a grip on it. Before I could even reach for it, I went to my knees when she kicked me straight in the balls.

“Motherfuck,” I groaned out as pain ricocheted through my body. Shooting my arm up, I snatched her wrist, realizing my mistake a second later. As I kept a grip on her arm, she slammed the gun that was in her other hand into my temple.

“What the fuck?” I heard Gray bellow as I hit the ground. My vision went black, and I rolled onto my back as nausea swirled in my stomach. If she had hit me any harder, I would have been unconscious.

“Back off.” Her voice sounded far away, and I flinched when a loud bang rattled my skull. A thud alerted me that someone else had hit the ground, and I hoped to God it wasn’t my best friend. I blinked, trying to focus through the pounding in my head.

“Clarissa,” Charles spluttered out from somewhere behind me. “What did you do?”

“My name isn’t Clarissa,” she informed him. “And I’m just fixing the problem these two were creating for me.”


“They’re trying to take what I already worked for.”

My blood ran cold when I focused and saw Gray slumped beside me, blood seeping from his shirt. Pushing myself off the ground, I scooted over to him as a lump grew in my throat.

“Fuck,” I muttered, trying to control my growing panic. “Where are you hit?”

His head snapped up, his green eyes dark with pure rage. “I’m fine. The bullet didn’t hit anything important.”

“We need to stop the bleeding—”

“I will.” He pulled his gun out and tossed it to me. “Go get her and show her why no one fucking messes with us.”

I nodded, jumping to my feet, trying to ignore the extra heartbeat in my head. Charles was staring at Clarissa—or whatever the fuck her name was—with his hands in the air as she pointed my gun at him. Aiming the pistol at her, I stepped closer, and she turned her head toward me but kept the gun on Charles.

“You shot my friend,” I growled, my finger hovering on the trigger.

She grinned wickedly. “Only once.”

“The only reason you’re still alive is because you missed his heart.” I kept my voice low as it shook with rage. “But killing you might be a mercy compared to what my crew will do to you for shooting him.”

“I didn’t miss. If I wanted him dead, fucking believe me when I say he wouldn’t be breathing right now.”

Her confidence had me convinced her words rang true. I had underestimated her because she looked nothing like a threat. That’s what I got for letting my guard down. And it wasn’t fucking happening again.

“Who are you?” Charles stammered, drops of sweat falling from his forehead. “I thought we were having a good time together—”

“You really should be thanking these men,” she cut him off. “The death I had planned for you was slow and painful. But these two just sped up your timeline.”

As she focused on Charles, I glanced at Gray. He was sitting up, pressing his hand against his bullet wound near his shoulder above his heart. His face was pale, but his eyes were alert, and that gave me a slice of relief that he would survive until I got him to a doctor.

“I don’t understand.” Charles took a step forward, but the second his foot touched the ground, another shot pierced the air. Charles went down screaming, his knee buckling where the bullet hit. I clenched my jaw, hoping no one heard that. We needed to get the car and get the fuck out of here.

“Tell me, Charles,” she spat his name as if it were acid on her tongue. “After you were finished with me, what was the plan?”

He was barely coherent as he held his leg, staring at her pleadingly, tears pooling behind his lashes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Were you going to sell me?” she asked, making ice drip down my spine. “Like you do with all the other girls you get into your bed? Or is twenty-six too old for the men who buy women?”

I had known this guy was in some shady shit from the research we’d done on him, but somehow, we’d missed this piece of information. She had dug deeper than we did. Charles looked at me, shaking his head profusely.

“She’s fucking crazy,” he screamed at me. “Kill her before she—”

This time, she shot him in the head. He fell forward, dead before his face smashed into the dirt. Without wasting a second, she swung her gun toward me, keeping her aim level with my chest. Her eyes danced with amusement as we stared at each other.

“Drop the gun,” I ordered coldly. “And maybe you’ll survive this.”

She laughed. “You made a mistake.”

I raised an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

“You came here with someone you care about.” Shifting her stance, she aimed the gun behind me to where Gray was. “In this life, that’s an easy way for someone to take advantage of you.”

“You shoot him, and you’ll be dead a second later,” I grated out, my heart racing.

“Yes, but your friend would be dead right along with me.” She cocked her head. “Could you live with that?”

“Fuck her,” Gray shouted hoarsely. “Take the shot, Kade.”

I wanted to. But as she backed away, I hesitated. She’d already proved she could aim, and the chance of her shooting Gray before I shot was fifty-fifty. There was no way I would be the reason my best friend went home in a casket.

“Good choice,” she praised me, her voice smothered with faked sweetness. “I’ll get out of your way. Good luck finding your way home.”

“How are you going to do that when we have the key?” I asked, realizing she planned on taking the car.

“You really think I would have let that asshole lay a finger on me if I didn’t have a way to take the prize I’d planned this entire thing for?” She grinned. “He gave the valet a spare key.”

She kept the gun pointed at Gray until she ducked behind the open rear door of the Rolls-Royce. It dawned on me why she had wanted to get her clutch earlier. That was where the fucking key was. Once she reached inside the car, I bolted forward. I didn’t want to shoot at her and risk damaging the car.

By the time I got to the open door, the purse was in her hand, and she was trying to climb into the front seat. The gun wasn’t in her hand anymore, and I took advantage of that. Lunging forward, I grabbed her ankle, yanking her toward me. She might be able to fight, but she couldn’t overpower me on strength alone.

“You should have killed me when you had the chance,” I told her, dragging her closer. “When we take you back, it’s not going to be pleasant for you.”

“I could have. But I know who you work for.” She didn’t seem fazed as my grip tightened on her ankle. “And I don’t feel like having a target on my back.”

“Too late for that.”

“After tonight, you’ll never see me again,” she promised. “Unless, of course, you get in the way of a job again.”

“Who do you work for?” I asked, wondering how the fuck our paths had never crossed before this.

She wasn’t struggling to get out of my hold. “I don’t answer to anyone. A freedom I’ll never take for granted again.”

I had her halfway out of the car when she leaned forward. I didn’t see the blade until she sliced my hand. I hissed out a breath, not letting her go. Her other leg shot toward me, her heel stabbing me in the ribs. She crawled farther onto the seat, and I jumped on top of her. Her fist collided with my cheek hard enough for my head to snap to the side. She reached for the gun on the seat, and I raised my arm and got a fistful of her hair.

“What the fuck?” I muttered when her hair slid off, doing nothing to stop her. I dropped the wig, but the wasted second was all she needed. The cold metal of the barrel of the gun pressed to my forehead as she lay under me. Her real hair was black and pulled into a tight bun. I stilled, not moving a muscle, as her chest heaved with each breath beneath me.

“You’re going to get the fuck off me and scoot your ass out of this car,” she demanded. “Or, unlike your friend, this bullet will fucking drop you.”

The fact that she was giving me orders sent rage rippling through me. “I thought you didn’t want a target on your back.”

“My freedom or your life.” She pretended to ponder for a moment before pressing the gun harder into my skull. “I will choose myself every time.”

“I’m going to find you,” I warned her, knowing her patience was waning as she frowned. “You won’t get away with shooting him.”

“Good luck. Now get the hell off me.”

Deciding she wasn’t bluffing about killing me, I slid back and stepped out of the car. She kept the gun on me as she reached into her clutch with her free hand.

“I hope your gun won’t connect you to any other crimes,” she said as she grasped the keys. “Or you’ll be busy running from the law when they investigate Charles’s death.”

“You think I’d bring a dirty gun to a job?” I snapped. “We’re not amateurs.”

She licked her lips. “Could have fooled me. Shut the door.”

I slammed the rear door, waiting for her to turn her back. When she moved to climb into the driver’s seat, I pulled my gun out and shot out the passenger window. I cringed, hating myself for damaging this rare car. But it was clear I wasn’t taking it tonight, and hell if I was going to let her have it that easily. The car roared to life as she ducked, trying to get out of my sights.

“Asshole,” she snarled through the shattered window. “Do you know how much of a bitch it’s going to be to get that fixed?”

“Get out,” I yelled at her.

“Fuck you,” she shot back, sliding down even more. The car changed gears, and she tore out of the parking spot blindly. I fired two more bullets as she straightened out after turning. Gray scrambled off the ground, diving to safety as she raced past him.

I saw her head pop back up once she felt she was far enough away. With the last bullet, I shot it into the back window, far enough away from her that I knew there was no risk of hitting her. I didn’t want to kill her. Not yet. I wanted to know who she was first. It was obvious she ran in the same social circles we did if she pulled jobs like this. We’d find her.

I ran to Gray as the taillights disappeared when she turned out of the parking lot. Blood dripped from where he was pressing his hand. His body was shaking, and I was seriously worried about the amount of blood on the ground. I glanced down the row, looking for the easiest car to hot-wire. Once I spotted one, I helped Gray to his feet, letting him lean on me. I supported nearly all his weight as we moved closer to the car that was going to get us out of here.

“What a shit day.” Gray forced out a laugh before grimacing. “Not only did we lose the car, we lost it to a girl. The guys won’t let us live this down.”

“She’ll pay for this,” I promised, busting out the window of the car, not taking the time to jimmy the lock. “We’ll find her.”

“I know.”

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