God, I never stood a chance.

This wasn’t supposed to happen to me again, but here I am, pinned against Knight with my senses exploding as he kisses me hungrily.

His rock-hard cock is thick and heavy between us. I want nothing more than for him to fuck me like he said he would, satisfying that deep dark craving I’ve had since I first met him.

No. No. God, I mustn’t want that.

I should try and stop him. Do something more than give in—anything but this.

We get married in three days, but we won’t be real.

I’ll be nothing more than a temporary wife, so I can’t want this man the way I do. I know I mustn’t for my own sanity, so why is my body acting like this?

Why can’t I remember all the promises I made myself when it comes to this man?

I hate him. I’m supposed to hate him.

But, as he continues to devour my mouth, I kiss him back with the same intensity—shamefully not even trying to resist—and it’s evident from the delicious fire burning through my body that I want him too.

I think of nothing but my desire for him as he kisses his way down my body, then pauses to pull down my top and feast on my nipples. Sweet pleasure pulls passionate moans from my lips and sends jolts of wild pleasure to my pussy.

I feel like I’m flying on the edge of each sensation.

He sucks my breasts until they’re both aching and sore, then he pulls my top off and takes his shirt off too.

With that crazy, wicked smile I’ve grown accustomed to, he crouches down and pulls my skirt and panties down my legs, leaving me naked and vulnerable to him again.

The way he looks at me is unreal. How could he be looking at me the same way he did when he first saw me naked? Like this is the first time all over again, and I’m a work of art he’s admiring.

“You’re beautiful and mine.” He runs his hands over my body and kisses the skin of my mound, licking my slick opening. That’s when I remember the door is wide open.

Most of the regular staff would have left by now, but there are contractors around every part of the building until late.

“Knight, the door.” The arousal is so thick in my throat I can hardly get the words out. “Someone could see us.”

“And they better pray they keep walking. I’ll kill any man who looks at you.” The possession in his tone scares me, and I think he means every word he says. “I’m not stopping. I want you.”

Those words again—I want you.

Every time I hear him say them, they do something to me I can’t describe, but feel. Because I want him too.

I’ve tried not to. Lord knows I have, but every time, I fail miserably.

Knight comes back to kiss me, but this time, he grips my hip with one hand and slips his fingers back into my panties, so he can circle my clit.

Convulsive waves grip me at his touch, and I throw my head back. “Oh my God!”

Knight smiles down at me, loving to watch me come undone. “Goddess, you were simply made for corruption.” He rubs my clit harder, and I feel the tug of an orgasm pulling at my insides. “You want more, don’t you?”


“Tell me you want more. I can feel you do.” There’s a sudden roughness to his touch, demanding I answer with nothing but the truth.

“Yessss…give me more,” I cry out, the words feeling freeing.

“Yes, mon cherie. Let’s try out some more of those fantasies of yours.”

With that, he goes right back to my pussy, forces my thighs wider apart, and pushes his tongue deep inside me.

His tongue licking at my walls feels so, so damn good, I drive my heels into the floor in an attempt to control the surge of pleasure threatening to devour me. But that does absolutely nothing. The continuous onslaught of wild pleasure rips into me with fire and unquenchable heat.

All from him. My beautiful French devil.

My stories and heroes have nothing on this man. He’s something else entirely. Knight Grayson is the kind of guy who’s the inspiration for all stories. The villain and the hero rolled into one.

You can try to write about him and marginally succeed, but you can’t capture it all on paper. He’s too much, and still so much more.

His teeth graze my outer lips, and he sucks down hard on my clit. I come straight away, falling over the edge into a sea of pleasure as my juices flow into his mouth.

My body bows to the ruthless sensation sizzling through every part of me, then I’m consumed by the spikes of electricity that set my nerves on fire.

Knight drinks me up, never stopping until he’s lapped and licked me clean. Only then does he push to his feet, shove his pants down his hips, and free his cock, which looks bigger than ever.

My head is still spinning from the wild orgasm he just gave me, but I don’t get another second to prepare before he takes my leg, hooks it around his waist, and powers forward with his cock in one brutal thrust.

The moment he pierces into my body, he starts pumping fast and faster, pistoning into me as if he’s been dying to do so for a millennium. There is no prelude, no easing in slowly, or gradual build-up. His powerful thrusts wrack my body, each sending me reeling with cries of ecstasy falling from my lips.

I was wet and ready for him, but he’s so big, and it’s been so long since I’ve done anything like this.

Pleasure and pain mix together, becoming one.

Pleasure and pain created from the line we just crossed.

He’s inside me now. We’re not just simply playing around. We’re actually having sex—fucking.

We’ve only just begun, but this doesn’t feel like mere sex. It’s the cold, hard scandalous type of fucking that people have dark fantasies about and keep them locked away in the secret parts of their minds.

Catching my breath, I whimper and place my hands against his hard, muscular chest.

“Stay with me, Goddess, we’re just getting started.” He winks at me, then he continues his relentless pounding, moving deeper and harder.

Chaos erupts inside me, and I grab his shoulders, my nails digging into the solid skin as I come again, harder than ever before. Knight gives me no time to recover. He keeps going, his movements seeming to be fueled by my pleasure.

It feels as if I’m completely at his mercy now and the only push and pull between us is this moment where he’s fucking me.

Suddenly, he pulls out and turns me around to face the wall.

Positioning himself behind me, he thrust back into my passage, and a jolt of shock paralyzes my whole body.

This position feels so damn good, I feel him all over in every pore, cell, and particle that makes me, me. His thrusts are more powerful, hitting my G-spot with every pound.

My hair comes loose from my bun and falls over my face, blinding my view, but I shove it away so I can press my hands to the wall for support.

All I can hear now is the erotic sloppy sounds of us filling every corner of the room, then my thoughts shatter when Knight starts fucking me like he owns me and in such a way that I truly won’t forget who I belong to. Not now. Not ever.

Fire rushes over my skin, creating a delicious friction that makes me delirious. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This moment is where it feels like he truly takes me and we stay like this for what feels like eons, where he hammers into me and every nerve in my body awakens with new life.

I lose count of how many times I come. It seems to happen as effortlessly as breathing, until I feel weak from his unwavering power, but I take it knowing that we might not have this moment ever again.

If this is it, I’ll have it and deal with what comes next later.

Finally, his cock pulses against my walls and he comes with a deep, primal roar, sounding almost animalistic, like a beast. Or the Hell god I’ve christened him.

I come again, too, and we share the release, feeling the spellbinding pleasure that seems to ripple on into eternity as his hot cum floods my insides.

When his pumps slow and he pulls out, my knees give. I collapse against the wall, but Knight catches me, pulling me back against his chest, which is now dripping with sweat.

I’m sweating too. As if I’ve been in the sauna for a month.

His breath whispers over the nape of my neck, and I take a moment to take in the perfect synchronicity of our pounding hearts and the air around us buzzing with the energy of what we just did.

God, it feels like my Hades and I have just shattered the fabric of reality.

But what now?

My body becomes floppy like a ragdoll when he turns me to face him, but he keeps me cocooned against him, trapped in the scent of our wild lovemaking.

Knight rests his chin on top of my head, and we stand like that for a few heartbeats before he pulls back and gazes down at me with something wicked flashing in the corners of his eyes.

“Get your clothes back on.” His rusty voice is a mixture of lust and sex.

My heart squeezes. I really don’t want to go to the fundraiser. I just can’t do it tonight for so many reasons. The worst being, I’m tired of the show we have to be, and I’ve had several weeks of hell with Chelle.

Although it gives me marginal comfort to know she isn’t Giselle, I still don’t want to see her tonight, or go back to the real world where I lose this moment and everything becomes a stage.

“Where are we going?” I search his eyes, praying he doesn’t say the fundraiser.

“Home.” The corners of his lips lift into a sexy smile when my shoulders sag with relief.


“The rest of the night takes place in my bed.”

His bed.

All thoughts of the fundraiser float out of my mind. I’ve never even seen his bedroom. Now he wants me in his bed.

A different type of hunger writhes through me as I imagine us together in his bed all night. That hunger awakens the hot arousal I felt earlier.

“Come on.” Knight picks up my top and hands it to me. “It’s going to be a long night.”

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