I glare back at him, trying to process what he just said.

He wants me.

My lips part to say something, but my brain struggles and nothing comes out.

It’s then I notice that although my mouth is watering like I’m a hungry dog, my throat is drier than the Sahara in the summer.

The feeling worsens when Knight moves even closer. So close, he’s a breath away from my lips and we’re eye to eye.

“What if I told you that in my mind, while we’ve been sitting here, I’ve already fucked you at least five times in five different ways. And in five different places.”

Those words are filled with carnal desire and send shards of electricity straight to my core while shivers of heat erupt all over my body.

Instantly, my mind conjures the type of scandalous images I’d usually think of when writing my books. But instead of some made-up person, the heroine in my story receiving all that pleasure is me.

I’m thinking of him with me. Him taking me just the way he said he imagined— five times, five different ways, five different places.

Knight Grayson looks like the kind of man who would outdo any book boyfriend. I imagine that when he claims you, he would own you in every sense of the word and devour every inch of your naked body until there’s nothing left.

And you’d still beg for more.

I would…

“Um…” I attempt to reply as I try to compose myself, but the sudden hunger for him has wild desire pooling deep inside my pussy, aching so badly for him I have to squeeze my thighs.

“Still having trouble?” A faint smile of amusement touches Knight’s lips.

Jesus, I can’t breathe, and I go completely numb when his fingers trail up my arm. He pauses at the crook of my elbow and lifts his hand up to my chin. There, he lingers, holding me in place with his touch and a penetrating stare.

What’s he going to do next?

Or say?

His warm breath whispers over my skin, and he brushes his nose against my cheek.

I close my eyes to savor the feeling of having him so close and the fact that we just floated over the line of whatever we were moments ago.

“Want me to show you what else I imagine?”

Like my life depends on it. “Yes.” My answer comes out in a rush, slipping out of my lips along with the breath I’ve been holding.

“Then give me a few more minutes with you. Will you, Goddess?”

As if my body is attached to strings, I nod, becoming his puppet.

He comes back to face me, his lips curving into a sinful smile.

My heart pounds harder at the anticipation of what he’s going to do to me.

I don’t have to wait long to find out. Knight brushes his mouth over mine and slides the tip of his tongue through my parted lips. The impact sends currents of pleasure sweeping through me.

The longing in my body is amplified by my two-year hiatus, and suddenly, I’m greedy for more.

The kiss changes from exploratory to carnal in a breath. He slides his tongue right into my mouth for a hungry kiss, devouring and consuming all my thoughts that aren’t him.

Our tongues tangle with the same fiery passion he uses to claim me, making my body melt into the hard planes of his.

I feel his heart beating wildly against my taunt nipples. The rapid beat increases the longer we kiss. Then he surprises me by lifting me onto his lap.

He positions himself so I can feel the massive bulge of his cock pressing into my ass, and a wicked smile glides over his lips. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Spread your legs for me, Goddess,” he beckons, kissing down the side of my neck.

Panic surges through me as my awareness returns, and I remember we’re in public.

Here?” I can barely speak. “What if the waiter comes back or people see us?”

“No. The waiter won’t come unless I call him.” He points to the little buzzer on the edge of the table. “And look where we are. No one can see us.”

I lift my head, and look around. We’re so far away it’s like this booth was made for sinning.

“So, spread your legs for me,” his husky voice sounds again while his fingers flutter over my sex, pressing into me through my skirt. “Let me finger-fuck you and make you come so hard you’ll feel me long after I’ve unraveled you.”

His promise and dirty words lure me right back to the dark side. I realize just how badly I want him to slide his fingers inside me and touch me where I crave him most.

Fuck it. I’m doing this.

This moment belongs to me, so I can choose what I do with it.

I choose him.

All thoughts of my promise to Dad and my upcoming engagement to Nathan fly out of my head, and I nod, parting my legs for the beautiful man who wants me.

Knight rolls my skirt up to my hips and cups my pussy. He loops a finger through the band of my panties and strokes that smooth skin there. His touch sends hot arousal coiling through me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

But that’s just the prelude for what’s to come.

Pushing aside my panties, he slides one finger into my pussy. I moan, completely unable to help myself.

“You’re so wet for me.” He grins. “Bad girl, if you wanted me so badly, we could have been doing this all along.”

“I—” My words cut out when he pumps his finger into my slick passage.

Oh fuck. God, that feels so damn good.

My breath dissolves inside my chest the more he gives me what I’ve craved for so long. And I want more of that sweet pleasure sizzling in every molecule of my blood.

My body arches when he pumps harder and speeds up, truly finger-fucking me. I moan out loud. Embarrassingly loud. And I don’t care if it was loud enough for my voice to have traveled down to the other booths.

Knight presses his lips to my neck again and licks the skin there. “You like that, mon cherie.”

Mon cherie… God. I love it, and I love his accent. I could listen to it forever. “Yessss.”

“You want more?” He slows his pace, rolling teasing circles around my clit. My entire body shakes, stirring the beginnings of an orgasm deep inside my core.

“Yes, more. Give… me more.”

I moan mindlessly. He rattles off a series of words in French in a deep, husky voice that sounds sexy as hell. If he didn’t have me squirming over his rock-hard cock and my mind reeling, I might have been able to pick out one or two words, but the only thing my body can function enough to do is indulge in the pleasure he’s giving me.

That pleasure courses through me as my orgasm rises, and I allow my hands to roam over the cascade of hard sinewy muscles beneath his shirt.

His massive erection grows harder the more I touch him, but he takes back control by adding another finger.

A thrill shoots through my nerves, severing me from reality, and then everything explodes as I come.

I come so hard I fear I might faint, and still he keeps going, pumping into my pussy at such a speed that I come again.

I grab his shirt, my fingernails digging into the solid flesh of his thick shoulders, then he laces his hands through my hair, guiding me back to his lips for another ravishing kiss.

His tongue dancing with mine makes me wet again, then he pulls out of the kiss, leaving me breathless.

Knight removes his fingers from my passage. My jaw slackens when he casually slips them into his mouth and licks off my glistening juices.

He stares back at me with a satisfied look on his face, showing he’s savoring the taste of me.

He comes back to my lips for a quick kiss but lingers before me.

“We’d better leave it at this.” His voice is rough with need.

My mind and body are still rattling from what we just did, so it takes me a moment to process what he’s saying. Once I do, I’m even more dazed.

How can we leave this? It feels like we’ve only just begun.

“Leave it?”


“Why?” I search those clear eyes.

He sighs. “Because, mon cherie, the next time we meet may be different. We don’t know yet if we’ll be friends or foes.”

The air around me is already thin. Now it feels tight from his cryptic words.

“What do you mean?”

“We’ll both have to see.”

With that, he eases me off his lap, rises to his feet, looking taller than he did before, and walks away.

Just like that.

All I’m left with is the image of him leaving and those words bouncing around in my head.

The next time we meet may be different. We don’t know yet if we’ll be friends or foes.

An uneasy feeling I can’t quite label stirs deep in the pit of my stomach, and my insides twist into knots the longer I think about those words. It was the way he said them. So strange. So… ominous.

Almost like a threat.

Knight, what did you mean?

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