Panting, her eyes lifted up until they met mine.

Leaning against the building and my arms folded, I studied her. She kept surprising me. She definitely wasn’t going for damsel in distress. And fuck, she looked hot. Her torn wedding dress offered a glimpse of her curvy, smooth legs and her thighs. That fucking garter was still on there. I pictured myself shredding it to pieces with my teeth.

Would it scare her?

I wasn’t sure, but I knew my cock wanted to tear through her pussy and fuck her until she screamed my name for the whole world to hear.

As if she could see the images playing in my mind, Branka’s cheeks flushed crimson. Or maybe my little wildling was picturing similar erotic images in her own mind.

A noise had her gray eyes darting in its direction and she opened her mouth, ready to scream.

Before she could scream, I squatted down and covered her mouth with my hand. She bit into my palm, but the pain was welcome. It made me focus on that, rather than my rock-hard dick.

She fought against me, but her size didn’t compare to mine. She looked like a little child in a giant’s hands.

“No one can save you from me,” I whispered in her ear, biting her earlobe. Hard. To my surprise, she moaned. Promising sign. “Not God. Not the devil.” Then to ensure she understood I meant it, I tilted her face to me, my fingers digging into her cheeks and all the while, my palm still covered her mouth. “You’re mine now.”

Anger flared in her eyes, her eyes turning into molten silver. Just like they did when she was aroused. It was addictive to see her like this.

“I’m not yours,” she spat out, her voice muffled.

Aggravation lit in my chest. I wanted her neck deep in this relationship. Like I was.

Relationship, my mind mocked. This didn’t seem anything like my brothers had going on. Although I never asked for details.


Fucking bullshit. I didn’t need these pussy-whipped feelings. I just needed her naked underneath me, submitting to me, her nails on my back and my cock deep in her pussy.


That I understood. That was what I’d stick to.

“You are mine, kotyonok,” I drawled. “Now and forever.”

Her eyes flashed with so much fury, I expected thunderbolts to strike me. “I’m not yours,” she hissed like a wildcat. “You’re not good enough for me. You can’t force someone to be yours.”

Tears glistened in her eyes. Her words struck, but her tears unnerved me. More than anything else I had ever experienced. And I’d experienced a lot in my lifetime.

A whisper of tension tightened in my body and I forced a grin to my face. The one that scared men and terrified women.

“But you can force someone to uphold their promise,” I said, then lifted her up and threw her over my shoulder. Her fists pounded against my back and I rolled my shoulders.

“That feels good, kotyonok,” I announced. “Like a Swedish massage.”

“Fuck Swedish massage,” she spat out, but her fists stilled. I could practically feel her fuming.

Back in the room, I let her body slide down my chest, then in one efficient move, I ripped her wedding dress off.

A gasp filled the small space between us and her hands instinctively covered her flimsy strapless, push-up bra and a thong. Fascinated, I watched the vein in her neck throb and it took all of my years of practiced restraint not to pounce on her.

I was so fascinated with her fucking neck that I nearly missed her movement. She attempted to knee me in the groin. Again. I caught her knee and held it tightly.

“Unless you want to be fucked – thoroughly and roughly tonight – you won’t try that again,” I warned her with a growl. A healthy dose of fear wouldn’t hurt this wildcat. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. But no fear entered her expression. Good. At least something good came out of it.

“Unless you want to be fucked,” I drawled lazily. Fuck, my cock was getting harder by the second.

Molten silver. Lust filled eyes. Yes, my kotyonok wanted to be fucked.

“I do want to be fucked,” she responded and my dick was already onboard. Her sweet smile should have been my warning. “By Killian. Definitely not by you.” The unsettling sensation brought anger to the forefront. I shoved it somewhere deep down. Obsession was dangerous. Especially for the Nikolaev men. When we lost our heads, the world burned. People died.

“Now, take me back so I can have my wedding night,” she demanded, pleased with herself. If she only knew what thoughts ran through my mind, she’d stop smiling like that.

“Don’t push me,” I warned, my voice lowering to a dangerous level. “Killian was never the one for you,” I deadpanned. By the look on her face, she knew it too. “Now, if you want my cock, you’re gonna have to earn it. And we’ll do it when the time is right.”

Jesus, I didn’t know how many more days of blue balls I could handle. If she didn’t cave in soon, I’d lose my balls.

“I don’t want you,” she croaked, her tone breathy. Then as if she wanted to convince herself because I knew she was fooling herself. “Jerk face,” she added.

She wants me, I thought smugly.

A dark chuckle filled my chest. “Liar.”

Her eyes narrowed and defiance glared back at me. There was hope for us. “Get on the bed.”

“W-what?” she stuttered. “I don’t want to have sex with you.”

I swooped her up and threw her onto her back, the mattress bouncing her body. “I’m tying you up.”

“No.” She turned onto her stomach to crawl away from me, but I grabbed her ankle and dragged her down, then rolled her onto her back.

“Stop it,” I growled, then straddled her hips. “I’m just tying you up.”

Well, if I thought that would calm her down, I was dead wrong. She started to buck like a fucking wild horse. And I was definitely not a champion in bull riding. I grabbed her wrists and put them above her head.

“Let me go,” she begged. Her tone was a bit softer, but she kept kicking, her breathing harder by the second. “I won’t run again,” she promised, but I didn’t believe her.

The fear of losing her and this time not being able to reach her was too raw.

I held her wrists above her head with one hand as I reached for my belt and pulled it out in one swift move. I watched as she turned her head to the side and just as I thought she’d finally calm down, she sank her teeth into my forearm.

“Stop fighting me or you’ll change my mind and I will fuck you,” I threatened, pushing my hips into her. “I’ll push deep inside your tight pussy and let it strangle my cock. You’ll scream my name all night long.”

My hard dick brushed against her lower belly and she instantly stilled. Her gray eyes locked with mine, darkening.

The glimpse of fear in them just about gutted me. I stilled. I never wanted to see her scared. I’d protect her from everyone and anyone. Even myself.

“I won’t hurt you, kotyonok,” I murmured softly, though anger was still raw in my veins. At her.

She thought she could have married Killian, walk away from me. Forget about me. It left me feeling hollow. Unworthy. Unlovable.

Fuck! This was so much worse than being pussy whipped. My cock hadn’t even been inside her cunt and I was already losing my shit. I met her gaze and the soft look in her eyes rushed all the blood to my dick. The anger dissipated, leaving me throbbing with lust for her. My cock might fall off if I didn’t get inside her soon.

Running my hands down her body and cupping her ass, I molded the soft flesh to fit my palms.

“I’ll never hurt you,” I vowed, my mouth skimming her soft cheek. “Sometimes pain and pleasure mix, but it will never happen without your consent.”

My hips pushed against her soft body. Branka moaned, her hips arching up, grinding herself mindlessly against me.

“Promise?” Fuck, the vulnerability in her tone could reduce me to a raging lunatic, hunting for anyone who’d dare to hurt her.

“I promise.” I continued trailing my mouth over her neck, then back up her cheeks. Her response to me was intoxicating. “You want it?” I purred softly, then bit her earlobe. She moaned again, her head falling back and giving me full access to her neck. As if she was surrendering.

My body hummed in approval, my cock totally onboard.

“Tell me,” I said coarsely. “Tell me you want my cock inside your tight pussy.”

Her eyes returned to me, she swallowed and for a moment I thought she’d cave.

“No,” she breathed, panting.

“Shame,” I rasped, slightly disappointed. “I was ready to bury my cock deep inside your warm pussy.” Her cheeks blushed. “I bet your cunt is greedy and wants to strangle my cock. Even your mouth wants to taste me.”

She rolled her eyes but she couldn’t hide her lust filled expression. “I want to strangle your neck so you’ll stop talking.”

Her wrists secured, I dipped my head.

“Really?” I teased, as her body twisted underneath me.

Except, she was rubbing all over me instead of pushing away from me. My lips skimmed her neck, then her chest until they came to rest on the thin material of her bra. Her legs parted slightly, welcoming me in. Her breathing labored so I rewarded my wildling. I pushed my pelvis against her clit and a moan filled the room. That soft moan I had been dreaming of for such a long time. I bit her nipple through the material and then licked it to ease the sting.

“It seems my little kotyonok is a liar.” I smiled, meeting her hazed expression. “Because you’re so wet, you’re leaving a stain on my pants even through your panties.”

Her eyes flashed and I shifted off the bed.

“Sleep tight,” I grinned, although it probably came out as a grimace. My balls were aching at this point, desperate for her. “Try to escape again, and I’ll have you sleeping naked and tied up.”

I disappeared into the bathroom with a hard dick, blue balls, and her curses at my back.

When I came back out of the bathroom, I expected her to be asleep. She wasn’t.

She stared sightlessly at the ceiling, refusing to acknowledge me. She was stewing, mad at me for ruining her wedding day. She’d get over it. Killian was all wrong for her. Deep down she knew it too but she stubbornly refused to admit it.

With her wrists still secured, I sat on the side of the bed and mirrored her position minus the tied wrists. I almost regretted tying her up, except I couldn’t risk her sneaking out.

A single tear rolled down her cheek and she shook her head. As if she was mad at herself for it.

“Stop crying.”

“I’m not crying, jerk face.”

Fuck, this wasn’t going that great. I hoped she’d be less torn up for not marrying Killian and here she was shedding a tear.

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know why I was offering her an olive branch. I couldn’t recall the last time I apologized to anyone and here I was. Less than twenty-four hours since I kidnapped her and I was already apologizing.

She smelled so good, like sunshine and fresh spring rain, feeding my desire and obsession. I blamed it on abstinence, but I knew it was all bullshit.

“Why do you want me now?” Her voice was low. “You didn’t come back and now–” She let out a shuddering breath. “Now you’re bulldozing your way into my life.”


The pain in her voice clawed at my chest. The worst part, I caused this one. I couldn’t kill the person who caused it because I was the culprit.

Except, I couldn’t explain to her I had made another promise. Or that I thrived on control and would have freaked her out with my tendencies.

I turned to look at her profile. She was still staring at the ceiling, refusing to look at me. I sighed and took a strand of her soft hair between my fingers.

“I made a promise to Vasili that I’d keep my distance,” I admitted. “I didn’t want to put you in harm’s way.” I let out a dry breath. It would seem my kotyonok and I together were all kinds of fucked up.

Her smell made my head fuzzy. Her pain made my throat tight. Her smile made my heart fucking glow.

“I waited, Branka,” I told her. “Did you wait for me?”

She swallowed and turned her head over, her gaze meeting mine. Truthfully, I couldn’t blame her if she hadn’t. One of my mother’s last words was that I wasn’t good enough. I’d never been good enough to love. But fuck, I hoped she waited. I hoped she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

She pulled her gaze back to the ceiling.

It was at that very moment I realized that control and Branka Russo would never go hand in hand. Breaking her spirit was a hard no for me. She was part of my mind, pushing her way in without even trying.

Fuck, this woman was everywhere. In my soul, my heart and mind. She was so deep beneath my skin that I’d never find my way out. Even worse, I didn’t want to find the way out. But the need to control her battled within me so strongly that a cold sweat drifted down my back.

Losing control would lead to a full blown obsession.

Love was an obsession. Passion. Disaster.

And I was well on my way to it.

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