I jerked against the ropes, trying to twist my wrists out of them.


Anger and fury warmed my body when Sasha left me naked. That was short lived. A cool draft touched my skin, the A/C sending goosebumps through me. I was cold, my wrists secured above my head and exhaustion heavy in my bones. Despite the discomfort, I was able to drift off to sleep for a little bit, but it was short lived.

My eyes roamed over the room. A king-size bed with an elaborate iron headboard. A beautiful black duvet that was useless because I laid on top of it instead of tucked under it. Heavy drapes, in midnight black, just like Sasha’s soul, framed the window.

At the sound of the door opening, my eyes snapped to the door.

Sasha stood in the doorway, his eyes traveling over my naked body. Something dark and possessive lurked in his eyes with promises that sent shudders rolling down my spine.

“Miss me, kotyonok?” he drawled lazily.

I shook my head, unable to find my voice. The way he watched me had my heart galloping. The look in his eyes promised pleasure and the kind of sin that would burn me alive. I wanted it.

To my horror, wetness pooled between my thighs and I rubbed them together. He noticed the movement and his eyes flared. The throbbing pulsed and sent a sliver of heat through me.

“My woman needs a release,” he stated in a throaty voice. My eyes lowered down his body and locked on his erection. My body responded immediately, like he was my personal simulator. “What my kotyonok wants, she gets.”

My nerves prickled. If he brought me to the edge, only to take it away, I’d lose my shit. Anxiety danced through me and the moment Sasha tugged his shirt over his head, a violent shiver went through my body.

I lusted for him and there was no resisting it. Lust would be my downfall.

His hard abs and stomach marked with ink made my mouth water. His erection pushed against his pants. He appeared massive, his size promising to deliver pleasure but also pain. He proceeded to remove his trousers and boxers with ease and grace. His pale blue gaze never wavered from me, monitoring my every single breath and watching my every move.

“A-are you going to go all the way this time?” I hated how breathy and needy my voice sounded, but after so many days of near orgasms, I was desperate for a release.

He stepped toward me with the grace of a black panther. “It’s time to finish what we started.”

His boxers slid down his thick, muscular thighs and he kicked them off to the side. Holy fucking shit! He was huge. Suddenly, I worried whether we were compatible. There was no fucking way that could fit inside me.


“Yes, kotyonok?”

My eyes were glued to his groin area. “I don’t think we’re the right fit.”

A strangled laugh shook his chest. “We’re the perfect fit,” he reassured me.

He took a step forward and his palm came to rest on my ankle, then traveled higher and higher as his big body covered mine. Sasha’s knee parted my legs. The mattress dipped under his weight and the throbbing between my thighs pulsed with an ache only he could sate.

He was on top of me, his big body sheltering mine like a protective blanket.

My hands were still tied. With his one hand, he reached up and untied my wrists, then brought each one to his lips and kissed it. Then his hand trailed down my collar bone to my breasts, and his finger flicked my nipples hard.

“Your tits are gorgeous.” A shudder rolled down my body. I trailed my hands over his body, touching his shoulders, his stomach, then his forearms.

I noticed fresh ink and my heart stilled. It was where I had bitten him a few days ago. My eyes searched his. God, those light blue eyes! When they burned with that untamed fire, it was enough to melt me from the inside.

“Why?” I breathed.

“I love your fire, kotyonok. Hurt me, claw me, bite me. It shows me how much you care.”

Jesus, who was crazier here? Sasha because he was psychotic or me because I loved his crazy?

“You’re crazy.” My thighs clenched and my legs parted further for him, glistening with juices trickling down my inner thigh.

“The two of us are the right kind of crazy,” he purred, pushing his cock against my lower stomach. I’d lose my mind if I didn’t have him inside me soon. “Your pussy is my addiction. I can’t wait to bury myself deep inside it,” he growled against my mouth.

My pussy throbbed in response and I moaned. My hips arched up, rubbing against him. He pressed a kiss to my lips. Soft, at first. Then as if he lost control, he shoved me against the mattress, making the headboard hit the wall behind us. The hung paintings rattled with the force of the impact. His tongue thrust between my lips, while his hand moved between my thighs. His fingertips sought and found my clit. I moaned into his mouth as he teased my clit, grinding into my pubic bone as he fucked my mouth.

A soft, desperate cry escaped me. My blood ran hotter than ever as he shifted his fingers down, thrusting one inside me.

He rubbed my clit with the heel of his hand, his finger deep inside me and his mouth devouring me. His tongue moved in sync with his finger, thrusting in and out, and it took no time for my body to explode. The orgasm exploded through every cell of my body, leaving me reeling and a flustered mess. He pulled back. My lust-hazed eyes stared at him in bewilderment, as I watched him crouch down and hook my legs over his broad shoulders, leaving every inch of my pussy exposed for him.

“Dessert time,” he rasped. “And you better watch me devour you. So you remember who this pussy belongs to.”

His mouth lowered to where his fingers had just been and another moan vibrated through the air just as he growled in satisfaction.

His tongue swirled around my clit, sending sparks down to my toes. I cried out when he suckled it, his teeth tugging on the bud, moving down to slide his tongue into my entrance. Fuck. His groan vibrated through me and another round of pleasure shot through me. Shuddering, I pressed a hand to my mouth to muffle my scream as my other hand fisted his hair, scared he’d stop and take this pleasure away.

“Sasha!” I shrieked when his tongue returned to my clit. As more explosions ricocheted through my system, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, grinning with such smug satisfaction that if I had any energy, I’d wipe it off his face. As it was, he’d drained me of my feistiness with orgasms.

“Want to know what you taste like, kotyonok?” he rasped, his breath brushing against my lips.

Oh my God! Maybe it was depravity and all those years of waiting that had me so eager for more.

His mouth pressed to mine, his tongue sliding between my parted lips. I licked inside his mouth, our tongues dancing together. Tasting myself on his tongue was so goddamn erotic that my body shuddered underneath his.

He grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. His cock lined up with my hot entrance, he pushed in one hard thrust.

“Oh, Christ!” I screamed, my fingers clawing at his back. The pain. The pleasure. It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

He stilled, that pale blue gaze as dark as the deepest oceans. Then slowly, ever so slowly, his lips curved into a smile. The blinding kind that would steal my heart.

“You waited,” he murmured.

I did. Although he almost lost me. Because on my wedding night, I fully intended to sleep with my husband.

“Don’t look so smug,” I breathed, grinding my hips against him. I winced at the sharp pain.

His nose brushed against mine and his lips skimmed over my face. “You’re mine,” he rasped, his muscles shuddering. He reached between us and I watched mesmerized as his fingers wiped the blood staining my inner thighs as he brought it to his lips. It should have grossed me out. Yet, I found it erotic as fuck.

“Your blood is mine,” he claimed, the look of pure obsession in his eyes. “Your body is mine. Your soul is mine. You’re all mine, kotyonok.”

My fingernails dug into his shoulders and my legs tightened around his waist.

“If I catch you with another woman, Sasha Nikolaev, I’ll claw her eyes out. And nothing will save you from my wrath.” It was the wrong time for this conversation, him buried so deep inside me. But I wanted to get it out there and I was serious. I didn’t care what war my actions would start. “Just like you, I don’t share.”

He was still smiling. That was good. He rocked his hips, slowly at first. In and out. In and out. Each time, he sank deeper and harder. Making me feel so full. With each thrust, the pain subsided and pleasure grew.

“You take me so fucking beautifully, kotyonok,” he praised. “Look at us,” he demanded when I didn’t immediately comply. I lowered my eyes and watched his thick shaft entering me, stretching my pussy lips wide apart. “That pussy was waiting for me,” he growled. “It’s strangling my cock, greedy for more.” He thrust harder, his tempo increasing.

“Tell me,” he growled. “Tell me how much you want it.”

I watched us, my juices sliding out to make his shaft wet. His thick cock was veiny, a mixture of my blood and juices making it easier for him to pound inside me.

“I want it,” I moaned. “I want your cock. Please-”

“Such a good girl for me. Look how right we are together,” he praised as he started to thrust faster. “So goddamned right.”

Sasha’s mouth settled around my earlobe, tugging on it with his teeth. It stung, but the pain was welcomed.

As if he lost all resemblance of control, he growled in my ear, “This cunt is mine. Say it.”

“Yours,” I whimpered.

“You can kill any woman I touch,” he growled, pistoning into me. “But I’ll do the same and worse to any man you touch.”

“Oh my God,” I sobbed. “More. Please, more.”

His hips sped up, pistoning into me, jackhammering me, until I knew I’d feel him deep inside me for as long as I lived. Then, his fingers slid between our bodies, touching my clit. Just a couple gentle strokes, such a contrast to this rough fucking, and he detonated another explosion inside me. My pussy convulsed around his cock, my screams vibrated through the air and my body shuddered violently.

At the same time, he snarled his release in my ear, hissing and cursing through it as if it felt so good it was painful. His cum filled me, spurting inside me. I was drenched with my juices and blood, and his cum smeared inside of my thighs, creating smacking noises.

His head nestled against my neck, peppering my skin with kisses. The softness of those kisses was such a contrast to his hard fucking. This was the sweetest agony and I knew I was lost. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Mine,” he rumbled, sending shivers down my spine. “And I’ll kill them all if they try to take you.”

Sasha Nikolaev marked me – body and soul.

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