Elders approached the hut where four freezers lined the walls to the right, toward the back of the room. Sharing a nod with a man that slammed his butcher’s knife against a slab of meat on his chopping block, scattering bones and chunks of flesh, the Elders slowly stepped over the gore that was laying spewed on the floor.

“Open the doors, bring them out!” Elder A ordered, snapping.

The butcher nodded. Laying his knife on the wooden block, wiping his bloody hands on his apron, he walked around the table approaching the four freezers, unlocking the doors, then grunted heavily, pulling their weight open. Stepping side, he lowered his head, saying nothing.

The Elders stood within the doorways, listening to shivering teeth clattering from the cold.

“Get them out.” Elder B snapped his fingers, gesturing inside.

Four of the men that accompanied them, stepped inside. They pulled the two young women and conscious men to their feet, dragging them outside, slamming their backs against one of the walls stained with blood splatter.

“My-my…” Elder A raised a curious brow, “what a collection.”

Blinking my eyes, feeling a headache, I needed something else to focus on other than my discomfort, so I scanned the men in front of me. Their brown steampunk uniforms were older, with the upper parts of their longs coats soaking wet from the rain outside that never seemed to end. Damn UK weather. Their black leather boots looked as if they had never been buffed and polished, while small pistols hung in their holsters hanging from their belts. Two of the men, Elders A and B, had shaved heads, while the other two, C and D had their wet hair tied back. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Who are you?” Sarah whimpered, holding onto Jonathan.

“We are the Elders of this town, who are you?” Elder A’s blue eyes sneered at her, eyeing her up and down, finding her a bit skinny for his tastes, “And you?” he looked at the woman that shifted next to her, “Yes, you…” his eyes scanned her up and down, admiring her petite but toned physique, “mm, yes.” he grinned with a hunger and lust in his gut and groin.

“I’m just a piss ant.” I groaned, holding my head high, leering at him with my dark eyes, “And I’ll die before I let you touch me!” I spat at the ground.

“Be careful little girl, you might get your wish.” Elder D swerved his head like a snake, sniffing the air around them, then stared at the young men and women before him, “There’s a Lycynian among you, I know that scent anywhere.” he approached, sniffing each of them, until standing directly in front of the petite raven haired piss ant, “You.”

“No.” I groaned.

“Yes.” Elder D grabbed her hands, raising them high. Licking the tips of her fingers, tasting the blood that dried, he grew a wide grin, “Not you, but…him.” he veered past her shoulder, looking into the freezer behind her, down toward the Italian still lying unconscious. Pushing her aside, he entered the cold room kneeling alongside the man, turning his head back and forth then frowned, seeing he was wounded which could be a problem for it became infected, it could ruin the taste of the meat, “Which fool wounded him?” he stood, turning to the men that stood nearby, holding their heads low, “Hmm?”

Elders A and C approached, eyeing the young men then over at the young blonde woman, wondering who they would have their fun with first, and yes, that included sexually. Reaching out a hand, grabbing the raven haired woman’s face, Elder A’s touch was fragile as if not wanting to damage her.

“What are you?” he wondered.

“According to your men, a witch.” I sneered then flinched, as his nails dug deep, almost piercing my cheeks, “Their words, not mine, but I’m a mortal.”

“I’m not in the mood for games, little girl, so I ask you again.” the Elder demanded, “What…are you, because surely you are not entirely mortal.”

“I told you…” I pulled my head away.

Growing impatient, grabbing her by the back of her hair, he pulled her head back, allowing him to closely examine her. He listened as she moaned, and felt as she struggled, but his grip was too strong. With his free hand, he lifted her upper lip, trying to examine her teeth searching for something that would, or could, explain what it was that was different about her, but then as he stared into her dark eyes through her the cracked lenses of her glasses, there it was, the spark of a dancing flame.

“You’re not Lycynian, nor are you Wraith…” his words were attracting the attention of the other Elders, “nor Demon, so it seems like your male companions, so why won’t you reveal to us your true nature, hmm?”

Moaning deeply, he wanted to know, so fine. Without having the chance to think things through properly, in the spur of the moment, I bit down on his index finger, digging my teeth deeply through the skin. Listening as he shrieked loudly, and tried pulling his hand away, I released my bite, spitting out the man’s blood, not knowing where the hell his hands had been. Snapping once again, trying to wipe my mouth against my shoulder, removing the metallic taste of blood, I looked at the men.

“How many times do I have to tell you, I’m mortal!” I yelled.

“No, you’re not. Now tell me, or she dies!” Elder C pulled the other young woman toward him, positioning her in front of him, holding a dagger against her vulnerable throat.

Listening to her soft whimpers, both Jonathan and I begged the man to let go, while Erik contemplated an insane plan.

“Not until you answer me!” Elder C warned, “Now, or she…” he looked between the young men and woman, “dies.”

“Half…” I rasped, “I’m a half-breed.” I finished, “Let her go…” I raised my hands, reaching for her, “please.”

Sarah winced, feeling the cold blade touch her skin.

“A half-breed?” Elder C glanced at the others, “Of what?”

“Demon and mortal.” I answered.

“Interesting.” Elder C grinned. Lowering the dagger, pushing Sarah away from him, he watched as she was pulled into the comforting embraces of her friends.

“Why are you doing this?” Erik demanded, “We haven’t done anything to you, please just let us go.”

Looking at the young man, finely dressed, Elder A muttered.

“Why, so you can bring the outside world here and change all of our ways that is all we have ever known?” he eyed him up and down, “No, young man…because food like you, does not happen often and we are going to relish in what you deliver to us. First…” he approached him, pressing his back against the wall, pressing one of the knives from the table, closely to his throat along the artery, “we will have our fun with you, allowing our women to mate and have your offspring, and yes, that goes for your female companions that just smell oh, too lovely to let go to waste…” he side-eyed the women standing behind the red haired young man who tried protecting them, “and then we will praise our gods, offering you to them as a sacrifice showing our gratitude for such delights.”

“Such delights?” Erik’s voice cracked in disbelief, “You are…” he scoffed, having nothing to lose, “bloody f*cking mad, mate!”

“Maybe.” Elder A lowered the knife, plunging it in the wall next to the young man’s left ear, almost piercing the lobe. As he turned, he snapped his fingers, “Remove the shackles, then put them back. We will prepare them later for the rituals, but first we must deal with the others in their company.” he took a step back, allowing the men nearby to handle the young men and women.

Waiting until the shackles were removed from his wrists, it was Erik that expressed a moment of bravery as he turned for the knife embedded in the wall. Gripping it tightly, he lashed out, slicing one of the men’s neck, then lunged, cutting one on the leg, then stepped in front of friends, huffing heavily.

“What’re you doing’ boy?!” Elder D questioned.

Elder C and A glanced at the injured men; one bled to death from the gaping cut to his neck and the other limped in place, moaning deeply.

“Let us go.” Erik grunted, shaking his head.

“Where would you go?” Elder D held out his arms, “Hmm?”

“Anywhere, but here.” Erik pointed the knife toward him.

“There’s nowhere to go, the Grid blocks your magic.” another Elder mocked, “And the half-breed is useless to you, with no powers of her own.” he side-eyed the young woman before he looked back at the young man in front of them.

Glaring around, knowing he couldn’t fight them all without help, Erik glanced over his shoulder at his friends, receiving pleading expressions.

“Erik mate, just… put it down.” Jonathan held his head low.

“He’s right.” I placed my hands on his back, peering up at him over his shoulder, “Put it down, we’ll figure something out.”

Hoping she was right, Erik sighed, lowering the weapon. He tossed it to the ground then leered at the Elders.

“The four of you are mine when we get out of here!”

“Yeah, sure thing boy.” one of the men reached out, pushing him back into the freezer ahead of Jonathan who was quickly unchained before being pushed in after him, “You two, come here…” he beckoned the two young women forward. As he unlocked the shackles, he grunted deeply as Sarah stomped on his foot, “Feisty, I like that.” he reached out for her long blonde ponytail, cutting it off with a knife he removed from his belt, “I’ll be keeping this.” he smelled her shampoo then pushed her inside the other freezer.

One of the other men, grabbed me, cutting my hair as well. I guessed they kept our hair as trophies or whatever else they had in mind. Being pushed back, watching the door slam closed, I lept forward, pounding against the door screaming with Sarah, Erik and Jonathan, but our pleas went unheard. We turned, leaning against the door, listening as Anthony began coming to, stirring in place.

“Anthony?” I worried, kneeling in front of him.

“Marxus, are you sure we shouldn’t go back?” Thomas feared.

“No, we are not going back.” Marxus answered.

“You mean we’re not going back right now, right?” Nathan argued, leaning forward between the two front seats, “Cause I don’t care, I’m going back for my sister if we’re not out of this place!” he frowned.

“Yes, we are going back, but not right now.” Marxus affirmed.

“But what about the young ones?” Thomas looked at him.

“They will be fine, just as long as they follow my warnings.”

“This is Erik and Jonathan we’re talking about, Marxus…” Nathan mocked, “not to mention my sister and that b*tchy little half-breed, you know they won’t shut up.”

Marxus slammed his foot on the brake, causing the two men, pestering him with their concerns, to jerk forward suddenly. Even Zanzabarr growled in the trunk area, letting out soft whines while pacing nervously.

“I am only going to say this once…and both of you, are going to listen WITHOUT objection.” Marxus raised a hand in an affirmative manner, “Everything that I do, I do for a reason, and yes…leaving them back there is part of my doing. That is all I’m going to say more on the matter, if you don’t like it, you’re more than welcome to get out, and walk but I would be against that since we are in the middle of nowhere, and the town is miles back the other way.” he glanced between the two men who sat silently.

Nathan growled, then leaned forward, pushing Thomas aside, trying to grab the wheel from Marxus’ grasp but moaned; he felt hands grab the fabric of his jacket around his collar and around his throat. Before he could think, or blink, Marxus, in a swift bright blur, turned in his seat, pushing him backwards against his , pinning him in place.

Thomas leaned back, watching as Marxus knelt between the two front seats, handling the young man who dared to physically act on his impulses.

“If you want to go back, be my guest, but I am not…turning around, so if you dare try anything like that again while we are on the road, I will not hesitate to throw you out myself!” Marxus warned in a tone that both Thomas and Nathan had never seen before, “Nod if you understand?!” he waited, then watched as Nathan looked over at Thomas, “Don’t look at him, he will not help you, now DO YOU…UNDERSTAND?!” he shook the young man violently.

“Yes!” Nathan shouted, “Yes, god damn you…I hear you!” he struggled to pull away but the Immortal’s grasp was strong.

Squinting, Marxus huffed, pulling his hands away, retreating back to his seat, turning forward. Adjusting his pea-coat, he glared at Thomas who remained silent with wide, fearful eyes. Placing his hands on the wheel, gripping it tightly, feeling flustered, he pressed his foot hard on the gas, moving the van forward down the road.

Zanzabarr growled, pacing nervously, hearing the tension in the vehicle taking place between the passengers. He tried to break free of his leash, and pawed at his muzzle.

Nathan sat quietly and clearing throat, he wanted to protest but found that his voice was taken away. He screamed but no audible sound was heard. Slamming his hands on the seats, he flashed his yellow Lycynian eyes and tore the upholstery with his paranormal claws that extended. Even though a full moon was occurring that night, he could shift at anytime and was tempted to do so, feeling the stabbing pains in his guts, tearing Marxus apart. Leaning forward, he felt an invisible barrier blocking his access to the front seats. He could growl, that much he did, pounding his hands on the magic violently shimmering from his attempts to break through. Receiving a piercing glare in the rearview mirror from the Immortal in the driver’s seat, he leaned back, huffing heavily then looked out the window, watching as the road passed, leaving the trail behind them. Turning to the trunk area behind him, his eyes that slowly faded back to their natural blue shade, watched as the large wolf in the seat behind him, growled deeply, leering at him with his yellow eyes. Inching away from the beast, he focused forward.

“I will never forgive you, Marxus!” he argued telepathically, knowing the Immortal in question could hear him, “And…if anything happens to my sister, I swear, I don’t know how, but I will kill you.” he warned, leaning forward, scratching the barrier once more, leaving lingering lines that hovered momentarily before fading.

“Many have tried, none have succeeded.” Marxus answered.

“Marxus…” Thomas spoke softly.

Thinking maybe the Italian was going to protest, supporting Nathan’s outburst, he slowly turned his gaze, leering at the man sitting next to him, who held his hands up surrendering the tension.

“It’s not what you think, please let me speak.” Thomas added. Receiving a reluctant nod, he lowered his hands, continuing, “Do you know where we’re going? Surely by now, we should have found the store?”

“It’s here somewhere.” Marxus smacked his tongue along the front of his teeth, “Just keep looking, there must be a turn off or a sign marking the directions.” he peered through the rain splattered window, past the windshield wipers.

“There!” Thomas shouted eagerly, pointing forward, “There!”

Marxus followed his line of sight, and point of direction.

“Finally.” Thomas sighed.

Turning off the main road left, he followed a path that had its paved road grown over with grass, making it difficult to spot from the main route. It was no wonder. Up ahead, there was a large red building, the camping outlet and market, as well as a gas station that they hoped would have the fuel they needed, and used, for the futuristic craft. Pulling up outside, quickly examining it, Marxus didn’t delay, climbing out of the seat. Keeping the key with him, tucked in his pocket, Marxus had turned watching as Thomas and Nathan emerged, rushing toward him out of the rain; the three men quickly entered the small outlet-market, leaving the wolf in the trunk that loudly howled, scratching at the window, leaving deep claw marks.

Stepping inside, Marxus looked around the outlet where they sold packed foods and sandwiches with bottled drinks on one side, and the clothing-camping section on the other, perfectly balanced between the two needs. Greeting the woman behind the counter, he turned toward the clothes while Thomas had retrieved two baskets, filling them with sandwiches, canned meats, chips and bottles of water and juices.

Nathan, not wanting to be there, but back at the town with no name, stood by the door before retreating outside for one of his much needed cigarettes. Lighting it quickly, taking in a deep inhale, he blew the smoke away, watching the rain flood the road with thick puddles and mud. Turning away, hiding around the corner of the wall, he buckled over, feeling more of the stabbing pains of the shift rapidly approaching. Letting out a deep growl, clawing the walls, chipping it some places, he took deep breaths but turning, catching his reflection from the highly polished glass windows, his eyes were yellow and his fangs were beginning to protrude.

“NO, NOT NOW…NOT BEFORE I MAKE SURE SARAH IS ALL RIGHT, FIGHT IT, NATHAN…FIGHT IT.” he thought then grunted, falling to his knees, feeling all of the bones throughout his body, aching and cracking. Leaning his back against the windows, he took a series of deep breaths; it was all he could do. His eyes gazed at the van, watching as it rocked violently from the wolf’s pacing movements inside. He removed a pair of sunglasses, hiding his eyes then tucked his hands in his pockets.

Shifting through the racks of coats and shelves of boots, poor Marxus found it awkward shopping for someone other than himself but as Thomas rushed over, laying two baskets down, he had help choosing what was left hanging on the racks. The two men shared a humorous moment, wondering what sizes to purchase, for Marxus naively didn’t know how to buy for the two young women especially. Once the newer coats hung over his arm, with gloves, boots, hats and scarves in a third basket, the two men ventured toward the counter, laying all of their items in a large bulk in front of the clerk. Leaning on the counter, Marxus though, inquired about the fuel that was available for purchase, needing to have their craft filled immediately.

“My boyfriend is out back, filling the gallons, you can talk to him about that.” she answered in a Scottish accent.

“Mm, well…thank you.” Marxus nodded, then turned to the man in his company, “Thomas, you stay here and keep an eye on Nathan, I’ll be right back.” he nodded, then walked outside.

“Wow, you’re a busy lot. Are these for your boys and girls?” the woman asked, looking at the Italian who stood alone at the counter, looking nervously.

“Um, you can say that yes.” Thomas grinned, then glanced out the windows, watching as Nathan smoked, “There was an unfortunate accident, they didn’t listen to the gentleman that left, about wearing dark clothing so here we are.” he looked at her, “Nevermind, sorry.” he waved his hands, dismissing the complaint, “We left them in the tavern down the road.” he sighed, resting his hands on the counter, then looked at the woman, hearing her gasp softly.

“You don’t mean th-the town with no name, do you?! You’re bloody mad, leaving ‘em there!” she worried, “Why on Earth would you do somethin’ like that?!” then she realized that he was oblivious to the tales and stories around the area, “Oh my, you don’t know, do you?”

“Don’t know what?” Thomas worried, then heard Nathan’s hand pounding on the glass. Turning to the windows, the young man continued pounding before pointing toward the craft that rocked from movement, “Excuse me…” Thomas turned to the woman that quickly tossed the clothes and food into large paper bags. Rushing outside, the Italian scanned the young man, “What is it?!” he barked.

Removing a notepad from his pocket, scribbling something down, Nathan turned it around, allowing the man to read his words, “The f*cking wolf’s breaking the windows!” he pointed toward the craft where deep cracks could be seen.

“Marxus?!” Thomas called out urgently, “MARXUS!”

“Please get the tank filled as soon as you can.” Marxus spoke then heard Thomas’ urgent voice. Dismissing the man as he turned, he watched as Thomas veered around the corner of the building, rushing toward him with Nathan close behind, “What is it?!” he saw the urgency in their eyes and expressing on their faces. Trying to hold up their hoods, they panted.

Thomas quickly explained that the woman inside the outlet knew something about the the town with no name and about Zanzabarr’s behavior, breaking the glass.

Marxus raised his gaze past Thomas’ shoulder, hearing the wolf howl as if he were in pain. Nodding, he followed Thomas and Nathan back inside, quickly glancing toward the craft.

“Tell me…” his voice boomed, startling the woman, “tell me!” he scanned her face, “What do you know about the town?!”

“There’s a…” she grew cautious of the customers, “a rumor ’bout that town and its people, being a cannibalistic society.” she watched as their eyes grew wide with horror and shock, “Everyone around here knows to stay clear away from there, but there have been people that have gone missing from time-to-time and are never found, so if I were you Sirs, I would get your kids out of there and fast before they’re never seen again. I do know though, it was once an old campground but let me tell you…” she looked deeper into the man’s Hazel eyes, “it didn’t take them long to build their own town.”

“A-are you sure about this?” Marxus stuttered.

“Yes.” she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, feeling an unsettling shiver talking about it. Glancing toward the back door, her boyfriend came in, quickly walking toward her, “We don’t have law enforcement out here, we’re a little too far out, so we take things into our own hands and that lot…” her eyes looked at her boyfriend.

“That lot, Sir…they’re bad news.” the man finished, “Maybe a few years ago, they used to come through here, since our dads and other residents armed themselves, we haven’t seen ’em.” he held his girlfriend close, “They’re like Lepers, cast out and never to return to public societies. We’ve heard their children are spawns of the devil, and their daughters and wives are all related to one another, inbred filth.” he crossed himself with the sign of the cross.

Looking at Thomas, then back at Nathan, Marxus knew that it was a mistake, in that moment, following Axeon’s advice. It could cost the lives of innocent souls and for what, his pride? Nodding, wanting to pay for their purchase, the young man and woman declined his payment, urging him to just to get back to the others in their company.

“Your van is all fueled and ready, Sir.” the man nodded, “I put three extra gallons by the trunk for ye’ so you have enough in case you need it.”

“Thank you.” Marxus bowed appreciatively.

“Bless you.” the woman prayed.

“And you, thank you.” Thomas bowed, then helped Marxus carry the bags. Rushing outside, he stood between Nathan and Marxus, watching and listening as the wolf punctured a hole in the window; a muzzled snout dug through the glass.

Zanzabarr growled, then yelped, feeling the sharp shards cut through his muzzle, scratching the surface of his snout but he didn’t seem to notice or care, for he wouldn’t stop until he broke free.

“Marxus…” Axeon’s voice entered the Immortal’s mind, “I feel something is wrong with the young ones.” he let out a deep roar that was masked by the thunder above, “They are in great danger, you must hurry! I cannot sense them, and I cannot connect to the half-breed.”

“Yes, yes I know.” Marxus replied; he raised his gaze, seeing the dragon’s solid form fly through the dark clouds, “I feel it now too.” he lowered his sight, cursing under his breath that this wouldn’t have happened if they had only listened to him in the first place, “Esto no hubiera pasado si solo me hubieran escuchado en primer lugar.”

“You cannot blame it on the actions of the innocent, for there is some part of this that you must take responsibility for.” the dragon finished.

Frowning deeply, Marxus continued cursing, then asked the great dragon not to remind him of his mistakes. As he rushed toward the van, Thomas pulled him back as the large, black wolf broke through the window, shattering the glass outward. Landing on the muddy ground with his massive paws, with a brief skid on the finely packed gravel, he shook the glass from his black, wet fur that soaked in seconds from the heavy rain, breaking the trunk door from its hinges in the process where his leash remained tied to the bar along the inside of the door. Pawing at his nose, he removed the muzzle then thrashed it around before throwing it away. Panting heavily, leering at the three figures of men standing nearby, he let out several deep, threatening growls, then began twisting his body in all sorts of directions, maneuvering out of his harness of which its straps snapped, setting the wolf free. Running ahead, the wolf stood on the road, howling loudly.

“Zanzabarr!” Marxus called out to him but he didn’t listen.

“What’s he doing?!” Thomas blinked, wiping the rain out of his eyes, watching as the wolf paced, releasing short barks, as if wanting them to follow him.

“He wants us to follow him!” were the words that were written on Nathan’s notepad, as it was shoved in both of their faces. The young Lycynian pointed toward the wolf, then clapped his hands, urging them to listen, “Marxus, it’s my sister please…” he pleaded telepathically, “and the moon is coming, I can’t hold back the shift.” he grunted, removing the glasses, allowing the Immortal to see his yellow Lycynian eyes.

Thomas backed away, then looked out toward the distance. If Nathan begun the transition, he knew that Anthony might’ve been in the town with no name, doing the same, fighting off the change.

“Marxus, we have to go…NOW!” he urged, turning to him.

“Get the bags and tanks inside now!” Marxus ordered.

“What about Zanzabarr?” Thomas worried, glancing back at the canine that howled and jumped, panting heavily.

“Leave him be, he knows the way!” Marxus affirmed, “Axeon?”

“Yes?” the dragon answered.

“Can you tell me if they’re still alive at least?” Marxus fretted.

“They are yes, but not for long.” the dragon finished, ending the telepathic connection.

Making sure nothing would fall out of the trunk area, tossing whatever belongings and bags fell on the muddy ground into the back seat, with the paper bags and tanks, the three men quickly climbed back into the craft and at that point, Marxus didn’t care, he activated the booster engines, hoping it could get them back to the town. Ignoring Thomas’ and Nathan’s deep grunts, feeling the swift movements of the craft swerve and jerk in place from the sudden turns that glided through the air, he drove forward, watching as the black wolf ran at 37 MPH ahead of them before veering off the road, running alongside them.

Both Thomas and Nathan glanced out the window to their right, watching as the wolf ran, paying no attention, none at all, to the stabbing cold wetness of the ground beneath his massive paws.

The two clerks at the market-outlet stood by the doors; they watched as the hovercraft drove off into the distance before it disappeared down the road. Sharing a worried glance, and a hug, they turned back to the counter where a large pouch sat. The woman approached, reaching for it and as she opened it, coins fell onto the counter, scattering across the surface. As her boyfriend caught some that attempted to roll of the ledge, he picked up one, examining it quickly.

“Where did this come from?” his girlfriend wondered, looking up at him.

“I don’t know.” he laid the coin down, then he turned, looking out the window, realizing one of the men that had left, had possessed magical abilities, “Wizard maybe?” he looked down at her, “It’s a big world love, you never know.” he shrugged.

“Right…” she looked at him.

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