Glancing around, everything that was his, was now mine, but nothing needed to be changed. At his desk, I straightened out all of the papers and folders. As I took just a moment to pause, I remembered the first day he called me up here, and as I turned, the memory flashed before my eyes, as if it happened only moments ago. Strolling toward the door, ready to leave with Zanzabarr and Abraxas, who perched on my shoulder, the covered painting hanging nearby, seemed to break free of the red velvet cloth that kept it covered, as if it had deliberately done so. Picking up the cloth in an attempt to placing it back over the painting, I stood in admiration of the gorgeous, lifelike portrait of a beautiful black haired woman, with dark kind eyes and features, and of a younger girl around my age with the same raven hair and dark eyes.

There was a plaque engraved beneath that read a term of endearment, MY TWO GREAT LOVES, DIANAH and LILY and as I smiled, gazing upon the portrait once more, it was incredible, looking more like a photograph than art on canvas. As I moved back and forth, the eyes eerily seemed to follow my movements.

“Creepy.” I muttered.

The artist was unknown, for there were no signs of a signature.

Marxus’ lifelike portrait hung next to it, so at least they were together in both spirit and canvas. I had always noticed that they were covered every time I entered the study, but never asked why. Pulling over one of the chairs, I stood, carefully recovering the painting, making sure it was tucked tightly in the corners, so it wouldn’t slip off again. After returning the chair back in front of the desk, I called for Zanzabarr and that of Abraxas who perched on the settee, then finally left.

Just as the study door closed, appearing on the balcony, stood the mischievous Molock, who then walked over, standing behind the desk. Examining everything in its place, he mumbled as he turned, glancing out the doors.

“Farewell, Marxus.” he looked upward, “Do have a safe, and pleasant journey to who knows where because I don’t care, but now, it seems that I no longer have to pretend to be you.” he shivered from the thought, then slowly spun around in place, studying the decor and furnishings, “And no worries, I will be there for the young Yzavela, guiding her on her way to becoming what she is destined to be.” he grinned, letting out a deep chuckle then disappeared.

Descending the stairs, entering the lounge, everyone sat, and in silence, holding and examining their weapons. The entire ambiance of the manor, and island, was off balance for now a sadness filled the air, in a dead stillness.

“We have to tell everyone.” Jonathan whispered.

“We should, and I think we should tell everyone tonight, at the festival.” I announced, “But first, let them out there…” my eyes veered toward the open doors, hearing the sound of laughter and cheer, as well as loud music playing over a set of speakers, “celebrate before springing death on them. Then…” I sighed softly, “once the mood settles, it can be announced, and made into a moment of remembrance. After all, it’s All Hallow’s Eve, the most magical time of the year to send out thoughts and wishes. It’s the best, and only thing, we could do now.” I suggested. Looking around, everyone offered nods in agreement, even Leonus.

“That sounds…” the Scotsman paused, thinking about it.

“Come on, Leonus…” Erik arrogantly argued, “you can’t tell me that you argue with that suggestion!”

“I wasn’t going to argue with the runt, boy.” Leonus leered at the young man, “I was going to say that I agree with her, and since I knew him better than any of you, I should announce it.”

“Obviously you didn’t know him well enough.” I barked in a blunt tone, “After all, you were the one he threw in this very room, and from what I remember, the words weren’t at all, in any way, pleasant.” I sat next to Anthony.

Sneering at her, the Scotsman growled, gripping his axe.

“You know nothing.” he barked.

“I know enough.” I declared, “I heard every word that day, I saw every gesture, so did my mother but that’s in the past. If you want to announce it, fine, but I will be standing alongside you, for this is my place now.” I squinted, “All right?”

Leonus said nothing as he stood, quickly excusing himself; he stormed out of the manor, carrying his axe and wolf skins, searching for his wife and sons. Leering at the path ahead of him, his eyes flashed red, thinking that Yzavela’s days will be numbered, that was promise and if it meant killing her to get the island, he would do it with the very axe he held in hand, for the Isle and everything on it, belonged his bloodline and will again.

Erik and Jonathan offered their friendly hugs.

“See you later?” Erik wondered.

“Of course.” I patted his arm, “And thank you, Erik.”

“For what?”

“Your friendship. Both of you.” I looked at Jonathan.

“What are friends for, if we can’t be there for each other?” Jonathan added affectionately, “Come on mate, let’s go uh, get dressed, hmm?” he urged Erik ahead.

“Later.” Erik nodded then walked alongside Jonathan.

Anthony and I were left behind, alone with no one watching or prying eyes. Leaning into his comforting, strong arms, I felt safe as I bent my knees close to my body, while Abraxas and Zanzabarr lay nearby on one of the other couches.

“It’ll be all right…” Anthony whispered, placing a soft kiss to her forehead before she raised her gaze, looking at him, and as he wiped her eyes away, he offered her a smile, “I promise.”

“I know.” I sniffled softly, then leaned in, sharing a long kiss.

“I should go find Thomas and Louisa, tell them before they hear it from someone else.” Anthony rasped, leaning his head against hers.

“Yeah, I should probably find my mom too.” I nodded, “But…” I turned to him, placing my hands on his chest, “after tonight, can we meet up in maybe your room, or mine?”

“Sure.” he smiled.

“Good, cause uh…I don’t think I want to be alone tonight.”

“And you won’t be.” he kissed her once more.

“Perfect.” I managed to flash a flirtatious smile before tears clouded my eyes. As we stood, parting ways, I wandered the estate, searching for mom, while Anthony had better luck, for he found his brother and sister-in-law in the dining hall with the twins. Knocking on my mom’s door, I waited.

“Just a moment!” Lady D called out. Dressed in her costume, with her witch hat in hand, she opened the door, surprised to see her daughter standing with tears in her eyes, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” she tossed the hat aside, reaching out.

“It-it’s Marxus.” I muffled.

“What about him?” Lady D stepped aside.

“He’s gone.” I cried, sitting in one of the chairs with Abraxas wrapping his wings around my shoulders, with Zanzabarr leaning his head in my lap.

“What?!” Lady D felt shock hit her. Walking over, slowly she sat, listening as her daughter explained everything that has occurred. Crying some, she felt guilty that she didn’t have the chance to apologize for her choice of words that day, but as her daughter reached out her hands, she continued to listen; Leonus would announced the news later on after the festivities ended, allowing everyone to enjoy themselves. She agreed that it was a good suggestion, and was surprised that Leonus had agreed to anything her daughter had to say, knowing he wasn’t her biggest fan.

“He also left gift for everyone.” I added, “Even something for you, but I left it in the office with the sword, stupid me.” I let out a quivering sigh, “I should go get them before the study is closed up for a while.” I nodded as I stood, “I’ll uh, see you later at the party, hmm?” I watched as my mom stood, and as we shared a hug, I approached the door, then glanced over my shoulder; my mom walked over, aimlessly just pacing as if in deep thought. Leaving her room closing the door, I quickly returned to my room and dressed in costume that laid on my bed; Red Riding Hood, go figure. As soon as I tied the strings of the cloak around my neck, I suddenly just froze, wondering if Axeon knew what happened. Glancing around, everything was just backwards and confusing. Sitting on the bed, taking a few deep breaths, I gathered my composure then stood. As I turned to Zanzabarr, I left him behind but took Abraxas with me, carrying him in my arms.

Returning to the study, that felt empty, I looked around, for it wouldn’t be the same now. Approaching the bookshelf, and pulling down on the green book, activating the lock, the shelf slid to the side and the torches inside lit. Entering the secret passage, glancing to my right, I remembered when Marxus had revealed the Room of Secrets, seeing him standing there for a moment. Smiling, I turned my focus toward the door that lay ahead. Placing my hands on the surface, the keyhole appeared. Removing the medallion from around my neck, placing it into the lock, I spoke the words, LA TECLA, then turned it to the right. Taking a step back, the door gradually opened, and the shelf behind me, closed. Reaching for one of the torches, I felt Abraxas’ talons digging into my shoulder.

“Ouch…” I looked at him.

“Apologies Mother, but you don’t need a torch.” Abraxas whispered, igniting his scales in a bright red flame-like Aura of his own. It was cool to the touch, creating a reddish hue, and one that didn’t burn against Yzavela’s shoulder or face, “I, too, possess an Aura.” he looked at her with his large Amber eyes.

“Where did you learn that?” I wondered, stroking his scales.

“I don’t know, I just knew.” he snuggled against her chin.

I smiled, walking down the stairs, following after Abraxas as he crawled ahead of me. As soon as we entered the cavern, the small dragon flew, landing on one of the largest boulders, while I stood, remembering the first time in this place, and the secret passage, that was shown to me. Taking steps forward, my eyes gazed upon a large mound, that blended with the massive boulders, but had blue scales glistening off the fires around.

“Axeon?” I spoke softly, hearing deep dragon-like moans.

“Hello, young one.” he answered solemnly.

Approaching closer, I watched as Axeon stirred, turning his bulk toward me. Laying on the ground around his feet, were blue orb stone that had been tears shed. Reaching out, gently laying my hands on his soft snout, I sensed a great sadness and as I tried wrapping my arms around his nose, I offered my kindness and comfort in the only way that I can. Pulling away, I listened as the dragon, in a soft, tired voice, explained that he would help in coming days, by whatever means. Sitting on a rock, the dragon went on explaining more about his adventures with Marxus, that at times, made me laugh in joy, or gasp in shock, but they had such a long history and I knew this would be difficult for him. Feeling Abraxas crawling into my lap, I glanced down at the small dragon that raised his head, gazing upon Axeon in such admiration.

After a while, there was a silence.

“I think it is best that you take your leave.” Axeon announced, “Your presence is noted, and missed, by those you hold dear.”

“Yeah, I uh…” I sighed softly, “think I should.” I stood off the rock, holding Abraxas, “Again Axeon, my heart breaks, cause I know your bond with Marxus was strong, and even though I can never take his place, I hope that you and I can share the bond nonetheless.”

“Thank you, kind girl.” Axeon moaned, “And you shall, but with your Zyphyn and it will be a bond like no other, even far more powerful than that of which I shared with the Immortal.” he turned away, “Now please, I need to be alone. A dragon’s grief is intense, and should not be witnessed.”

“I understand.” I petted one of his large talons that were sleek, then turned away, returning to the study.

Glancing back, watching as the young woman disappeared up the stairs, Axeon closed his eyes, feeling a deep, and regrettable sadness. Exiting the cavern, needing the time to foresee future events, he flew above the clouds among the stars, hidden from sight, allowing the moon to glisten off his blue scales. He released loud, deep roars of anguish, feeling a bond severed, but not broken.

Returning to the study, sifting through Marxus’ drawers, I found another envelope with my name written on it, shoved beneath an old black ledger. Immediately, I could tell he had hidden away another key that was tucked inside. Opening it, an antique skeleton key fell into my hands. Turning it over, I quickly examined it, then read the note:

“Dear Yzavela…you’ve discovered the key that I had forgotten to grant you. Not only does it unlock the Room of Secrets, it also opens another door that you, unfortunately, must take the time to discover for yourself. Always keep it with you.


Placing the key in the pocket of my cloak, I quickly reached for the box, containing the orb stone, my mom’s book and the sword, which laid across the desk. Tucking the box and book under my arm, I suddenly heard the study door open, and for a moment, thinking it might have been one of my friends, or maybe even Anthony, I called out over my shoulder to them, but as I turned, there stood Nathan holding a bottle of Scotch that was half empty.

“What are you doing here?” I groaned.

Nathan smirked, slamming the door behind him, dead bolting the locks in place, so she couldn’t leave, not until he got what he wanted.

“What kind of greeting is that hmm?, little Red?” he slurred his words, “Everyone’s gone, preparing for the f*cked up festival.” the young man looked around with half closed blue eyes, “So…” he mocked, “where’s your f*cking Demon bodyguard, or your wolf lover, or mongrel-puppy?” he took another sip.

“Nathan, you’re drunk and I don’t have time for this.” I huffed.

“No? You don’t have time for me?” he smirked, “And what if I don’t go, hmm? What’re you going to do, sass me to death with your wee mouth that’s going to waste?”

Knowing what he meant, I felt defensive.

“I’m not in the mood for your bullsh*t!” I warned.

“Well I am god damn it, and you’re going to listen!” Nathan barked, pointing the bottle toward her then took menacing, and slow steps toward her.

Abraxas, on the desk, sensing the Lycynians’ intentions, flew toward him, squawking and roaring, aggressively scratching Nathan’s face and arms with his long, sharp talons.

“Mother, go!” Abraxas roared telepathically.

Adhering to the dragon’s plea, I veered around Nathan in an attempt to rush for the door, struggling to fiddle with the locks. However, glancing over my shoulder, worrying for my dragon, I watched as Nathan, with one hand, grabbed hold of Abraxas’ tail, and with the other, smashed the bottle across his small face, splashing liquor into his Amber eyes.

“Abraxas!” I screamed, listening as he roared, feeling a sting burning his eyes, and staining the rug, “Nathan, no stop it!” I watched as he turned, throwing the dragon’s bulk into the unlit fireplace, “Abraxas!” I rushed forward, but Nathan in a rush, turned, grabbing my arm, pushing my back against the ledge of the desk. I tried fighting him off, but he was much stronger than I was. I grunted, feeling the desk press hard against my lower back then was left immobile as Nathan pinned my arms down on either side of my head. I turned my head away as he leaned in, breathing close with the smell of stale cigarettes and liquor, “Nathan, let go of me!” I shouted.

“Now…I have you right where I want you, little bird. And as far as the sword…” his blue eyes veered toward the weapon, “you have no right to it, because you’re not a f*cking warrior, now are you?” he growled, flashing his yellow eyes, starting to become sexually excited by the position of which she lay beneath him, “I should have received that sword, you know it, and I know it, so I will be taking it along with other far more, precious treasures.” he reached out, placing his hand over the sheath, then leaned in closer, taking in her scent, “Bloody hell, you smell so good like sweet…” he took another whiff, “sweet lavender and hormones.” he grinned smugly, “You’re ready for it, aren’t you? I could smell it…” he listened as she whimpered, continuing her struggle in her attempt to break free.

“Nathan, stop it…” I cried, fearing the worse, as he moved my hands above my head, pinning them in place with one hand, while the other reached down, unbuckling his belt before lifting the skirts of my dress, “Nathan, no…get your f*cking hands off me, no!” I cried once more, then glanced toward the fireplace where Abraxas still laid.

Erik climbed the stairs with hesitation. Standing outside, his gray eyes glanced down at a small gift box in hand, and as he raised his gaze, ready to knock, thinking Yzavela might’ve been in there, he suddenly heard a woman’s loud screams and cries. Placing the box in his pocket, he tried the knob, but found it to be locked and growing worried, he teleported into the study, appearing by the door. And just as his eyes glanced ahead, he witnessed Nathan trying to remove his trousers with one hand, pinning a woman down on the desk with the other. He didn’t have to think, he only acted, taking several steps forward, grabbing onto Nathan’s shirt, roughly pulling him off her, throwing him against one of the bookshelves by the door.

Feeling Nathan pulled off me, I took a deep breath, remaining frozen in fear for he was moments away from taking away my dignity. Pushing myself off the desk, lowering my skirt, I had rushed aside, watching as Erik swung several punches and a few hard kicks to Nathan’s ribs in the interim, in between the Lycynians punches and scratches to his arms and chest.

From their scuffle, books fell from their places on the shelves, falling to the ground around their feet, before several more fell upon Nathan’s head as Erik flipped him over, pounding his back on the wood floor. Standing above him, breathing heavily, Erik clenched his bloody fists, listening as Nathan growled in pain from his injuries, while gasping for breath from having the wind knocked from his lungs.

Reaching for the sword, I took steps toward Erik, reaching for his arm to pull him back but he turned, pushing me roughly to the ground, tossing the sword from my hand. As I fell, looking back at him, I feared him as he leered at me before turning back to Nathan and before I could plead, there was a powerful force that kicked the study door inward with such strength, it splintered the wood. Suddenly, a man swept into the room, standing by the door.

“Anthony!” I cried, shuffling to crawl on my knees.

“Yz-Yzavela?!” he rushed toward her, pulling her to her feet and into his arms, “Wh-what’s going on…what happened?!” he scanned her appearance, seeing her dress sleeves and skirts were torn in some place. Checking her face, looking into her dark, tear filled eyes, he said nothing, sensing her fear, and yes, since they had a committed relationship, he imprinted on her, something paranormals do, mating for life. Slowly, his dark eyes veered toward Nathan and Erik, wondering what events took place, “What happened?!” he asked once more.

“Nathan…” Erik spat, “he tried to rape her.” he turned, then took slow steps toward Yzavela, reaching out his hands, but she backed away, fearing him, “Keeps, I’m sorry I…”

“He did what?!” Anthony growled, fuming with anger. Gently pushing Yzavela aside, backing her away behind him, the tall Italian rushed toward Nathan, pulling him from the ground; he gave him a fierce shake as he gripped the collar of his vest and shirt, “Figlio di puttana, avrei dovuto ucciderti, quindi dammi una ragione per cui non dovrei farlo adesso?!” he cursed loudly, stating that he should have killed him, and begged for a reason why he shouldn’t now.

Nathan laughed, mocking the whole situation that took place, and before he could mutter a slur, or brag about things that didn’t happen, just to rub it in Anthony’s face that he had the chance to take what the Italian desired, the young man was then suddenly pulled from Anthony’s grip, then pushed with such force that it made the Italian stumble back with surprise.

As Anthony watched Nathan being pulled and pushed, for a moment, he thought maybe it could have been Yzavela, even Erik using their Telekinesis, but glancing at them, they too, stood dumbfounded by the occurrence that continued to use magic against the Lycynian.

“Is that you?” Anthony rushed toward Yzavela.

“No…” I worried, looking at Erik, “is it you?”

“No…” Erik answered, looking at her, then at Anthony.

“Don’t look at me.” he grumbled with a deep growl.

Just as Nathan had been pushed to the doorway, his form was thrown from the room and down the curved staircase, falling down the steep steps, grunting and growling deeply before the unsettling thumps ceased.

As the three of us rushed out into the private lounge, peeking over the railing, there he laid at the bottom of the steps, lying still and unconscious. Turning around, glancing back into the study, there stood a dark outline of a tall man, just an outline, that quickly vanished.

“What was that?” Erik wondered.

“I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Could that have been…Marxus?” Anthony rasped, wrapping his arms around Yzavela, holding her close.

“No! I am not…Marxus!” a man’s voice answered for all three to hear, “I am something more…” and followed by the voice, a strong breeze swept forward, brushing against the men and Yzavela, who held onto the railing for support from the fierce rush, that wasn’t wind or air at all, but powerful, and ancient magic that only the Demon and half-breed could sense, but it made Anthony feel a tickle down his spine.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned into Anthony’s embrace then glanced back at Erik, thanking him for his bravery.

“No need to thank me love, no woman should have that done to them.” Erik nodded.

“Thank you.” Anthony reached out an appreciative handshake.

“Oh my god, Abraxas!” I pushed past Anthony, rushing back into the study toward the fireplace where the small dragon, in a dark still lump, laid, “Abraxas?” I whispered his name softly, as I reached out, cupping him into my arms.

“Mother?” his voice answered telepathically, while he roared verbally, blinking his eyes, “My eyes…they burn.” he closed them.

Worrying, I stood, running to the bathroom. Filling the sink with cold water, I laid his small body in the bowl, watching as he moved around, dipping his head like a bathing bird, before he stood on the ledge, stretching out wings, letting the water run off his scales in small beads onto the floor and counter.

“Is he all right?” Anthony stood in the doorway, watching.

“Yes, just a little shaken up.” I rasped with a quivering tone, “As am I…” I closed my eyes, beginning to cry.

“Shh…” Anthony stepped forward, pulling her into his arms. He closed his eyes, leaning his head against hers, watching as Abraxas perched on the sink, gazing at him, “Shh, my darling. It’s all right, and I thank god Erik was there before Nathan could…” he paused, unable to finish the words, much less the thought, “I don’t want to think about it.” he cupped her face, looking into her eyes.

“Hey…” Erik appeared in the doorway, “everything okay?”

Turning to him, I smiled, offering a brief nod, then turned to Abraxas, picking him up, holding him close.

“Are you okay? Nathan scratched you.” I observed the deep claw marks across his face, arms and chest.

“Nothing Beth can’t fix.” he grinned, shrugging slightly.

“Erik, that’s not funny. Any untreated scratch or bite from a Lycynian could present problems.” Anthony added worriedly, “You should have them looked at as soon as you can.”

“You sound as if you care.” Erik mocked, turning away.

“Is he serious?” Anthony looked down at Yzavela.

“Erik?!” I called out, following after him, “Come on, don’t.”

“Don’t what?” he turned to her, “You don’t need me.” he gestured at Anthony, “You’ve got your boyfriend here now.”

“Erik, please.” Anthony pleaded, “This is not the time, nor the place.” he looked around, “All of this…madness, from Marxus’ death to this, and despite everything that happened between the two of you, Yza needs you, and in some moments, like this, when I can’t be and I wouldn’t trust anyone else to be there for her.” his compliment was sincere.

Looking at Anthony, Erik nodded, accepting his words.

“Well, I managed to put most of the books back but not in the right order, sorry.” Erik sighed, looking around, gesturing at the bookshelves, “So I uh…” he glanced at Yzavela, “think I’ll go.” he offered her a bow of his head.

“Erik…” I walked over, placing Abraxas on the desk before I approached, hugging him with appreciation and gratitude, “thank you.” and when feeling his hands on my back, I pulled away for it was becoming too personal and I didn’t want him getting the wrong idea, “I should call Wyatt, make sure they take Nathan and throw him one of the cells. Let him and his wounds heal there.” I groaned.

“That’s too kind.” Anthony grumbled.

“Believe me, if it weren’t for Sarah and Leonard, I would have him thrown off the wall, see if he survives that fall because he was lucky that that….” I waved my hands around, trying to understand who, or what, that was that intervened moments ago, “whatever it was, didn’t throw him out over the balcony, or he would have crushed his skill on the cobblestone, and no, that’s something I would want Sarah to see. Despite her love for him.” I complained, feeling an ache across my lower back.

“All right everyone, we’re going to take a break! We’ll return in fifteen minutes!” voices announced outside over a speaker.

“We should go.” I suggested, “I’m sure everyone by now…is wondering where we are.” I turned to Abraxas then glanced at Erik who handed me the sword, “Thank you.” and making sure I had gathered the book and orb stone box, I asked Anthony if he could carry the sword, receiving no complaint, “And thanks for breaking the door.” I teased, looking at him.

“Aye, yes…” he scratched his goatee, “sorry about that.”

“I’ll talk to Jonathan, see if he and his father can make you a new one.” Erik offered over his shoulder, as he descended the stairs, and coming to the landing, he watched as a crowd had gathered around Nathan who still laid unconscious before the sight of Guardians appeared, “Did you call them already?”

“No.” I mumbled, standing behind him, “I guess someone else did.” I wondered, studying all of the men and women dressed in costume, wondering who it could have been, “Look, there’s Wyatt…” I gently pushed past Erik, descending the stairs.

“What happened?” the Guardian questioned her approach.

“Long story.” I frowned, “Just take him to the cells Marxus told me about, then let him out in the morning.” I glanced down at him, wanting to offer a kick or two myself but I contained my distaste and hate for him, “And no one…” my eyes scanned the crowd as I announced loudly for all of them to hear, “tells Sarah, for she needs to hear this from me, is that understood?” I received nods and whispers of agreement, “Get outside, the festivities are out there, not in here!” I held Abraxas to my shoulder, allowing him to take his perch, then watched as the men and women scampered through the front doors, heading outside.

“I’ll go find Jonathan.” Erik mumbled.

Wyatt nodded then knelt alongside Nathan, teleporting in a blue swirling flame, leaving behind faint embers.

“I am not letting you out of my sight.” Anthony whispered in her ear, standing close.

Turning to him, at first I hadn’t paid attention to his costume. As my eyes scanned him up and down, I smiled then chuckled softly.

“Musketeer?” I teased.

“Si.” he smiled, “I had the hat but I decided to leave it behind.” he flickered his eyebrows, “Do you like?” he posed on the last step, receiving another chuckle.

“I like very much.” I shook my head, “And what about me?” I femininely followed my figure downward, receiving a growl in reply, “It’s torn now but…” I wrapped the cloak around my shoulders.

“Hey, look at me…” Anthony lifted her chin, looking into her eyes, “you’re beautiful, and no matter what happened tonight, or what could have happened…” he looked away momentarily, not wanting to think about it.

“Nothing happened.” I placed my hands on his chest, “So let’s get outside and enjoy the celebrations, hmm?” my fingers ran through his hair around his collar, “We’ll talk about it later.” I slowly pulled my hands away, noticing bruises beginning to darken my skin, “Sh*t…” I whimpered, “my mom can’t see me like this.”

Anthony didn’t think twice, removing his leather bracelets, and after strapping them on her small wrists, he gripped her hands, leading her outside with her dragon crawling along the ground beside her, before she paused, allowing him to take his perch on her shoulder and just as they stepped outside, he flew into the air, flying among the Ravens, keeping his black feathers, illuminated in a faint red Aura, helping him stand out from the other birds.

Walking through the front courtyard, veering around, both Anthony and I approached the large crowd that danced and cheered, watching as the Isle’s band, that was just absolutely amazing, played a powerful song with a strong beat. Turning to Anthony, accepting his hand to dance, we managed to get in a quick one before we heard voices approach, shouting over the music. Turning around, Sarah and Jonathan approached dressed in their full costumes.

“Wow…” I praised, “look at you!” I scanned Jonathan’s attire, “let me guess, Peter Pan?” I teased.

“No, I’m uh, Robin Hood.” he smiled, “But no tights.” he gave an affirmative nod, adjusting his feathered hat, tunic and belt. His brown fitted, leather pants were tucked in boots.

“Sarah, you look uh…” Anthony’s eyes grew wide in surprise, for he wasn’t sure what to say because he had never seen the young woman in so much glitter, “delightful.” he finished in an awkward tone.

“Subtle.” I whispered, looking at him, “But you do look…” my head tilted, watching as she bounced on her toes, dressed in a woodland-pixie costume, “beautiful.” I complimented her green, leafy dress that twirled when she spun, “And I love your makeup too.” I gestured at my face, indicating her glittered shadow and blush, while her hair was fully braided down the side, “Both of you look wonderful.” I stepped back, watching as they held onto each other, “You still look like Peter Pan.” I teased Jonathan, “Peter and Tink, awe.” I looked at Anthony who laughed cheerfully.

“And what about you, yeah?” Jonathan observed Yzavela, “I’ll take a guess and say…” he reached out, respectfully flipping back her red cloak over her shoulder, “Red Riding Hood?” he grinned, then stepped back with a fading smile, watching as she quickly covered her costume with shame, “Um…are you okay?” he wondered, seeing the torn sleeve and skirt.

“Yeah.” I looked deeply into his eyes, “Just cold, that’s all.” I nodded then finished telepathically, “I’ll tell you later, if Erik doesn’t find you first.”

“Anthony!” Thomas’ voice interrupted.

As Anthony and his friends turned, his brother and Louisa, as well as their twins, approached, dressed in costume, looking as if they belonged to a royal court.

“Wow!” I admired their costumes, “Both of you look beautiful and handsome, and your twins, awe so cute.” I gushed softly.

“Thank you.” Louisa praised, “Made them all myself.”

“Picture, I have to get a picture!” I removed my phone, “What do you say, hmm?” I held up the gadget. Receiving nods, all of us gathered close enough, then holding the camera in the air with my Telekinesis, the camera snapped several photos, some happy, while others captured everyone joking around, “That is perfect!” I rushed forward, reaching for the phone, overlooking the photos, “Hey, um…have any of you seen my mom around?”

“I saw her at the beverage table moments ago.” Louisa replied.

“Great, thank you.” I nodded, tucking the phone in my pocket. Turning to Anthony, I gave him a quick kiss then excused my presence.

“Hey, is she all right?” Jonathan worried.

“She’s Yza, you know she will be.” Anthony answered, “And it is not my place to speak for her, but when she’s ready, she’ll tell you, as will I.” he bowed his head, then turned away with his brother and Louisa, needing to tell them at least, what had almost happened in the study.

“Uh-oh, she must have said something, didn’t she?” Sarah mumbled.

“I don’t know.” Jonathan grinned, then frowned, for the sense of the secrecy was beginning to pick away at his curiosity.

Searching through the crowd that cheered and danced, I did not find my mom at the beverage table like Louisa had told me, she was participating in a group dance of parents that all did a routine-like step and from the look on her face, she was having the time of her life before she slowly paused, needing to catch her breath. Gently pushing my way through, I made my way toward her, as she sat a table nearby. Taking a seat with Hiromi, Leonard and Jonathan’s parents, I paused, for I didn’t want to ruin her joyous nature that I hadn’t seen since we left the Great City. Turning around, facing the stage, the Wraith Nick was an incredible performer, singing loudly and hitting various pitch-ranges, while sliding his fingers across the face of the guitar. I cheered and clapped, then glanced in Caleb’s direction; he pounded away on the drums with such enjoyment, occasionally flashing a killer smile, as his bangs flopped while bobbing his head to the beats of the songs being played. Justin too, stood alongside Nick, sharing a duo of the current song, while playing the bass guitar. They were fabulous, absolutely fabulous and talented individuals! Suddenly though, my hands ceased clapping and my feet felt as if they were nailed to the grass as I stood frozen, feeling a tickling down my spine. Turning around, I searched through the crowd but saw no one around that could give me such a chill. It wasn’t sexual, or out of fear, but I sensed that same ancient, dark magic that attacked Nathan.

Standing toward the rear of the massive celebration, stood the Sumerian, Molock, dancing to the beats of the bands’ entertainment. He was a man of history, passion, talent, and yielded many skills, being around for over six thousand years, during Christ and beyond that, he had seen many things take place. That included the evolution of music, even being the muse for some of the most famous pieces. He couldn’t stand rap, jazz, country or the blues, but when it came to strong, fast paced songs with incredible guitar and drums, he danced; his tall godly formed moved around, bouncing his broad and muscular shoulders, while swaying his hips and if he hadn’t been visible in that moment, he would have put all of the men on the Isle, to shame while also sending all of the women home to express their sexual inhibitions. Just when he was getting into the groove, he grew disappointed when the song ended. Sighing, quickly adjusting his wide leather belt and red velvet coat open down the front, he strolled forward, mingling with the crowd; his dark eyes scanned everything and everyone around him, but this time, as his himself, but his moment of freedom and fun, didn’t last long for his Master summoned him, hearing a loud, powerful demonic growl shout his name, sending shivers down his spine.

Having his Master’s magic bestowed upon him, flowing through his veins, it boiled and churned, as if it pulled him back.

“Yes, my Lord…I’m coming!” he complained, disappearing.

Once the song ended, the band took a break for the festivities were rapidly coming to an end. Already, as if the hands of time had been spun forward.

Approaching Leonus, who stood with his wife and oldest son, I watched as he stomped away from them, heading toward me and just before I could mutter a word, he grabbed my arm in a rough manner, turning me around toward the stage.

“Let go of me, I can walk!” I groaned, pulling away.

“I think it’s time we announce Marxus’ passing.” he growled, looking back at her, “Don’t you think, little Riding Hood?” he mocked her.

“That’s why I was coming over there, Bigfoot!” I snapped as I raised my gaze upon the 6’6 man, “What’s your problem with me, hmm?”

“Would you like a list?” he argued, “Cause you, more chances than none, would be the top ten.” he huffed, letting out a deep growl as he turned, continuing to stroll toward the stage.

“Hijo de puta.” I cursed in my Spanish tongue, following after him. Once standing on the stage, our presence quickly drew attention, however, before I could reach for the microphone, Leonus snatched it from the stand.

In his loud, overbearing voice, he declared over the microphone,

“Now that the festivities have ended this year, I regret to say that I have some news.” he studied the faces of the crowd that gathered, hearing his announcement. Clearing his throat, he continued, leering back at Yzavela who raised a disgruntled eyebrow, “WE have some news.” he corrected himself, leering at her, watching as she stepped forward, standing alongside him, “Would you like to finish?” he mocked.

Reaching for another microphone, I sarcastically, and mockingly, gestured at the crowd before us.

“Oh no, please continue. The stage is all yours, I’ll just stand here like a quiet little nobody. Please, Bigfoot…continue.” my eyes scanned the crowd, hearing faint laughter softly erupt.

“What is this about?” a man shouted, “Where’s Marxus?”

“We haven’t seen him for days!” Katrina shouted in addition.

“Marxus has…” Leonus grumbled, and before he could take all of the credit, he was interrupted.

“Marxus as all of you know, or may have known, had been ill for quite a while.” I announced clearly, holding my back tears and quivering tone, “He didn’t want to alarm anyone about it, or call attention away from tonight, for that’s not the sort of man that he was. Sadly, earlier tonight though, it was I that…” I paused, lowering the microphone.

“It was earlier tonight that he was discovered in the study.” Leonus finished respectfully, “It seems he passed peacefully, but as all of you know…” he groaned, turning to Yzavela, “he left this place we all call home, in new hands, and while she might not have known Marxus, or all of us long enough…” he surprisingly praised her, “it was Yzavela’s wise suggestion to wait to make this announcement, for she thought all of us should have enjoyed the evening.”

“What the f*ck is happening, is Leonus actually paying her a compliment?” Jonathan stood baffled as he stood next to Erik, Anthony and Sarah.

“It might seem that way but no, this is Leonus…” Anthony’s dark eyes looked at the young man, “he has something up his sleeve.”

“But WHAT is the question.” Erik wondered bluntly.

“Have any of you seen Nathan?” Sarah searched the crowd, “I haven’t seen him since the study.” she looked at Jonathan, but he shrugged.

Erik and Anthony shared a quick glance, before gazing back at the stage.

Raising the microphone, I finished.

“Look, Leonus is right. I didn’t know him as well as you, but I think we should take a moment to share in our remembrance of the man that we all held dear in different ways.” my teary eyes searched the crowd of crying residents, “Would some of the Demons manifest candles for everyone please, I want to do this right.” and receiving nods from a few Demons, sights of candles began appearing in everyone’s hand, including that of Leonus’ and mine. Turning to the Scotsman, I slapped the microphone against his chest, “The rest is all yours.”

Saying nothing, he released a low growl, watching as Yzavela stepped off the stage and as she stood among the crowd, he watched as she snapped her fingers, lighting all of the candles. Even his own that startled him momentarily, but pushing the distraction aside, he cleared his throat, announcing loudly he would sing a Scottish tune in memory.

Everyone gathered near their loved ones and friends, quietly listening to the Scotsman’s voice rolling the syllables.

“When friendship of love and truth abound, among a band of brothers, the cup of joy goes gaily around, each shares the bliss of others. Along the veil of sorrow, the flowers that shed their leaves today, shall bloom again…tomorrow.”

Everyone had someone for comfort while tears were shed. Leonus’ pleasant singing voice surprised me, but the song was suitable, and the emotions behind it were genuine. As my teary eyes looked around, Sarah had her uncle and Jonathan, who had his family, Erik had his father, while I had my mom and Anthony, who was there for his brother and Louisa.

After Leonus’ song, everyone stepped on stage, saying a few words about Marxus, and once they were spoken, the evening finally ended and residents began retiring to their rooms, for they didn’t feel right enjoying themselves, when deep inside, they were saddened. Everywhere they looked, or would look, Marxus’ presence was bare, for he would participate in rare moment, in the entertainment, playing his Spanish guitar. It was too dangerous for the families to travel to their homes by foot because of the Boar-wolves, so Demons opened several portals, taking them directly to their homes. However, when it came to Leonus’ family, he argued, protesting against the help.

“Either you take the damn thing home, or you play with your friends outside the wall!” Wyatt grew agitated, “Because I am so tempted to do just that.” he cracked his knuckles.

“Leonus, please…” Heather pleaded with an Irish accent, in her arms, she held their youngest son, “just go through and be done with it!” but he hesitated, “Oh by the gods…” she let out a deep huff, then turned, stepping through, holding onto her middle son’s hand, before their oldest followed after her.

Leonus stood with no other choice and closing his eyes, there was no time to object as Wyatt’s hands pushed him through. Stumbling through, bumping into the kitchen table, Leonus turned, seeing the Guardian on the other side, offering one of his sarcastic waves before closing the portal.

“Bloody Demons.” Leonus grumbled.

Returning to my room, Zanzabarr greeted me. Kneeling in front of him, petting his soft fur, I apologized, stating that he would have to wait to be walked in the morning because I was too fatigued to make another descent down the stairs. As I glanced at the patio doors that I left open, Abraxas landed on the railing, before crawling along the ground.

“Enjoy yourself?” I smiled, watching as the small dragon perched himself on one of the chairs.

“Indeed.” Abraxas answered, bowing his head.

“Good.” I removed the cloak, tossing it on the bed. Retreating into the bathroom, staring at my reflection, my face was red and my eyes were puffy, horribly smearing my makeup. As I turned on the sink, filling it with cold water, I splashed it on my face, then winced, feeling the icy temperatures running on my wrists that were darkly bruised, leaving behind the only mark of Nathan’s touch. Suddenly, I jumped, hearing a knock on the door that alerted both Zanzabarr and Abraxas who let out loud barks and roars. Emerging from the bathroom, I ran to my bed, removing the dagger from beneath my pillow then turned to the door. Opening the small peephole window, I let out a soft sigh, seeing Anthony standing in the hall with one of his charming smiles. I quickly closed the window, turning to Abraxas and Zanzabarr, reassuring them that there was no danger. Opening the door I greeted, “Hi.” I smiled.

“Hi, you’re not going to use that on me, are you?” he gestured at the dagger she held in hand.

“Sorry.” I replied, “I’m just a bit jumpy.” I stepped aside, “You can come in.” I gestured with my left hand, allowing him entry. As I approached the chairs by the patio, I practically dropped the dagger on the table, then stood in front of the doors, gazing through the curtains. In the corner of my eye, I could see Abraxas crawl down the chair, making his way to a place he claimed by the fireplace near Zanzabarr who panted, watching every move.

Anthony closed the door, then walked over, standing behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, feeling her rest her head back against his chest.

“I can’t believe he’s gone.” I rasped.

“I can’t either, this place won’t be the same without him.” his soft voice whispered.

I turned, facing him, placing my hands on his chest.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, how am I going to run this place?” I complained, “I can’t do this alone.”

Gently placing his hands along her neck, cupping her face, he gave her an honest answer, stating that she was a strong, and resourceful young woman that wouldn’t be alone, because she had her own strengths that would be beneficial to the Isle and in ways that Marxus wasn’t able to accomplish, and also, she wouldn’t be alone, for she would have him and her friends by her side. Looking into her eyes, he watched as the sadness and doubt faded, being replaced with a sense of gratitude and affection.

“What do you think about that, can you deal with having us around you all the time?” he smiled, trying to lighten the moment.

“Hmm, I don’t know.” I teased softly, “I’ll have to think…”

“Think?” his hands followed her figure, tickling her quickly, “You have to think, huh?” he laughed, then as he gripped her wrists wanting to grasp her hands, he watched as she winced from his touch because of the bruises, “I’m sorry.” he rasped, not wanting to hurt her, “I’m sorry.” he frowned.

“No, baby it’s not you.” I looked at him, “It’s not you, I’m fine. Just a bit sore, that bastard really had me.” I lowered my gaze, studying the deep impressions on my skin.

Anthony said nothing more, retreating into the bathroom for a cloth. Running the water, he quickly soaked it in icy waters, then emerged. Approaching her, reaching for her hands that she held in front of her, he gently placed the cloth against her skin.

“How’s that?” he asked in concern. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“That feels nice, thank you.” I closed my eyes, “Dr. Anthony.” I opened my eyes, needing to tease. Looking at him, watching as he paid attention to his gentle touch with a faint lingering grin, I studied his handsome features. I wasn’t sure if maybe I should have, not after what almost happened in the study, but having him close, I couldn’t wait anymore, especially since I didn’t know how long I would be gone in Ireland, I wasn’t going to leave until I had him, because being in his arms, felt right. Looking deeper into his eyes as he looked at me, I leaned in, kissing him, making my intentions clear, then slowly pulled away, “I’m sorry, I just…” I closed my eyes, feeling his hands caress my figure then up and down my back. I knew he wanted me too, but was too much of a respectful gentleman to act on his own desires. This wasn’t a rebound, nor was it just acting on impulse, or a flood of uncontrollable emotions. We’ve been in a relationship for months, knowing all there was to know about each other, and with more to come I’m sure, but we were adults and needed no one’s permission.

Letting out a deep, sexual growl, Anthony dropped the cloth as he turned her around, sitting her on her dresser nearby, then leaned in, kissing her longingly and passionately, while his hands continued feeling her small waist before resting on the ledge beside her. Slowly moving his lips down her neck, listening to her soft moans, he felt her hands gripping the collar of his shirt and vest, before they traced along his neck and shoulders. Sharing a quick, flirtatious smile, they locked lips, just being in the moment. Pulling away, sighing deeply, he glanced back at Zanzabarr and Abraxas, feeling awkward for he felt like they were curious children watching their parents engaging in a private moment.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered, turning his gaze toward mine.

“Nothing.” he grinned, looking into her eyes, “It’s just a little awkward having their watchful eyes over there, hmm?”

Glancing past his shoulder, I smiled, knowing what he meant.

“Are you sure?” he wondered, combing a few strands of hair off her face, tucking them behind her ears, “About this, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes…” I nodded, “I want you.” I bit my lip, because at that moment, I couldn’t have imagined my first time any more passionate and exciting, “And you? Wh-what do you want?” I finished, shrugging my shoulders.

“You, only you.” he rasped, kissing her again, while his hands unzipped her lather bustier, removing the small piece. Once it fell to the floor, his hands ran down her waist and hips, before slowly tracing up her thighs beneath the skirt of her dress.

Moaning deeply, and longingly within our kiss, feeling his sensual touch that tickled every nerve in my body, my hands trailed down his chest, unfastening the buckles of his vest, then once sliding it off his shoulders, I worked at untucking his shirt from his leather pants. Feeling his waist and back beneath the crisp fabric, I then helped him pull it up and over head, tossing it aside. Studying his muscular body up close, and intimately, I smiled then leaned in, unsnapping his pants that he eagerly removed the rest of the way. Taking in the sight of the man that was mine, he was beautiful, everywhere!

Feeling his Lycynian and Latin passions rise, needing her, Anthony wrapped his arms around her, lovingly continuing to feel her figure then traced them up her back, following her shoulders and down her arms, removing her dress, slipping it down and off her hips with everything else. Scanning her nude body that she shyly covered, he smiled as he leaned in, passionately pressing against her, trying to be gentle for her first time. Grunting deeply, and loudly in her ear, as did she, this was the first time, the real time, they felt one another intimately. Again, wrapping his arms around her, holding onto her small back, he felt her holding him close, while her hands felt the hard muscles of his back and shoulder, before digging her nails. He was a powerful lover, pulling her hips closer against him.

It might have hurt at first, or course it would, but taking his time, I bit my lip, feeling him love the upper parts of my body, making sure I felt loved,. not just as a release of built up, and extremely sexual prowess, but it felt good, he felt good! There was a moment, slamming our hands on the dresser, expressing our fierce pleasure, rattling bottles of my perfume in their place before he swept me off the dresser. He carried me over to my bed, laying me back, then slowly crawled above, wanting more. I let out a few giggles, feeling his hands tickle up thighs and waist, then closed my eyes, aggressively grabbing the sheets. Moaning passionately, feeling him kiss upward along my stomach, and crawling atop, he laid his muscular frame upon mine, locking lips with mine once more. Again, whimpering within our kiss, I dug my nails deeply into his back, feeling him once more, hearing a deep growl in reply, as he too, dug his nails into the sheets and pillows that lay beneath me. He was wild, and fierce, but as gentle as he could be.

Listening as one another panted, fiercely and passionately moving together, it seemed to last forever, and thankfully the walls were stone because we weren’t quiet. After a while, holding our breath, we shared a heated and pleasurable climax. Lying still, holding one another, we panted, looking into each other’s eyes.

Anthony, having been with many women for payment, while getting pleasure out of it in return yes, never felt this close, this intimate as he rested his head close to her neck, placing a few soft kisses that made her softly squeal. Listening to her heavy breathing, and racing heartbeat, he looked down at her, offering another charming smile before leaning in, wanting more, feeling her welcome him as her hands ran up his back, feeling his form and hard muscles.

After three hours maybe, holding each other, it was perfect. Resting my head on his chest, I listened to his steady breathing while my eyes were kept closed, for I didn’t want to move. Not that I could, but I didn’t want to leave this magical moment a woman get to experience only ONCE in her life. Opening my eyes, raising my gaze at Anthony’s handsome profile, I watched as he glanced down at me; I gasped softly, feeling his left hand tickle down my back.

“So…that happened.” I smiled, running my fingers across his chest and down his stomach.

“Yes…it did.” he returned the smile with affection in his eyes.

“I thought it was perfect, absolutely perfect.” I cuddled close, then wondered, “Wh-what about you, was it…good for you?”

Looking down at her, Anthony smiled again, knowing that she was asking the same question every woman would ask after their first time, wondering if she pleased him enough to come back for more. Gently, he pulled his arm away that held her, turning to lean in above her.

“Yes, it was perfect. For me too.” he placed a few soft kisses to her cheek and neck, “And you, my little Yza…” he rasped in her ear, “are quite the little firecracker.” he affectionately teased, meaning that she expressed her Latina passions with a fiery lust that matched his own.

Laughing softly, with a feminine squeal, I closed my eyes, listening to his voice sensually whisper in my ear. Placing my hands on his shoulders, slowly trailing them down his chest, I held onto his waist and before we intimately connected again, I opened my eyes looking at him.

“Wait, before we do this again, tell me something.” I purred.

“Tell you what?” he wondered, placing a few more kisses.

“About h-how you became a Lycynian.” I mumbled through a giggle, then felt his actions cease. As he pulled away, looking at me, I finished, “I want to know.”

Slowly climbing off her, laying beside her, he laid his head against the pillows, staring at the ceiling.

“That, uh…” he frowned, “isn’t something I think you want to know.” he looked at her.

“Why not?” I shrugged, turning to face him, “I really want to know, but only if you want to talk about it.”

Continuing to look at her, he knew she wanted in on what made him who he was now, not who he was back then, and as his frown softened, his eyes filled with warmth.

“I really don’t, I’m sorry.” he muttered, reaching out his hand, stroking her shoulder and neck.

“All right, that’s fine.” I smiled. Hoping I wasn’t pushing things, I respectfully dismissed the subject, “I’ll be in the shower, if you care to join me.” I leaned in, kissing him quickly, then turned, reaching for the throw blanket lying at the foot of the bed. As I wrapped it around my body, I was about to stand when I felt Anthony’s hands reach for my arm, before holding onto my waist.

“Little Yza, wait…” he pleaded softly. Inching closer, he leaned in behind her, speaking softly as he looked into her wide, dark eyes. Sighing, he began telling her how he became a Lycynian; he was younger then, and mortal and the woman he was with, was married to a Lycynian that was never home, neglecting her. Long story short, the husband came home a bit earlier than expected, finding them lying together and chasing him out of the house, through the window no less, he managed to scratch him across his back, “And at the time, I didn’t think anything of it, until the next full moon.” his voice finished with shame. Looking at her, he complained, “I don’t like talking about that part of my life, and I don’t want you to look at me differently because of it. I just…”

“Hey…” I sat close, placing my hands on his chest, “don’t do that, don’t blame yourself for that.” I sighed, looking around, “It doesn’t make me see you any different, if anything it helps me understand you more, and the man that you are now, the man that I’m in love with.” I looked into his eyes, “No one in this world is perfect, I’m sure as Hell aren’t, but it’s what we do now, and who we are now, that matters. I mean, I’m far from perfect, so…” I shrugged, “all we can do now is live.” I smiled, “Moment-to-moment.”

He grinned, gently taking her hands in his, kissing them, then looked at her. He couldn’t believe that she was willing to welcome and accept his past, but worried at the same time, hoping she didn’t feel insecure in knowing how many women he had been with before her, because as she fidgeted, making sure the blanket covered her body, the look on her face said it all.

“Look at me…” he whispered, gently turning her face toward him, “I know this isn’t how we imagined this night to go I’m sure, considering the events that led us here, but…” he softly stroked her cheek, “I want you to know that you’ve changed my life in the short time that you’ve been here, and for the first time in my life, I know what I want.” he leaned in closely, gently wrapping his arms around her, “And what I want is you, now that I’ve imprinted, there’s nothing, or no one else for me. You, my little Yza, are it.” he leaned in, resting his head against hers, “That is…if you’ll have me?”

“If I’ll have you?” I questioned, “Anthony, you’re the one with experience, if anything I’m the one that should be asking you that question, but…” I mumbled softly, “now that I have had you, I can’t imagine it getting any better than what we have shared tonight.” my hands felt the curve of his neck, and as I looked into his eyes, from my touch, they turned yellow with sexual excitement, and as he leaned in, sharing another kiss, I felt his hands pulling me back against the pillows, removing the blanket. Laying atop, kissing my neck, I held onto his back, letting out a deep sigh as I felt him once more, listening to his deep sexual growls in my ear that was a big turn on.

Later on, after making love in the shower, the Latin lovers laid in the bed, holding one another close. As Anthony wrapped his arms around her, he listened to her soft moans that enjoyed his touch. Leaning in, kissing her shoulder, he wasn’t sure if she was awake as he whispered softly that he was beginning to fall in love with her in his Italian tongue, adding a romantic touch to his tenderness.

“Mia cara Yza, mi sto innamorando di te.” he nudged his nose against her shoulder, then closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Opening my eyes, I wondered if I should reply in that specific moment, or wait for another. Shifting, holding onto his arms, I pretended to stir but for the rest of the night, I heard his words over and over in my mind, he was falling in love with me. Turning around, facing him, I cuddled close, feeling the warmth of his body.

The morning after, I stretched. Looking around, I remembered the events of the previous night that kept a wide smile on my face and as I turned, hoping Anthony would still be present, there he was, laying on his back, revealing his bare chest and waist, looking utterly tempting. Gently resting my head on the pillows, I just watched him sleep. I couldn’t help it, I was hooked, and with a man like Anthony, a good man, it was hard not to be.

“It’s impolite to stare, you know.” he muttered softly, slowly peeking open one eye.

“I can’t help it, you’re just too tempting.” I answered with a smile, “And I want to remember every moment that we share, especially ones like this when you’re sleeping.” I closed my eyes, locking the memory away in the deepest parts of my mind, “See, all done.” I teased.

“Mmm.” he raised his eyebrows, then opened his eyes. Taking a deep breath, stretching in the process, he greeted her with a charming smile, “Good morning.” he kissed her.

“Good morning.” I nudged against his nose, then rested my head against his chest, running my hand along his stomach.

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