
The monstrous white wolf thundered down the hill, hackles raised and growling.

Jaxson’s claws erupted, and he moved between us, ready to shift mid-leap. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I snapped my hands back and summoned my shadows. Their dark, cold magic wrapped around my arms and billowed like a cape behind me. Energy crackled over my hands and fingers, and I stood my ground.

We needed to make peace, but the ghost wolf alpha seemed intent on tearing us apart.

With two quick steps, the monster closed the distance. His head snapped toward Jaxson, who leapt back.

Deftly avoiding the creature’s jaws, my mate ducked and rolled to my side, and I unleashed the reservoir of magic from my hand. “Stay back!”

The shadows leapt across the space between us and cascaded over the white wolf’s body. I tried to fashion the magic into a barricade like I had with the stone lions, but the chains of energy dissipated into nothing.


The beast whipped his head toward me, and I threw up a wall of shadows between us and turned to run, grabbing Jaxson’s hand.

But the giant wolf slowed to a halt…and laughed. Darkness does not affect me. I can see your souls shining like bonfires in the night, and yours is broken, shadow creature. You are draped with cursed magic and bring true death into the Deadlands. Leave my domain, or you will perish here.

His thundering words froze me in place, and my gut tumbled in dread. He could see all that? Fuck.

Every nerve in my body urged me to flee, but I resisted Jaxson’s pull and held my ground. We needed the ghost wolf alpha’s help. My wolf was in his land, and he would know where she was. Somehow, we had to face him.

I dismissed the wall of shadows and the magic from my other hand, leaving myself unarmed and exposed.

Before I could formulate my thoughts, Stephanie spoke. “Great alpha, I lead one of your ghost packs. I brought these two to your lands to seek a missing part of her wolf’s soul.”

I know who you are, and I know what she seeks. Neither matters. Take them back to the land of the living, where they belong, the great beast snarled in our minds.

Shock rolled through me. He knew I was looking for my wolf’s shard? What was this creature? A god?

I took a hesitant step toward the giant alpha wolf. “Please, help us find my wolf. Without her, I can’t be whole.”

The alpha mirrored my step, and he lowered his head to look me in the eyes. She is part of my pack. I will not let her return to you. She is mine now.

His answer rumbled through me as low as an earthquake, but anger overran my initial shock. Alpha or god, how dare he lay claim to a part of me?

Before I could rein in my emotions, my fear dropped away, and I growled, “She is mine.”

The giant wolf’s voice shook my mind. I see everything, the living and the dead. I see the spells wrapped around your body. Spells you put there to bind your wolf. You are a monster.

My chest constricted beneath iron bands of guilt and anger and doubt.

He knew. My corrupt soul was naked before him. How could I justify what I’d done to an all-powerful creature like this?

My breath shortened, and my mind spun as I tried to think. He was an alpha, a pack leader like Jaxson. I could appeal to that.

I licked my dry lips. “My pack is in danger. The Dark Wolf God has returned to our world. He seized control of my wolf because she was broken. I did what I had to do to protect my pack.”

The great white wolf turned away from me and headed toward the trees. As he walked, he spoke in my mind. You are the one who is broken. Only a broken person could do such a thing.

It was an arrow through my heart, but it was true.

“Yes, I’m broken,” I shouted after him, “but I’m trying to put the pieces back together, and that begins with her!”

He looked over his shoulder. I will not let you take what is mine to be your captive. Be gone.

Desperation and rage clawed at me. “You won’t let me visit her or talk to her? Then she’s your captive, chained to you as much as my wolf is chained to me!”

The giant wolf whipped around, clearly agitated, as he began pacing back and forth—as if considering whether to take a bite out of me. She is part of the ghost wolf pack now.

“She has no choice to leave?”

He planted his paws and growled. She is happy here. She will not wish to leave. What right do you have to ask her? You—a monster who has bound her wolf.

Tears of rage crept into my eyes.

Jaxson placed his hand on my back. His soothing presence flowed over me as he inclined his head in deference. “Alpha. Many of my wolves now run with your pack, but this one does not belong here. She was taken before her time, and she is needed in our world. If she does not return to the land of the living, the Dark God will send many more to join your pack before their time.”

The alpha approached Jaxson. I do not come into your domain to steal your wolves. Stay away from mine.

“She is my mate!” Jaxson growled, his eyes flashing gold, but it had no effect on the alpha.

Desperate for anything I could do or say, I dropped to my hands and knees to address him on all fours as a wolf would. “Please let me speak to her. If she doesn’t wish to return, then so be it. But let me try. Let her choose her own path. In the end, we’ll all join your pack one day. Wait, and we will return.”

The great wolf stepped close, and Jaxson tensed. The enormous beast towered two feet over my mate. One bite, and I’d be bitten in half. I swallowed, but I held my ground as he sniffed me.

Finally, he grunted and spun away, pacing again. You are fearless for such a fragile creature. Brave and foolish enough to stare me down. But will you be brave enough to face yourself? To face what you have done?

“Yes. Please, let us enter your domain.”

You carry human things. Things from the living world. I do not allow those in my realm.

I stood and shrugged off my jacket and backpack, then began to unlace my Swiftleys. “Only my wolf matters.”

Jaxson followed suit, pulling off his jacket.

You may not enter in human form. Only as a wolf.

His words sank into my chest like a frozen blade. My hands slowed, a lump formed in my throat, and I looked up to meet his knowing eyes. “I can’t. I need to convince my shard to return first. If I release my wolf now, the Dark God will take control of her.”

The ghost wolf alpha planted his paws and released a savage growl that turned my blood to ice. These are not his lands, and the Opener of Ways has not granted him entry. He has no more rights or power here than you do. To enter my lands, your wolf must be free.

Suddenly, everything came down to this point: release my wolf or fail.

My breathing quickened, but the decision was easy. Dark God be damned, we had to take the chance. “I’ll do it.”

For a while, the massive alpha just glared, but at last, he said, Release your wolf. If you reconcile and she chooses, then she may enter my lands. And if the shard of her soul chooses, it may return with you.

“Thank you, Alpha.”

He turned his white head and looked off into forest behind me. I followed his gaze. The mist boiled backward from the pines to reveal a clearing and the glint of water that I was certain hadn’t been there before.

His voice resonated in my mind. A mirror is prepared for you. You must see yourself as I see you.

I sucked in my breath and looked to Jaxson. We began walking toward the woods, but the ghost wolf alpha’s voice stopped us. You guided her through her first shift, young alpha, but she must do this part alone.

Jaxson’s body tensed, and his expression turned dark, but I knew the ghost wolf alpha’s words were true.

I placed a hand on my mate’s arm. “Take this time with your sister. And don’t worry, I’ll return. With Wolfie.”

He clasped my hand against his arm for a moment, then released it. “I know.”

Jaxson stepped aside and watched me walk away. When I looked back, his face was ashen, as if every step cut his soul.

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