
The ether whipped around us, as we stepped from Magic Side into the Dreamlands and certain peril. Would it be the last time any of us saw Dockside?

No matter how much that thought tore at me, I was with my mate. That was what mattered. And if there was no time left for us in this life, perhaps we could find happiness in the next, like Billy and my sister.

I looked around as I prowled forward, still holding Savy’s hand. A light mist drifted through the trees, and my skin felt damp and sticky. Auburn leaves littered the ground, and large, twisted oaks stood guard like silent sentries. By its scent, I could tell it was the same forest we’d visited earlier.

Two pillars of light rose toward the heavens in the distance—the two pylons we’d recharged before.

Only one left. Something told me that it wasn’t going to be as easy.

The place was eerily quiet, and the pounding of my heart sounded like an anvil.

I looked over my shoulder. The rift was still open behind us. I hoped that Laurel would do the right thing and close the opening if it came down to it, but I prayed to the gods that she wouldn’t have to. Savy and I had gone through hell and back, and I wanted her to myself for one moment when we weren’t fighting for our lives.

My mate clutched the moonstone Sam had given her, and I could sense the euphoria she felt holding it.

Savy pointed toward the woods where I could just make out a faint glow shimmering through the leaves. “The moonstone is pulling me that way. The orb has to be over there.”

I sniffed the air, noting at least a dozen scents. “We need to go quiet and fast. There’s no way that the Dark God has left the orb unguarded.”

One by one, we rushed through the trees, moving quickly but keeping our footfalls quiet.

Suddenly, a black blur rushed through the trees on our left, and we skidded to a halt.

“We’ve got company,” Sam hissed, as she reached for the riot gun Casey had given her.

I could smell them. The scent of musk and tobacco. Three powerful signatures, but none of them matched the Dark God’s magic.

“We know you’re there,” I growled. “Come out and play.”

Three massive black wolves erupted from the dense undergrowth. One was enormous, with silver-tinged fur. A thing of nightmares.

They were on us in seconds.

The giant silver-tinged wolf charged Savannah, and I threw myself between them. We collided and went tumbling. I rammed my claws into his chest, even as he clamped his jaw down on my forearm.

I drove my fist into his face over and over until the wolf’s grip slipped and he crashed into the ground, rolling once before he was on his feet again. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My arm ached where the bastard had managed to sink his fangs into me. Sam grunted as she rammed her foot into another.

Savannah blasted one of the wolves with her magic, but even as she did so, a fourth emerged on our flank.


I repositioned so that Savy and the other wolves were in my line of sight, then glanced behind us. I could see the orb and stone tower. We were so close, and the way was clear.

“Get to the orb now!” I shouted at Savy. “Sam and I will keep the wolves at bay!”

“I’m not leaving you!” she snarled, unleashing a blast of magic.

“They’re going to cut us off, and I’m betting the Dark God will be here soon. We need to chain him before he arrives, or everything will be lost. Run!”

Savy opened her mouth to protest, but I poured my presence into her and roared, “Go!” With a hiss of frustration, she threw up a cloud of darkness to cover her escape and raced toward the tower.

Good luck, my love.

A black wolf chased after. I charged, tackling it, and holding it down. Its claws raked my side, but I gripped its neck and twisted until it snapped. The body went limp beneath me even as another attacked.

From behind, the massive wolf howled, deep and low, calling in reinforcements. Fucking hell.

We were already cornered. Sam had fought off one of the wolves but was backed up against a tree by another. I couldn’t keep track of how many there were—they kept ducking in and out of the brush.

The smaller wolf limped around her, while the silver-tinged leader stalked forward. His ears flicked back, and he growled low. Sam was a fighter, but the massive wolf wasn’t a normal shifter, that much was clear. She didn’t stand a chance against them both.

The limping wolf lunged. I met him midair, bodychecking the beast with my shoulder. He skidded through the decaying leaves with a grunt.

I looked around, adrenaline pumping. The large wolf had Sam pinned. She growled and managed to kick him off, but bright red scratches streaked her arms and face. She jumped to her feet and crouched as he charged again, jaws wide.


At the last second, Sam sprang into the air. The wolf swiped her leg as it barreled beneath her, and she grabbed hold of an overhanging branch. Swinging one leg over it, she pulled herself up.

I squared off against the massive beast, but Sam’s eyes went wide. “Jax, behind you!”

An arm swung around my neck and pulled me back against a tree in a choke hold. I grunted and dug my claws into the pale green flesh, recognizing the signature of the Fae creature. I’d killed one of them last time.

She hissed and sank her teeth into my shoulder. Stinging pain cascaded across my chest, but I was more concerned with the massive wolf who was now stalking toward me.

The tree fairy had me pinned, and she was remarkably strong.

Sam dropped to the ground and started yelling at the large wolf, but a smaller one was at her throat in seconds. They were fucking everywhere.

The large wolf paused and cocked his head to the right, listening. I couldn’t make out anything other than the hissing of the fairy behind me and my thudding heart. Suddenly, he tensed and bounded into the trees, heading in Savannah’s direction.

Double fuck.

Rage burned through me, and I swung forward, snapping the fairy’s arm. A shrill screech deafened my ears, but the fairy’s hold around my neck released.

I shot forward and grabbed the hind legs of the limping wolf as it bore down on Sam. I swung the beast into the tree, then jumped on him and ended him with a swift snap of his neck.

“Holy shit,” Sam huffed as she propped herself up against the twisted trunk and cradled her arm.

Before I could respond, there was the sound of crashing trees and a blood curdling cry of pain.

My mate!

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