Shadows Of Desire
Love's Embrace

Rowan lazed in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. For three days he and Thaden had been at the inn and it had been the most amazing three days of his young life. Rowan never imagined that he could have such happiness or feel so much love. It’s as though the dreams of his youth had suddenly been made true and all he wanted to do was lay there and relish in the joy he’d felt being there, wrapped safely in Thaden’s arms.

Thaden had catered to his every need. Feeding him when he was hungry and bringing him sweet wine to quench his thirst. He quenched other hungers as well. Thaden made sweet love to Rowan over and over again with gentle hands when Rowan needed tenderness and fucking him hard and fast when he needed Thaden to be more forceful. He brought Rowan to climax time and time again and each time was better than the last.

By midday on the third day Rowan had noticed his heat being to wane. The need was still there but no where near as strong or relentless as it had once been. It was a relief not to feel so out of control of his body for a change but, there was also a bit of wistful longing, knowing that it would all soon come to an end. The world awaited outside those dark, tavern walls and Rowan would have to rejoin that world. If only this could be his life now. Countless hours of being locked away with only Thaden as his companion.

Inside that small room he had no worries, no fears, and no responsibilities. His heat had made it to where he only had one concern and his mind only one focus. Now that the heat was subsiding and his head becoming more clear he began to remember what had happened over the past week and why they were there. Thaden had a plan. They would go to Pickaway Village and hopefully, if permitted to stay, start a new life together. Thaden had spoken on it briefly. He said they could rent a small cottage and he would look for work in the village. He’d earn a meager wage but it would be enough for them to get by on. Maybe they could even have a garden and grow their own food.

It all sounded wonderful. To have a place of their own and live a simple life without the stress of palace life. Still, Rowan wondered if he was doing the right thing by allowing Thaden to leave his old life behind, leave his people and his Kingdom behind, just to be with Rowan. It seemed selfish to just expect Thaden to flee from his birth place and live as a commoner. Could they even do it? Neither of them have ever had to fend for themselves having both grown up as royalty. Even living at Ravenskeep, Rowan had had servants. He’d never had to cook for himself, or clean, or do any of the daily chores that were so common for others.

He could learn he supposed and he had no objections to hard work. He would do what he could to be a good mate for his husband. He just hoped his efforts would be enough and that Thaden wouldn’t soon begin to resent Rowan and long for the security and ease of being home in his father’s castle. Rowan, of course, had no such desire to ever return to Basmorte. He’d live the rest of his life as a peasant if he had to. Anything just to escape his father’s cruelty. But, was he ready or willing to push that life onto Thaden?

As Rowan lay there contemplating his future, the door to the Inn slowly pushed open and Thaden strode into the room carrying a tray of delicious smelling foods.

“You’re awake.” The elven Prince said as he sat the tray on a near-by table.

Rowan, still naked, swung his legs around and sat up on the side of the bed. He’d discuss his fears with Thaden, but later. The food on the tray looked way too mouth watering to dismiss and Rowan suddenly found that he was starving.


A few bites of heavily salted meat, some fresh bread, and two tankard’s of mead and Rowan was once again hungry for something more than food. He pushed his half eaten plate of food away and crawled back onto the bed then looked at Thaden and gave him his best ‘come hither’ stare.

“Again?” Thaden grinned. “You’re incorrigible, you know that, don’t you?”

“A fire burns within me that only you can tame.” Rowan licked his lips and smiled, playfully.

“Then by all means, allow me to tame that fire.” Thaden rose from his seat and walked to the bed slowly, admiring Rowan’s naked flesh. Rowan laid back and bent his legs at the knee. He stretched his arms over his head and made himself ready, knowing Thaden would not deny him what he most needed.

Thaden quickly shucked his own clothing then crawled on the bed, situating himself between Rowan’s legs. Leaning forward, he pushed Rowans thighs farther apart as he began kissing the insides of his thighs. His fingers trailed along Rowans soft, smooth flesh, stopping at his hips. His gripped his hips roughly, kneading the flesh under his fingers. Rowan moaned and grasped the bed sheets in his hands, tightly. Thaden descended on him then, kissing and licking the length of his shaft. He kissed the head, already wet with Rowan’s mounting desire.

“Please,” Rowan pleaded through his moans. He writhed on the bed, unable to hold still as Thaden gave his leaking cock a good tongue bathing. He took his time worshiping Rowan’s cock, bringing him close to the brink time and time again only to pull back, a wicked grin on his lips, prolonging Rowan’s release before once again taking Rowan into his mouth. Rowan arched his back and groaned loudly, his eyes closed as he allowed Thaden to do things to him that he had ever only read about in books.

When Rowan thought he could take no more, Thaden flipped him over onto his stomach. Grabbing his hips, Thaden pulled him up till he was on his knees with his chest pressed to the mattress. Thaden moved Rowan’s thighs apart a bit more then leaned down and dragged his tongue across Rowan’s still slick hole. Rowan shuddered and moaned, reveling in this new sensation. Thaden spread Rowan’s cheeks apart then dove deeper, breaching his hole with his tongue. Rowan’s legs quivered. His head dipped down and he exhaled a labored breath, whimpering as Thaden lapped at the slick dripping out of him.

Thaden massaged Rowan’s firm and rounded ass, squeezing hard enough to draw out a timid gasp from his lover. He smiled then kissed each cheek, licking at his entrance once more, circling the hole with the tip of his tongue. He ran his thumb over the soft opening, teasing Rowan with each touch, each lick, until Rowan was panting and begging for release. At the sounds of Rowan’s insistence, Thaden pressed a finger against his hole, teasingly, before pushing it inside. Rowan squirmed, whimpering as Thaden breached his hole. He pushed in harder, adding a second finger and then a third.

He fucked his fingers into Rowan and Rowan pushed back against them, wanting more. Thaden kissed his cheeks once more, then gently bit him. Not enough to hurt but it was enough to send Rowan over the edge. He bucked his hips, pressing his ass deeper onto Thaden’s fingers as he begged Thaden to fuck him. It wasn’t slow, gentle, lovemaking that he wanted. It was forceful, animal like, sex that he craved and Thaden was more than happy to give him what he needed. He withdrew his fingers then, taking his own cock in his hand, and pressed the head against Rowan’s eager little hole.

Rowan shivered with anticipation and groaned with tiny, needy, whimpering cries. Thaden took hold of Rowan’s hips then slowly guided himself inside. Rowan opened for him effortlessly, taking all of him in until Thaden was completely buried inside his warm and inviting ass. Thaden groaned, sliding himself slowly out until the tip of his cock was once again resting against Rowan’s leaking ass then without warning, he thrust himself back inside. Rowan cried out, gripping the sheets in his hands as he pressed his face against the mattress, biting back another scream.

Thaden continued his thrusts, deeper and with more force, claiming what is his. He slammed himself into Rowan over and over again, feeling Rowan writhe and shiver beneath him. Rowan’s breathing intensified, his body shaking and Thaden fucked him harder, mercilessly.

“Oh...oh..Gods...” Rowan whimpered. He bit back another moan and tried to hide his face only to be scolded by Thaden.

“Don’t.” Thaden demanded. “I want to hear every sound you make. Every moan, every whimper.”

“Fuck!” Rowan cried out as Thaden plunged into him again. Thaden’s fingers pressed into Rowan’s flesh, almost painfully, making Rowan yelp but Thaden didn’t stop. He continued to pump Rowan, faster and harder, pounding his ass with such ferocity that Rowan almost cried out for him to stop...almost.

Thaden’s thrusting became so intense but Rowan didn’t want it to end. It can’t end. Not now. Not when he was so close. Tears sprang to Rowan’s eyes and he bit back another whimpering sob, the pleasure immense. Thaden slid a hand up and over Rowan’s ass, his fingers trailing along his spine. He could feel Thaden’s body lean over him and then a hand pressed to the back of his neck, pushing him into the mattress as Thaden pounded him harder. Rowan rocked his hips back against Thaden. They moved in perfect unison, thrusting and rocking, back and forth until Rowan could take no more.

Rowan cried out as his orgasm ripped through him and he spilled over the blanket and sheets. Thaden released his hold on Rowan’s neck and grinned a wide, satisfied grin. He loved the way Rowan felt, his body shivering and spent. The way he murmured and gasped beneath him, coming undone as his entire body was wracked with the pleasure of their lovemaking. Thaden grabbed Rowan’s hips and once more thrust into him, hard. Rowan cried out, his body shivering from the after shocks of his own orgasm.

“Fuck...yes...” Thaden growled, his voice dark and husky. Rowan’s name came out in a hoarse, shaky voice as Thaden found his release. He collapsed on the bed beside Rowan, panting heavily as he ran a hand through his hair. Rowan rolled to his side and Thaden pulled him against him, guiding his head to rest on Thaden’s chest.

“I love you.” Rowan said as he closed his eyes, his fingers raking through the hairs on Thaden’s chest.

“I love you, my little fox.” Thaden returned, smiling as he kissed the top of Rowan’s head. “More than you can ever know.”


Rowan looked up as he pulled his boots on. Thaden was standing on the opposite side of the room, already dressed as he fastened his sword to his belt.

Rowan sighed. “I wish we didn’t have to leave. I’ve enjoyed this time together.”

Thaden smiled. “As soon as we’ve found a house and settled in, we’ll have many more nights like the ones we’ve shared here.”

Rowan nodded but the look on his face was one of worry rather than joy. Thaden walked to him and sat on the bed next to Rowan, pulling the younger Prince against him in an intimate hug. “Can you imagine it? A fire burning in our own little cottage. I’ll lay you down against a pile of furs next to the hearth and make love to you all through the night. We’ll have all the time in the world to be together, my love. Just the two of us.”

Rowan blushed some. “Maybe not just the two of us.” He smiled, softly.

Thaden narrowed his eyes, confused. “What do you mean?”

Rowan shrugged. “My heat ended only after three days. It usually lasts as long as five.”

Thaden’s eyes lit up as he looked over Rowan, his heart suddenly swelling with pride. “Do-do you think you’ve conceived?”

Rowan let out a deep breath, bracing himself on the edge of the bed with his arms. He smiled. “I think it’s entirely possible, though, it’s still too early to tell. Still, you might want to consider finding a cottage with at least two bed rooms.”

A baby? Thaden couldn’t help but think of the possibility as he walked down stairs to the bar and paid their tab. Could Rowan be pregnant? Would he and Thaden soon become parents? Thaden had always wanted children. It was something he’d always dreamed about. More than anything he’d wanted a family of his own. Was it too much to hope that he might actually get his wish?

He turned around and saw Rowan standing near the bottom of the stairs, looking at him. He looked so beautiful standing there, his long, raven hair pulled back into a braid. Loose wisps of black hair framed his face and his green eyes sparkled with love as he looked up at Thaden and smiled. What would he look like, Thaden wondered, his belly round and swollen? Probably more radiant that ever. Pregnant women were said to glow while they carried. Would an omega be the same?

Rowan would glow. Thaden thought, grinning. He practically glowed now. Especially when the bright rays of a full moon touched his skin. He almost looked translucent, celestial, and divine. Rowan was a true blessing from the Goddess above and if he were with child, that child would be a blessing as well. How proud would Lierin be when he learned that Thaden had a child? He would...Thaden stopped his line of thought and the smile faded from his lips. Lierin would never know about Thaden’s happy little family. Nor would their father.

He leaned his back against the bar and rubbed the back of his neck. His child would never see the elven palace. He or she would never walk the sandstone streets of Rosegate or bathe in the hot springs of Erasaneas. Thaden’s child would never know the elven Kingdom. His heart broke just a little bit. There were so many things he had long thought of showing the child he might one day have but, now he knew that would never come to pass. It was unlikely that he would ever return to the place where he was born. Not while his father still lived for his father would most certainly put Rowan to death.

Thaden was brought out of his thoughts when Rowan approached and placed a hand on his shoulder, concern etched across his face. “Is everything alright?” Rowan asked.

Thaden forced a smile and nodded, not wanting to worry his mate. “Everything is fine.” He lied. “I was just thinking.”

“Of what?” Rowan asked.

Thaden shook his head. “It matters not. Come, my love. It’s time we took our leave of this place. As fond memories we have had here, it’s but one stop along our journey.”

Rowan nodded. “Alright, I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” He gave Thaden a soft smile. “As long as you’re with me.”

Thaden put his arm around Rowan and pulled him close. “I will always be by your side.” He smiled, knowing that he’d meant what he said. He would stay by Rowan’s side no matter what. Even before there was the possibility of a child on the way. He made a vow and he planned to keep that vow, even if it meant never seeing his home again. He could make a new home, a new life. With rowan by his side, he could do anything. His place now was with his mate. Leaving the place of his birth was a small sacrifice to make when it came to what he was gaining in return. A life with the man he loved. And he did love Rowan. He loved him more than anything.


“What’s her name?”

Thaden looked at Rowan, confusion crossing his face. “Excuse me?” He almost laughed.

Rowan stroked the gorgeous, silky, black mane of the horse that stood before them. He smirked then, indicating towards the horse. “You’ve never told me her name.”

“Oh.” Thaden laughed, realizing suddenly what Rowan meant. “Her name is Aon’ Eloran.”

“Is that Elfish?”

Thaden nodded. “Yes. It means shadow dancer.”

Rowan smiled. “Shadow dancer.” He kissed the horse’s nose and chuckled. “Such a fitting name for such a beautiful Lady.”

“She seems to like you.” Thaden commented.

“Yes, and it surprises me.” Rowan told him.

“Why does it surprise you?” He asked.

Rowan sighed. “Horses normally don’t. I think I scare them. They can sense what I am and they don’t like it.”

“I’ve seen plenty of vampires ride horses.” Thaden told him. “They don’t seem very scared to me.”

“Those horses have been bred in Basmorte and are trained by vampires, they’re used to their scent but, you and I both know that my scent is...different. My scent confuses and upsets them. They’re not the only ones. Even the vampires in Basmorte don’t know what to make of me. I’m not like them. If I was, maybe...maybe my father wouldn’t hate me so.”

“Your father’s a fool.” Thaden growled. “He obviously couldn’t see what a blessing he had right in front of him.”

“A blessing?” Rowan laughed. “To hear the high Priest talk, I’m a curse.”

“Shows what he knows.” Thaden smiled as he kissed Rowan’s head. “A curse doesn’t fuck as well as you do.”

Rowan’s mouth hung open as he stared at Thaden in disbelief. His face turned a bright red and he playfully punched Thaden in the arm. “How dare you speak of your mate in such a manner!” He feigned offense.

“I only speak the truth.” Thaden laughed as Rowan attempted to strike him again but Thaden darted out of the way too quickly for him. Rowan dropped the horses reins then gave chase, running after Thaden as Thaden attempted to dodge his attack. He found out quickly that an elf is no match for the speed of a vampire as Rowan suddenly tackled him and they both fell to the ground in an empty stall.

Thaden wrapped his arms around Rowan and kissed his lips. “We don’t have the time for another roll in the hay, my love, but I appreciate the offer.” He let loose with a hearty laugh that was quickly silenced as Rowan crushed their lips together, kissing him hard and passionately. Thaden was about to reconsider his words about another roll in the hay when he was startled by the clearing of a throat.

He and Rowan both froze, looking up to see Lavinia standing in the opened door to the stables with a double bag slung over her shoulder as well as two wine skins.

“Uh...this isn’t what it looks like.” Thaden scrambled to stand up, pulling Rowan with him.

Lavinia waved her hand as she shook her head. “He’s your mate, I ain’t gonna judge no one.” She walked to Thaden and handed over the bag. “I thought you might need some extra food on your journey.” She told him. “It’s not much. Some dried meat and cheese. A bit of bread. It’s a bit stale but wash it down with the wine and it should be fine.”

“Thank you.” Thaden said. He reached for his purse but again Lavinia waved her hand.

“No charge.” She told him as she handed the wine skins to Rowan.

“I couldn’t.” Thaden told her. “It’s too much.”

Lavinia huffed. “Consider it a wedding gift.” She smiled, giving each of them a quick wink.

Rowan blushed. “Thank you, Lavinia. Your kindness means so much to us. I shan’t forget it.”

Lavinia smiled and touched the side of Rowan’s face. “Just take care of yourselves.” She told him. “It’s all the thanks I need. The Goddess has work yet for you, young Prince. The least I can do is see you safely on your way.”

Thaden took Lavinia’s hand in his and kissed it. “We are more grateful than you can know.” he told her. “May the Goddess bless you, my dear Lady.”

“Oh pish.” Lavinia blushed. “No fair you getten me all flustered like this. Off with ya now, both of ya. Stay safe. The Goddess blesses you already.”

Thaden nodded. He strapped the bag and the skins to Shadow Dancer then helped Rowan climb into the saddle. Thaden sat behind him, wrapping his arms around Rowan’s waist as he took up the reins. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Take care, Miss Lavinia. It was a great pleasure to meet you.” Rowan told her. “I hope one day our paths will cross again.”

“I’m sure they will.” She smiled at him. “Take care, your majesty. It was my honor to serve you both.” She bowed in reverence as Thaden led the horse out of the stables and watched as the two Prince’s quickly galloped away. Once they were out of sight, she closed the stable doors and headed back into the tavern. The sky had darkened and the wind was picking up. There was a storm coming their way. She only hoped the two Prince’s made it to where they were going before it hit.

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