“You! You horrid, disgusting, vile excuse for a vampire!” The doors to Rowan’s apartments burst open and Lady Caroline stormed in screaming at the top of her lungs as she made a beeline straight for Rowan. Rowan scrambled to get away from her, stumbling over a chair and falling to the floor.

“How dare you?” The Lady screamed as she lunged at him. Rowan raised his arm to shield his face as she slapped at him over and over again. “You will pay for this you whore!” She threatened him. “I’ll see to it.”

“It is your daughter who is the whore!” Rowan spat back at her. “Perhaps it is she who you should attack.”

“How dare you?” She seethed, glowering at him with fury in her eyes. “I’ll kill you for what you’ve done!”

What Rowan had done he’d gladly take back. Not that it was even his fault. Just a mistake that he suspected wasn’t at all unplanned.

Word of his outburst in the garden the night before had gotten back to the King and in a fit of rage he’d backhanded Rowan across the face then ordered him to apologize to Lord Killian.

“Get on your knees and beg his forgiveness if you have to.” The King demanded. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“But father, the things he said to me, the things he threatened...” Rowan tried to plead his case but the King would not listen.

“I don’t care if he made you suck his cock! He is to be your husband and you will do as he says!” The King grabbed Rowan by his head and pulled him to his feet. “You will not mess this up, boy. Do you hear me? This is my one chance to get you out of my palace and out of my hair. Pray to the Gods that Lord Killian has not changed his mind about wanting you or you will spend the rest of your pathetic life in the dungeons!”

Whimpering and beaten, Rowan had agreed to his father’s demands. He left his father’s chambers and went to straight to the east wing receiving room where he’d been told Lord Killian would be waiting. The idea of apologizing to that man had Rowan seething. Why should he be the one to apologize when Killian had insulted him? The whole situation was just one nightmare after the next and Rowan, despite his distaste for the man his father had promised him to, knew no other course of action but to bend to his father’s will.

Could he really marry such a man as Lord Killian? Would they even be happy together? At this point, Rowan was certain that love and happiness were not in his future. Not that the King cared one bit. His only desire was to wash his hands of the son that had disappointed him so. The son that had failed his father simply for being born an omega. As if Rowan had any say in the matter at all. Still, he figured that this was his lot in life and one way or another, he had better make the best of it, for he had no one to rely on to save him but himself.

He didn’t bother knocking when he reached the receiving room, but perhaps he should have. He was told that Lord Killian was expecting him though so he simple turned the handle and pushed the large door open. As soon as he stepped into the room, Rowan froze. There on the floral upholstered lounge he found the Lady Emilia, on her knees, her skirts pushed up about her waist totally exposing her naked backside. Lord Killian was behind her, his hands firmly grasping her hips as he drove himself into her with great force.

Emilia moaned and cried out as the pleasure wracked her body. Rowan could hear the sickening sound of flesh against flesh as Killian, completely nude, continued to slam his massive cock into her. Rowan stood there, his hand still gripping the door handle unable to tear his eyes away. He was in shock, not believing at first that he was actually seeing what he was seeing. Then, unbelievably, Lord Killian turned his head, locking eyes with Rowan, and smiled, giving the young Prince a quick wink.

Rowan was suddenly enraged. Not at his soon to be step-sister, but at Lord Killian. Had the plan planned for this to happen? Had he wanted Rowan to walk in and catch him fucking someone. Not just anyone though. Lady Caroline’s daughter and future Princess. What game was he playing? Why would he do such a thing?

“You lecherous snake.” Rowan hissed, surprising Emilia who had no idea that she had been caught. “Have you no shame?”

“You!” Emilia screamed, mortified. She struggled to pull her skirts down and cover herself all while Lord Killian was still buried inside her. “Get out!” She screamed at Rowan. “Get out at once! What is wrong with you, you sick, little, child?”

“I see you’ve found yourself a new betrothed.” Rowan sneered, ignoring Emilia. “Good. Then I assume that my apology is no longer needed.”

“On the contrary.” Lord Killian laughed. “I’d love to see you grovel.”

“That, My Lord...” Rowan spat. “Is something I will never do.”

He turned then and walked out, slamming the door so hard that one of the paintings on the wall fell to the floor, shattering to pieces. He could hear Lord Killian laughing as he stormed away from the room.

Rowan knew there would be hell to pay for his intrusion but he never expected that Lady Caroline would actually strike him. It was a crime punishable by death for anyone lower than the King to strike a member of the royal family. Rowan doubted there would be any repercussions though had he complained. In fact, the King might congratulate the Lady on her fine disciplinary skills. Still, the smack to the face did come as a shock to Rowan.

“I will kill you!” She repeated her threats. “Who do you think you are to speak of my daughter in such a way?” She hissed. “I’ll have you whipped for sure this time. You won’t hide behind Master Kinnerik anymore. From now on I will be handling your punishments.” If Vampires breathed, the Lady would have been out of breath from the exertion she took in screaming at Rowan. He had never seen her so furious in all the time he had known her.

“I speak only the truth!” Rowan snapped, still trying to shield himself from the woman. “It was your daughter who was caught fucking a man who is not her husband. If you wish to punish someone, punish her. I was only doing as my father instructed me to do.”

“Your father never instructed you to spy on my daughter and her future husband!” She lunged towards Rowan again but he put a foot up, catching her in the stomach before pushing her off of him.

He got to his feet and just as Lady Caroline advanced on him again, he put a hand up. “Stop!” He demanded suddenly, his eyes narrowed in confusion.

“Did you just say that Lord Killian is Emilia’s future husband?”

The expression on Lady Caroline’s face was venomous. Her brow knit together and her mouth was twisted into an ugly scowl. “Not that it is any business of yours, but yes. My Emilia and Lord Killian are going to be married.”

Rowan was taken aback. When had this happened? How could Lord Killian have planned to take Rowan as a mate if he were already planning to wed Emilia. It made no sense to him. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what was going on when real fear gripped him suddenly. It made sense to him now, his father’s warning. Of course, that had to be it. After his outburst in the garden, Lord Killian must have decided that Rowan was too much of a bother and so had rejected him. The demand for an apology was obviously just to lore Rowan to the receiving room so he could flaunt his new bride in front of Rowan.

Rowan wasn’t the least bit upset that Killian had chosen Emilia over him, in fact he was grateful for it. What frightened him was the reaction his father was going to have when he found out. Rowan would spend the rest of his life locked in the dungeons or worse. His hand rose to his throat as he considered all possible outcomes. Lady Caroline wouldn’t need to make good on her threat to kill Rowan once the King was made aware of Killian’s rejection, he’d gladly kill Rowan himself.

Rowan looked up, his hand trembling as he spoke. “I...I assume that the King had not been made aware of Lord Killian’s intentions yet.” He stammered.

Lady Caroline rolled her eyes. “You foolish child. Of course the King knows. It was he who informed me and I, of course, gave my consent at once. Why do you think we were all present for lunch the other day? Lord Killian wanted to meet the royal family. The entire royal family. Though why anyone considers you a part of our family I’ll never understand. If I had things my way, you wouldn’t even be here. Or, better yet, I’d have you on your knees, scrubbing my garderobe!”

Again, Rowan was confused. “I...I thought.” He shook his head. “My father had told me that Lord Kilian had asked for my hand in marriage, not Emilia’s.”

Lady Caroline Laughed manically. “You? Why on Earth would Lord Killian want you? It’s clear that someone has played a rather hilarious joke on you, child. You are nothing. You will always be nothing, and no one, not even a gutter trash, blood born, vampire would take you as his mate. Face it, my little toad, you will spend the rest of your miserable life, alone.”

Lady Caroline smoothed out her skirts, brushed a stray curl behind her ear then turned for the door. She stopped long enough to turn back to Rowan, a malicious grin crossing her face. “How long your life may be, my young Prince, remains to be seen.” With that, she turned sharply and stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard behind her. Rowan lowered himself into an arm chair next to the dying fire and put his head in his hands. He had to escape, and soon. He feared, his days were numbered.

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