~Day of the ball~

The reflection in the mirror stares back at me. I almost don’t recognize myself. I stop a moment to take it all in. The dress that sits perfectly on my body. My hair, which is curled and pinned up falls to my mid back. And my face, which is dusted lightly with makeup. A knock at the door breaks my concentration with the reflection.

“Oh hun, Look at you! Jackson is going to die when he sees you,” Chelsey says with a smile. I blush slightly. “You both look really pretty,” I tell her as I take in her simple red dress and elegant up-do. Hannah stands behind her weaning a sparkly red gown. The tradition is for all high ranking female pack members to wear red gowns. “We better go. The rest of the pack should arrive soon” Hannah says looking at the time on her phone.


I slowly make my way down the stairs of the pack house anxious to see my mate. When I stop at the bottom of the stairs Jackson turns to me. His mouth parts as his eyes widen. “Kitten, you look amazing,” He replies breathlessly. I blush as he walks forward and kisses me. He then holds his arm out for me to grab and we make our way to the cafeteria turned ballroom. I stare in awe at the Christmas decor. Silver and red decorate large Christmas trees in random places around the room. Green garland hangs on walls and doorways. Music plays from a live band at the other side of the room. “You like it?” Jackson asks me. “Yes, It’s beautiful!” I exclaim.

The room fills quickly with pack members. My anxiety levels rise slightly but Jackson looks happy. So, I push it aside as we walk to the dance floor. We dance a bit to different Christmas songs before a slow song comes on. Jackson and I sway to the slow beat. He lifts my chin so I’m looking in his eyes and leans down and kisses me slowly, and softly. By the time we part the music has ended and many pairs of eyes are on us.

My heartbeat picks up and my cheeks heat. Jackson just chuckles and drags me to the front of the room. “Good evening Crescent Moon Pack!” his voice books through the room. I hide behind him as he speaks. “Welcome to the 215 annual Winter Ball. Relax, dance, and have a good time!” Cheers and claps echo through the room as he finishes. Multiple pack members come up to talk to Jackson. My eyes search for the closest exit and I back away slowly. Once I get to the exit I run out of the pack house.

I run into the woods and allow Raja to take over. I shift, shredding the gorgeous dress and she takes off in a sprint. She runs and runs only stopping when she sees a house. It’s Jake and Lydia’s house. I start to panic so she turns around and runs the other way.

“Ashley?” Jackson’s voice calls in my head. “Yes?” I reply. “Where are you at?” comes his panicked reply. “I’m running,” I reply simply. “Kitten, you can’t just go running without telling anyone,” his tone is soft but firm. Raja stops running by a lake and lays down. Her fast panting causes her breath to puff out in the cold air. “I’m sorry. I just got a little overwhelmed with all the people. And you seemed so happy being with your pack. I didn’t want to bother you like I do all the time.” he sighs through the link.

“Love, you don’t bother me. You’re my mate. I’d do anything for you, even if that means I leave the ball early.” His reply is sincere and makes my heart swell. Raja allows me control over our wolf form and I sprint pack to the pack house. Standing at the entrance of the woods is Jackson. I stop in front of him and plop down. He scratches behind my ear and I yip in contentment. I walk back to the trees and shift back. After grabbing a shirt stashed behind a tree I make my way back to Jackson. We walk hand and hand back to his cabin.

Once inside he pushes me against the wall and kisses me. It’s rough, unlike any other kiss we’ve had before. His tongue prods at my lip but I don’t let it in. A sharp pain on my lip makes me gasp. The jerk bit me. He chuckles against my lips. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We never break contact as he walks into the living room and he puts me down on a couch.

He shifts so he’s straddling me and his fingers tangle in my hair. I bite back a moan and push him back a bit. “Jackson,” I say breathlessly as he sucks on my neck. “Mark me,” his lips freeze and he glances up at me. “Are you sure?” he questions. I nod. He shifts his attention to my neck which he sucks and nibbles at. I can’t help but gasp When his lips meet the spot right above my left collar bone.

He looks up at me once more. “Kitten, I don’t have to do this now-” I cut him off. “Jackson, just freaking do it already,” I growl. He tilts my head a bit before he kisses my neck once more. Seconds later he sinks his canines in my neck and brings a blinding pain. Moments later that pain turns to pleasure and my toes curl. He licks the wound as my eyes droop. I fall asleep smiling perfectly content with the way my life is going.

I’m running around the ballroom with the other children. As I pass the adults many of them stop me to tell me happy birthday. Suddenly someone screams. I stop running and look around.

My dad comes up and pulls me out of the palace. Once outside, he shifts. “Hold on tight Hazel.” daddy says in mind-link before he takes off in wolf form. A giggle escapes my lips as I don’t understand what’s happening.

We speed through the forest before coming to a stop by a frozen lake. Suddenly a growl erupts from the left. My dad puts me behind him and crouches down.

Three wolves come from the trees. “Daddy?” I whimper. The wolves get closer forming a half circle around us.

“Run” he whispers. “No, I don’t want to leave you!” I whisper back. “Sweetie, I’ll be fine. But you, you are the next Queen. The werewolf world needs you.” his tone is forceful. “I love you.” I make out before giving him a tight hug. I take off in a fast sprint.

Behind me I can hear the first wolf attack my dad. I make it about a mile before I hear a twig snap behind me. I whip around to see the three wolves that attacked my dad coming closer.

I run faster than before trying to get away. As I’m running I risk a glance over my shoulder. They are right behind me. I look back to the front.

I trip over a twig and fall down. I try to scramble up My but the first wolf has already pounced. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I try to scream but nothing comes out. I feel a blow to my head. Pain briefly erupts across my head before the world goes dark.

I wake up to someone shaking me. My throat is raw from screaming. Warm tears stream down my face. Jackson’s panicked face appears in front of mine. He pulls my body into his as mine shakes in terror. “Shh, Kitten. It’s okay. It’s just a dream baby. I’m here. It’s just a dream,” He says softly. I shake my head vigorously. “N-no! I-I s-saw... T-they k-killed...” my words jumbled together as I began to sob uncontrollably.

Minutes pass before I finally stop crying. “It wasn’t a dream. It was a memory. The wolves that attacked the royals, my family. I saw them. When the attack started my dad took me away. He tried to outrun them but they k-killed him to g-get to m-me.” I stumble over my words as I finish recalling that horrible night. My lips quiver. “It’s all my f-fault. They w-would still be a-alive if I-it weren’t for m-me,” Jackson’s face hardens. “Kitten. It’s not your fault. Those were horrible people and they were hungry for power. It would have happened anyway.” I bury my head in Jackson’s arms as I cry, He strokes my hair and my body sags with exhaustion. I slowly begin to fall back into a dreamless sleep.

Whoot Whoot! Ya girl finally got a new chapter made!!! Also, my brain has a problem. I have literally like 4 stories started right now. It’s ridiculous. Sooo...Our girls finally been marked! You guys have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this! Also, it would seem that she’s getting memories back. What do you think will happen next??? Yeah...I don’t know either...


--Thank’s for reading, and as always, Stay sweet :p

Word Count:1599

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