Dedicated to @Loveme105 for voting!


I’ve been sitting at Ashley’s side for about an hour when she gets restless. First, she starts sweating, so I remove her uniform and put one of my shirts in her. While I was lifting her to put the shirt on her I caught sight of various cuts of all different shapes and sizes on her back. Luce growls at the fact that someone did this to her. I force him into a cage and store the information for later. Then she starts shivering so I lay a blanket over her. She has started sweating again when my phone rings.

I step out of the room to answer it. “Alpha Matthews speaking.” I say rather impatiently. “This is royal officer Daniel. I need to speak to you about something urgent” I can tell from his voice that it really is. I walk to my kitchen where Kyle and Hunter are jacking off. I put the phone on speaker and let him continue. “I have reason to believe that Principessa Hazel is still alive” we are all stunned because the royal family died 13 years ago.

“I also have reason to believe she is living in your territory by the name of Ashley Winters” he goes on to say that he will be coming In three days to check for himself. “Dude, your mate is the lost principessa?” I glare at Kyle and he holds his hands up in surrender. “Officer Daniel said, Ashley. But she’s human. I don’t see how it is possible for her to be the lost Principessa Hazel” hunter says “But what if that’s what this is? The shifting process” Kyle responds.

“Daniel will be here is about three days. We will figure it out then. I’m in the meantime, Kitten you can come out now” I say as the unmistakable scent of my mate fills the room. She walks from behind the doorway with her head down and her light brown cheeks an adorable shade of red. I growl when I realize that she is only wearing my shirt causing her to look up. I go towards her and cover her body with mine. I mind like Hunter and Kyle to turn around and show their Luna respect. They do and I face Ashley

. “Kitten, you should be in bed,” I say softly. “I-I d-didn’t know w-where you w-went. And I w-was wondering I-if I c-could have s-some w-water?” She stutters face softens and Luce whines at her stuttering when asking for something as simple as water. “Of course kitten, I’m sorry for leaving. I needed to take a phone call.” I then fill her a cup with water and lead her to the couch. I sit next to her and notice she is shivering again.

Her body is still extremely warm so I know she has a fever. Before I say anything else Hunter and Kyle come out of the kitchen. “Alpha, we were just going to get Hannah and Chelsey from school. Do you want us to grab some clothes for Lu-Ashley?” Kyle says. I nod before turning to Ashley. “Ash, these are Hunter and Kyle. Two of my closest friend. Chelsey and Hannah are their Girlfriends” She gives a small wave, and they greet her back before leaving the house. “I made you some soup, do you think you could eat some for me?”

She ponders it for a minute before nodding “Maybe a little” I smile, happy with her choice. Getting up From the couch I head back into the kitchen. She is hesitant at first but eventually takes a few bites.When she is finished I put her bowl aside and she leans against my side. I shift her so her head is in my lap and trace circles on her shoulder until she falls asleep. I gently moved her so I can take care of her dishes. I decided I should probably put a trash can by the table just in case. I then move her head back to my lap and use this time to look her over. My mate is gorgeous. Her lips are thin, yet a beautiful shade of pink.

Her nose is the perfect shape even though it is slightly crooked from being broken. She is beautiful even in her sleep. After only about 30 minutes my mates breathing increases as she sits up slowly. I look at her in confusion and concern as she clamps her lips shut. I quickly grab the can and she grabs the sides and leans over it, vomiting. I hold her up her long brown hair and rub her back. When the worst is over I get a fresh glass of water and wet a washcloth before heading back. She takes the water and swishes it around in her mouth before spitting it out. She then wipes her mouth off with the cloth. I take the trash can from her and dispose of the bag, replacing it with a new one.

She leans against me again before saying “How l-long was I asleep?” she asks. I look at her “only about 30 minutes” she then responds with “I’m sorry,” I frown before responding “for what Kitten?” She doesn’t answer and I look to see that she fell asleep again. Right then the front door opens and Kyle, Hunter, Chelsey, and Hannah walk in.” I put my finger to my lips signaling for them to be quiet. I shift my mate so she is laying down and walk with them to the kitchen. “So the rumors are correct! Mr.Alpha has found his mate.” I give a playful growl in response.

“Yeah. She just fell back asleep though” I get distracted thinking about my mate until I hear “He’s so whipped” from Hannah. I don’t say anything because it’s the truth. “Here Alpha, Ashley can borrow my clothes,” Chelsey says handing me a bag. “Thanks, Hannah.” We then sit around talking for a couple of hours. All conversations stop when a loud crash comes from the living room. I jump out of my chair and am in the living room in seconds. The others quickly follow. My mate, who I left sleeping on the couch is now standing staring with wide eyes at the clock. I can hear her rapid heartbeat and breathing.

“Kitten? What’s wrong?” I ask gently. “H-he’s going to f-find me! I-I have to g-go.” She says and I realize that the crash we heard was the lamp falling off the table. She glances from me to the door before she bolts. Kyle blocks the door before she can get to it. This causes her to freeze. “No, baby you need to stay here and rest. You can go home tomorrow” she looks at me and I see her expression is dazed. She’s sleepwalking. “N-no I-I have to g-go. He t-told me h-he would a-always f-find me!” The terror in her eyes makes Luce angry and sad all at the same time. Her eyes dart all over before landing on the four figures in the back.

“Can you guys wait in the other room? And will someone link Dr. Rhett?.” I mind link my friends and the do so without argument. I slowly walk to her and for every step I take, she takes one back. “Kitten, baby it’s okay, your safe. No one will hurt you” her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “No. No! Y-your o-one o-of them!” I take another step closer. I reach my hand out to touch her face but she flinches. “Stay a-away f-from me! Don’t touch me!” Her shouts break my heart, but I continue my advances. “Kitten, please. I’m not going to hurt you!” I plead with her.

She falls to the ground and curled into a ball shaking all the while muttering “No!” Over and over. She flinches away when I put my hand on her shoulder. I then decide to back up and give her space, I eventually end up pacing back and forth. I’m still pacing when Dr. Rhett barges into the room. This causes Ashley to jump and whimper loudly. “How long has she been like this?” Dr. Rhett questions. “About ten minutes. She was sleeping and all of a sudden we heard a loud crash. I found her frantically looking around. She tried to leave but I stopped her. She kept going on about someone coming to find her. She won’t even let me touch her. I think she is still asleep though.” He examines my mate from afar. “I think she is having some kind of PTSD episode. It’s like she’s stuck between being awake and dreaming. Now, I need to distract her. Try to wake her up, but be gentle. She is in a very fragile state right now. The bond should pull her out.” I nod and take slow steps towards her, before kneeling in front of her.

I gently place my hands on each of her shoulders. She looks up at me with wide eyes. She whimpers, but I can tell the contact is helping. “Shh, baby it’s okay, I’m here. Come back to me, Kitten.” I coo, and the dazed look slowly fades from her eyes. Soon she’s left shaking, and sobbing hysterically. During our interaction, Dr. Rhett has crept closer and is ready to sedate her. He looks to me for confirmation and I nod. By the time Ashley realizes he’s there, the needle is already in her arm. My heart pangs at the look in her eyes, but I knew it needed to be done. Soon, her eyes drift closed and she slumps forward.

I thank Dr. Rhett before sending him home. Then I pick up my mate and carry her to my room. Once I ensure she’s comfortable, I exit the room and find the others. “I want you to dig deeper into the records of Lydia and Jake Smith. That wasn’t just an anxiety attack, it was something worse.” I demand my beta, as he is the best hacker I know. He nods before pulling out his computer. “It may take a while but I’ll get it done.”

Word Count:1764

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