Signed, Sealed, Baby
: Chapter 15

Two Months Later

I huffed, rubbing my bump as I climbed out of bed. Or more like rolled. Me and Preston had found our groove in the last couple of months. I still lived here, we agreed it was best for us both and the baby, of course.

Things seemed to have shifted between us. He hadn’t laid a finger on me, but neither had I on him. It was as if he was waiting for me to tell him it was okay. But the thing is, I didn’t know if I was ready to take the step yet. He had been very preoccupied with work, I wanted to ask if he needed me to do anything, but I felt like I was overstepping a little.

I had begun my interior design course, with the help of his sister Tabitha and my apartment was going through on its sale. I undervalued it because I just wanted it gone and once all of this is done and finished, I will move out of the hotel and find my forever home.

I sipped on my tea as I waited for Preston. We were going out for the day, but he hadn’t told me where we were going. I was a little apprehensive, but I was also excited.

He had me dress in a long ivory gown, with little cuffed sleeves and a lace overlay. It was beautiful. I joked that he was taking me somewhere to elope, but he was very quick to tell me that wasn’t what he had planned and for some reason, the disappointment seared through me like a knife.

The dress was fitted at the top of my bump, then flowed down to my feet. I felt like a Greek Goddess.

Preston walked round the corner, his eyes trailing up and down my body. He looked delicious, he was wearing an opened collar shirt, tucked into navy jeans. It was nice seeing him a little more casual.

“You look beautiful, Sunshine.” He smiled at me, kissing me on the cheek, then leaning down to kiss my bump and fist bump it like he has done every single day.

“As do you,” I blushed. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


“Ready.” I nod, stepping towards him and slipping my fingers through his. I felt a buzz vibrate through me, a whoosh in my lungs as my heart danced in my chest. This was too fast. Pulling my hand from his, I fiddled with the chiffon overlay of my dress just to keep my hands busy.

The music played softly in the car as we fell into easy chatter, but that easy chatter soon turned to more serious topics.

“Where do your parents live? Do they know about the baby yet?” he asked, his hand moving across to my bump to rest there.

“They don’t live anywhere.” I cough, clearing my throat. He turned to look at me as we stopped at traffic lights.

“What do you mean?”

“They died in a car accident. I was six.” I swallow the lump that had grown in my throat.

“Sky,” he whispered, his eyes softening as the sadness consumed him.

“It’s fine. It was a long time ago,” I sniffed, waving my hands in the air trying to dismiss the conversation.

“What happened to you?” His soft voice vibrated through me. Moving his hand from my bump, he wrapped his fingers back around the steering wheel.

“I was moved in with my grandma, she passed when I had just turned seventeen. I lived with Harriet and her parents for a couple of years which I was grateful for and then, well… I met Ernie.” My voice stopped suddenly.

“That’s when you got into escorting.”

I stayed silent, just nodding.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered.

“Don’t be sorry,” I smiled at him, my eyes glassy with the unshed tears. “If it wasn’t for Ernie, I wouldn’t be here now…” he could take that anyway he wanted. I knew what I meant, and deep down he did too.

“But I am. I am sorry that I didn’t rescue you sooner. I am sorry that you have had to go through hell for the last eight years. I am sorry that you have had to do things that you should never have to do, just to get by.”

“But you’ve got me now, well… for the next four months,” my smile falters slightly. “Maybe a little longer if this baby goes over.”

He didn’t say anything, just tightened his grip on the steering wheel. Pinching my brows, I looked at the little cove we had pulled into.

“Why are we here?” I asked as my eyes continued to take in the beautiful scenery in front of me.

He tapped the side of his nose before winking at me. He opened the door, holding my hand and leading me down near the shore. The warm summer breeze danced in my hair, the smell of the sea salt water comforted me.

He smiled, taking my hand in his.

“What are we doing?” I edged into him, whispering. My pulse raced with anticipation.

“Just wait,” he smirked, pulling his phone out and pressing someone’s number. “We’re ready.” He ordered, cutting the phone off and slipping it into his pocket.

I saw someone walk towards us with a tripod and a camera. I began feeling really nervous, but not a fearful nervousness like I did when I was sitting in the hospital waiting room only to be told my parents had died. No, this was an exciting and happy nervousness, because whatever was about to happen was going to change my life.

“You ready, Sunshine?” he asked, squeezing my hand tighter.

“Ready,” I whispered.

Within a few minutes, I heard the sound of a plane engine, I went to turn round when Preston tugged my hand, making my eyes fall to our hands before looking at him.

“Just look up,” he whispered, the glint of a glisten running through his eyes.

And I did.

I looked up and saw a plane fly over us, dropping blue powder down and around us.

“Oh my god,” I whisper, turning to face Preston and throwing myself at him. “We’re having a son!?” I cry through happy tears, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

“We’re having a son,” a lone tear escaping his eye as he held me close.

“How did you manage this?” I asked, laughing as I swiped the tears away.

“Just asked Dr Dufus to give me the sex in an envelope, I wanted to surprise you.”

“Dr Spencer,” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. But yeah, I wanted to surprise you. And it was worth every penny.” He leaned in, covering my lips with his. My whole body sagged into him, his tongue stroking across mine as he claimed me.

I was in heaven. It was perfect.

I paced up and down the apartment. Preston had work meetings all afternoon. I had done my coursework and now I was at a loss. I couldn’t even clean because the maids do it every morning. All of our meals are cooked by Preston’s head chef and delivered. There is literally nothing for me to do. Even Harriet had done everything wedding wise. It wasn’t going to be long before they said the big ‘I do.’

I decided to lay on the sofa and read one of my spicy romance novels. I had only been with Preston a couple of times before everything happened and the horniness I was feeling was on another level. I read a while longer then looked at the time on my phone, it had just gone six. Closing my book, I left it on the sofa and headed to my room. Laying on my bed, I hitched the black silk skirt of my nightie up past my hips.

I felt wrong for doing this, but I needed a release, and I wasn’t going to get that from Preston anytime soon. He was no doubt dating or fucking one of Ernie’s girls. He didn’t feel the attraction like I did. I could see it in his eyes, he doesn’t look at me like that.

I was just a carrier for him. For his child.

Pushing the consuming thoughts from my mind, I reach down and grab my vibrator, placing it next to me on the bed. I glide my fingers up my thighs, working myself up. I close my eyes, seeing Preston instantly and everything I want him to do to me. My finger tips brush over the front of my thong, teasing myself before slipping them down my legs. Letting my knees drop, completely exposed. Two of my fingers land on my clit and I rub in gentle, circular motions. The pleasure that coursed through me felt incredible. I couldn’t remember the last time I had done this. Grabbing my vibrator with my spare hand, I turned it on and pressed the head of the shaft at my soaked opening, teasing myself by slipping the tip in then pulling it out. My fingers sped up as I imagined it was Preston’s thick cock nudging at my opening, stretching me.

Suddenly, my eyes flicked open to see Preston standing there all suited and booted and looking fucking incredible. I should stop, but his presence only turns me on more and I can’t help myself.

I moan, my orgasm beginning to build. Preston’s eyes are ablaze with desire and want. His strong, chiselled jaw clenched as he tried to restrain himself.

Pushing the vibrator into me again, this time a little further, making my back arch. My fingers were massaging my clit, bringing me closer to my sweet release.

Preston stalked towards me, dropping his suit jacket to the floor and crawling up the bed. He snatched the vibrator from my soaked pussy, causing me to whimper at the loss.

Next he ripped my fingers off my hot, needy clit.

“This is mine,” he growled, his thumb pressing my clit, two of his thick fingers pushing deep into me. I felt my pussy stretch round his fingers. He pumped them in and out of me slowly, his lips pressing at my inner thigh as he nipped my sensitive skin.

“Preston,” I whimper as he continues.

My head falls back, my hips bucking forward as my pussy grinds down onto his fingers.

“Don’t stop,” I pant as I snap my head forward, watching as he fills my pussy with his fingers. “I’m so close,” I cry, my legs begin to tremble as I feel the heat pooling deep in my stomach, my pussy throbbing.

His fingers are ripped from me when the buzzer of the front door sounds, ringing around the large penthouse. He kneels back, looking at his watch. I lay there in front of him, exposed and needy for him and he just stopped.

“I’ve got to go…” he muttered, climbing off the bed. “I’ve got a date.”

He bent down to grab his suit jacket and walked out of the room, slamming the bedroom door behind him and not once looking back.


I walked out of my penthouse to see Guy standing there, along with Pricilla. I scowled at both of them. I said nothing. I was raging with myself, internally battling with my thoughts. I should just fuck this off and go back to the woman I want. But I don’t.

My feet keep on moving, my brain arguing with my heart. My subconscious reminding me of what a pretentious prick I am. An absolute arsehole. I should have just left her alone, but I couldn’t. Her scent is addictive; she is addictive. She is a craving I just can’t seem to kerb.

She was pissed at me, angry as fuck with me for months. I could do no right in her eyes. Then suddenly tonight, all is forgotten. There is no way she would have let me touch her before. In the last few weeks something has shifted between us. I can feel it, so I am sure as fuck that she can feel it too. Then we had the gender reveal today, fuck it was perfect. I sigh, patting the inside of my suit jacket and feeling the small, square box. It would have been so easy to drop to one knee at that moment and ask her to marry me.

I smirk to myself, my lips pulling at one side. Man, my dad would drop dead in front of me when he finds out that is my intention.

This wasn’t just a date. It was a business date. With the words that my father said ringing loud in my ears, I knew my days at Sauvage were limited. I had my finger in many pies and contacts blowing up my phone with the new plans I was looking to roll out. I was going to take this motherfucker down once and for all.

Sitting at the dinner table, Pricilla signed on the dotted line. My lips twitched, pulling into a smile as my eyes lifted to meet her wide amber ones.

“Okay, so business is done Preston, how about we take this back to my room…” she purrs, her foot rubbing up my leg, edging closer to my groin.

I tsk, curling my fingers around the crystal tumbler as I knock the burning liquid back.

“Not tonight, Pricilla, I already have plans.” I nod, holding my hand up to beckon the waiter. Throwing my AmEx down on the receipt, I wait for him to take payment before standing, buttoning up my suit jacket and striding towards Pricilla. I place a soft, friendly kiss on her cheek.

“I’ve ordered you another bottle, Guy will be back to pick you up in an hour.” I wink.

“Pleasure doing business with you Preston,” she winks back at me then takes a mouthful of wine.

“The pleasure is all mine,” I smile, before strolling towards the exit of the restaurant.

Sitting in the back of the car, I am trying to work out the best course of action. I shouldn’t have told her it was a date, her mind will be going into overdrive thinking that something is going on behind her back when in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I could just own up and tell her, but I don’t want her to feel guilt and shame at the words my father exchanged. She would bolt. And I couldn’t have that. I needed and wanted her in mine, and this baby’s life. Forever.


I sat on the sofa, legs stretched out in front of me as I snuggled under a fluffy blanket. It wasn’t particularly cold, but I wanted to be cosy. I had managed to calm myself down from earlier, and as much as I was fucking annoyed and frustrated I didn’t get my orgasm, I am even more annoyed that I gave into Preston and then he just left.

He was a selfish son of a bitch.

I sighed heavily, fisting my hand into my candy bag that I sent Guy to get me earlier in the day. I hadn’t had much of a craving, but recently I just wanted to eat fizzy fish sweets.

Shoving two in my mouth, my eyes were pinned to my kindle. Scoffing, at least the female lead in my book was getting a good dicking, sighing, “Must be nice,” I muttered.

Baby boy was wriggling in my stomach, reminding me that he was here and that he would always love me. But that feeling of love was soon replaced with sickening grief at the reminder that I won’t get to love him, and he won’t get to love me.

It was in the contract.

Everything was to go to Preston.

After all, he was his baby. He paid me for him.

I tentatively rubbed my bump as I forgot everything for a millisecond. I heard the familiar beep as the front door of the penthouse was opened then softly closed.

My heart drummed in my chest, but I didn’t look up. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing my red rimmed and swollen eyes. He didn’t deserve to see the tears that I had cried for him.

“Sky, baby,” he called out.

Don’t baby me. I ignored him.

Flicking the page on my kindle, I fisted my hand back into the sweet bag and shovelled another two fish into my mouth.

I heard his piss expensive shoes clicking on the high gloss floors. The sound making my skin prickle and my senses wake.

“There you are,” his voice was soft but hesitant.

Nothing but silence fell around the room.

He stood for a moment, before I heard him mumble something under his breath.

“Shame your teeny dick didn’t drop off,” I muttered as he walked away, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

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