Sins Among Royals
Chapter 20

Waking the next morning Indie found something obstructing her view. Turning her head in all directions she found it didn’t clear.

In confusion, she swatted at her face as the piece of paper fell away and she remembered Heidi had left her a drawing. Looking down at the precious piece of art her face contorted as she tried to hold in her laughter. The stick figures and handwriting had been smudged, the page wet with dribble as Indie blushed. For some reason, she thought she’d put the picture on the side table.

With a great yawn and a stretch, Indie pulled herself out of bed and readied herself for the day. She didn’t know how long they’d be travelling for but she knew that they would be staying with Noah’s aunt. Another family member she knew nothing about.

As Indie stood in front of the mirror she found herself wanting to put effort into the way she looked. She wanted Noah to notice her. She wanted him to look at her lovingly for longer than a second. She wanted him to see that she wasn’t Medea.

Taking the brush from her bag she raked it through her hair catching all the knotty snags along the way. Her head jersey from side to side as she tried and failed to make herself look presentable. “I don’t know how anyone does this!” and she found herself wondering quickly if she could hire someone to brush her hair or if she could one-day train Noah to do it for her.

A wicked little smile settled on her lips but she shook the thought from her head quickly. Indie knew she would probably grow tired of Noah long before she trained him to do anything.

Before long Indie had mostly brushed her hair and pulled it back into a high ponytail. The reason for its height was the incredibly large knot she couldn’t remove. At least she could hide it beneath more hair.

Choosing a pair of jeans that were a little tighter and less holy than the rest she pulled over a white t-shirt. It was still a baggy fit but she managed to tuck the front into her jeans while the back of it hung and fell just short of her mid-thigh. She even found herself pondering a change in her wardrobe. But it lasted only a second before she scolded herself. “Why am I so desperate this morning?” She wondered curiously as she dragged her bags to the door.

Pulling it open quickly she spied Heidi sitting on the middle of the hallway playing with a doll. She wore a dark blue dress with a white collared shirt and white knee-high socks, black Mary-Jane shoes and a floppy brown felt hat. As soon as Heidi saw Indie she stood from her spot and smiled warmly. It melted Indies heart.

She held her hand out and pointed to Indies smaller bag.

“You want to help me?” Indie questioned her curiously to which she received a nod in reply. Indie handed her the small bag and watched with a smile as Heidi dragged it off down the hallway.

“Don’t drag it, Heidi!” A voice called from behind Indie.

Of all people, she would have expected Noah but when she turned her head she spied Ebony walking along with what looked like Heidi’s bags. She smiled at Indie as she walked towards her quickly. Chasing after Heidi.

“It’s alright,” Indie smiled awkwardly. “She can drag it if she wants. It’s only got some books in it.” Though Indie loved her books the bad didn’t so much matter. It was an old, worn tattered thing she had kept since high school.

Indie turned to leave when Ebony called her name. The way she said it almost seemed like a cry. It caught Indie completely off guard.

“I just want to apologise to you for my behaviour. I don’t mean to be so extreme but right now I am under a lot of pressure.” Ebony stepped very close to Indie and whispered. “Please take care of my brother and guard he and Heidi with your life.” There was something dark and ominous to the words that Ebony spoke. “If I may ask as well,” she continued in a very soft voice. “Please take my sons under your wing and into your care.” Ebony pulled something from her pocket and handed it to Indie. “And if you could please give this to Noah after...” Ebony was unable to finish her sentence as someone called to her.

Both Ebony and Indie turned to see Raif. A dark storm brewed in his eyes as he tried to keep control of himself. He noticed who Ebony was talking to and calmed himself only a little. “Please,” he called to the girls, “allow me to carry your bags for you.” Before Indie or Ebony could say anything Raif had taken the bags and began walking towards the front door.

“I’m sorry Indie.” Ebony pleaded as a look of sheer terror filled her features. She was shaking a little and it made Indie worry for her.

What was going on?

Walking on in silence they soon made it to the front door and saw Noah chasing the three children around the car. Heidi hid behind a flower bush while the two boys giggled and squealed with delight.

“Alright, sons it’s time to bid farewell to uncle Noah and your new aunt Indie.” Ebony quickly pushed the fear and terror she had shown back beneath a smile. It was clear to Indie there was something serious going on that she didn’t feel comfortable talking about.

“Boys!” Raif barked at his sons as they instantly stopped running around and walked towards their father sadly.

“Does uncle Noah have to go?” Ryan complained as they sought comfort with their mother.

Indie stepped off of the front porch and smiled when she felt Heidi wrap her arms around her legs.

“I know,” Ebony smiled brightly at her sons as she stooped to their height. “What if in a couple of weeks the two of you go and visit uncle Noah. That way he should be finished with all his important work and have time to play?” Ebony cast a slightly grim look towards Indie before she suppressed it.

“That’s a great idea Ebony! It’ll be great having all three of them around.” Noah beamed with excitement obviously missing the silent messages between Ebony and Indie.

The group bade farewell to each other as Noah’s security team bundled the baggage carefully into the back of two vehicles. Indie, Noah and Heidi rode in one vehicle while the baggage rode in another.

A concerned thought crossed Indies mind as the vehicles pulled out of the driveway. She saw Raif seize Ebony by the arm and drag her back inside.

Looking across to Noah she noticed that he was completely oblivious to what she had just seen and she found herself wondering if Ebony told him anything at all or if she kept everything to herself.

Indie had a bad feeling about what was really going on in Ebony’s home without Noah’s knowledge but all she could do was speculate.

Hearing a joyful squeal Indies attention suddenly shifted to Heidi who was being tickled by Noah.

A small smile crept across Indies lips as she watched them playfully. He really was a natural with children and it warmed her heart. She remembered suddenly that Ebony had given her something and when she opened her hand there was a small letter addressed to Noah. Flipping it over there was a date scrawled hastily across the back. It was dated a few weeks from where they were. Closing her hand over the letter she stuffed it into her pocket. Now wasn’t the time to bring it up. Not while Noah was in a good mood.

“Is everything alright?” He asked Indie as she turned back towards him with smile.

Nodding her head gently Indie let her smile broaden. “Everything is great! Better than great actually. Naira and her friends are really friendly and were really welcoming.”

Her response seemed to appease Noah as he nodded and smiled in return. “Naira and Willow grew up with me. My father trained the three of us for leadership roles.” There seemed to be a sense of nostalgia in his eyes as he reminisced. “In a few weeks, Willow and Naira will be named the first Alpha Females in the history of our world.” It was a great honour to bestow but he knew they were worthy of it. Both Naira and Willow had worked hard to get to where they were.

“The first?” Indie repeated almost bewildered. The letter Ebony gave her was no doubt dated for the date of the ceremony but what was planned? Was it sinister? Indie felt torn but she didn’t want to make a scene in front of Heidi. The child already seemed damaged.

“Lori was supposed to be the first,” Noah continued.

“My mummy!” Heidi shouted with delight which drew smiles from both Indie and Noah.

“People took issue with her being made an Alpha because she was a woman and because she was my father’s youngest.” A sadness seemed to wash over Noah quickly and as Indie was about to say something he continued. “She was probably the most deserving of all of us it now that I have taken over I plan to change a few things.”

Though Noah was of royal blood there were some traditions he would rather see the back of. The days of appointing an Alpha Male above his mate was one and though his decision to appoint females to the spot instead seemed contradictory he knew it was a step in the right direction.

Indie suppressed the discomfort and guilt she felt at concealing something from Noah. She didn’t know what to do and didn’t know what it meant but she found herself feeling a little scared of what might happen if she told anyone about what Ebony had mentioned and the terror she displayed. Indie was right in thinking that someone close to Noah could harm him but she was wrong in who she suspected.

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